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TOWN 'ANb'"sUBTJRBAN.RAOINa OLUB. SPRIN'aif.EITIN-G, »V To be held attlie; . , . T " & 0 SPORTS COMPANY'S (LD.) GROUND (Botween Taradalo and Rodelyffo Bridge.) . 22ND SEPTEMBER, 1886. ' judge, R. Wellwood ; Startor W TTooinn • Cleric of Scales Join? JoffifresT'Ctok It ■Course, J. Lorrigan ; Haiidicapper £. T Danvers; Prosident, W. Heslop • >TicoPre sidont, W. Broughtbn; Stewaras;-Meyra U.- Ryan,. T. Joifares, jun,, Wm.'LordTß OShannassy, T. Lawton, F. Peacook L ' ' Binnlo, G. Kymer, J. Lorrigan; E.'BrouWton, J. Jetfares, Wm. Stook. »™usn PROGRAMME. „' /''. No. I.— Maiden Hurdle' Race, 15 soys, second horso to savo his stakes; -weight, lost up; entrance; 1 soy; over 6 flights of hurdles3ft. Oin in height; distance,- limile. No 2.,-. Town. and Subutbban '-Handicap Hymw.E Race, <of iO r sovs;.'- second horso to recoivo 7 spvg and third horao 3 soys from ' tho Stakes') .'nomination 10s, acceptance 1 soy; ovor-not'les's'than 7 , flights of hurdles 3ft Gin high'; distance, 2 muss. ■ , - • • ■ No. 3.— Maiden Flat Raoe, of 15 soys, second horso tosavo his stake ; for horses thathavo never won an advertised raco of any kind i- *. weight, lost up; entrance, 1' boy;' Ais--^. tance, lnulo. . ... No. i. -Handicap Pony Race; ol 10 soys, !?«££ P f on y to. .receive ' l.sov'.from' tho J?u c ; / ourtoon handß or und er; noml&i coureo aocoptlmc< ' 10s; onco. round' N».' s.— Tahabalb Handicap, of Kt'bovh ■ to receive 10 sov^'ffl hqrso^S^ovSj.from. tho stakes ;noiulna"tion, 1 soy, accoptanca lsov; distanoeTl? No;-6.-Selmno Raoe, of 15 boys;. winner to bo sold by auction immediately after the race for 10 soys, surplus to go to tho Club „ -Funds; top. weight 9at, 71b .allowed for , . every £5 off selling price ; entrance, 1 sot • distance, 11 mile. „-' No. 7.— LADiEs' P ubse, a Handicap of 20 boys second ,hor3o to vecoiWS sovs'trom tho ■ stakes ;> nomination,' 10s ; acceptance' 10s : minimum weight; 9st; gentlemen riders, horses to be nominated by ■ Ladies : distance, li mile. '■.'., ' . , i . No.' B.— Flying HANDic.vr, of 20 bovb; second - ' horso to receive 5 soys from ataks ; nomination 10s, accoptanco 103; distance 3- ' mile. " -.;•' : ■', ■> * GENERALCONDITIONS... , ' ":.■ All the races at this mooting aro (sonOnedto hacks only. ' All horses that are nominated for a Derby, Guineas; o w.f,a., or/Handicap Race, up to tho dateiof'nomiriatfon'for thia inoeting, will eligible to compete.Hack Handicap excopted. In the ovent of less than thrco horses starting for any race SO per cent, of the stakes only will be paid.- AUhbrscs to be ridden in [distinguishing colors; 1 No entry will bo received for any !?ace exeepk on condition that all claims, disputes,, and objections arising put of tho racing; shall be's'ettled by.the Stewardsor whom thoymayappoint, and thoir, decision shall bo final,- JRhleaana weights 03 adopted by the T. and S. Racing Club will be strictly adhered to. Any protest must bo entored within five ' minutes of the - raco to which it refers, and accompanied by a ' fee of £— , to bo returned if thojprotostifl sustained.- Fivoporconk Trill bo deducted from ' " all winnings. First raco to ecart al 12 noon sharp,': ■ , ■ NoinlnatloiißforT.andS.HandicapHurdles - Handicap Peny Race, iTaradalo Flat Hand! 'cap.Xadles 1 Purse, and Flying Handicap, with {ledicroe, ago, and performances,' to'be in tho lands of tho Secretary on or hefora SATURDAY, Utii August,- IBS6, not later; than 10 p.m; Weights will be declarod on Saturday, 28th August, 1886. ' • ■ • • ■ ■•.•;' Acceptances for above Handicaps and Entries for Maiden Hurdlos, Maiden Flat Rnce, and Soiling Race will closo on the night of llth September, 18SC,- not later than 10 p.m. . Colors of riders in all 'events to bo sent in on same date. . ..,.;•■.-;-.■ 4 . „ • Winner of the Taradale Handicap to carry ■ V 7lb penalty in Ladies' Purse and Flying Han- ■ dlcap. AH nominations/ acceptances;' and entrances, accompanied by the necessary fees to bo addressed to tho Secretary, at Ryan's Hotel, Taradale, , ;,' Admission.'ls; one-horse trap, Is; Tohioles drawn by two or mor« horses, & ; passongors, 1» each. Admission 'to. Saddling- Paddock, 2s 6d. . .-, '. ,-•■ ,'. ' No horseriien aUowed on, the ground, biUßt provision will bq made for horses, ■ ' * <Wfc- ■ - - • • WILLIAM B, HILL, ''• • r ' Secretary. ' Taradale, July 17, 1886. „ .;, • ,uill HAWKE'S BAY^JOCIKEY'oLTJB. gPRING : MJ^ TING,.' IBB6.. " .PROGRAMME.,- J ' .■; : . . FIRS! DAY, TUESDAY,. sth OCTOBER. FREE HANDICAP, of 100 soys (exclusive of hurdlo horses); Weights will bo 'declared on Saturday, 25th" Soptembor. Accept- ' ancc, with 2 sovsl' Tuesday, 28th Septeni- ' '■ bor. One milo and a distance. ' ' ' MAIDEN -HURDLE ' RAGE,' -, of 70 soys. Weight for, ago. . , For horses that havo never won' an ndvertlsod Hurdlo Race or Steeplechase exceeding 25 soys in value at ■ tho timo of ontry,- Entranco, 2 bovb. Woights-4yra,. list; syrs, list 121 b; 6yrs and aged, 12st 31b.' No soxual allowances. About two miles. ' ~ HAWKE'S BAY GUINEAS, of 250 botb, with a swoop of 10 soys for acceptors added. For thrco-year=olds. Colts, Bst 101 b; fillies and goldings, Bst 51b. Sweep on night of . general entry. Closed with 70 nominations. One mile. SELLING RACE, of 100 soys. Weight for '■ ago. Nomination, -2 sots.- Winnor to bo sold by, auction immediately . aflor the race for £200, tho Burpluß,' if any,' to go to tho fund. If- entored to be sold for «ISO, allowed 71b; for. £100, 141b;- for £50, 211 b; ' for nil,2Blb. One ihile and a quarter. ', . POST STAKES, of 25 soys.- Winner to-bo sold by auction immediately after tho race for £30, tho' surplus, if. any, to goto the fund. Not less than 10st,up. Post ontry, 1 soy, to bo mado with the Clerk of tho Scales' before tho start for 'the Soiling Rnco. Onco round, • •. ',-■■■■ FLYING HANDICAP, of, 125 soys.. Second horso to jeeoivo 10 bovb from the stake. Nomination, 1- sov, .on Tuesday; Slst August Weights will ' bo declared on . Eriday, 3rd Septomber. Acceptances, with 2 soys, on night of gonoral entry. Six . furlongs. : ' „'''.. SECOND DAY, WEDNESDAY, Crn f OCTOBER. • ' - MAIDEN PLATE,' of 60 soys. Weight for age. Open to all horses that havo nover . won an advertised raco 'exceeding 25 sovs- •' : in value at' time of entry. Entrance, 1 soy. Ono mile anda quarter.' - '■• : HANDICAP HURDLE RACE, of 100 boys. , Second horso to receive 15 soys from tho stake. Nomination, 1 eovi on Tuesday, ,31st August. Weights will bo declared- on Friday, 3rd Soptembor. Accoptanco, with 2 soys, on night' ot gonoral entry. About ■ • two miles. ■■,••', SPRING HANDICAP,' of- 300 soys. Second ' horso to receive 30 sovs.fromitho stako. Nomination. 2 soys, on Tuesday, 31st August. Weights will bo' 'deolared on *■ • Friday, 3rd Soptembor. .« Accoptanco, 5 , sjovs, on night of general ontry. One milo • and a half. , ■ " '" i ,- ■ SELLING HANDICAP, of 60 soys. - WiniSP-- \ to bo sold by auction immediately after tho race for £70, tho surplus, if any, to go to tho fund. Minimum weight Bst» Nomination, 1 boy, on night of genoral entry. Weights will bo declared on night of first day's laces. Acceptance, with I.boy, before tho start for the Spring Handicap, Six furlongs. . ' . ■ . ' SCURRY STAKES, of 25 soys. ' Winner to bo sold by auction immediately ' after the raco for £30, tho surplus,- if- any, to go to ' tho fund. ' Catch weights. , Tho winnor of : ' tho Post Stakes on tho first day's raoos to bo dobarred. . Post ontry, 1 8ov; to ; be . mado with tho Clerk of tho Scales boforo tho start for tlio Soiling Handicap. Onco round. " . " ; • CONSOLATION HANDICAP, of 50 boys, for all beaton horses. .Nomination,' : l'sov.-t« • be made beforo.tho start.for, the Scurry ■ ' Stakes. Acceptance, 1 soy, to bo notified to the Clerk or tho Scales, u'6t lator than , .. 15 minutes after tho declaration of tho weights. Onomile... ,' ■ .-■•,,- -..• DATES OF . NOMINATIONS, ENTRIES, , ACCEPTANCES, &6., with amounts: to . . bo,, forwarded to ' the) Socrotary '-H.B. . , Jockey Club. .'••'.. ■ ,; N.B.— AH oy onta clos» at B p,m. on tho sovoral specifleddates—' '.'.'.' TUESDAY, 31st August-Nominations : Fly. ing Handicap, 1 soy; Spring Handicap, 2 boys : Handicap Hurdles, 1 boy. THURSDAY,.23rdSoptoihber(GoneralEntry) . —Nominations::. Maiden Hurdles, l soy; Selling Raco, 2 soys;. Maiden Plate, 1 soy; ■' Soiling Handicap; i'sbv. Acceptances: • • Flying Hanoioiip, 2 soys; Spring '.Hand!- --• ."cap, -fi 'soys; -Hurdlo:-Handlcap,-'2-BOvs; „ Sweepstakes. H.B.' Guineas, 10 sovß.> ■• TUESDAY, 1 28th , September— Acceptance's : - Fi'eo'Handicdp,.2sovß.' '. " ' ' " TUESDAY,- .12th.. Octobor — Nominations:' ' ,H.B. Guineas, 1888, 1 soy. ' \. :• t : ■'■- ■'■ '-- F.D. LUOKIE, '•' ,061 ....-' . . ', ■• \ „; >: Socrotary. '' A WONDERFUL MEDICINE; . BEEOHAM'S PILLS. Are admitted by Thousanda to-be worth a Guinea- a Box for Bilious 'and Nervous Disorders, such as wind, and pain • in tho stomach, sick hcadacho, giddiness,, fullness and swelling nftermeals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold' chilis,- flushings of heats, losV of appotito, shortness of breathy costiveness, scurvy, blotches on, the skin, disturbed sleep 'Mghtruldreains.ahdallnorvoUßand trembling sensations, &o. 'The Jlrst'doso willgiyo roliol n twenty minutes; . This Is no fiction, for thoy hara dono it in thousanda of cases. Evory sufforor is earnestly invited to. try onoboj; of , those Pills, and they will be acknowledged tobo • '■ ■•• ■-" WORTH A GUINEA A BOX • For fomaloaof all ages i these Pills aro. in'val'u • ablo, ns a few doses of 'thorn will' carry off nil gros3 humours. , opon all obstructions, ■. bring about. all that is required. No fomdlfc - should bo without thorn. '.Chore is ho meaF . cino to he found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS forromoving any obstruction or. irregularity of tho systom. If taken according to the directions given with each box thoy will soon restore: fomalca of all ngoa to soundandrobust health.' ' ■ .'.■•' For a weak atomaohj impaired digestion, and all dlsordora of.tho liver, thoy act like . "MAGIC," and a fovr, doses will bo found to . workwpndorsuponthomostufaportflntorgimß ' in tho human maqhJn,Q,_Thoy strongthon ho • ! wholo musoular systom, rostors the long-lost comptonon,. bring' back tho keen- odgo of anucutbj and arouso into action 'with tho ROSEBUD of health . the wholo r phyaical 'oriorgyV6f;' f the human frame. —Thcso aro " FACTS " admitted by thousands, ombraolng all classes "of. society; and ono of tho 1 best guarantees to.the norvouß and debilitated is, BKECHAMIS PUiLS havo tho largest sale of any patent medicine in tho world.' . ._ _ . BEEOHAJVTS MAGIC' OOUGHPIIJLS ■> ;. Asa r'omedy-.for Coughs in ffonoraljastKma ' ' TBlinculty in brcathingj ahortnosa of breath,-- •' iglitnoss and opprossioh of tho oliost, whooz- "': . ing, &0., thoso Pills Btand. jinrivftllcd. Thoy 'spoodily romovo that aons'o of opprossibii and dimonltyof,brjOathing,w'hichnightlyidSprivo ■ tho patient .ofu'oßt.. l .Lot any Jtioraonißlvo ■Beeoiiam's Couoii PiLts'a'trlal.aiid thombst ■violent cough \vill in a shorttimo be removed. Caution. -Tho ;publio are roqucsted to notice that tho words "Beecitam's Pills, St. ' Holons," aro on tho Government Stamp, affixed to oach box of tho Pills.. If ho on thoy are a I forgory. " •■ ' • . ' ,•,. ':,..;,.. I ,Pi-epared only and sold wholesale arid retail by tho Proprietor, T. Boooham, Chomlst, St. - Holons; Lancashire' England, in boxos Is l}d and 2s Od each. SoW by all Dyiwhh andPdttnt ' , ' MeiMne dealers throughout the Cqlonta.- *<•'.•■■-' N.B.— Full directions nro given .with! each ' V box , v ." ./ .',' v , ' _,-" '„;,. 257 ; ',v.'

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Bibliographic details

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7540, 10 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7540, 10 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7540, 10 August 1886, Page 4


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