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■■■■■' ■ " — ■ ' ■■— — ■ —■■ » -—_ U* .•*; r ">:■'' WANTED, .by a Young , Lady, .-^ situation aa Forewoman in a'Show--. -*,;■; room/. Has many years Colonial and Home \\>\ . ' -Joxperionco and can produco flrstclass refer-'- '- •;, ences. Apply D.W., Post-offlco, Welllnßton. , .\;% .'■■ ■ ■ . ■ ' .■"' .-. ' 69 ,; ...'''-'j ■ . NAPIER PARK RAGING CL^B.; / .. }pj, WANTED, a Secretary for. the :■ '■■■■; abovo Club. Salary, £lUO per annum. - ■■■'■\\ Applications to bo doliyorcd to the President, '.. ' '•■'■'.& J. Close, Esq., by Thursday next, 19th inst, :. ,-r-^ at 12 o'clock. . . " 743 : r >'r W ANTED, a Situation as Gardener j ; -■ 'i .by a Practical -Man. Good roforence . : r.;'. from last situation.' Address, W.S., care of- -'"..-. \.: Mr P. Home, Hastings, > :■ .719, , f = '". . : : ; — :v.-t>A-g-" ■:>: WANTED, General SeWant Ap? ,' .».?• ;; mt Ply. with references, to Mrs Folton; ,' 'v >: The Villa, Lighthouse-road. . ..743^ */■>; - . . ■ — •, -* . . -/^ WANTED, a good General Servant; ' -v^ . References required. Apply to Mrs " -V;~' Walter Duncan, Shacespeore-road. . 761 v 'vi i ■■■ : :, ' ' '; ;',i : * WAN TE D, .a good JPlougliman, ; ;^v accufltpmed to gonoral farm work. • A f''h married man preferred, Rcfcronco Tequirsd. ■■'.-•->''• Apply to William Orb, OitwoU, Cllvo. : ,755. ;"'■;.> WANTED, by a young Man^ : '-'-jh dogs, a Situation on a station; good u'-;'.i,s--milker. Apply W., office of this paper. 724 - - ;7 : .;c: A DRAPERS ASSISTANT Hants' a '.":iM X3L Situation as Salesman (permanency pre-' .-. ,Zs.i ferred) inNnpier; good roforenco3, ,. Apply -.-•- ,■- .;% J.N., Post-office, Auckland. •-- • -7»' _-.iy-\£ WANTED, at the beginning.;ol , ; '0, October, for Norsowood School,-- rS-;-- r Sovonty-Milo Bush; a Trained Certiflcatea; ;..y : Master, capable of teaching thoroughly all tho C' :£■ ! subjects under tho new standard -regulationß. *..--, •'£ ;Ho mustalso bo an excellent organiser and an . ,-■_ efflciontdisoiplinarian.- Present average about,. ;; -,:? f ; one hundred and twenty, and capablo of largo , '> '■ i}increase Salary depends on average.- It is . ■•^•\ now over £175 por yoar, with good house!-, , 0.-U bonus (if anygranted by Board) upon standard.- .-.--; v-.-jv results, and payment for training -pupil,' "■- ; -"'ji teachers. ■ Tho opouing is an excellent one for"' ;.'£•_•<■. a capablo man. Applications must be in tho ;'.- xg% hands of tho undersigned -not later than.;. ~ ~ : \pA August 28th, 1886. C. E. Pettehsen, Chair- ;>.•,*,,:• man School Committee, Norsowood. v \ ,. 631!,;; .jj:?£ ' i' ' " ' ' ' ' "" ' ■■iii't \ - '"'i i-'S WANTED KNOWN— N. Jacobs'- "■ )h'& has Gents' Fancy Dresses for Hiro. »B*p.'; ■ ~y£ i : : : : : — W V- " '-■'& • : ' ■," ' NOTIOJS. ' . • .;-,-.' :> - ■"■;■/ V \;W.TirANTEp' IQTOWN-^- That' all( ■#* ; VY 1 Witnesses. on behalf of ex-Constablb -■ -;-W Nealo aro requested to attend tho R.M. Court '■■ s,- s?:" on tho 25th Augu9t, at 10,30a.m., at Waipawai ' ■ ■'{■ -tj. Gkohge Nealb, Ex;Policoman. ■ ,yV. ,- fi; a Short-hanci:.Write'r:;^M VY ' for tho 23th August. For particulars,-;*, ■/j.-i. apply George Neale, labor Agont.^ ••,* : ;-, / ''\*. ■ >,v WANTED,, a first-class. Feinaie'; ;.. . Cook, for an hotol in < tho country;.- ' •--':••?*. good wages. Apply George Neale, Labor ■ -v^f As<mt- ....,,. •- ;•':;''■'■;'■■; ' ' •'' V ;^| WANTED, a good Female Cdbk^.-'-^p for a station; referenco»roq.uirfid;,;; . Apply George Neale, Labor Agent... j- \:^ • -^.'^ WANTED,- Housemaids,; Nursed '■.:'s. girls,' andGpnoral.Sorvants. .Applr", \ "sr.C ■■; George TNbale, Labor Agont. . ,-. ' 7 ,749.,;, .„-,.-<, r ■ ■ : : 7TT-, :■■?„■ :?';'-?& WPREBBLE has received -Bai;!' rr.X • nanas,Lomons.Pin6a,andEatingarid ..,- ; r .^; Cooking Apples; also, Smoked Cod, Smoked -},\ •.,'« j Sehnappor, Mullet, and FRESH OYSTERS. ?- , ; .--■' ■-.' •■ . ' ' > •: - -•'■"' -'•■ -.'"'V? LAST WEEK- of the Great Stobk->., ?:'•% taking Sale at Carter and Co.£;;'Ererj; ■-... -A &l spent gives you ono Ticket in tho Groat. $200 -•• : '-g, Calculatron— lst l J rize, £100; 2nd, £50; 3rd, , .;,ft £10; and 40 at £1 each.. Thiß Calculation . •',-:#;', closes on tho lost day of this month. , Carter ..,' '..- --f, AND'Cp. . ..-..' ■ '.'-.. '■ •'ri | ''7?r-," S - ; -.-? WANTED ICNOWN-J. S. Blaih;-'^-:^| Hastings-street, has just oponedupo- :; > ;\-f,s largo consignment of Plain' arid Fanoy „ , i^©;, Crockery, consisting of Breakfast Sets,' Te a; --,_F ; .- ->* Sots, Plain and Fancy Toilet Sets, Jugs, Clips/-,: . -. :^ and Saucors, Lamps, Vases, Ornaments, ,-;;.•' Plates, Dißhos; Glasses, Fancy Goods, &c.' ,^; -. ? WANTED 'KNOWN— In the^ro-'i: • :>§ eery Trado J.-S. Blair lias a -largo : ■//.■,' supply; of ovory household requisite.- His -,■;?/£■ rapidly increasing trado in tho face of so -..,,! much keen opposition shows the, confidenco ■■;., %',, ;> tho public place in him in his ondeavor to^-.^Jtp give good voluo. . . .-, . - r „-■■- ; = "*? WANTED KNOWN— In the.Boot ; -:, : a^ and Shoe Department J. S. Blair only "•: :; f:.keops tho best of English, Colonial, and, Zea^Y \i;<t Undla ßoots. ', " : : ',..,".>' • vv?, -^ : : rr— }.;>s WANTED KNOWN— Everyhouse- -.-?, \ i - hold requisite on tho shortest pdsslblo ';, -v-j - % notice. In fact tho public can bo summed with almost everything, and bo treated witlv -„ .-,;;.}• courtesy and civiUty, at tho Wholesale and,. - ;: >..; Retail Stores of J. S. Blaib, Hastings-street. ; : . ■';, .;•'';':,'■ - . '• , [■' l^ny-H WANTED KNOWN — The . Rail- •. »£ way Store, Makatoku, is now Opon, , -' ; s,?and stocked. with a good assortment of Gene* '. : >f i r ic ral Merclmndiso. Inspootion invited;— Ai-;'.v-. i; | Heywabd, Proprietor. ;.; „ »< . ';yXOYSTERS. il . )'£ EOOK Oysters, Fresh •by every v'-f Steamer straight from tho gatherer!,. .- '. ,-, ■ sold by tho Bag; Plato, Bottlo, or Kit.' ': ; . v. .■• : ./••" '. Ladiks' Rekbeehment Rooiis. , . - *i',H ' AT ALL HOURS, " ,"' - , ■-V ■•Mm ■ Hot Pies and Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa. Ham ' -<v^§§ Sandwiohes, Pastry, &c, ■ , - :-:'Xm Fruit and Confections of tho very bea '-i,l' : ,- ; H ~ qUa l y TnB Cape, Hastings-street, ■ ' . ' -;. : - '•''.:-'■ 1 : ■ RULE & GLASSFORD' ' -,>'::H 83 . ■ Proprietors. '.- ;KH ANTED KNOWN-That'P. i\ '< ;i|i Barry has started a WP°d- and Coal : ' .i H Yard on tho White-road at Lowest Current :>-.•'"■ Rates. Orders loft ; af tho Parcel Dolivery m. ■■-,•;-,■ Office, Tennyson-street, any of my^-. -,:- .- H expressmen, will Mo punctually attonaed to. -.->.;; - : n Tolephone.No. 17.. . .. . , ■■ • /.Ik fv;H '"A GCOUNT BOOKS.— The Heeald ! >'?■ X3l- Offloo is fitted with ruling and paging . & - ; B machines, and all apph'ances necessary for ;..-,-,«■ g flrst-olass work in account books. AU DOOKS v • ;?•.£■ handsowi. • - '.- > .f' r . r H T. ETTERPRESS : PRINTmG.~Tho.''.;:-|8 Jj HERALD Jobbing- Department is'tha'- .'. ';{£ Most Extensivo and Complete Establishment „ ;:■:■< m in Hawko'B Bay; Nono' bu tFirst-closs Work ; • •'-. H turned out. Prlcoa, as Low as any in Jiov* v \.,;M Zealand. . - :" j Vt-'H T ITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING.^;^ •%■ Xi The HERALD Lithographic and Copper- --'^BJ pldto Departinehtis tho Only JlstabTJshjnont ,- * -c-. B| n tho Proviiicoin which these olasses pf work v >; ;,Bj nro turned out. Colorod Labels and Plans-. .''O'Bj Specialities - - --• ... '■■ : -'-H TSOOKBINDING.^AH>heHERA£o" ; ; tV^B JQ Office all classes -of -Bookblndlhg are. .;' ./ B] executed on the premises in 'flrat-olass style. „ . All books hnnd sewn, ensuring' strength, and ;^?B WANTED . ICNOWN - That Mrs .... % H Cobb has rocoived from Dr JuU\i». -•,./."---.'■■ Von Haast the following communication; :t- ; ;'iu v.B] '" Colonial and Indian Exhibition in- -- -.- - '-BJ London, 1886. • '- '-, f .- B ! " New Zealand Commissioner, ' • ■. ■- >■■ " Christchurch, 24th Sept., 1885. -;.?.;_: HJ "Madam,— BeliovhigthatyourExhibltno'w,- ..'",«■ inlthe Industrial Exhibition at, Wellington,,, i'.-BJ would bo a credit. to tho colony if'it^erap/11-W slio^Ti at tho Colonial and Tndian Exhibltiott. ! s v ;- M to bo opbned in London in May.noxt, I Bhould v ' .■ V'Mi bo glad if you would allow 'mo to forward it, • i ■ vBJ or a similar one; for that purpose. •-'■■,- .--■"-. 'BH t'' ■ ."I have tho honor to bo :J . '.■■-•"■*■] "Madam, • V -' :..«-' B] V Your obedient sorvank, ...;.- !-^.s -BJ -, "'(Sgd)' Julius Von Haast, ■"■;-': c-'-sffl : i ■? .- --' , "Commissioner.ft ■ -- ■ O Mrs Cobb will not attond tho Studio at Pork : t; B] Ahuriri during the AVintpr; Portrait Studio -- •' -H in Hastings, opposito Pacific Hotol. ' " "j ..-' -.-B J. E. Cobb is prepared to execute orders for • WB outdoor photography in allitsbranches. , ■'.'-- - : -'--'-BJ Postal addrcssTrHastings. -■/ -. „' ■' . ;;\", .''' A H| riOPPER-PLATE-PRINT-ING. \J VisltlngCards, Bill-heads, and.all kiridß' f % v£M of Coppor-plato Printins aro oxeouWd at. the : --.V.'-.»BJ Hehald Office. Only , Copper-plate Printing;. v:,:''. J ffl| ostablißhmont in tho province. ■• , , ■ ';>, : .• F. D. LUOKIE/"- •■■':' Yi-j^H ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION.' -/^M ; • ■ agent,"- ■■■';./ '-:"'■;;,. :^-- w ' ; LAffD AND P«OPEBTV VaLOBB, ' ; \ ' ';<-VJ«bl ARBITRATOR AND. ACCOUNTANT,.,, -. -^.iWM j ' ' Hastings. ,•'. ••-, •'' ij '>*^H T}ROPERTIES~Bouiit and Sold ofi" 9 JL Commission ' .' ,' 1 .". • ': - " ''"-W Rontaand Intoroste Collected fand'Properly;-' tij Managed for Absontcos. • .' ;■' .' V -" ;U,=';:HB • 'Partnership and othor Accounts tidjustcdV; >; " v >B| Monoy Advanced on Froohold BoouritieaXnVs; iV-Bl ■ ■ sums of £100and- upwards.', : ,.T f K,, ; .'; *-H '" • ■ ■ -Agent fob '"\ •■'.-; '!'.' ''^S'mH ; , Colonial lasuranco Company, Fire and ": ..i-'^jß Marine. '-. . .■,;-< :•■■■', -v>:BB Messrs Wilding and Co:, Timber Merchanttl T ''^S-BJI Walnukurau. . -" .<; '.''.!..!vai -■ ■ ■■ -•■ -F.-D-'LUOgnC.'""'" rf^'M^W! 101. .' „;,:,..,,.;-, HastifiSS,-::* ;#H 'V- ' FOR'LEASfi,^' ; ; - i^il^H i ; Long Terms of Years— v- i.'i'>^4Mi,)B| BUSINESS SITES- in the BeW£ft§H . Positions in Hastings. ~ "■ - r -r ■*<£■•'s -Bl Forparticular 8 ap P lyto 35; i 681 j' " ' : ' "^ ..'AgonlHHasttn'gav^l-vgjH 'r^kE^NORTHERN^INYESraENfeSH , A . COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND'.; -■■;■■:': i;@H 1 ,-, ■■ • .- |[Limited);'.,- i ',, :v;--f v -.'i'^!?iyilß| ; ; *J" Capita^! 1 u^feOCMJOO^'-^^.r^'iS^H 'Offlces— Embrson^strdet: Natter.' r^-i.^aidßi ■ -The Colonial Board is Tpranared ' to ' niakfc(-% H ' Adv>nces on— ", ' ; ', ; v, , v. : ■; .- -- /. 'Afi-Kf'tWa . I. Freehold Securities-.- ..."V- -'- iV-);,^''^ B| ! Leasehold Securities' '-i.; . «. 5 :-V'"iv.s-^H -: Stook and Station Mortgages '•v&X'--''-V-slmm ! .At Modorato Hates of--Int<afest.*:^;V'---:i#H vJ gor pronosaliformg /-^J- j •,:.^yyVfc > J U - - PATfiSTIRL^rf^LMK; :^S#H 22 . :' \^'V4'- VV-;^\:QiiMrt|o^|.:-.?jBB

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7545, 16 August 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7545, 16 August 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 9 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7545, 16 August 1886, Page 1


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