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._.- ■ * ■ .■■',; ■' J '.'''■. ' ' : ' S. E. COOPERj,: 1 ' ">' ■'■• _■• WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER y ' ': HABTINGS-STREET, NAPIER • ! : ' (Opposite the Uniontßank.) - ■ ■ . . - .-* - < ; WATOHES, > ; ; ■ ENCUJSH WATOKBS, ■. :; ; " •'■■••■■'';( ■■ ■":.]■ '■-, , ;"- ■ •'.';..■ •'-■.•'. .■; i, WATCHES, . ;;; .;.■:; -" Amerioan : W4TQHSSj ■ kr^* ' f: watches-, .",;■■.•'. ■ I ' : ' ! f '•'•'. ; -' • :: '-- b : . , i /•■ ;- ;;:r .^.'-' ; :' :r '^:' : "V" "•: ; - ' * "ITCTHENthehistofianroeordsthoeventa " '• ' VV 'of tho -nineteenth cehtury.he will •. ■ -. • ' describe it as the era in which the me- ' -, \ v ' arts reaohnd their apox.' A 8 tho ' v '.' ' Sv£in.,' o£ 'EUzabott is known tostudenta ' . ■ aa fSe ovl" 1 of " to » ntur o. the present ben. • ■: . . tnrr ?flltemi' <rh '' also 'omarkablo . f or itn . „;•• ■produoUvo ..excoOono^' v"ffiSa^,2! n ' r sj . c oldoriycan-romenibeTthV ? m? 3 "^ %°» ''- .! tho' locomotive, the' stwntt^'Wf™. .... art of lighting by gas. To ti^ 80 ,??"? . .: -youthful tho triumphs of, e!oc£ricit> ..TVS - * • not yet lost tho'keen edge of novelty. bJ* the. telegraph, J ' telephone,' microphonO/- : •/! r ~' - and tho electric light: stand -as shining . k , ,• . •■■ ,'ibaa'cona to'mark thomarvellousprogress, „. - ' m <.-'tof the inineteenth centurr. : The general . \ ". - . fl • inipetu's which the inventive, geniua of the >■;:•••-; • yft ( age has given' to' the arts' ana sciences is ■■■■„: . . ■ ' . Btrikingly* illustrated'>by" the .Tfanderfal • „ ' - ■ improvomonta in the wanufaotura 'oC ' " . " .. - ■ -. "Watches. S. E. COOPER can now soli foir ■'■•; ; m a comparatively : trifling sum,' "Watches : - ", -'.■'■ that for general excollo'noo could not havo; ■ .;, , -;H ■ -"been .produced f or twice the monpy. only m..'. . . , B fewyearßago, Thoso sceptical as' to fliiai • ■' • H assertion 'should inspect his Stock, which is» :■ '... ..■ not only the'largost and! most: varied. toy- „ - H Hawkoa ßay, but 'does not contalaa suiglea 1 , . ... B i'spooimon of' tho r" Brummagem "^gopdw '; •/ '. '-^.iiBH ■■.■.whiohEngUshchcapjaokßtrywp'aliniJpo* •'' ■ • , Wfl ■'■ colonial buyers, using tho post-offlca 151* -■•'.•i-_.;,i, ,'yH ■ stilted ''coupon "i announcements', to, ;.ae-,.. ■• .- SB • • ceivo the. unwary. .. Every sensible maif~ " ■■, BB ■ iknows' that thobest way fo got' a good ', ' ; Bj ■•WateK H to purchase from - a renablo ■•■•• H .-' Tradesman, and that to 1 trust to. birds of ,-. - - - H passago; or to purveyors of puffed-up glm-. ... , , ■ -H 1 cracks mado for tho farioyßhops'pf Hounds- ' ' ,'. 'Hi ditoh, is siriiply to invitoloss of morieyand ';: '.'■ - Mi much 'vexation. ■■•'" ■ :.: :■'.■•. •.: '••. : . , „,■ Bj Why' Bond; -out -of the,- distriot .for < < „. H • ■ Watches? .Why: forget that you can pro> • '" KB euro a' Cheaper 'ana' Better Artiolo in' "iv- BB • Napier?. Why omit to woigh-the'wortbt ■::.- . J&& ■ ofagtiaranteofromatrwlesmojiivhollvcs) . -■ TWH in' tnoidiatriot, and : wno can be ronNt>' ia-v . . H ."■NOT,ONfiYTO-MonROWO'KNi3£tWEEB:,bUf' ' '^^' Bfl " whoso stay of many years in tho past is the' '^ • •-• • HJ .; ; bost warrant ,f orchis prcsonco here when, . • ■ : ~ :■ BJ '■roqulrodat any time in, thq futurp? ,Ro-, „ ... B| - member that a guarantee fronv'a trootes- . .' i H I man Bottled in the .place isnotaWeceM'-"" ~ >' ' ■ ■JH waatopaper.biitanaOTOomontbiniliDKtho ,' - - [■■ giver to' perform all' that is*.Jfa ted,, Bay.- ': ,tr ' 'BJ yourWatchesinthodißtrictiand'ensuroa ' BH goodartiolo ondatuarantee.wortK'hav- -'"'• • - -"- • I <HB ,fog: S. E.' COOPER'S Watehes.are'im-'- ■-:.- . .BH ported: direct from tho factories; of tho, :< ; r - " BH , most\celobrated. English;, American, and '„-.'■■ ~ .' Bs Continental makers. Those watches rongo ' ; ,' .■ ' IBHj in prlc'o from 1 tho Workman's Timekeeper ~~ "> • ■ ' ' >. ', -j M| 1 : at dB3 10s, : to'the 'WonderfuUy.'<aceUrate;!'.i • "' '■ 188 Racing' Chronograph at. from £10 10a to .... ...... - - '', THE ABOVE ■ QUOTATIONS' 'ARE • " :■'-, 9 ,; FOB. SILVER ; WATCHES. •'- •''•• ' !'H| •,;('■' '■•■• '■ ":',>.■. >'. ; ■ ('■-,' t ,.; „--..• -...' ■•■.;,;■; '<BH In Gold S. E. Cooper keeps' a Imjsa' atock, '" IHa :; , comprising-LadiesVfront—-— . /BH ' •'■ ( ! '- j f ?®if 9 = :^??' i-"!" ' '"■ "^ ; "I' BH In Gent's' Gold Watches S; E/ Coofsb has a . - ' ;H| ■ '-, vory large assortment to ohooso from, and ■■■■ ' . "iBHI ; all are of tho highest quality. ■|M - , •• • ■■/ i i ':*■-; , : ' * . ■ I HjHJ Silver Opon' Faced,- Crystal .Glass, manufae- ':■.•' . fHB turea to S,E.C.'e own order. .Extra heavy... .i, ' ! Bfll . Silver Cases, made ,to. stand rough work ;' . . 18l guaranteed for two years ; £5 10s. Snmo ' ! ■' . |mm in Hunting Cases; £0103; splendid value.: ." 4-: ' Bfl Same (extratdewolledjanaievory improve- .-= <t ■■/ BB mont).£9., Silver.GonoTfts from 403 to£s. -"■ —~\ - nj Chronograph Silvor'Watohes from£ 7 to' ' , •• BB '• • £16;' SUfverKoyleßsHuhtirigChroriograph •' i BB .;• Repeater (strikes hours and Quarters) tS&. •■•:', , -' i BB ; ',4 i; -V {'i '/t-'i,''.." — rrrr> '' :,,»r'.;; «.; v : -i.!-( -.-i:* < \HE it is^with;many' person^' Ai^EJßAT. ; ; ; ;'; ■ - ' ! ;H : ,-;l j.-, „ ■ •)[.; -„.i, : ,-,j. „ ..; ■ „,) „ . r/Kfl -• . .Whether:theWstohe3of-,thejWnltlian».>,.', .:• ' 188 Manufacturing Company aro not equal in ; '■ . •■ ' BB ■i/.overy. respect to" the best finiokeepors , . ■' - nj turnodbufcby'EiJKlish&ptorics, 1 Totnowf- •: '< . f JB ; •••ii'i'.. ~:r ''who favor .• mi' :>• i.i:.i ; :i:; ; " Bi ;■ IvAMEEIOA^'. WATOHES! !..,/ [";'?: , • .;■ •'S; E. COOPER obrifldehtlyVeoom'inerids ' " ' 'Iw thß-WALTHAMiO-lOs LEVER <as tho ■ ' ' i MA cheapest and, mosbi roUable' workman'is,;;! , " ,H timokoopor produced— a ivntch that can .- . : .-. WM be guaranteed; | d&d that will 'last" a life* '' " . - ' HBJ 'ATALL.THE - ffl ■walth^Watphe^haye;;; H TAKEN,', THE iAR^EST, ,PBIZ£S,. ' „, iB : BEFORE ALL THE MAKERS. Off ,? Mm ,;.,.,;., , jeurope.-..; . .;,■.;...■', - .. HB ; ' ilnSllY^r^dG^ldi^li^'and'npwißrds. 5 '■' £ • |Bj| BROOCHES, ' EAR-RINGS,' f ioOKETB. ' l - BH . : . ;. . „N ECKLETS, .■;•.' • HH " j- 'In Gold and Silver.,. ' "', -BH Ladlo3'and Gents' ALBERTS,' in Bold and-, '. ■- JBSI Silver. ; l , ;,..',, „ jHH STUDS,, COLLAR STUDS, SLEEVE LINKB ' Hiß : In Gold and SilVor, Pearl, Ivory, and Jett<: - ' 9HB GENTS' SIGNET RINGS, SINGLE 'STONB ' ' JbH , DIAMOND RINGS. • " \<- ' 888 ■ . '■■ Alargo Assortment of •<■■,■ -BH LADIES'. DRESS RINGS. KEEPERS AND ' «J „ . .1; .wedding liiNGa ; ■ HJgj SPECIAL MOTTO and NAME RINGS mode . IKI to order.. Plated, Goods, E.P. Goods, and' ißi <-...,. ;.. ( ,.'.;SilYorGoods, .„ . .", ; ",' _; , : • BBJ PRESENTATION DESSERT 'KNIVES imd- BB FORKS, in OASES, 'PRESENTATION , KB .SALT-CELLARS in CASES,,. PRE- r . Bi , ,; .SENTATION NAPKIN RINGS.'. ; '. - ;B| Cructs.Sardineßoxes.TeaaridCoffooServloeefl • Hji Egg .Frames, Butters, Biscuit Boxes, . BH Presorvo Jars, Tea Potfl, Prpsentft- . , HJ ■-'•'.' ' tlon Salvors. '' '• '"'•.- ' RH , Cake Baskets,-; Presentatio- Marblo - and V-. ■ ■BB Ormolu Olooks, Drawing-room, Dining-room, ' ■ 'BB Bed-room, Kitchoh and Hall Olpbka :•'. „ Hj j FRqMTsCdto'WS'. 11 ':- !/ :: ;' .BJ THERMOMETERS):, . ,: . "■ .:,;'; ' ■-..' '".'■ ' 'jB :-.!!..•". ANEROID BAROMETBRS Bjj i', ■ • ■ 'JUBT.AKnivED— : „,;,-...' .;_ ' TWtt ■ MUSIC AL BOXES,; .1 , H ''%;& COOPER,:: M 'WATCHMAKER' &r.!JEWELLEB, JS . , 'OPPOSITE THE i UNION BANK *" i: •'.' '.'/;•■. '^ffll ; , (Next Dppn to, M'Vay,-, SAbDiiEß)^.',,!! ' ' " HB HAsVi.N'GS-STR^'E'TV'.N'A.P.IfeR. v ''SBB 1 "' ' ' ' ' I ' '\' ! • ' <<i ' • *, V b&Tbbl ■* . " ' ' . ..i '■■'■' ' '■ , ' i " * ■ ' . ' l • ,-bbsbbh

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Bibliographic details

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 24 September 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 24 September 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7549, 24 September 1886, Page 4


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