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'■ •• -L :! Immediate 1 possession! f-Apply- Office -siw ■i- !^6:-:BE^i^^^lS^Roo^|S >.- >•"*■' ' Hbuße," with Bathroom,;,-' Gas'laidsbriiJf?'- --- :Particulars ' of.-;BoWBRMAN '-and"v:OW]sN','^ jl 'Chemists, Hastmgß-strqqU-,;-4;";' : ;).:?»;?^;a;_2M^ |i ]nPO LET, WeU^f^sfedjHc^OTS ». r'JL / tho HUls,.within throominutes'.:walk ot»i 8 • iPostofflco, containing 6 rooms, kitohen;,'BtoTO's^ ■room,' and bfflebs; good- garden /and'tennia^ ■„, -lawn, arid beautiful sea view.— App^-KjN^a ■- _;HERALpOfficq,j : ;-_-■...-; '•..;•.-}. <-?,.v*^?s-?,ag# ;■■ - ,' ;.-• -r;.-;^:>;-.:4^ooMS.v r^|^^ y ;q^vLET^ofsßall^-#£urti^C^nfp ;•. iL-.^^corts,' Dinners, 'Meetings, fto^fXriondly:^ . • Societies can mako favorable tcrma.<;Ußb,bf*;f l - c Piano; ..';. •"-• ':■</. ;.'>-.vv-'- .-•■v^v-T^yVi-M :■' Apply to . " > - ..:.. .:"• :■■:.'-;'. J-f..- - ' -• '-%' ■ . ' - -."■ l! 2! WATERWORTHi? ■■?><!&!SS ■• ': '■ . . ... % •'•-.=■ '..Provincial Hotel,Vr>*,Jias 3 m •'-- O : . : '''v.-'/;%-^Pgii|| 3 . A N .old-established -' BlacWsmith'?^ 3 - "XI Business, doinga largo" and *pfofllablb*%lS . trado. Also, inlconnection with'the aTjoveT*s&' Livcry.Stablo,- as the owner is about to visii^ 1 •. England..-; ", •. •'-- : -.---:-; -.'.•"- . ; .-;.■..•. ..' '..vvK-.f *i&O% ' - For full particulars and terms apply, to **£«"•# "'-■'>'-■-:■ <-.*=\mb -j;---wELiS;.rfet;^ ' -207.. „. • -;',... h v; \;OnthqprqmJses^a|p • ..-—-- .**;'-*"'•"' '"■'''-'• ■'*••'■■'- r^^'-fHij^i '•?>:""■: ' -.-. LEJ^I-:^:-^-f^M ■ •■•":>wTH. : PUßpß^mG;c^usEo;^4S SECTIONS i269,.r270,";M£t0d : ?^9^ /with frontage of -302-fe6t> - to;Hasting^r's*S I ' str'eQf,' in' lots to .suit, purchasers/ f br.iterms"^ -" of from 21 to' 3s years. '••No'fllling-inrrop.uifed.'-^iS :'as spaco;undor buildlng'cari'berutilifledfbti^ : collars, &c." ; '-; «.- :<■'-.■■•■. -.^r~^&tm^W%4&& :;For further particulars apply, to ■itty%-is£&*&!a ,- 208, ; ;„■,'-'•"; ;-,'.'. r.F ..-SawmillsfNapierij^p -■■ •--'■/' '•-•■':•- ->-•-.- ■j-,-.--.^^: j ..j---'Mi.^jJ,-^hvm^, ■'. *$-■'■. ■ -.-'.-.-■ . i.t -■ :----^'-'-^^Kti-fi'l'>-i;^yrf^Mt-fj^ EAT^ Evtes Sai3^Lam6s !l lfofefißale^S ■ Arthur' Knioht, OUvb.'-v^¥fßiK3o74^ '■ *':•:■■•.'■; -'-„-;: ;..---- :,1-'^ -:-'-■' "'-■'" ■'"*■',; 'j*'-^ ''Z^- : 'i}Si^"S^. I;JBAVE receiyed .ihstru'etion^f rqml*p , A.. P. SnBATn, Esq.';- to offer focTl>H^§*^P sale that delightful property^ of iis knd.wn"aS'f.'"S , one of tho best -hill, sites >mV NapJa>:v:JThp g»3 proporty has been,subdividedL"into>"fpur.'Bec'-'.;?-^p . tions of;about'a quartor;of-an acrd'eachiallSsgW : well iplantod wiOj.",fruit!:drid'forest'frcestqf ;5%g eight yoars''gro'wui, ; and tastefully laid put m;Sfj| orchard arid garden; 1 -These auctions co'nimaridi^SyS splondid viows ; of ; the; Kidnappors'arid'adjar'^Sg cont plains. •■;l'a,m.prepared'.fo give all infOES-MS mation as to prico^whichVis jvery; *mbd6ratd>*;v! I "g . and tho terms aro" easy— oii'a"ppllbation- f dt ! .my^SSS ■.office," whore plans'mey,*b6.Be.eaV-:^:^6;*^^^ .181 •-.::.■•.'.-=:.::- •..^■■LandAgenVNapieri-J?^ ";•-:.. :;*:^^:v^?':i''-fe l^i-*3*;; :^ia|?^iS?p Tiibß vSALE.'ia^oßse/md^EafifsS JL ,- containing 7.rooms,;plcasanp'y-atß'at6aMS on tlio. hills.: Part oftho morioy-caJi-remainpHfe on mortgage;; ; Water laid bn'aride'very'cp'n-5-S^ venionco. Possession immediately: -Arrangers ' ments can. also be.;made , fqr.ileasing:"abpve^^p property for a tonn'of 'yearsV'.iApply O&coMMM this Paper. ..-;-, r.Kr;'-:'-^-?S"'-' T -';r; i ?>-i2O9S^ .•■■".■-: '■ ■' '- pA^- : oATT*' M '-- !&j: "iVA?A ; ?a^ TWOV-;:8"- > Horao/ -Power^-I'pr^S'e^ , Engines.iby Hbnisby^d.Sdns > 'iiigopdi»M ordqr.. ■■.-.". ■.;;._■.--:.- ..5;;: : -i,, : vl&:->{xi--^->,Sff5 •■-•'Government certificates for 701bs steanii : M#iW .-;- ."..■'" ■-{••Apply"; l -- ; :<?- ! ' ''■iVu&:\*j>>"iif* ',sr.if&&its : -:h. - -■ •'; -.^.■--l,f-: W.-.'W.'-.GUNDRIE^^fe^ : ' one Acres' of Fmtclass-Laiidi'Sltuated^il -orithoTaradalo now? road,- 'twenty /chains''*;^ from Post-offico. vThb'abo've'-haaJ.beM'rsub^yg; ' divided /into, sections,"',! ranging <tsan&mto?.stß . .quarter of :an aero toifiyo 'acres."-.- OriiSeotiorijS^ I 11 is a comfortable Cottago, Stable; Cow,-snea;-£*si Artesian Woll, 'good Gardori;-&O;,' forming a'£*g very compact little' prqpertjcfin .itseU,' i rl<and«"^K ■in the vicinity' has recently. reaUsed ! i7slarid'a:a& -£S0 per acre,. and ;is rapidly ; ; increasing? in,'rf«i valuo. Tho aavortiser .can :confldbntlyf fc'-Sjjs; commend this ; prop"erty,?as!.prio:ot.thb:bo'sK;^S •investments in !the distrlot;V;rPlans-can'';bo&^ scon -at. "Mr :G.-BRADi.KX ! a' J oppqstto^th&p?iiv ■'Pos^offloe,~ .Taradalo/ ana-afci'Mß>J. .TDß>af vS - ley's officer Redclyffe-roadpwliere?further%p< .particulars can bo obtained,-*;:} V'-ti'^ffixHlfislSx ' ''' ' --"* - ' - - : "" "'.*-*.--' '-'-■•'^V't ~i- '- '■ ?y~* - -<?£•"- j>^-*^-'^if*. \t?ylF- ;t , ;-. WETHERS, s fc(,~-'-rJ,-.2.~ T ~.3^';^| 212 .;;■.•:■ ;.; -. 'ls\? v f. a .' [■: 4 '•' .Greenmeadojf Bfi^M^ .:■ ;■. „,.:.■/f rom piißiG jSTATioN-^iJt^rSa^ ■; :--''.'■ 1400 Morlrio Ewes,'*2-tboth --I' --.'H^ '"-I "i>'- vs% ■ri',-- ' IJoo Morino .Wethers,-2-too'th'V ®"'Sgs i:# . : ■ 4800 Merino Wothers, 4-tooth ?;}/;- ;fev&ij4i .i : " '. 2000 Merino Wethers, 6-tootlr I \il&*4&\%&! • ..■- ■:■-;-> . K-:-^^—.:'^^:-.y^;^mm : : --.: -■.■-FROM'LONGLANDS— ; ' f ' ; 1000 Longwbpl Ewes, full-mouth.' 'f^fSufM ■213y..- r .""V V ".VV / :' : ' : - :J.:3.'Coi®WL&3yl§M .. ''"■.:.": ■'■'•■^bßSALE^rl^vlliOT - 'A. .HdrnslDy'.'STKP^Portablellly x3c' ; Steam Engine'; also, T^a^ngMaohino. t fe^ EOR^S^Ef'k^Ne^Weil^isKe^feS • Residenco, s '.containing 1 -. rb6msr'also"H§S stable; coaoh-houso, carpenter's Bhop,,milkirig'.,'?S3j shed.' '• Situated oriii acres" of land, six irilloaiK>%w from Napior.-.within 3 minutes' walk of -Rall*~>s*vg way Station.T-Tho ground is nicely laid," and ¥£?£} well planted yritb. a numbor of fruit andforosbi-'S;© treos.- -Any person ,leq.uiring aVcountry.resi-J/,^ donco-. shbuld "not lose* '; this ■ opp'ortuhily.i^iJ; One-half oftho purchase morioy'con', remain %?&: on mortgage afa" low rate' of intorest;>'Fur-<S'S« ther particulars on application to F. Aioab, S-vi^ Tonnyson-stroet, Napier - •.?.?>-, v.;.si^s^i'' f ?jr . '— — ; r- : — ':"'"..'..."* :.": r \"'. ,"."^:-.':i^-^ot FOR SALE, '.the Le&se arid Go'o'd\HU~:&| ' of tho Waipawa ;Hotol,- Waipawa, ; iwitH:v ?^s Stock and. Furniture. For paracularßapp]y;>;"i to F. Algar; Napior, or R..T. BriohodsbA^ 1 ® Waipawa.; •;' . -- T (* , ! - ■ ; "";-.-;;i: r r.'"-'. J i'. 7 -"S i ":SS l S.'?|'^ '■'■ : . -' : ;SMAiA : FARMS : Fbj^aAEE;|^^ :npHREE ;/Sectibii?.- bfM^Mouirfc^ JL . Erin Estato, containing' togotheriabpnfcsj^ 160 acres rioh alluvial land, subdivided intbtas? paddocks.'- -'- a l .-.: '■:■-?. ■.■•;-i.:t'-.=i'-'.' •- ! ..--v'.;«».Vl^S • For sale in'soparate sections or : as a'wholp-jjjsft on very easy terms. , . Apply to "•; . wi : ; - ; -.>;V ''*>?s ~i 217. '-'.■ ■: '.-.-' Stock and/Station AgenfejJ;'^ i GREENMEADOWS BUllDnfe;;^ ; ; " * DEFERMp,PAY^OT^SYS™iE;.; ; ;^iSf: ' "A- PPLIOANTSIOT;SiS ; fmd'BeIi-;;^ ufSu donees on Greenmeadows' Building;Es->&;f.j tato," on tho Deferred ; Payment .System, can-SfT^ obtain plans. and.all. other .On--::£Sgj application to the undersigned ,at thq-Agent's i- : i"s ■ Office,' opposite the CMof PostH)ffice;;Shake-ij-ij>' 218 ' . Agent and Afchiteqff or the Estato^J,>ii; : i * "'**.* .ly.'^j&Mi , . -." . PRELIMmARY NOTIOE^X-r^ : :i^o ' ■ "■ „-.\-;-:.:rfip.:\.^U'Sov' »: ~.v,^'-:-'v'- J iV-Vs,-^. r :<'-'.;ir;,".'g .....-' •: '; .*I*HOjBOgG*HB.-j4b . SiQOKfe;^ £*£•s •i ■ hdvo 'received' instructions *- ! fi6in'* &i 'S:'*JsS; , Donnei/LY,:Esq., -to btio^ •for-'fsalo.'-at. an'-^iS, . - early, dato, the whole of his well-knowtftt" ■ '-''i^ mHOROUGHBREi);iHGR?^S.&^ :'X .";...,;>, ' Including;:V;"i;i t .- ; : r ',';j iT ;:i^^ ■ ' .Brood Maros with foals' at fp,ot* :,^>^:.t-'<'* : -?;" £,£ „ . Yearlings ' > ..: r,."" ■.■~tf&it:-;-:.':.:.-.:;..if^-jjfr '■ ; ; Two and .Threo-year-plds , •< Ryt-u:'^ xJ, ' ■ia'.V I ':.^ • .' And Horses m tr'a^ingVm'oiuo^g">ii>i : ;* !; T| . * "■ ••"'"*■■■..-.-■ pearl';- ■'•"'-•-■vSf'vrr.-;?;. ; '-r.'!' "... <.-,.■■_. < MANGAOHANK3«'?!-'--.;-v;'-'";.-y.s; : \- .--•"';.' :-;OWH>OKO';.'f--r^-.:/Sr;j?^;;^--^ , * Full j^rttouiaretyUßhOTjt^bopu^^ ■'•■ •. ; •• -.0.- : v ". -^T^ii).'LuoinEi% !^SS 819 - - • .;; y < '."'•.-■.:'-'• ; ■ ■■ :: i ."^'^^^:' :^^^M ;; v -'' ' J-;. -Pi ' |I>. :.LUpKIB ; : r : :'y ; J-:-.";\=^ •ESTATE .AND .GENERAL'/ COMMISSIbN;. 7 ?^ ■ • -'..-- ,•--' * AGENT, ;-./U-- ,? f Tiv.Ki^ i B liAND AND PROPERTST-VAIUER.-'-Trl-rr -r-.F! . ARBITRATOR AND ."ACCOUNTANT -V'V.u •".'■,'-- ■ ""'■ y\ ri Ff iS^ a &j^V A '?~'&i*iM< l & : * 'XT-*;. ■■'■'•-■' Commission ;.S?'^ />:\Vv S^'-- - Rentsand Interosts Collected and" : Prbpbrty--j'" J l: Marftged for' Absentobs,, i -:^? ■'IHtf--'- <• ■ *.:-■ ;v. r ; -T?t>!f is Poroiorship and othor Accounts adjjis tod;" -^'-yi Money Advanced on *IJ>eehold"se6uritieain,»Av:-i . -..;- ...sumsqf;aooand- t upwaid^v:-r^i;:;'.~yi;q;: . :"•■ - ■:-'"'■- *AOENTf-FOll-.'.-""i''-'' .'■--. >:"■'-"■' '-i-'JC -.. '..Colonial lnsurarico, Company, Firq arid : ■■■?■;':, ' '•*-'. 1 •.'.-' .'■'., ".".-■ Marino; ; . *'!?:•.- -•"^/■i '--ji-ii:: Mossrs.Wildirig and Co.;'Timlter'MeroHanta'.s;;v.i ' ' {;'".'. ■■ .Wai)ukurau.^"S.V-. v .'^ :: -v t .-i < -'.- iC 'S ; ;- --.':•: ,-""---;■.■•• ■«.•• ■" F.'D''LUCKIEr^I":?."-Syss .-220^ ';■ : .." ; .';".v'v'-v Vv-.' 1 '" .',, >^ *| jjiHaating^' '^ -\~vi^ .-— - ....... ,--.- l . . ... . '-.:-j-hv „--'-f=; ■,>■:*" ■?* :fi^, : . ."-•_, F^E^LEASE^^ f /^;|^f . ■ .. V .'-. Long 'Tonris. of'-Yqars-r".!-, ..•■^■-."A'V;-;U'i BUSINESS rSlTES,fritf : the vßes?S-K Positions in-:llasUngs.'"VW.V.. ;i •;• %' c'i--' : Forpar^ in^?f pl^^L6d^tf^:^M 221- .-' •" .. ■'v. •-■:': .■•Agont.'HMtingß^*.^ ". :■• ■.- v;..-'..--': ;:.■?:;.;/ 's-yfiWi&y-f-.K'-yi. ''.■■■^'-:: r^l --. "•-■: :: ■ '' l '-'.i-oH^sTliyr^-ff [^l^/A-M ' RUDDOCK .AND' '^RYE^'aiSfno^. offorini®-g;i "". ■'SPEoiAii^Gb6DJBASqAws/iv.'"|.'c£i':;:.'isJ ■ \ V . : EMCTR;oi*l^^3^iiM(^ £&?^&*-'4 "'". '.Cooking Stoves . 'and RfegUtcr.Gratbs-^/i-^ftS'.t '.'. ■■. 1 -'BEDSTKXBs;ftn^ : *Cniib'REN"'^^^ ; .-•iriß^femlimd-Kiß&^ite'f^l*^;^^^'^! ,; '}" : r- Hanging and Tablc-L'AMM ;«&',"• iU'.^S-g^^ , 4? : - ■ W&Sfi '■; V:-'. 1 "- J' -NJ^xmyi^^KA^^Q^UmJM :' • v-T T'-v for a Suit-on' crodit,'. ; whon IvcAtegetalffi: : Suit fof Mi or Trousora foi'filj'or an .OvercoatKS fbr lOPOASHJONLY^'A'KLoWBVStho^ '-. 'working mori'S friend; Bmei'sotfstroetldg^jS^ "-. . :'N.B.— A.Gdodf.StodtvOtVMosgiblHQiniSrtli'T^ 3 Roslyn, Scotch;»and'EriglishTwe6dstodhb'osbfe| • ' ■frbm.rnlspj.-Fox's-Sergbi-and^laiKSSeigeSS ■i . Worsted-- Coatfags andiSUkrMtetufosS'at'-A'^ i IiBVX'Si .the Peoplo'B'/raU^SJjherspn-'sneßtt©!!

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Bibliographic details

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7636, 8 January 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7636, 8 January 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7636, 8 January 1887, Page 3


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