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Pi- ul^v.^K'C'.u. --■■.;•'■: ■ '■;•' ■:. ;■',• ,'. > ' '''^ (■•'■ ' *.'''* N'*'*"^ - DR SCOTT'S ELECTRIC CORSETS Dr Scott's Electric Corset is a gontlo and pleasant support, encircling tho waists with neat and accurate fit, and aiding by tho vitalising propevtios of .'electricity the functions of tho norvous organisation. Worn by tho principal Hoyal Families of Europe, by tha elite of American- nnd Continental Society, thoy aro daily ondorsed by ovor ono million ladies, and as thoy do not oxeoed in cost tbo ordinary goods of other makers, without tho electricity or thorapoutic value of any kind, who will rofuso to give them a If you havo any pain, aohe, or ill-fooling from any causo, if you scorn "protty woll," vet lack energy, nnd do -not "feel up to the mark;" if you suffer from diseaso; wo beg you to at onco try those romarkablo curatives. Thoy cannot, and do not, injure liko medicino; Always doing good, novor harm. There is no shock or sensation felt in wearing thorn'l'horo is no waiting a long limo for results; plectro-magnotism acts quickly, goncrally tho first week, moro frequently tho first day, and . of ton even during tho first hour thoy nro worn their wonderful curative powers aro felt. Tho mind becomes active, tho nerves nnd sluggish circulation aro stimulated, and all tho old-timo health and good-fcelir.g come back. They aro constructed on scientific principles, imparting an exhilarating, healthgiving ourront to tho wholo system. Professional mon assert that tlioro is hardly a diseaso which Electricity or Magnotism may not benefit or euro, and they daily practise tho samo, as your own physician will inform you. . ■ . . : Tho Corsots do not differ in appearaneo fcoin thoso usually worn, as wo substitute our flat stool magnotods in' place of tho ordinary corect-steols. They ai - e all equally charged, differing only, in quality and design. They aro elegant in shapo and finish, mado attache best French ■ pattern, nnd warranted satisfactory in cvory respect. Those who have tried thorn say thoy will wear no othorr. Tho abovo applies equally to tho Electric Bolt for gonts. ■ . ' DR SCOTT'S ELECTRIC CORSETS AND BELTS , Aro univorsally approved by loading physicians as tho best, safest, and most effectual remedy for Spinal Complaints, Incipient Consumption, Diarrhoja, Plourisy, ' Tumours, Asthma. Bronchitis, Epilepsy, Lumbago, Dobility, Dropsy, Paralj-sis, Loss of VoiceHysteria, Cutaneous Diseases, Norvousnes3, Indigestion, Palpitation. &c, and havo cured some o£ tho most obstinato and distressing cases, after all other remedies (so-called) havo failed. . THEPRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS:- 9 .-■' s. d. - No.3Oorsot" .. 12 15 • No. 1 Corset .. 7 6, Abdominal Coraots .- .. .. 17 6 , Nursing Corsots .. ... ..-30 6 Elcctrio Bolts IV G Wo now make all theso Goods in dovo and whito only. Thoy aro sont .out in a Handsome Box, accompanied by a Silver-plated Compass, by which tho Electro- magnotio lnfluonco can bo tested. If you cannot got thorn in your town, wo will sqnd. either kind to any port or railway station in New Zealand upon RECEDPT OF PRICE NAMED, WH.H ■ ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE .ADDED. In ordoring kindly stato exact sizo of Corsot usually worn ; or, where the sizo is not known, tako a 'measurement of tho waist ovor tho linen. This con bo dono with a piece or common string, which send with your order. PALL MALL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ' : LAMBTON-QUAY| •WELLINGTON NEW ZEALAND. ' -• I*6 i W.H. PATTERSON'S HORSE I^. j™|PpffiSftL RELIEF Onoe Tried Ifrf^^ .Always Used. PATTERSON'S HORSE RELIEF Is tho Best in tho Worldi and crtn ho used with confidence as an outward application. It/ is a jvell-tricd Romcdy,, and as tho hundreds of Testimonials can show hasproved itsolf worthy of its name. 1 For Cuts, Wounds: Soro Shoulders, Soro Backs, Chapped Heels, Soro Throats and Influonza, Rhoumatism, Blistering, Mud Fovor, Soro Uddors in Cows, Rheumatism, Cuts and Wounds in Dog 3, arid a Certain Cure foi Calves suffering from Ringworm^ A fow . applications sufficient- • ' ' TESTIMONIALS. To Mr W". H. Patterson— Dear Sir,— Having seen your Jlorso Koliei used on a maro of my own with, satisfactory result for speedy uso I can strongly rocom mend it. Ev.ory stable-keeper should keep it by him; its value hero is not yot known, only to a fow.— W; A. Beeoroft, Horso Roposi. lory, Hastings > ■ . To Mr W. H. Patterson— Dear Sir,— My -well-known horse Bushman during tho steepleohaso at Parawai, received a vory severe bruise on tho stifle-joint, causing groat swellingand stiffness. A few applications' of your Horse Relief put him jfght in a wondorfully. short time, and I have therefore great ploasuro. in- testifying to its efficacy. It is without doubt a moat valuable remedy.— R. A. WranT, Junr., Thames. Sir,— My horso Alpha was . suffering from influenza, cold, and swollen glands. A fow applications of your Horse Relief cured him, and I havo since won a race with him at the l'hamos.— Malcolm Haloeow, Cainbridgb'' I have used j r our Horso Relief, and flnd il vory efficacious. for .wounds and sprains.— Geo. Hulmb, Butcher, Auckland. ' Sir,— Wo havo used your Horso Roliof and found ifc'very efficient for wounds and sprains. —Jambs Disk an and Co., Auckland. Sir,— Your Horso Relief for soro baclcs'and soro shoulders I flnd to be tho best medicine 3 over used.— J as. M'Anulty, Otahuhu. 1 havo used your Horso Relief for wounds on horses, and I flnd it to be a really useful article.— T. M'Laugiilin, Son of Master of tho Hounds, Auckland. Dear Sir,— l heroby certify that Mr W. Patterson's Horso Relief is tho best of the kind I havo ovor used. — W. P. Potter, CoacJ 7 Proprietor. All who havo triod Patterson's Horso Roliw declaro it novor fails. Compounded \indor personal superintend onco of ... J. FILLMORE DAY, • M.P.S., Chomi and Druggist. AH Orders to bo sent,- nd all remittances mado to R. T. DOUGLAS, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING DEPO THAMES, NEW ZEALAND. W. A. 833E CROFT. HAWKE'S BAY AGENT. ICC *■ ■■'■■■■ 11 ■■ wwmwwHuniiu. iiiib.i irmnrMnitrmm a wonderful medicine.' ' . . beeohalts pills. Aro admitted by Thousands to bo worth a Guikba a Box for Bilious and NervouE Disorders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulhiesa and swoi ling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of hoats, loss of appetite, shortness of "breath, costivoness, scurvy, blotches on tho skin, disturbed sloop, frightful dreams, nndallnorvousand trembling sonsations, &c. Tho first doso will givo reliof in twonty minutes. This is no fiction, for thoy havo dono it in thousands of cases. Every BUiForor is earnestly invitod to try ono box of llioso Pills, and they will bo acknowledged to bo WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For tomalosof all ages thoso Pills arc invaluable, as a few doses of thorn will carry off all gross humours, opon all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No fomalo should bo without thorn. Tlioro is no modicino to bo found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to tho directions given with each box they will soon rostoro fomalos of all ngos to sound and robust hoalth. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of tho liver, thoy act liko "MAGIC," and a fow doses will bo found' lo work wonders upon tho mostimportantorgans in tho human machine Thoy strengthen ho wholo muscular system, rcstoro tho long-lost comploxion,- bring back tho koon edgo o£ Sffli£K&TA na JH' 0113 ,?, illto notion with tho ROSEBUD of health tho wholo physical ?PS T Mn£i tho ., nu , m , nn frame — Thoso aro "FACTS admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society; and ono of tho best guarantees to tho nervous and dobilitatod is BEECHAM'S PILLS havo tho largest! sale of any patent medicino in tho world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS ,As a romoily tor Coughs in genera . asthma difficulty in breathing, shortness of bronlh tightness and oppression of tho chest whoozing, &c, thoso Pills stand unrivalled. Thoy speedily removo that sense of oppression and difilcullj' of breathing which nightly deprive tho pationfc o£ rest, Lot any person givo Bekciiam's Couan Pills a trial, nnd thoinoat violont cough will in a short limo bo removed Caution. — Tho public aro requested to notico that tho words "Leeciiam's Pills St Helens," areon the GovornmontStnmp, nfllxed to each box of tho Pills, Jf no on they aro a forgery. Prepared only, and Bold wholcsalo and rotail by tho Proprietor, T. Beecham, Cliomist, St. Holonu, Lancashire, England, in boxes Is lid nnd 28 9d each. Sold by nil Drwjijuli and Patent Medicine dealers throughout the Colonies, N.B.- Full directions aro glvon with each box , 107 GRIMAULT'S INJECTION, AND CAPSULES. Whoro nil othormedicincshavofailod, thoso prcnnrationsuronlways effective. Thoyinsuro rapid and extraordinary euro of severe, rocent, and chronic cases of disease. Tlioy are used 111 tho Hospitals of Paris by tho colebratcd i) B Record, and aro found greatly superior lo all remedies hithorto known. Tho Injection tensed in recont, and tlio Capsules in the moro chronic cases. GBIMAULT& Co., Paris. Sold by all . . Chemists, j • jog

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7632, 4 January 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7632, 4 January 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7632, 4 January 1887, Page 4


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