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gmctf'gtoi'.'gv XT.-2.'K T .-2.' L. &i\l, A. COMPANY'S SALES. VtT O O L. NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MEKCANTILE AGRNX-Y COMPANY, LIMITEIK Wo will hold our WOOL SALE of the SEASON OS WEDNESDAY-, MOEMBEK 22, 1886, At 10.30 a.m. All Proclnco for Snlo should be consigned lo LOAN, AND MERCANTILE SALE ROOM, SPIT. All Wool coming lo hand after Monday, the 20 instant, will bo held over for tho riost Sale. sbJTN OBAIG.' , .. . • . Acting Agent. J. R, LANAUZR, Auctioneer. rfHE ,NEW ZEALAND • .LOAN J- AND MERCANTILE Ad-IMCV COatPAKT, LIMITED, Arc AgcnU for l GRAHAM'S "PATISNT FOOT CURE," A supply of which is kept at the Spit. HESLOP & WELSMAW'S NSW ZEALAND SHEEP DIP, Supplies of which arc kept at tho Spit and at tho Works, Chesterhopo. , JOHN CRAIG, Acting Agent. FOR SALE, ANE TIMBER WAGGON. TWO TEAMS OF EIGHT WORKING BULLOCKS, with Drdys, Clmina, Yokes, and Bows (cdiriplclc) ~~J6hN CRAIG, Acting-Agent, J. R. LANAUZE, Stock Agent. NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED. PR O P~E~Jt T ,1 E S , KOB . SALE AND LEASE. 0. 12.50 acres, carrying 2300 shenp, within 12 miles of Napiorby good road. 0. Sections 350 and 351, Town of Napior, containing 3 roods 9 polos. Closo to the Napier Railway Station. 10. Section COl, Napior, containing 2 roods )2 perohes (lousoliold)-. Lease haS23 years to run. 11. 30 acres freehold, 8 miles front Napier ; vahiablo land;- divided into 1 paddocks, well grassed and watered. Good houso. Kxtonsivo outbuildings. 12. 12,298 acros freehold, securoly fenced and subdivided inlo G largo and i small paddocks. The stock consists of 1300 sheep and 160 Head cattle. Good il'oom houso and outbuildings on properly. 23, j-Acrc Section in tho Karamu-road, Hastings, with 3-roomcd house and flour mill. Tho mill has plant all complete. Price, £950. 21. Sections Nos. 2 to Vi and 18 lo 25, Homewood Instate. Iviillcora. ltieliiigrioul tural land, suitable for small farms. 28. Sections NO3. 41 and 45, Rivorslea-road, Knsfc Hnslmgs, ' Prico £15 each, Torms— Half cash ; half in one year at 1 per cent. 23.-55,000 norea lcnschold, 19 years to run, at S2OO por onmimi divided, into 7 paddocks, won watered. Good 8-roomcd house, oufcbmlding3, drafting yards, &c. Stock : laiOOO sheep, 100 head of cattle, id horses. With alittlo outlay property would carry 20,000 shoep. Good dray road to station, Por;fullparlieulars^pj Si t fNc!tAir> Actim; AKoitt Or J. R. LANAUZR. Stock Agunl. NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED. SHEEP SALE. CROSSBRED WETHERS. Delvcrablc. 2. 300 full-month loth Nov. 3. 203 (j-tooth (fat) Sth Doc. 1. 100 2 and 4-tooth .. .. Ist Dee. 5. 2000 8 and full (fat) . . . . loth Feb. 7. 1000 4-toolh Ist Dec. 8. 2000 2-tooth Ist Dec. (I. 1500 2-looth Ist Dec. 10. 2000 full-mouth Ist Nov. 11. 300 4 and 6-tooth .. ..■ loth Nov. 12. 1000 4-tooth Ist Dec. 13. 2000 i and G-tooth .. .. luthNov. 14. 3000 4-tooth 25th Nov. 15. 130 -lyG. and full (fat) .. 15th Jan. 10. 200 (j-tooth ami full-mouth (fat) Ist Jan. > 17. 200 1-tooth.. .. • .. .. Ist Nov. IS. 500 I nnd G-tooth .. .. 151H Jan. 20. 700 4-tooth .'. loth Nov. 21. COO 2-tooth Ist Nov. 22. 1000 1-tooth lit Dec. 21. 1001) 4-tooth loth Dec. 25. 400 4-too'lh' Ist Nov. 23. 1000 2-tooth Ist Nov. 2!).* 300 J-tooth (fat) 20th Nov. 31. 1500 2-tooth 15th Nov. S3. 100 4-tootli . . .. ' .. Anytime. 3S. 1000 2-tooth lo full-mouth . . 39. 1500 G-looth and full mouth loth Nov. 40. 1200-1500 4-lOOth 30th Nov. ; li: 1500 2-tooth 30th Nov. 2. 100!) 2-looth Ist Nov. io. 200 2-tooth Ist Dec. 47. 1400 2-tooth 20th Nov. 48. 1700 2-tooth.. .. '.. .- Ist Dec. 49. 800 2-looth 20th Nov. 51. 1500 (abt) 2-toolh At once. CROSSBRED EWKS. 2. 1000 2, •(, G, and fall-moutli . . 2ath Jan. or 3. 1000 2, 4, and C-looth . . . . 25th Jan 4. 200 full-mouth Ist Feb. 5. 1000 full-mouth (fat) .. .. Ist Dec. «. 4000 fresh full Ist Feb. 7. 1500 full nnd brolcen (dry) . . 10th Nov. 8. 1000 6-toolh and full-mouth .. loth Feb. 9. 400 -I, G, nnd full-month, .. loth Fob. 10. 1500 2-tooth lot Deo. 11. 1000 full aud broken . . . . loth Fob. 13. 1000 full and broken . . . . Ist Fob. 14. 2000 full-mouth Ist Feb. 15. 1100 fresh full-mouth .. .. Ist Feb. ■ IG. 3000 2-tooth to lull-mouth .. 15th Fob 17. 3000 full-mouth (dry) . . . . loth Nov. 18. 3000 6-tooth and f nil-mouth . . Sth Fob. 21. 1500 full and broken (fat) . . Ist Deo. 22. 150 i, G, and full-mouth .. loth Feb. 23. dOOO -2-tooth to full-mouth. . . Ist Fub. 24. 200 4, G, and full-mouth . . Ist Feb. 25. 1100 full and broken-mout .. 15th Jan. 20. 1500 4, G, and full-mouth . . 25th Dec. 27. 1500 G-tooth aud full-mouth . . Ist Jan. 30. 1000 2-tooth Ist Nov. 31. GOO full and broken mouth (dry) SOlhNov. 32. 400 full and broken mouth . Ist Feb. 33. 1400 full-mouth Ist Fob. 35. 203 frosh full-mouth, with lambs at foot .. .. Any time. 35. 500 hoggolij, mixed ewes and wcthera Any time 37. 000 full mouth „i .. .. lsl March 39.1000 Ist Fob. 40. 1000 full and brokon mouth .. Ist Feb. 42. oOO(fat) 10th Nov. ■j:i. 1000 4-tooth broken mouth .. Ist Feb. 40. 800 2-tooln 20lh Nov. 40. 2000 fresh full-mouth .. .. Ist Fob. 61. 800 2-looth to full-mouth .. Ist Feb. 52. GOO I, «, and S-loolh . . . . Ist Feb. 53. 500 fat. .. ..• .. .. Any time. 51. 1000 full-mouth Jan. 55. 1500 (abt) 2-tooth .. •• „. At once. MERINO WJSTHEB:S. 1. 2500 full-mouth 251h Dec. 2. 8000 i-tooth..* Ist Nov. 3. 2000 G-tooth Ist Nov. 5. 2000 full-mouth Ist Nov. G. 200'!-tooth 15th Oct. 7. 700 G-tooth.. ' 15th Oel. 8. 1000 full-mouth (fat) .. .. 15th Oct. !). WOO 2-looth Ist Nov. 10. 500 land G-tooth • Ist Nov. 12. 500 cull Ist Nov. 14. 2000 fre3h full-mouth .. ..Any thnoln Deo or Jan 15, 1200 full and broken mouth . . loth Nov. Hi. 1500 Gtcoth and full mouth .. 20th Nov. 17. 1000 2-tooth ' mh Nov. 18. 1000 full mouth 10th Nov. t 10. 500 full mouth fllh Nov. 20. 1000 full mouth lat Due. 21. 800 2-toorh 20th Nov. 22. 1100 2-tootb 20th Nov. 23. JSOO 4-loolh . . ■ 20th Nov. 21. 2000 G-tooth ' 20th Nov. MERINO .KWES. 1. 2500 full-month Ist March 3. 500 8-looth aud full-mouth .. 10th Feb. 4. 4800 4-tooth Ist Feb. 5. 2200 (i-tooth Ist Fob. li. W0!l fresh ftill-inoiilh .. .. Ist Feb. 8. 1000 4-looth (maidon) . . . . sth Nov. !). 1000 S-l ooth (dry) Ist Nov. 10. 4000 full-mouth 15th Jim. 11. 400 Kuoth (maiden) .. .. Inth Oct. 12. 300 ti-toath (maiden) .. .. KilliOot. 13. 3003 full-mouth 25th Feb. 14. 1000 2-tooth Ist Nov. 15. 1000 full-mouth Ist Fob 18. 850 2-tooth Ist Feb. 17. 3500 Ewes and Wethors (culls) Ist Feb. IS. 1000 full moulh Ist Fob. 19. 500 fresh full moulh . . . . 4th Feb. 20. 800 2-touth 20th Nov. 21. ChiO o-yrs-olil Ist Jan. 22. IJOO 2-tooth Ist Jan. STUD MERINO EWES. 1. 600 2to full-mouth .. .. will Feb. 11ALFURED WETHERS. 1. 300 2-toolh KILIiDcc. '2. 1200 (fat) • 20thNov. 5. 2000 -1-tooth January. 0. 3000 2-toolh Ist Dec. 7. 500 4 and G-toolh (fat) .. .. 20th Nov. 8. 1000 1-tooth Ist Jan. 0. 2000 2-toolh Jan. HAI-iFBUEDEWES. 1. ROO2-toolh lOUiDoe. 2. 1000 full-month (fat) . . . . Ist, Nov. I). 000 fresh full Ist Feb. 5. 2001) 2-loolh Merino-Lincoln . . Ist Doc. (i. 2000 2-tooth Merino-Lincoln . . Ist Jan. !). 2000 2-tooth 151 h Jan. 10. 1200 4-iooth (maiden) .. .. 201.1 i Dec. It. 1000 2-1 ooth lsl, .lan. 12. 2000 old 15th Jan. LINCOLN WETHERS. 1. 1.500 2-l.oolh 15th Dec. LINCOLN KWES. 1. 1500 lull-moutli lsl Feb. 2. «)[) 2-looth Tjcc. 3. 300 2-1 ooth lHlJnn. R. 1000 full-month Now. li. 100 full-fresh Now MERINO RAMS. 1. 3."i0 2lofull-mou(li .. „ Ist Nov. 2. 250 210 full-month .. .. lstNov. 3. 30f)2lofull-moulli .. .. Ist Nov. •I. 100 2-tootli Ist Nov. noMNwy'wK'j'iiMiia. 1. 3000 l-loolh Ist Feb. KOJINISY JfIWJSS. 1. IG'JO I. 200(1 2-tooth to fullmonth 15Ui Jan. 2, SOOOMoolhlo full-month .. Ist Fob, romneyTiams. 2, 3 (i-tooth Ist Nov. 1 2-toolh Ist Nov. LAMHS. 1. 400 crossbred Ist Nov. JOHN CItA IG J.KLANAUZE. AclH. B AgOUl. Stock Agent, October Oth, 1850.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Hawke's Bay Herald, Issue 7619, 17 December 1886, Page 4


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