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• '» , '■ , ... „-■ . .UiC^f • -'' ■ - §,«ettg«eCTg.^ . •: ■'■^h^m BANNERS LIDDLE'S: SALES r: jp UNRESERVED SALE FURNrrUBE.;-V|;g^| THURSDAY, larSFAUGUST/ ~l?stj'>s%(\ - .• At 11 o'clock. ■ /;.;•-•-;; ""^kfjfd ■ BANNER~&"IIDDLE ..^:^U Havo recoived instructions- from Vr-. Co3*Jj>.-;, : tebill, in consequence of his leavingjfor,;,,^: Europe, to sell tho whole of his . > .'• : ->:; .-o''^ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-ANJ?^ EFFECTS on tho Premises, •Bhajse : .v£^ spearo-road, consisting of— , ''^''t'i'M&i'? Vory Handsome Black and Gold. QaeettK ,-V Anne Sideboard, with Bevelled P.lata;>/;f ■ Mirror ■■ ■'■•-/W.-fr. Walnut Trichord Piano, " overstrung, py,-^? Heine' ;"-.*. . '.i;,;).'..^ 2 Easy Chairs in Rop . ■ .'.'. : - -\'C ,;^a Cretonno Couch - ' ■'-•'•-•■;'-; Elogant Fender and ,Cut Steel Fire-Irons- y.y. Tgilt handles), Coal Vaso • ;.' i ■'■-.?;-;:< Dining Table, Brussels Carpet ■ ; ; ;;,A; -.?>'. Austrian Chairs •' ' ;;■:'., : '■: J,'.^" Large Gilt Pier Glass, 50 x4O -'„■:•■ >■•'■ ■■WoU.mado:PedestalWriting.Table,Coucli;..<v; Olasswaro, Electrownro, Cutlory . -■-:.;■ }y%\ Mahogany Hatsland, with marble slap top, ;;.. and plate-glass mirror •-". '>"--■■;• 1 Bedsteads, Bedding, Chests Drawers ; ' ! K ;,i~. Washstands and Ware, Tables, Chairs r> ,V;;?;Vases, Pictures, Linoleum, llnta ' -. „ • ;• i-: One of Frasor's Gas Cooking Stoves' " ;-•»->»•(' Crockery, Kitchen Utensils, .«&' , / .r; { ';tV Tho Auctioneers would call attention to tha^.-V^ factthat tho goods are 'all now, having only ; .,',i been in use about three months, and are for-; v absolute salo, as DrCotterlll leaves for.Lonv.a: don on Saturday noxt. " ' ' ,'/■■■;■'■.,/}/'} BANNER & LroDLE/ #.£4 758 . ■ ;• Auctioneers..'-; -:r ( , BANNER AND ITODI^::-:;-,''*';^ MERCHANTS, WOOL BROKERS, .'SSOP-'^K PING, FORWARDING. AND \, ■■■/ ,i "•> ''. . GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTB,\ :.:..;?, auctioneers, feo^, ' ■■-:?-.■,■:s■■&, . •'■ NAPMIR AUD PORT AHURIRI.. •. ;;;.',); "DEGULAR Auctions ofi SkmsV '?& IX Hides, Tallow, are held at their Porpi.^i". Ahuiri Stores on tho second and fourth Wed- ••■.-■; ■'■£ nesdatt in each month. ' , -- , : "c^ ; ->!5 Auctions of Wool held monthly during th0v.1.; ,;.,, O^vners of Wool entered for these'sales canv;';.^ declare their resorve prices, and if. a salo'ia-'-.-> i '; not offe'eted the course is open to them V)t: r V shipping direct to London, thus obtaining tho': ;£•£.- choico of two markots at a'nominal expense. Wool fecoived at our Port S.tpro.and;con-i-~--v signed to our cavo for shipment only Is for--;-fe warded with every despatch and the bills of .;-/; lading handed to tho owner or whosoovorhoyKi*. may appoint without delay. , • ■•.-,•-.. --,- .}\--£:*»&lr-: Liberal cash advanoos mado/npon aUth9; r -r./. above produce when ontored for sale hero, or ■■; >;?i through our agents in olther London or New ■••"ijfc York. . •• „:• ■•;.. '.••> r '~S". : -;^!, .' . AGENTS. FOR-^' ; , '■ '''■'] ?%^S W. and A. Gilboy, Wine and SplrltMerohanty.^ The Greenbank Alkali Works Company; ';%--}v Australian M.P. Life .Assurancoj Society. ".rt;./. Union Firo and Marino Insurance, Co. of N.Z.i>. ji Norwich Union Fire Insurance Sooiety. ",-■>-. .'■:!>• Reuter's Telegram Agency. -. ■■ -*.--£?:: % -. ■ Thomas's Sheep Dip. .. ; , ,■ /.185^. "~~MR H. MO3STTEITH'S r SALES;: '$£\ seed oats.^;.;^ ''.;} : i^^¥ T7OR .SALE,' "2OO" ' Sacks ; Hea^y;H4 ■ for sale; ' ■ r : ! ' r."-; : ;'-«2 THE Thorougiibred Sire Pateueoh,- . " vi by Yattondon— Days of Old. "- : ,'■■'■'/. % •:' 610 : " -. H.MONTEITH. "•':" ?; - ; ••■■*• ,yi ' . : ; FOR SALE, ..- ''. '• ■ ' ; ■ ' ■ ■;'; "Tf3£r£ ~i £\ ACRES First-class, Land, witlit:^? JL" Cottago ; woll situated ncarTaradnlo.*;';:^A very dosirable site fora suburban rcsldonoe, : > <-y Terms easy. -"'. '• '-' i ' -~"> .■''^.'"-'^ lormscasy. H.' MONTBITjg.'C.;-'-?; . FOR SALE 1 : ■'-■ \-'r-'^fM O FIRST-CLASS Business Sites. in?#*ii (%* Hastings-street, caoVhaving .30 "f0'.0.-v^ frontage; with Shops occupying 22 feet boaXr-'Vg gf'.' , ' -" ' H.MbNTEITH^^ • FOR BALE,' .•■/-■.,; ''■":*'ssl K&f\ SACKS Prime Feed J Qats|:| 35 Sacks Ryd'Gras3 Seed.; ■ :".' ; \. .'i'.v^ 198 '__'. ' '...'. H.^ MONTEITH.^^ FARM FOR SALE AT WOODVILLB. {'^-Mk t fifi ACRES^first - class LandM^ JL \f V nonriynll cleared and,underßrqs9. 1 ; >i situated within one mile of. tho WoodviUo. ■ Ay Railway Station, adjoining ■ tho ■ property irf; ; .,? r y J. D. Ormond, Esq., and. with frontage. to tha-A?..: Mastorton-road. " ' " . "'.■ V '■'■ '■4l£';ik IM_ ' . H. MONTEITH^J^ FOR SALE , •-. ■' ' '. \'';S-'ri ! i lACRE OF LAND ,at< Sleane6;X : |f with 3-roomed House thoreon. ; '• ' •',■'/£■; -/(."t?. 1 Acre of Land at Moanpe, with. 3-rooTned-v;:^ 200 COttoSC# ■ H.MONTEITHSi^ : — —;••«•. V-T--;^fA".j FOR SALE, . :■-',;.:-.;;>; ABOUT 17 Acres Land near .-Tara..£ ;■■•■: dale. This proporty is situated , in <a-.f'-;.* wcll-sheltorcd position, with good .drainage, i :,■,.; nnd the soil boing of flrst-class quality-, it'ia^Ci eminently adapted for a site for a suburban-';/-* residonco and grounds. ,;. '-.'—. .-'si .r-rj JorparUcularsapply & , M(m^.^ BROOKING & ST. CLAIR'S SALESIgf| ■'• ■ FOR SALE, '■■/< '' : V'-^V ri -V AYERY.nice Cottage and Freehold V-.i 1 Section, within three minutes' walk of :\r ; t; tho Post-ofllce. ' Cottago quite now. A'Bar^iigain. ••■ . ■' ' ■ '.'' :'.- '■■/Z''=: For particulars apply to ..:'. ,-. i-.'V-v 689 BROOKING &i ST. OLAIB.-y. . : ;/. FOR SALE. . "''. V : t ;l .'^ A RUN, close to Napier. All ; .first- -c% class land. Comprising about6ooo acrosi.v ' _'.-. Torms and prico very modorate. • • ' i; .- ?- :-.>,-" '.- --6o For partlculag^nly^ ;&££■!££ ALL DEBTS owing to me-^S Drapery Buslnesß : aroroquested Mb, hi vjc paid to Messrs Brooking and Sr. Claw;}^' whoso recoipt will bo considered sufficient. •-'•,.'; -:i> 201 . M. H. TUXFORD^./ K^ ESTATE T. A. COTTRELL. ;.';i> -' .^] ALL persons who had ordered ,cl6tn>,' • V\ mc from the lato T. A. CottreU wi}-. xV please call for same at once, in ordor to faoili.- ;; ,v tato winding up of thoEstato. '* :. '■> >■■ :"''..'-"■;•> ROOPE BROOKING.- „ .^./'.; Agent for Public Trustee.!-': .•.-.'/•, Bth June. 1888. - :■■ -.:■". 20g. ; ;,,; ; FOR LEASE, for a term of yearSjV;-;; those centrally situated Premises oppo>: vy alto Diokens-street, lately; Schiornlng.' 00^ Q sT/OLim^ "S IN THE ESTATE OF T. A; COTTBELE; " -,' deceased; ';' ._. \/'v-;\ '■ ; ALL Persons indebted to the abbya'.'\ .; :■:. Estate are requested , to: pay- their 1 .-, Accounts to Messrs Bhooeino isdot. Optxa • .„■..- --w^houtdela y.BßOo^proo ^pro^ 1 ,^ L v i^:V^ MONEY TO LEITO;^ '.;'>.;. ji'.vt. l WE have the following - sum's, to,' ; "! Lend on Good Sepufity fora Totm of V. .''I;; Years :-*IOO, £125, £130, £150, £200, .3250, and v >> 209 ' BROOKING '& ST.?OLAIB. --..; .•■-. TO LET, a large' and) convenient;-. '•?; Shop in Hastings-street. 'Apply.' , _;C';- -j 210 BROOKING' & ST. OLAIR.; ..rFOR SALE, \vith immediate posses* '-; : sion, a Bmall but profitable' busmosi ;. '/; returning over 50 per cent, on tho outlay. *-„- '/■ ;• - gßooK^GfesT/ouAiß^-','.^ FOR LEASE, ■ : . ;.>'. ••'-".j EURAL SECTION 20, Woojlville, '.-;;*. . containing 40 acres. This seotion'is -. '-;u Bituatcd about i miles from Woodvillo, on tho • , '. ■■■/, main road, Napier sido, and will bo leased o, „. vory- favorable torms. Particulars of whio . ,;• can bo obtaluo^tamgo^ctarilgn^^;. .- .;. ,—■■■■ ' '' '■*'■' :•;:•, ; •-''-■ ' ; -|ftrtttc»l-" ; ': " ; -- ■•■-'^..•'l BARRAUD AND. BOWERMAN? '••;? CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. , MEDICAL HALL, V : :^''r ~. : .-- HASTINaa-SWEET, NAPIEB. " • ■;. •'. THE PHARMAOI^ NAPD3R AND HASTINGS. >'i ...'; SEASON SPECIALITIES: : ;\ CHILBLAIN LINIMENT, '. ' v tC CAMPHOR BALL, .:, "-' - ; . ; - "-V ■'. '\\ VASELINE COLD CREAM, , ; -•/, ~v VASELINE CAMPHOR ICE; ■• . - . u - . ':£. GLYCERINE AND CUCUMBER, '"■:...'' J".. PRATTS COUGH LINCTUS, • -' -' CIRISH MOSS BALSAM, , '■ :':'\ &c &c &o. '/.'..••;■,;. j. s. WELSMANj ■''' ; \-;; { i •HASTINGS-STREET. ■" .- ■ H;.: ; V.J: [TBiErnoNE, No. o.] ■'. . , v. '7^ - notice... : \.-vi ;^ HAWKE'S BAY PHARMACY; ;^.;- ; ; : f T7RIENDS, Customers, and .others- ;.^ JO aro respectfully informed that tho abovo :■;.■{- business will in future bo conduetod by Mr E. ..-> f. COIUSS (Resristcred PharmaconUonl..: :i Lhemist), for many years Managor to Mr G.- ..;.. ■Aickin. of Auckland. . . : . ; ■ -- : -" '■■ . ~;-\ Mr Colmns han confidence in stating.that.--f the utmost accuraoy.'prompt attontion.-and' ■ -g courteous oiviUtymayberelipd upon. -Drugßfi.^ Chomicals, and other, supplies received With fe-J regularity and of gua. antoed quality. ■-' ■< 7a' -:•&?' Attendance from 8 a.m. to 9 p.nii i Oil .SuuvUjg'; days, 12.30 to 1, and ß.3o to 9p.m. •:■■> ;■ :> ri;-J; :<::^", AICKIN AND CO:, ; ; : ' : "^.K-v?;^ Chemists and Druggists, HastingsAttect^rj:^ (Opposite Bank of Now Zealand.)-; v ' ;;•-•;. :4yi , - - • ■'■ *<•■'■' •" ■' ■•'• Tj 'i-fs&\ /CANVAS' -HORSE 'XJOYERS:^ \J- . _ - - ■; t _^_- -. ;■-- r-:.,^:">v-%' ' W. BO Y : D,-^:-^! • sAn,MAKER, &a, sprr, r^-:%l$0 : . Wishes to call tho. attentiontof x Co^nbr>f|a Settlors to his Suporior Stook of SHORSBi.A# COVERS, which for quality and prioo cnDnot v-Av ■ bo cquaUed in Hawko'sßay^v^f ffi--& PRICES-158, Ws 6d, 20s, 23s ettcH^.;"^^ OILSKIN. .Q O i.O;^^ :^^i'*i|% A' LoiTgo Stock on Handof^BcsV. Quii&^S . ... , OWN, M^i,'.-^--,M BOYD, PORT "'AHyßlßfiiv^^ QREENMEADOWS WtLSMQ^M DEFBHRED PAYMENT SYSTEM>|^|^i A. PPLlCANT|>fp?;'Sites ; ahtilße^S; jt%.. donees on GrfaonftibadoWß'BuUdingpa.^^; . tnto, on the DofciTed Payment SystoinvJMMßfe obtain plans nnd aH' ; other.informatlonsoaa|g application to tho undersigned ' at-th.o v Aßonw^S Oilico, opposito tho Chief Posfcbfllooi'Wßalrt 'Mm Bpoavo-i'oad. ■ ...-.-•- ,\-a -' ' •v'^i-.^-J^ft&t^ ... , '"' THOMAS :R.'CddPKR)S^^ «* Agent and Arphlteqt jEor^h^Estßt!^^

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Bibliographic details

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 3

Word Count

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7548, 19 August 1886, Page 3


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