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. ---.^ WANTED, a Youth for the Watch-rr^'":. | making and Jowellery ■•Boßtaew. l- "'v ;s . S Apply P. F.COLLEDaB. •■■ ■ '■'•lga'< ■.:•.- 'i : -% . THEATRE ROYAL" COMPANY OF '-. '••/•^ • NAPIER. ':..,, .- '• ■:..%, WANTED, a .for the f. J:& ■ < Theatre Royal. Vvho will have the usd\v -'. » ' v? of Shop and Dwolling-houso. : Applications ta ',• . > :;-' writing to be sent to thp Undorsignednotleter". .'• ' '' •<■ than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 28. FulK" '•':;':;' particulars as to duties, &c, can. bo obtained . '•'••'V on application at tho Company's offlco, Tonny- '. • .', -.■:>; son-Btroet, from 2 to 6.30 p.m. dally, exoepfc ,-i- re- :'Ci Saturday.— J. B. Fielder,' Secretary.. „: ,-■-;■ '. '■■';; Naplor, Septembor 52,1886..' ■:: ..• , .-. UW,..'i.CC WANTED,- a Housci and Par,lpr- .:1 ! ■; maid.-- Apply toMns W.R. Russell,' , „. . .;• Flasmoro, Hastings. . • .'.' 1183' -<,-'■'. >l j ' ' ■ .",'..:,; i'.^ifV>. J .r "IXT ANTED, a Morliing Governess;.'^ *^V V V , Thorough English and French. Ad- ;•.,-. ?-.\ dress, M.N., Hkb AW)' Office.' !f--:;>K-lU$-,ik-' .">- WANTED,, by 18th October, 'a -W '■■.;; Wool-sortbr. Apply to Wioan AND }• •.'■-.:•. ■%?-, M'Donald, Mangatarata,Walpuk\miu.' -UoO J :/■■) :V/, '■- •■ . *f ■ ..<• ■" i .: >' ' ■ ..?, ■WAITED, hy a Scotch Shepherd ';. &•/: --• T T,'< of experience, situation on a station. ■-■'." .y-gj For. references, &c,' apply to Mulikay, 1 / \^M^ .Roberts and Co. ; '.' t! , . '„'■>. '■'•■ >>IVSI •■'■ .<- ; -.' ; t . :j j' . '"'STATION MANAGER ',?"'., r^-'XCf-f,' '■% -TTSTANTED, by ' a'Person mtbrißdni^ -f-jriS '■• T y „-, sidernWo colonial experience), a 'sttuW.",-- s !': - - k * -tlon as Manager on a Run or Station. Good' .•-;.;■ Joferences.'^ Apply to this paper. \ ;.. '...' 5155 ..-.-; ; •; v.j* ■' i — : : -7- -^1?% , ,;•' '."WOOL' CLASSING.. ■■•'(' ■v'i-.'/'-.-f- ---' ; ' ••■■•■ ■-—- ' :■ '.-■"-.'•'.■.•■''.•;.••■.->':•-/>]:> WOOL Classer and Scourer; lately •'.• ••'/■'; ■*•* arrived from" Now South''Wßles,''jßv^'l' rJ i open for immediato ongagemont in early shed ',7 '". '-■ h i In Hawke'a Bay District, Formerly, of Leeds,' 1 ..-. .'■;:.*{ -.Yorkshire, England. Twenty years Colonial :.' . • r/£ experience. .References undeniable.. ,' Ad. "1? ' -.-s; dress T.N.J., Napier.;. .. , . ; -.V . ; ;/.'1080,'..;;a „ ( i« ■'■a! 'EESPECTABLE. JOTL wants' situation "ns 'SalesV!rotnSn' r ftt : ":''•}:■ "?;. ',drapery.businQss,;.haß 4,years % experience and ■ ;; i !^'-' .:. :V? flm-class reference from .lost emplpyor.'.Or ■• • ;: •;?• as iGovernoss, ;can • teaoh 'muao. .--Apilly.'' '•■.;. -> f -Herald office.., , ,',',- ' .".'■;.., ;_ '.; '„',_ '' •,■.■;/ ,';1073"; r :'', : r A EESPECTABLE: . Young --Maft..^ ( '" V% wants situation at the Grocery and-"-;; ' ''-;'; I Wlno business: has 7 years' oxtaDrlonctvand !':-.' < '.'■ 108; a porfeot , knowlodge of " bookkeeping. ; . -' -.'=. Has first-class 1 referenced ; Apply.' ; HkkOld '.'■' -■'■?■ offlco. ■ . • . '.107*'.., y.;y. WANTED, by Mrs Hope,, Assistant ' ' " ; ? ? J Dressmakers ; r also,- Improvers and lv*; Apprentices for tho Dressmaking Department ' ■ ' ■;. f, at NßAL and Ciose'b/ • • -.- , > . .;.. ■ -, -..-^lOW'. *'•'■'& '„;;.. ... . ' "" ■■■=!■ i : "■■■:^ f JADIES are invited to inspect lira -. . - . " 4j tut Brnokenbury's Costumea.'&c., at Mrs j>. V ; fe ?oXford's, Camoron-road. Open.- ; NkxSi;..>. --.'t-'a Tuesday. ' ■ ■■ -' ■■-•••!•,. -'''MOl^-.^i^J PRIVATE BOARD AND RESDJENCE.,:. W ■ '^^J MES FERNANDEZ,.' Cooterroad,, ;?■ "•".-f j 1 ¥X , -has : a •'■ vacancy, . for . two , . Gentlemen vS • . 1; ASH hoarders ;.nlßo . Apartments • for a Married r ;.",'»■ Coupler "Bath and.plano:-; ;. >-: .'.-"._ ;.■>',:" 118t.', ; '.;'-,i ; ','-Vr|H W' ANTED,' •• Tenders :•; for ,; ! f enciiig --, about. two niiles .at Takapau^ u'p'lto 1 ' 'i-J^i-Sm 28th Instant; , For particulars apply to Thomas j';'""- '--yMm Hobson, Takapau, •_,-■,'- .r , , ;■■ j^Vttft*?*/: £glU W; 'PEEBBLE h'a^ iandedWcasesl^r^i •. ; Apples,Socascß Oranges, Mandarins,- -':?* "■: j.-i jomons,. Passion- Fruit; Bananna, 25 snolss • fr '"■"' •? /ocoariuts' and Peanuts:' also ''-FRESH''-'* "-'■;■ v> )YSTERS, ..Ploton .Bloaters, and FRESW r.Avi-Y--:.., CRAYFISH.":. -.;•• • \ ..,"1151 ,'.- ■.#» i_■ _: - .-- ■• .'■■-..-.■■>•■ .i..- -..n iv-.i- --.-...'ji ? \^NTEDJm6M^^at;'j«^^.l? YiY Tbxford will open up her first con 'k--- "' sib signment of .-Mrsfßrackenßury's/.Coatumcß, :«'"•■::■>s &c.', on Tuesday, 28th inst., Camor6n-road.',ll3r^ i : ; ;-. ■"<" WANTED, Pigeons for PetaneV'" ; ,= %f*' Match. State price per pair and num- v. : '■*$ bor to George T. Cross., | . r , „ .. T rf llSß r!^^ ''.-I-4H 1 '^AWJ^^O^^WOliffipJ'^'.-iSII . V;t est and Quiokest Route to WoUington .•., '. ! aß3 and Wanganui 13 by Potors' Coaches. from .-. .-.'*■.•.•,■■ Danevlrko.or,,Tahoratto. ,■ Commercials .oans-. '?mt arrange for their luggagoboing carried. '.Fofc.. " V-'^H full particulars apply to tho Agent, ../ .;,■--"■ ■ " A !/.81 i .■• ! "f.'watbjnson.: .-■■■:•; " ;?f 1003 Criterion Hotel, Napier ■'..'■', ' ,;* ''• ' - '■■' ii_^ — - ' ■• " '■; ;.;,', >. ;, A.fe F" hard times ask your Grocer ' for> ; '-"X Robkrt Anderson's Floub. Why ueo' 'v; *■'■:$' expenslvorollorFlourwhenyoucanbuygpoii" )• ' ■ ■ v', wnolesomo Flour and savo Is 6d per 1001 b! > . V' Trjritl . f! ,, „. „ -„.,., . „.,., y y^V; ,<<± Ti ITHdaBAPHIO PRINTING^ ■ C ;i^ iJLJ TheHEßALDLlthographioandCtpper- -.':■:'': •plate Dopartmentis the Only Establishmpat . ■ .-. ■ -r; ' in the Provilicd in which those classes of work. ■-:■■<. .' -.' are turned- out ..Colored Labels and -Fians >.' ..'..'■■, Specialities ' ' '" . j .'•■"' '".-*•"' '«] WANTED KNOWN— N.-JAopßa-^-i has just rocolved.a new stock of Lawn : • '/i Tonnis Bats, just' received ex lonici' direot; ;*'- . .;. from London. ... . ..,..,.;. 857 ■■■'■" *.~\; — : : — - 1 - L -~.-r.' :: 't T3OOKBINDING.-At the HEBiiiD) • .' >: JLt Offlco all classes of Bookbinding are „,"?'• executed on the promisos in flrst-olass stylo, -•, - . ;•" All books harid sown/eusuriDgstronglk.ana ./ --V'H > _i • ' '' ' * "- '*'•'•- - • ' ,- ,' ■ '■.' - '''^-BB WANTED KNOWN-J. 'Si Bi^dj, ';..;•. : y)M Hastings-sfcreotvhns'jusV opened up a > . IS largo consignment of Plain and Fanoy. -"Hi =Crookory, .consisting of- Breakfast Sots, Tea ... '-/-BB -Sote, Plain and F,anoy Toilet Sots, Jugs, Cups [?>■'■ W ''arid Saucers, Lamps,- Vases,-' Ornamonfa," ' :}!-■■ Plates, Dishes^ Glasses, Fancy Goods, &0. , . . - : r-rBJ WANTED - KNOWN— IiTthe dro- -'• - '^M eery Trado J. S. Blair has a^larga nffl supply of overy housohold requisite. His ■" - '".HI rap&ly increasing trado, in the face." of .•■sa „.,.'■ ■Vtfßß much keen opposition shows the confldonco': 1 - ;--8H the' public placo in 'him in his 'ondeavor ta • ,■ -,- :JK give good value.. <• . . •.i, -.. „,;v '. . ' ' V-BS ■\7SrANTED KNOWN-In the Boot, - v -!f ■ , TV. and Shoe Department J.S. Blair only • : : -.v-'H keeps tho bost of- English, ColonlaV.and Zei* • -'- 'HM landia Boots. ' .__■ ■ ''-„ HJE W" ANTEDKNOWN^ETeryI^'• feT v^■^|H hold requisite on' the shortest posSiDlo '-'^('BB notice In fact the public can be supplied ' . ■;-'■■«■ with almost everything,. and be 1 treated with .: -v^BS courtesy and civility, at the Wholesale nna.,- Uil Retail Stores of J. S. Blair, HasUngs-stxiaot^i - f -- . :.?:■;■« Y^OPPER - PLATE- PEINTING.^H: \ W& XJ' Visiting Cards, BiU-heads, and all ktads | ';. Bl of Copperplate Printing aro executed- af.lie, BM Herald Offlco. Only Coppor-platp Printaig. > s'# ~Wm establishment In tho province. - -.. „;i. •'.' t &si£t' ;••; Bfl ; •;; .'" ' ' ' OYSTEEB.' -■ - --'^ - V' rV -- : "l-H ROCK Oysters, Fresh by every; ,;H Steamer straight from, tho (ratherert.. , ••.,■■ sold by the Bag, Plate, Bottlo, or Kit. , . : .■-: Kg Ladies' Refreshment .- Rooms, a >,■;.' '■■■ • .- BK AT ALL HOURS."-'" '-> •.'-'■•■•< :' v ,i;.%.«88 :Hot Piosand Coffco, Tea,' or Cocoa. Ham. ■*-";' V-j-HBJ Sandwiohes, Pastry, &o, • .--"■..*' •'; BB (Fruit and Confections of tho very beß 'Hi ' qU ' ■ the Ca^e. ! Hastinoß-str'e'bt,' /^- T'? '- '•-vH| ' '• ■ ':■ - RULE & GLASSFORD •£'•;. ' >;W 8S ; ."'.■",."'', '"• ,' ■•• Propriotorg.- *'■•■>' ' . PM A.CCO.UNT BOOKS.— The Heeaxe!,:, "v-^H X3L Offlco is fitted with ruling 'and paging ; -H machines,' and all ■ appliances necessary, for . ■- -BBm first-class work in account books; ' AU books ' .:'. BB hand sown. • ' ■' II -. : - V '' : ,!;U( >.■>."'-'.•■ . BBS Wanted" known— Tiiat p^, ra Barry has started a Wood and Coal ' - BH Yard on the White-road at Lowest Current. ', BH Rates. • Orders loft at tho Parcel Delivory l ' ;';■■ Offlco,'Tenhyson-stroet, or glvfen to any of my ■ • =. BB exprossmon, will ho punctually attended' to.- ', IKB Telephony NO. 17. . ' . '■''; •/ ' h " ; '..' ! '.,;. 82- . H9 WANTED ' .KNOWNWJThaf' Mrs ;. '~ ; J& Cobb haaroootved from Dr Julin» . '-BBJ .Von Hoast tho following communication :— ' . . ••;,. MBJ ' " Colonial and Indian Exhibition in - - - VHBJ London, 1886. ■■,-• "-.-. v !--" - ■■■BJ '.'New Zealand Commissioner,*,;. ■".•. *:"881 i ■-- / "Christohurch,2lthSept.m.y ' "Madam.-BoUovlng that your Exhibit nowkiftl = BBf In tho Industrial Exhibition at Wellington-*?:;'-' .i 1 fIH would bo a credit to' tho colony If dt.wwe -*-■.-. ■ BHJ shown at the Colonial and -Indian Exhibition^ . - .'.'BBJ to bo oponod In Lpnd6n In May, next, I should ■ ; vMB bo glad If you would allow mo to forwardit, • -'fffil oraeimi^on^rttatpurp^ ; ..^ y-j "Madam, ■ . ''.. :• -mi ' "Your obedient servant, -. ' , -UH ;:"(Sgd)' '.f. -f, -.."--■■ , ,-. , , -."Commissioner.-^^...■;BB| Mrs Cobb'wiU not attond tho Studid ! at Port \ ' ■» Ahurirl during the Winter. • Portrait Studio -',--' ijßj in Hastings, opposite Pacific Hotel. „?....' EH ■ jTb. Cobb ia prepared, to oxeoute orders for •■ 888 outdoor photography in aUlfcabranohos. ■ „ '.- 888 .Postal address— Hastings. " ■""' ■'' ■' '," ''•»■ ■■= • .•,: I BBJ LETTERPRESS PRINTING— The n HERALD Jobbing Dopartment :is th«T > .'''■fl| • Most Extensive and Complete Establishment - \>~iBBB in Hawko's Bay. None bu tFirst-olass Work -,'..;— turned out. Prices as Low as any in Now BBS Zealand' '; .: . ;.■ ■ '.: > •", „- i ., ) ";^-- 'SBb ■ [:•■ \^\ .v!W R "SMITH, late~of Maungatori, ; . : :CH| •. has ontered into possession of -this . BM weU-known Hotel, which has.'recontly boon ' ■ > BBJ enlarged and To-furnished until' it will boat ': • ; BBM comparison with tho best hotols in New • ' S-BBi Zealand* - 0 - j ■ ■,:.:--*■-_ \\ ■ ~ ,- "V -.888 : - Spoclal attontion has bcon told to the.pre-, - ">BBB vision of accommodation for Families, and a' " ''''.flflß separate private .ontranco.. hits boon pro vided. '. Btflj Commeroial mon will' find' well-lighted' V <B9EJ Sample-rooms,, and . the . best Commercial- V* flflfl room In Now .Zealand, .well suppUed .witli / .--- Bfll Home and Colonial vapors and bookß.;.^?Sg- ' wßi Any communications addresaed to -tho Pr«- ' . 808 prietor striotly, attended to.', , ;. .- , :;, •_ •,'./>■;.:' " .- .BJB|| . ; ■;; ,%;, ■■■ smFi t-h. » '•: y BO3 c^H Jt?"i' TO ii?/l per day to be inada * 'Ivffli 36* X d&Tfc bv:porsonß.of oltfiot'^'-'HI sox, in their ovm locaHnc3,at work*, for us.' - - ' : 599 Now. bustnoas. All : moot With wondortul "' -%HBI success.. -Anyono can do tho work. ■■ Capital V'-'.-sBJBi nob required. Wo .will start' you; •' Outflb worth &1 ninilcd freo. - ; Tho: employment '« BBBJ particularly adapted to tho region in which. >■'■■'; '•■H this publication' olrcnlatcs. -Boys and girl? - ; earn nearly ns much as mon. Full jparfcioulttw '-: . -' ? . 1 fIBB and instructions- mailod' freo; Now 'is ilia ' - "'-v-BHI timo-don't dolfty.-But \vrito to-U3 ftt once. -^ '■?■ : '-"BmB Address Stinbon and Co., Portland! Maine.'.' ■"'■-■wwl United StatO3, -. -^ ',- ■-.•■ '-..;, -882 ■.: - : *'BH

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 24 September 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 24 September 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 24 September 1886, Page 1


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