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HAWKE'S BAY ■jdOKEYOLUB. gPRING MEETING, 1886. PROGRAMME; FIRSf DAY, TUESDAY, am OCTOBER. FE W,Ti;fI NDICA^ ? £ 10 ° SOYS (OXCIUBiVO of n,Y r^nt»?fl SO9) - o-V^g*" 8 will bo declared Slin^Sffh 11 ?' 11 September. Accept- -, -. S^'On^mllSlX&e 28111 SoPtem - MAIDEN JhURDLE RA^ef 70 soys. Woight for ago. Fot horses that havo novor won an' advertised Hurdle Raco or Stooplcchaso exceeding 25 boys In valuo at tho Umo of ontry, Entrance, 2 soys. 'Woights-4yrs, list; 6yrs, nstizibMSyre ' and nged, 12st 31b, . v No boxuii! nllowancos. \ About two miles. HAWKE'S BAY GUINEAS, of 250 sots, with a sweep of 10 soys for acceptors added. • I . . For three-year-olds. Colts, 8stl01b; fillios nndgoldings, Bst 51b. ' Sweep on night of general entry; Closed with 70 noinina- . tions. Onomilo. SELLING, RACE,: of -100 soys. Weight for ago.. Nomination, 2 soys; , Winner to bo ■ sold by. auction immediately aftor the , raco for £200. the surplus, if any, to go to the fund. If entered to bo sold for £150, • allowed 71b; for £100, 141 b; for £50, 211 b; for nii, 281 b. Onomilo and nquartcr. POST STAICES, of 25 soys. Winner to bo sold by auction immediately after tho raco for £30, tho surplus, if any, to goto tho fund. Not less than. lOst up. Post entry, 1 soy, to bo mado with tho Clork of tho Scales beforo the start for.the Selling Kaco. Once round. . - ■ FLYING HANDICAP, of 125'sovs. Second jioraq to rcooivo 10 soys from tho slako. Nomination I soy, on Tuesday, 31st * August. Weights will bo declared on Eriday, 3rd Spptembor. Acceptances, with furfongs 0 " Dg Ol Bonoraf entry. Six SECOND DAY^DNESDAY. 6TIT • MAIDEN PLATE, of 00 boys. Woight for age. Opon to all horses that havo nevoi"' won an advertised raco oxoeedlnc 25 boys in value at time of ontry. Entranco. 1 soy. One milo and a quarter. HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, of 100 eovs. Second horse to recoivo 15 sovb from tho . stake. , Nomination, 1 aov, on Tuesday, 3lßt August. Woights will bo doclared on • Friday, 3rd Soptembor. Acceptance, with . 2 soys, on night of genoral entry. About two miles. SPRING HANDICAP, of 300 soys. Second ■ horso to receive 36 sots from the stake. Nomination, 2 soys,' on Tuesday, 31st August, . Weights will bo declared •on Friday, 3rd September. Acceptance, 5 soys, on night of genoral ontry. One mllo ■ and a half. - • SELLING. HANDICAP,' of SO soys, . Winnor to bo sold by auction immediately nftor tho race for £70, tho surplus, if any, to go to tl}o fund. Minimum weight Bst.- Nomination, 1' soy, on night of. general ontry. Woights will bo doelared on night of flrsfc day's racos. Accoptanco, .with 1 boy, before tho start for tho Spring Handicap. Sixfurlongs. ■ <-■■,- • ' ■ SCURRY STAKES, of 25 soys. , Winnor to bo . . sold by. auction immediately after the raco for £30, tho Biirplus, if any, 'to go to tho fund. Catch woights. - Tho winner of ■ tho Post Stakes on tho first day's races to bo debarred. Post entry, 1 soy, to be mado with tho Cleric of tho Scales bofore the start for the Selling- Handicap. Oneo '■' ' round.- ■' ■ • :, . ■ : : CONSOLATION HANDICAP, of 50 bovb, for all beaten horses. Nomination, 1 boy. to bo mado bofore the' start for tho' ScurryStakes. Acceptance 1 boy, to bo notified to tho Clerk of tho Scales, not lator than 15. minutes after tho declaration . of tho weights. One mile. ... ■ - DATES OF NOMINATIONS, ENTRIES, ACCEPTANCES, &0., with amounts, to ' ,bo forwarded to tho Socrotary H.B. Jockey Club. N.B.— All ovonts close at D p.m. on the sovoral specified dates—: ■ TUESDAY. 31st August-Nominations: Flying Handicap, 1 soy ; Spring Handicap, 2 boys ; Handicap Hurdles, 1 soy; ' THURSDAY, 23rd September (Gonoral Entry) —Nominations; Maidon' Hurdles, 1 soy; Soiling Rnco, 2 boys ; Maidon Plato, I boy ; Soiling Handicap, 1 soy.. Acceptances: Flying Hanoicap,-2 boys; Spring Handi- , • cap, 5 soys; Hurdlo . Handicap, 2 sovb; Sweepstakes. H.B. Guineas, 10 bovb. TUESDAY, 28th Soptembor- Acqoptancea: • Froo Handicap, 2 aovs. TUESDAY, 12th October — Nominations: . . H.B. Guineas, 1888, 1 soy. : •-■ . ■ , F. D. LUCKBE, 661 ■ . -Secretary. TOWN AND SUBURBAN RACING CLUB. i ■ S,PKING~MEET,.ING, ■ Tobohqldattlio „ . T. & & RACING AND SPORTS COM-" , ' PANY'S (Ld.) GROUND ' (Botwoon Taradalo and Rodolyffq Bridgo.) 22nd SEPTEMBER, 1886. ;. Judge. It. Wollwood: Starter, W, itoslopj Clerk of Scales, John JioiKiros; Clork of Courso, J. Lorrigan';. Haridicapper, 'A. T, Danvors; President,' W. Hcslop ;• Vice-Pro-Bidont, W. Broughton; Stowards, . Mossrs M. Ryan,,T..JoiParos, jun., Wm. Lord, P. O'SbanniTOy, T, tawton, F.. Poaoook, L. Binnio, G. Rymor, J. Lorrlganj E. Broughton, J. Joffares, Wm. Stock. -'<•• . - ■-. PROGRAMME. No. I.— Maiden- Huhdie Race, 15 boys, second horso to savo his stakes; woight, lOst upj'on'tranco, lsov; oversflights of hurdlesSf t Cimin height ; distance, limiio.' . No 2. — Town and- Suburban Handicap' Hurdle > Race, of 10 soys ; , second liorso to rocoivo 7 boys and third horse 3 soys from the Stakes; nomination 10s, : ■ ne'eoptauco 1 soy ; over not less than 7 . flights of hurdles 3ft 6in high ; distance, 3 .miles. , , '-.-..'■ No. 3.— Maiden Flat Race, of 15. soys, second • „horiotosavehisstake;forhorscsthathavo novorwon an advortised raco of any kind : ' woight, lOst up; entrance,' l soy; distanco, lmilo.- . . . , ,- No. i.— Handicap Pony Race, ol 10 'sovb, ■' second pony to recolvq,|l : sov from; tho ' . . stakes ; fourteen hands or under; nomination as, accoptancs. 10s ;. oneo round thecourso. : • • . No. s.— Tar'abale Handicap,- of 60 soys, second- horse to recoivo 10 ; soys, third horso 5 soys, from tho stakes: -nomination 1 soy distanoo.l} mile. ' , .; No. 0.-7-SBLLisa Race, of 15'bovb: y,-inrier to bo Bold by auction' immediately after tho ■ - raco for 10 soys, surplus to go to tho Club Funds; top woight 9st, 716 allowed for ovory £5 off selling prico ; entranco, lsov; distarico, U mile No. 7.— Ladies' Purse, a Handicap of 20 soys, second horse to receive S soys from tho stakes; nomination; 10s ; acceptance, 10s; minimum woight, tot; gentlemen ridors, ■horses to bo nominated by Ladies; dUtanco, 1J mile. " No. 8.— Flying HANDiOAr.df 20 sovb, second horso to recoivo 5- bovs from Btako; nomi- ' nation 10s, acceptanco 10s; distance, Jmile. . . „ •• .:.. '.- GENERAL, .CONDITIONS. All theracesat this meeting aro conflnedtohacks only.' Allhorses thai are nominated 7* for a Dorby, Guineas,' iv.f.a.-, "or ' Handicap ' Raco, up to tho date of nomination for this meeting, will not bo eligible to compete. Hack Handicap excepted.' In the event of les3thnn three horses starting for any race 50 per cent, of the stakes only will bo paid.,, All horses to bo riddon in distinguishing colors. No entry wilt bo received for any raco oxcepk on condition that-all claims, disputes, and objections arising out of tho racing shall bo settled by.tho Stowards or whoiu.thoy may appoint, and thoir decision shall bo final. Rnlcs and woights a3 adpptod by tho T. a*d S. Racing Club will bo strictly adhered to. Any protest must be entered within flvo minutes of tho race to which it rofors, and accompanied by a fee of £—, to be roturned if tho protest is sus- . , tamed. Five per cont. will be deducted from all winnings. First race to start at 12 noon sharp. - . . Nominations forT.andS. Handicap Hurdlos Handicap Pony Raco, Taradalo 1 Flat Handi cap, Ladies' Purse, and Flying Handicap, with pedigrco, age, and performances, to be in tho hands of tho Secretary on or before SATURDAY, llth August, 1888, not lator than 10 •p.m. Weights will be declared on Saturday, 28th August, 1880. ..---. Acceptances for above Handicaps and Entries' for Maiden Hurdlos, 'Maiden Flat Raco, and Selling Race will closo on tho night of 11th September, 1886, not lator than 10 p.m. Colors of ridors in all events to bo sent in on samodato. ' : '■ Winnor of tho Taradalo Handicap to carry 71b ponalty in Ladies' Purso and Flying Handicap. All, nominations, acceptances, and entrances, accompanied by the nqcossary foo3 to bo addressed to tho Secretary at Ryan's Hotol, Taradalo. '. . Admission, Is; one-horso trap, la; vohiolo3 drawn by, two or more horses, 2s ; passongors, is each. Admission to Saddling , Paddook, ' 2s Gd. • . • No horsonien allowed- on tho ground, but , provision will bo mado for horses. , "WILLIAM B. HILL, Seorotary. ■ Taradalo, July 17, 1880. ' . in A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. , BEEOHAMi PILLS. Aro admitted by Thousands to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and pain in tho stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness andswolling aftormeals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heats, loss of appotito, shortnoss of broath, costiTeness, scurvy, blotches on tho skin, disturbed slcop, frightfuldreams,andaUnervousandtroinblina sonsations, &c. Tho first dose will give roliof in twonty minutes. This is no fiction, forthoy have done it in thousands of cases. Evory sufferer is earnostly invited to try pno box of theso Pills, and thoy wiU bo acknowledged - - to be ■ ■ ■ ' WORTH A GUINEA A BOX For tomalcs of all agos these Pills aro invalu nblo, as a fow doses of them will carry off all <A gross humours, opon nil obstructions, and W^ bring about all that isrequired. No femnlo should bo without them. There is no mcdi- ■ olno tobofound to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to the directions givon with, each box thoy will soon • restore females of all ages to sound and robuab health. . - . For a weak stciniaoh, impaired digeatio*, and all dlsordors'of tho liver, thoy aot liko "MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wondors upon tho most important organs In the human maohino. : Thoy strengthen ho wholo musoular systom, 1 restore tho long-lost comploxion, bring back tho keen . edge of appetite, and arouso into, action , with tho ROSEBUD of health tho whole physical . onorgy of tho human frame. — Theso nro " FACTS " admitted by thousands', embracing • all. classes of 'society; and one of -the bosD guarantees to tho nervous and debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have tho largest salo of • any patont medloino in tho world. BEEOHAM'SMAGIO OOTJaH PILLS j Aßarbmcdy'forCoughsing'onoral,aßthina, .. difficulty in breathing, shortness or broath tightness and oppression of tho ch'ost, wheoz- . mg, &a, theso Pills stand. unrivalled. They speedily romovo thataonsoqf oppression and . dTfiloulty of breathing which nightly doprivo . . tho patient of rest . , Let any person givo " Beeohaji's Cough Pills a trial, and tho most - ; violent cough will In a short timo be removed. '-. ... Caution. - Tho publio oro^ requested to . notico that tho words " Bekoham's Pitts, St. l Holqnß,"aroonthoGovornmontStamp,afllxcd . to each box of tho Pills. If no on thoy aro a , forgory. -, ..--.-..'. - .^ Proparcd only and sold wholoßalo and rotail , • , by tho Proprietor, T. Bocoham, Chomist, St. .. - Holons, Lancashire, England, iriboxoplßlJd : and2sadcnch. Sold by all Drurjjhtt andl'attat „ Medicine dealers througlwulOie Colonies, ':■■•■ ,'"■'.' , N.B.— Full directions aro givon with each •. ' > box . - •'• „.-;■■ -'-. •!•-■.- " -'857. J"" •

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7542, 13 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7542, 13 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7542, 13 August 1886, Page 4


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