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. £3 PER THOUSAND GALLONS. H ~^^^ss3sse—^^__^r____ o&iinolbotli oof0 of whicJi aro i r arKoly e usDd°in some (ijiß^^^Lnapill""^ ' ot\ho dips now in tho marltet, and moro espo- . . 'U^l^plßliiPßi^^ I h'> l ~fa r KimW!WtfArA\l**&Z#^^ dally in those sold, in tho form ora^powdor, " - | P™iiW H CU This Dtp dous not kill so quickly as the so- . ; _^^^^^lM_S^^i_l^§^ : .f!_lsE 4 _ i ? ; f "*"-"■ called nOn-poispnous sorts, but is pormanent -___=_■=•«--* . -• rr - ..■-,----- --nits effects, leaving the wool soft, white, and • ■....•, ■ . . . / «SffiJSl«a HAWKE'S BAT INLAND . -«"-,• lIH^SSHiE^ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT. MANUFACTORY & DEPOT rako is tho best, which is made with a piece ,■ • __ aTT , TTTrTTT , ATT of board 9 inches long with an auger hole WAIrUIiUJiAU. ... through thii centre for polo 8 or 9 feot long. . ■ ThclJipisyoiy'casnymixedincold water, TO FARMERS, AGItICULTUJUSTS, AND SETTLEKS GENERALLY, net Is packed in Sealed Tins containing 3 ■ , , ••..,. gallons and Drums of i and 5 gallons, with rnTj-ni n-niJim arT/im^oci i.i i. i i -n i '„ " i i m ■''.'•' V.' -m ,'• i ■ a »• t l it> • tj '^n ;.. n'inted directions for uso on each tin. 'H^llli UltJiAl JsUL'Ulibb that has hitherto attended our efforts m supplying a First-class Article at a 1< air rritio, •IH • Each gallon will chargo 100 gallons of wator. J- quite good enough gunranteo of tho Gonuinoness of our production's ; and has induced us still further to study tho various requirements of PricoGs and 7s per gallon. Special quotations our numerous customers. We havo nonr.on hand and for sale- Agricultural 'lmplements of overy description; suitable for tho district, and a r largo quantities. , _ pnees that Dofy Competition, of our own manufacture. ' • DAVID PEA "OCX. tWo would beg to call Special Attontion to our importation of IMPROVED PLOUG Single, Double, and Threo Furrow, Disc Harrows, Grain and Grass Seed Sowing Machines, &c.,&c., manufactured by •■■ ■ Agents for Hawko's Bay:- p ANn n T , lTvr . A ' M . nu- r<TTnT<sTr'mTnr'Tr ' - ■KINEOSS & CO., POUT AIIURIKI. • „. ,v „ , -V DUNCA>> ' 0F CHRISTCHURCH, • . ,„. . „„ Than which bolter ; value in theso lines woro never beforo offore to tho Public of Hawkes May. „ ,„ , ■ Ihc unvaried Success that has attended the Products of this Firm of late years ranks them among tho foremost Implement Makors of Iho TESTIMOMALS. colony. Being Sole Agents for tins Firm in Hawke's Bay, Goods sent for through us will bo delivered at any Railway Station chcapor than if , v« i i ' sent for Direct to tho Firm. Marton 18th Octobon, 18SI. • I£ y° u bavo not an Hlustrated Catalogue already send for ono to tho undersigned— sS^JoZ^lnlt^oZf^ , A. JONES & SONS, WAIPUKUIIAU. . hayo h ™ch eo pieS^^^^ OTJR WHEELWRIGHT AND COAOHBUILDING DEPARTMENTS •It^aL^mosTffififia^to thewooUeaving Aro <l«sorvin B of a visit from tlioso in wmt of Vehicles from a WHEELBARROW to a BULLOCK DRAY and from a SPRING CART to a it beautifully whito and soft.-I am, yours HANDSOMIi or an Artistically-nnishd BUGGY, your wants can bo supplied. Thoso faithfully, Robbbt K. Simi-son, Inspector of ARE ALL GUARANTEED, e0P ' . :— : — And made of tho very host Material and Workmanship, Lightness, with STRENGTH and DURABILITY, being our Speciality. Ist September, 1881. ■ OUK HOKSE-SHOEING BEPARTMENT , ■ .. : Mr Peacock— Dear Sir,— Your Dip is by far Being in tho hands of a MASTER FARRIER, Customers. can rely upon having overy caro excroiscd towards tho feot of their Steeds and at tho best and cheapest I have over used. I , the LOWEST PAYING PRICE does not stain or mako Iho wool dry and . Wo havo also, for tho benefit of our Patrons, added to our Establishment an harshll ko many of tho English dips, but puts . fnnm. nl T/< m n nn »^— on a beautiful gloss, and cleanses away all , IRONMONGERY. STORE, > ■ ' effecte -Da^ll?ev_« a " d ' 3 lflSti " g " Whcro Customers can procure -almost every. Requisite required jm a Station; ..All tho Leading Lines kept in Stock. Galvanised Corrugated uuei-ia. ujaiat, onvma. „ Iron from sft to 10ft- lcngthg. Fencing Wire, Staples; Barbs and Barbing Tools, Wiro^Jails fromljin to Gin, nnd Spike Nai'.B, BonnvGlen Raneitikei A\ieust3o 1881 Seaming Twines Binding Twine specially for Hornsby's and Samuolson's Machines, Tarred Twino for Thatching D. pSck?Esn^. a Kton^cM Si*~ I tliis Machine Fittings and Aprons, any maker ; Pumps, force and lift, and Pipes suitable for Sheop-dips. year tried your Dip, and found it very efflca- INSPECTION INVITED cious for Lico and Ticks. It is much cheapor . . than any other I ever used, nnd leaves tho Oils and Paints, all colors, and Lubricating Oils for tho finest Machinory, Turpentine and Stockholm Tar. Lamp-black and Ruddle. wool and skin beautifully whito and soft, , ; : , without staining — Yours truly, Jno. P. N.B.— TIMBER JACKS Supplied and Repaired on tho shortest notice, likewise ALL SAWMILL REQUIREMENTS. Lethbridge. ' . . " Mr Poacook-DearsTr.-Wo- dipped, our - 'ALEX. JONES & SON'S, sheop in March last in your dipping mixture, . . -nr a tt>tttt-tttj *tt ~"-'- i -'^-'j , and found it to answor well, killing el tho . . . WAIPUKURAU. , -128 Lice and Ticks, leaving the wool beautifully ■ ■ ■ • , soft, while, and oily, and thoroughly cl 3 wising — ! ' ~ =^=^ ■ ■■■■■_: . ■ ..■■■ . _ _.. thoskin. Our sheep wore vory lousy lipping ■ Sfttcttidtl 3)U<!i'l > II»ni l ((lt4 • but at present date aro perfectly free >h om ..... {qumnu. awffCCUKUKm^ Lico and Ticks.— R. and E, E. JonNSTO tituaop uavi? a UAW ™ pLEAfeE AIAKE A NOTE LANGLEY & NEWMAN Ist.-OUR SPECIAL CORN CURE acts liko JLJX_._^i \J( J___ _. _O XH __ V V IT_.__._^( ? IMPORTANT. 2xDf-O&™ WORM SYRUP is infallible CABINETMAKERS, all Stomach Worms. Price, Is Od. ,^s.<?»m^K 3rd.— OUß COUGH LINCTUS never fails to n tt TvT tt in a t tt r\ tt c< -n -n tt n -kt t « tt t. r. &\*»mr glVoroliof. Ti'y ono bottle. Prico, 2s Cd. GJiNEJIvAL HOUSE FURNISHERS W&ffim *Mir— OUß ASTHMA CIGARETTES work r \_iß>j... wonders. Prico, 2s per bottle. tt xr r* 1? T? T A ir Tt"T> a 1 t. n T-*~*«&UZe«° OTH.-OUB RHEUMATIC OIL is a ready UJNJJJiK 1A It _.> b , &C . IOMAS 1 SHEEP-DIP. relief forpain, " A friend in need." Prioe. i , ZsCd. The Wool consigned to Holmuth Schwartz Gth.-OUR CONDITION POWDERS for • ffi°o''sX d ,° n i Knr^ SO r»i SSW^SSSil^S^tt ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE 7TH!iWpo^YPOwp J3 R,ho a ithi m . THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN NAPIER. 133 and with Little or No Smell."-Dated Juno, proving, and is sti-engthomng for Chickens, ; 1884- i - Ducks, &c, &c. Prico, Is Gd. . Btii.— OUß EGG FOOD, "It pays to uso it, rr\ a ~K\ rt XT nCt T T "I\/T T m re r\ Siioop Dipped with this Specific are not only as immensely is the laying augmonted. 1 A JN VJ I ii O, L 1 M I 1 Ji i) . FREED FROM ALL TICKS AND LICE, Is 6d per riacket at ,Tn hathtttTqt' QTT»inn' <*VT>\n?V but the WOOL is actually improved by ONE TTfT* Iff A WKTi'S T5 AT PHARMACY ll9 ' "AiHUKST-brillil!.!, isYUiNliiY. PENNY to as much as THREEPENCE por iiiL HAWJiiib B&X WIABIVIAUX pound. AICKIN „ CO., 1 ED. 0. COLLINS, MANAGER, Mr Carter, of Scale Park, Victoria, took , Hastings-street. iw ut kirns o» 150 FIRST AND SECOND-CLASS PRIZES, Noto.-Opposito Bank of New Zealand. 101 jor all kinds ou and nearly SIX HUNDRED Pounds Sterling . -pNGINES, 130 E L 1311 S, PUMPS, AND MACHINERY in MONEY PRIZES this last Season; and ' |_ ' AP°LY AS ABOVE Mr Cnrtor authorises us to say that ho con- • „ . __ "^ At-.jqx aoauu thomas^splcific THE PHAKMAty. ENGINES IN STOCK POR WINDING, PUMPING, SAWING,. & M *^&Z2^lSF®!^ JUST BBOEIVED FROM ' Fro,u2h.p. to J 0h.p.,,-ithßo i lcrs> suit. SA VAR.S-The new S^lmb fot- Biliousness . Scalo Park Headache, _c. „ rj, AN( j Y E " PATENT CKNTRIFUGAL PUMPS, 2in to 18in dischargo Clunes Victona, Also. Now and Choice Perfumes, and alarge CRANE^CRA^WKraiIIi PULLEY BLOCKS &c., In en_«_ variety. 20th January, lbb7. Bupply of now Drugs, Chemicals, and Dear Sir,— l havo vory much pleasure in „ . sending you a testimonial of my high npprecia , . ounarios. .- tion of Thomas' Sheep Dipping Spccillo, with . — — , T . T . which yott' supplied mo. I have found it Superior Syrups, Cordials, and Limo Juico T A XT f V 1 "P : TTIV/T'TT'TrTi a "fhocomplolo failure of an English poisonous ■J. S. WELSMAN. 105 ■*- ™ 119, BATHUlisf' • STBBBT, SYDNEY. > 5 dip to kill tho ticks induced mo to try the . • nhovo, lam glad to stato, with Iho greatest . , „, r ,, na Q apt? Tf T Vn TI IST A V Xt? U osq success; the eradication of the ticks and ova I* 1 CltOhb, AUJiJNI I 1 U U iNAlllili. 283 was so coinploto; that on several occasions I , LIFE AND HEALTH. havo challenged inspection in my Stud Sheep . — — . andgcneral Flock to find a living tick amongsi HOLLO WAYS PILLS AND OINT . , _. „ thorn; and as for tho condition of tho wool and MENT t >n5-§i^ ■"■■ tho health of tho sheep, the fact of my taking _ Vl fc) so many flrst prizes at eaoh of the Agricultural THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE EVFii i ' - •^l«rsM_(i .• (l ' & O Shows, viz., Melbourne, Ballarat, -Eehua, KNOWN v ' wK_^^®/i'l_S_ •■ G cj G Sandhurst, Rochcstor, Kynoton, nnd several . «_■— .otttq " m % bS&^Jslr/'Fiffl&P "• ° a G other shows, sufliciontly tostifles; and my ' iu_i'i__b t , w« ;_' . ~i&s/r!**7fM^%sß* '"-• M _ _ _ • sheep wcro ontircly freo from ticks at shoar- ASSIST ltatuve. by PURIFI'ING § ..p /^SNj^^^ ffli_f (' 'f H $.''& ' Thavo now much "pleasure in giving in j^^n^^^Tho^talh^iraaj ° g^ kW^X^' '"ffi\ WM ";""_ "* V ■ writing my ..opinion of the .quality of your %^|§_^^ '.SMtoSB ttSi P _P _®™^:.^ Ml .'• ".&gf % Speciflc. which I never hesitate to express n(rn nr ivnnrnH nMinv nrmnni-n nTGirsTTON H w X FirfeHeiw*^ -•- I ■•'•jPva ! ) : Kk«ms >'•'■ Q p* O H, K publicly whenevor.tbo subject of dip _re 7^t^™V_2 < „g 3 (p^p^i^^' . B "•'' "gSWff »- ' I have tho honor, &c, LIVER AND BOWELS, <* fi O ' r^^^^^^''rara____P ' " '■' S ° ffl I ? Lenaud R. Carter, And they can bo confidently recommended to W 3t> iTiffl^P '' ' S S"a Tho prizes referred to amount in number to FEMALES OF ALL AGES as a sure and g 3 K "^lS&^^^^^^&^m^ So _ o O 157, and in valuo to nearly £COO sterling. securo remedy in the manifold complaints _ <t g rt^!^ffi_™SlC*s»^#«_«^pP l » • ' 5 S & incidon al to tho sex. Dropsical Swellings _ H * 4::! * i! S w BANNER AND LIDDLE, and K noy Disoases quickly yiold to thoir N l/^/^S_fcl«^^?C 1/ O O ro AGENTS, alterativo properties. ' P tttn m\ 5 a T<r t> p n -^ s oxponenco has cloarly proved— for tho . ' -rtTrvinrx i "_TTTv r(T) A'"¥7"9_.l Tn O MA. S AND CO. past 40 yoars-is unrivalled as a healing agont T? tHiSi! AN|j " (tKiA V iS" ' ■■■*■. Manufacturers, ' J j n O vcry kind of i\i JJ A JLf __._> XJ i \J\ J-HX_. _. K_ Somerset-place, Mblbournk. 125 ULCERAIION BAD LEGS, BAD _. . mx. n ._ rrl TT . T ,- n , i ~ T Tmm-nT>o P T> ar\rt"n t. a . : breasts, old wounds and PATENT OHA FF 0 UTTERS & BAGGERS MnP-nnW AWT> WTTTTP'R Wlion rubbed into tho skin, as salt is into ; (SINGLE OR DOUBLE). . mUJAIOXN AJMJJ WHll_b meat, it searches out and romoves inward . ■- r inflammation, CONGESTION and /"IHAFFC UTTEKS (hand anct horse-power), all sizes TTAWTvWtiAV SWELLINGS. Its application to any affeoted \j t 2 . 3, and 4 Horso-powers at reduced pnees-over 1000 mado HAWKESBAY neural^l^^RHEU^TlC PAINS. DOUBLE and TREBLE PLOUGH^ Light Medium, and Heavy For Soro Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds (NEARLY 8000 MADE.) SHEEP -DIPPING FLUID Abscesses, and alt Skin Diseases it has no ZIG-ZAG HARROWS, in Stocl or Best Iron. Tho best gonera! purpose equal. Harrow in tho market Manufactured only at PROFESSOR HOLLO- GRAIN DRILLS for all kinds of seeds— lnvaluable p.,. _„„ „„ niitninr>/i (mm WAY'S Establishment, DISC HARROWS (greatly improved for tho senson) . win now oo ooinmcu norn 533. Oxford - stkeet London. DISC HARROWS mounted as Grain Seedsowors make an oflicicnt nnd And sold at Is, ljd, 2s fld, 4s Cd, 11s, 225, and oasily managod Sower vvtt TTA AT WT-TTTT? A urn m each Box and Pot, by all Vendors of Mcdi- BROADCAST FORCEFEED SOWERS, universally admitted to be perfect. \VIL_IAIU \Mill_ Al\_ t/U., cmos throughout tho civilised world, with (Send for Testimonials.) directions for uso in almost overy language. AT TRFTI? WOIMr<? WTT ion „ P lll 'chascrs should look to the fabol on WINNOWING MACHINES. Al liltilli WOKKh, bl'll, 12d the Pots and Boxes. If tho address is not 8 „ , . „ . Oxford-street. London, they are spurious. 72 NO. 1 ROYAL FARM MILL, 21m wide .. £7 0s Od carnage paid NO. 2 „ , „ 30inwido .. £& 10s Od „ ZEALANDIA SHEEP DIP. AGENTS FOR CLAPTON & SHUTTLEVVORTH'S PORTABLE ENGINES AND_ ___. _ TTJ . . , NOTICE TO OLD CUSTOMERS. . threshers. 135 npHIS DIP, prepared by ourselves, — . — A is an ontircly difTcrent articlo to any- TTKHLLIAM DOWLIN6 having --^-r-_-^_^— _==;__id_==___ L 7^2F-rb=__ up-nr 7-paT Awn thing now offered to Sheep Owners, and all W taken tho management of the Mil? _^^-^^:^-_:^_T_~_____^^f^^'V^=_. WLW . ZEALAND asic is Business carried on undor the namo of _=_-___.-_ r -' ~^-~~~ :^~—Z < s/'i!s/!ii ylg=^= ctTTmTUTi tmti A TRIAL TO PROVE ITS VAST SUPERI- "Dowling Brothers, Meanoo.isno-irppnrcd _F"-~-^>,^';^^~~^^ blll_J_Jr Dlr, ORITY OVER OTHER DIPS. to supply Milk, Butter, and Eggs to alt Cus- -^-^X •'*.--•?■£ -<?<■ ■^TrTs^Sf^lMyl.W^. * v^- Y^ . tomcrs. - ' :^Q'ffi'-'-'^tiJ''; : '?%syfl'w/%t-;£fJvi^ prepared by Messrs Wo guarantee it to absolutely Destroy Milk supplied cvory morning. Ordors can <'''''■•/■:'( r r'''<^'rt!'Cr.V'iWM«»«a2£= all Insects infesting shcop, to improvo tlio bo loft at Miss Dowling's, Shakospoarc-road, =-&, (1 ('' ,;• <\? ''*- ■'''l*i*S<t J \\s\ J r-'P\ iVf-'iKA'Kaj^^EEi HESLOP & WELSMAN. KX^SS t0 b ° qUU ° ttan"r n" SuSnSrl'sSeX V %S&& a S ri^W^^'^^fS^jto^S — " " KEMPTHORNB, PEOSSER ANDCO'S 80rvC^ KSII BuOTEU Twlmj _ W EE K^ Bp^ New Zealand Drug Company, Limited. DOWLING. dtaJlySStad 1 to^thta nZ Celebrated Dip. It ia tho- . . — ! _—■.——.. , __. roughly efreolualin destroy- 1 ■:---" - v,- U/I M "• ing insect life; dissolvos 1 '- V W^l^M^'^i#^C^MipK«F/ / / Perfectly and rcadUy in cold, * a^ S %ffli»' ' »■„ wator; is lasting in its offqet; ■ plilM lULLM 5> wl) LliM UIL victorious ks»^ ** AT INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITION. ts-fJU <^*\\ ,„. u.lium kot> _ DETER IfIUiER'S flflU [JVER OIL «. *»., _. D __,Z^2S^^^^»^*^^m- .' Pliliill lIIV/JjJUJUII 0 \J\)l) Ul 1 iill l/IJU Was the Sheep Dip last season, I found lit effective in destroying all inscots and leaving tho Wool m * * . ONLY ONE AWARDED TWO COLD MEDALS. good condiUo "- , ,„ _. '. , I From Geo. Bei;, Mohaka, nawke's Bay, Ist September, ISBG.-I.ho Dip is very cosy to TrVnrnTl'n flffATTT^Tkin AATV TTTnrn ATT Dr Ahbotts mix, and does not stain or discolor tho Wool. I dipped the 1 snoop right under and.did not PETER MOLLERS COD LIVER OIL says-- &%s2s£^ j am quito si ™ u tho uip>and mtend tousoitagiun . I " MORE BENEFIT THAN THE OTHER KINDS." Hon ?™ a -^^^^^^ hosite TiPTT?!) lUr/^TTPD'C! fl(\T\ fTVTJD ATT Dr> Lew ' s From John Bbnnbw. Esq., Nowstcad, Puketapu, 16th February, lßß7.-Having. dipped MJ_ 1 J_ll MULIiIJ ll U\JI lli I J I VPi ii UIL A Savr*» S* loo owes with the New Zealand Shcop Dip last year, I havo much pleasure in saying that go-J-XJ-1.1. __V_M_U_l. Xi VVX/ JJIIUII \JXMJ M. Oayre the Dip proved effectual and satisfactory. A writes :-" ALL THAT COULD BE WISHED." From EwEN CambkoNi Es Tonngft , p^^. Bny> 18Ul September, issg.-tiioNow Zea■Mii.ufnWT - »„„,.,,,;„.,., land Sheep Dip is fully equal, il not superior, to any Dip I have over used. AJ- f\ 1..* I" Ril I OlT> ___tf__fl__M_V6'Q_P_EP4lß_>h_-^ ' V" a \ lf m **%X^ _— ___ ' ATL*ntlVllO I O.^a^ffl^Wggg^Sßh|^^^a> _.VE.»tY- Prico :6s per gallon, in 1,5, and S-gallqn drums. Itisnsed in thepropoiL gallonof STORES, &C. T^^^SSif^H^^ WHERE. NEW ZBALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, Ltd., A .. IV . . .._ , , " „ SOLK AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND. 130 c ONLY in Capsuled Bottles of Boz. and (6oz. 1 — Offices & Warehouses, Christiania&43, Snow Hill, London, E.C 'BROOK K'fe . I ' 'PERFECT " SHEEP DIP (POISONOUS) 7 T ' ••- .v.r,,:..... ....,,, . MIX K S Ii EAI) IL V WIT II COLD "W ATEK. "^ F rO' 1 ' MM \ GUARANTEED THE VERY BEST MADE. J__ r fll' &L t ( M l^Sl'*' J ' Jaw^ ' POSITIVELY THE SOFTEST MTU CT _T ff^@sk>\. m TIMARU HERALD -_-^2fcs* _;^ / IN Int. S3 -^t^etsaßif=-? "This firm ilcsurvua tlio mip- „n™m/.vriT ■ gJfr _ gff O'«__i? m lL i ' m iiorb .il all nurclmsore nf Tea, TESTIMONIAL *ji_^«ii __.' « i?*k ffl JnrVtofiTvTr^ m •<» Iho article they offer is On Septenihor lfi Jilt R. EVANS put through my Dip Threo or Four Hundred Hoggots, *MMEi \ \sM /J^S«4L\ m Biipci-ior to niiytliiiu; wo liavo using Mil C. M. BROOKE'S Preparation. Tho lloggols woro VERY BADLY IN'FEbTED Pt \JWffl /T^<S^lPi% m yet scon in this Colony. 1 WITH TICKS AND LICK. Today I have carofuUy oxamincd tho Sheop, IJ^bWEIiKS '-'B\B«9 Bg /'j£S^SAJ\ % press af tor tlio Dipping. I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO FIND A SINGLE LIVE TICK OR . r\ Mf / nhiTntSriJirl \ N» "Mr Nelson is a nro- LOUSE. Tilß SKIN IS CLEAN AND KNIGHT, THE WOOL HAS MADE GOOD \^P# / i.l#Sa«J: \ % fossloiittl TMtur und GROWTH, AND HAS A REMARKABLY SOFT AND RICH FEEL. „ vIN\V # /Qr = rH'^RErf s= l>\ % Blender- Altogether, judging fi-oin this one trial, I consider it ONE OF THE VERY BEST DIPS o \N|r w M ffUi |^_3__?l_.-^\ -m. IN THE MARKET.-I am. dear sir, yours truly, PHILIP C. THRELKELD OtAV** _f f r^raim^^T^ "^\ m Inglowood, Flaxton, Octobor 23, 1886. . . , , , . THOUdHiw /f 0 _Sp«_*«L ° \ «ii PRICES 0" Dccnmbcr 10, at shearing time, theso Shoop woro again oxammod, and found to bo vsy BYI r r! P^f ? Aslrir = '1 m \ m xactly tho same iwrfcet state as described abovo. • , „ „„,,„„, COPIED ffl /i?" 1 fWwflwsWl "Z. \ O / O I si PRICE : Per gallon, is, in four or live gallon drums. In barrols, 25 gallons, 3s 9d ; 100 do wwi-|__ a^ v g HrT?TT_T 5 1 'V \ m *-~iH^~> V aG(l do. 3s 3d. On gallon of Dip requires diluting with 50 gallons of water. ■FT" 5 .* f M^-—^ T^felwiStl^l '^T \ m. 0/0 0/ MANUFACTURED ONLY BY IM t S i^^^Sl^»^^^W C. M. BKOOKE, OPEEATIVE CHEMIST, KAIAPOI. 137 AUCKLAND, WELL! NGTGN.CHRISTCHURGH^DUNEDIN, if a, Kim^ VJ^'^^^^^- ■;. > Ii OEJO HN >S & C 0 . , § * v AGENTS NAPIKB , 132 v ; 131

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7717, 14 April 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7717, 14 April 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7717, 14 April 1887, Page 4


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