Hawake's Bay Herald. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1884. THE ELECTIONS.
Elsewhere we publish the results of thegeneral election throughout New Zealand^ 5 . Though the returns for many of the ?, country constituencies are not yet com- ; plete, and the ultimate result may be , different in one or two places, the general, [ effect of the election can be seen. It has r.,, resulted in the rejection of many of the - nonentities and windbags who' paused the, \". late House of Representatives to '.bo^U described as the weakest which ever met. -! in New Zealand, and in their place many, men known to be able, and some who may, ; prove to be able,. hare been returned. The sudden wave of extreme democracy • which, accompanied the inauguration of manhood suffrage has receded. They newly enfranchised have discovered rthe fe hollowneas and powerlessness:; of ||p|eS| who pandered to them at the last elepfepnt'r;) and have shown a disorimination in most, cases which will go far to reconcile man- ; ; hood suffrage even to those who .were.O formerly opposed to it. , j!--!;' ' Napier is to be congratulated upon the ' result of the polling yesterday. In Mr : . Ormond the district has a representative' of colonial reputation, and one . TJriipaie^;? services will be of immense advantage to ; the country. He will, in addition, makef h the best local advocate the electors obuld* send to Wellington, all his interests being . bound up and identified with the progress y of the provinoe. Not only in Napier, but throughout the colony generally,' MrOrmond's return will be hailed with great ; satisfaction. It is admitted on all hands -\ that, at the present; juncture, such a repre.sentatiye as Napier now fortunately — , possesses is of the stamp of man needed : by the colony — he is truly *the ;' right man in the right place. Opposed ; V; to Mr Ormond in the election contest was a gentleman of admitted ability, and one : whose absence from the House is decidedly to be regretted. But for being out Mr. Sheeban has only himself to blame. He chose to pit himself against a politician of ' admittedly greater ability, and who is, \'n addition, one of the most respeoted; settlers in the district. The .fight was a hdrd-f ought one, but it has terminated as we "Ml along predicted it would — in the?v returu. of Mr Ormond by a large nia- } ; jority. \ Now that the contest is over, we 1,--.; prefer to. say nothing of the manner in which the losing side fought, because, 1 although we decidedly disagree with 'the tactics whioh^were adopted by sonie^ of Mr Sheehan's supporters, we prefer , ; to let all byegones be byegqnes. Ifc is to be hoped that those who have been poli- '• tically fighting against each.pther during the last few weeks will now afcceptrtfe^rv position with a good grace, and join with ; their late opponents in helping Mr Ormond to do what we honestly believe, it . ; is his most earnest desire to do-rfaith- ' folly serve the constituency he has been chosen to represent. While very pleased . ; that Mr Sheehan has failed to keep Mr Ormond out of Parliament as the representative of Napier, we yet hope that a seat may be found for the defeated candidate. We believe he came to'V Napier to voluntarily saorifice himself . for the party he is identified with, and fought a fight that was a losingf one from, the first with the knowledge that he might, if he had chosen, have conquered elsewhere. The. party on whose behalf Mr Sheehan consented to fight Mr Ormond owe a political debt to Mr Sheehan whioh we have little doubt they will endeavor to liquidate as. early . as possible. , That, however, is a matter' . for Mr Sheeban himself, and for those for whom he has sacrificed himself. Our duty is one we perform with very great pleasure— to heartily congratulate the constituency upon the wise choice exercised at the polling booth yesterday. ;, / We are also glad to have to chroniole the return of Captain Russell for Hawke's ; Bay. The overwhelming majority in his ■\ : favor can only be ascribed to Mr Button's unfortunate penchant for talking on one side and voting on the other. We will do • ' him the justice to say that he was a hard- , working member, and took a real interest : in his work as a representative ; but in .. the election of Captain Russell the district has, in our opinion, achieved a distinct gain. Mr Desmond was from the .first ..• " out of the running," and was merely a disturbing element in the chances of the" other candidates. It is, however, aburi- ... dantly olear that Captain Russell must have been returned 'in any casek ;Mr Sutton and Mr Desmond together, -so far , as is known, only polled 514, as against Captain Russell's 605, and the returns yet ; to come in are certain to be largely in favor of Capt. Russell. We believe that when the list is complete Captain Russell v will be found to have polled considerablys more than the oombined totals of the. other two candidates. For Waipawa, Mr Smith has been reelected by a very large majority. .This 1 may be, taken as a tribute to the .mapper '■-;:". in which he has looked after looaji interests, and to his personal popuiaHtyO%v' among the wage/earning olasses.^'The'JV, .: result had, '. been a foregone. (wnqluiiOTL!^from, the first, though we are cerfeinlyi|is|; mfpjtepQtifot 'MrTanner did not i^Mr^^p |Snuj||n^^g^eJ^^^^^
> adhere, to^oior 'opinion that Mr Tanner ;would have worked better with Mr • Ormoud and Captain Russell, and would - ; have, increased the influence of Hawko's Bay in' the House, doubtless Mr Smith, when brought into oloser contact with his opponent, will learn to appreciate him more highly, and will find more interests and aims in common than he has yet believed to exist. In the return of Mr Ballance instead of Mr Watt for Wanganui; of Sir Julius . Yogel in place, of Mr Thomson for 1 , Ohrisfclrareti %PForth'; of Mr Stout in place of?" Conscience" Green for Dunedin East; of Mr Ormond in place of Mr Buchanan for Napier ; and of Oapt. Russell in place of Mr Sutton for Hawke's Bay, the House of Representatives gains largely. Sir George Grey will again take his seat, but he will miss his first lieutenant, Mr Sheehan, his blatant friend Mr Bees, and his relative Mr Seymour George, and he may shed a saurian-like tear (by telegraph).over his new protege Mr Desmond. lAs Mr Ormond prophesied, Sir George Grey is *' out of the running," and it is a fortunate thing for the colony that it is so. Major Atkinson returns f once more to his old haunts— it would have been base ingratitude in his constituents to have rejected him— and Mr Bryce, Mr Mitohelson, Mr Rolleston, Mr Eichardson, Mr Wakefield, Mr Montgomery, and Mr Maoandrew will again take their parts in the legislative tourneys .in the new Parliament. By the rejection of Mr Diok the House loses a conscientious but semewhat heavy member, and gains a ready though verbose debater in the person of Mr Downie Stewart. Mr De Lautour and Mr Swanson will be missed by their respective parties, though neither could be called a leading man. There is one significant item from Auckland. It is that Garrard, the once all-popular " laboragitator," haß been so thoroughly well found out by those he sought to cajole that he polled only two votes— and doubtless one of those was his own.
On the fourth page will be found some I interesting particulars of alleged spiritual I manifestations in the Wairarapa. f It speaks highly for the general intelligence of the Napier electorate that out of the large number of votes polled only four had to be rejected as informal. At the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Captain Preece, R.M., Ernest Pelican was brought up on remand charged with lunacy, and was further remanded till Saturday next. Napier is to be congratulated upon the quiet and orderly manner in which the elections were conducted. Feeling ran very high , while the contest remained undeoided, but when the numbers were known the large number of persons congregated in the streets quietly made their way home. Mr Cottrell has just added a novelty to the appurtenances of his shop in Hastingsstreet, in the shape of an ornamental apparatus for supplying smokers with a light at all hours. The storekeepers of the town have good cause for entering an action for damages against Mr Cottrell for spoiling the sale of vestas. Professor Anderson, the talented prestidigitateur, opens a season of five nights at the Theatre Royal this evening. He will be assisted by Miss Maude Anderson, thought reader and clairvoyant. Lovers of amusement may count upon a genuine entertain- -^ ment by a visit to the theatre, as Professor ~* Anderson is acknowledged by the Press to be the best representative of modern scientific magio in existence. As showing the great alteration of feeling in Hawke's Bay County since the last election, we append the returns on that occasion : — Meanee, , Sutton 36, Russell . 29 ; Taradale, Sutton 76, .Russell 78 ; Havelock, - Sutton 50, Russell 41 ; Hastings, Sutton 111, Russell 132 ; Clive, Sutton 138, Russell ' 29 ; Petane, Sutton 12, Russell 36 ; Te Aute, Sutton 28, Russell 21 ; Maraekakaho, Sut- - ton 8, Russell 26 ; Puuketapu, Sutton 25, Russell 37 ; JtUssington, Sutton 10, Russell 27 ; Patea, Sutton 4, Russell 38. At the last election Mr Sutton won by 10 votes : this year he is beaten by an overwhelming majority.' We believe the electors have returned Captain Russell instead of Mr Sutton because of the latter's unfortunate tendency to talk one way and vote another. • The Timartt Herald says :— " There is no ' institution in this country -more general or more intimately involved in the everyday affairs of the .people than mortgage. A New Zealand colonist soaroely considers himself fairly settled until he has a freehold, a wife, and a mortgage." A correspondent writes from Masterton :— , Mrs Hugh Beetham, of Brancepebh station, has lately had all her prize Ooohin poultry destroyed by ferrets, and other oomplaints are continually being made round about Masterton to the same, effect, and now, not ■'■ satisfied withferrets, the Gtovermaent are introducing stoats and weasels. It is high time that' small holders took steps to protect theaisislvea by endeavoring to get the wholesale turning out of such vermin stopped. An erratic member, of the £tew South Wales Assembly has ventilated a peculiar grievance of the better-halves of his con- .. stituents. He alleged that in consequence of the. Minister for Works promising to - open the Rylston railway in November last, v the ladies of the district had invested largely k in silks and satins and other costly material ~~ for. a fancy dress ball to celebrate the opening. The event has been postponed for six months, and these dresses were being spoilt by disuse, and it was claimed that the ladies . should be reimbursed the loss they had suffered by the Works Department not keeping its- pledge. The said department, ia ungallant enough to dispute the claim. Says an English exchange : — " If M. Irajan v TTcodoreßoo"-is not a romancer, the whole art '•of naval -warfare will speedily be revolutionised. A Zurich firm is conatrucbing for '-" the Roumanian -Government an under- water ' ; boat the invention of the above-named gentleman. This alarming craft is to carry a ;, sufficient supply of air for a twelve hours' trip below the surface. It will be lighted by : electricity, and if successf ul will be able to demolish every vessel in the navy. The torpedo is nothing to this new enemy of the ironolad. Colonel Beaumont has been at > work for some time on a similar invention, , but hie under- water boat has not yet taken practical shape.- It would seem as if long ' before we see " aerial navies grappling in the ' central blue" the naval battles of the future . may be fought beneath the surface of the sea. V One. of the soldiers of the 19th Italian \ '•. . Infantry Regiment, quartered in the bar- '.■-■\ .racks at Naples," recently had a little mas- ;'• ■ aacre of his.own. Having taken offence at ;:•: some ofVhis .comrades for calling him a ;:"■',:' tinker, be* waited until bedtime, and immef- v ! .- diatelyiafter the signal for extinguishing the --;' lights yas given, took down his rifle, and ? '■'] commenced firing indiscriminately among • -• them. v Before he' could be secured he had V>' discharged no fewer than 57 shots, killing >; f: three m'6n"6ii, the spot and wounding eight . more, ; one of .whom, died soon after being r. ; > v taken to the hospiial, while five of the others repflrjea "to foem & Jiopeless state. It : fltatld f that r thisis hot the first act of c ßi{;blbodßhed which the man, whose name is : 0-i Salvatorie Misdie. (significant appellation !), g^hqjß:* committed. ' : 'i? v - '_ - "i''fyf",-: Commenting 'on the different views ex%it. presßed ' a 'f eif days ago in the Legislative, '^S.OouncUtb'yithe'Hon. Messrs, Gc. M'Lean and •j^Waterh'ouae, concerning the probable dura*i.k;^tionv of >Hhe. 'depression in the colony, the '^t&^(§r'ey : :JtU^ r - Argus sftys: — "As both'gentlet%;'.:im«n,;atiff vetj wealthy, and individually have Nt^oJroraefor^ni^inesß, it may be Bsfced why :^S^.iupH opposite conclusions should be arrived at-B"v^]^'-sti^>f?p6o»oi»/'o'f 'equal intelligence and fej;.^^experience; ; ; "It might be answered in this -is bilious, dyspeptic ; I '©'. a ~<ls'uJ2nj*,sffld>? generally speaking takes life i||£ ; B^^%PMrji=M^^nj'haß::a\gOT
! is rather partial to a hearty laugh, and never '^expects the -deluge to-morrow. There ia a Tgreat deal in a good stomach." Enjoy Life. — What a truly beautitul world we live in I We can desire no better -when in good health ; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worried out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling. Green's August Flower will make them as free from disease aa when born. Dyspepsia and liver complaint are the direct cause of sevenfcy-flvo per cent, of such maladies as biliousness, indigestion, sick headache, coativeness, nervous prostration, dizziness of the head, palpitation of the i heart, and other , distressing symptoms. Three doses of August ' Slower will prove its -wonderful effect. Sold by all Druggists at 3s 6d per bottle, Sample pottles, 6d. Try it. ... 226 Good Resolutions. — At the commencement of every new year hundreds and thousands of our young men— and old as well — form resolutions for their guidance for the coming year. Many keep them, while others break them. To such we wish to give a word of advice. In order to sustain your determination of leading a better life in the future you should use Hop Bitters. The judicious use of Hop Bitters strengthens, cleanses, and purifies the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, nerves, and kidneys, and is just what you want to build up and invigorate yourself. — Chreeribush Dem. Head, , ; 228 Kidney and- Urinary Complaints of all kinds permanently cured with Hop Bitters. Bead. 229 SYNOPSIS OF NBff ADVERTISEMENTS. Messrs Monteith and Co. will sell at an early date a large consignment of fruit trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, &c, from Invercargill. - - Messrs Hardy and Sidey have' An extensive assortment of . flower and vegetable seeds, special value to market gardeners. Although Mr Sheehan .is defeated Tom Waterworth's whisky is as good as ever. An advertisement is inserted respecting Crown moleskin trousers. An advertiser wantsa situation on a railway. The incumbency of St. Matthew's Church, Dunedin, is now vacant. Particulars will be found in this advertisement. Mr Kenrick Hill, Clifton Station, has £1200 to lend at a low rate of interest, Particulars are inserted respecting hours of departure and arrival, fares, &c, of Mr C. Hambling's brake which runs between Woodville and Matamau. Men's tweed trousers and, veßts, a job line, Neal and Close offer at half cost. Professor Anderson makes his first appearance at the Theatre Royal this evening, at 8 o'clock,
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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6918, 23 July 1884, Page 2
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2,602Hawake's Bay Herald. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1884. THE ELECTIONS. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6918, 23 July 1884, Page 2
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