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San Francisco, August 4. A boiler explosion took place in a railroad workshop in ' Sacramento, California. One man was killed and several wounded. The value of the property destroyed was £3000.

A fire in a coal mine at Oentralia, Pennsylvania, destroyed much property. The mine was flooded, but the coal continued to burn.

In July a skirmißh took place between tho American troops and the hostile Sioux. The former lost three Indian auxilliaries killed, and two soldiers wounded. President Caval, of Hayti, has abdicated and fled to Kingston, Jamaica. Preparations are being made to elect his successor.

In a brush between the Indians and cavalry at Montana, the Indiana were routed. The Indians had previously killed a scout and family of nine children.

There have been extensive strikes in the coal and iron trades in the East for an advancee of wages. Tho iron workers have succeeded.

The working men of several large cities on the Fourth of July made great demonstrations in favo.r of the eight hours' movement.

Five tons of "giant" powder exploded in the magazine at Bodie, California, killing three men and seriously, wounding; several others. ■-. I >^r j fv;'' A storm of wind > rain, "and^ightn'ing, in Ontario, swept over Michigan 'and Pennsylvania, doing great damajjjb onlits track.. It lasted only fifteeWj^&iites^ut »in that short ti.iie crops were' ; destroyed, the new Methbdist church at Port Puron Was blown down, and several chuifphel elsewhere unroofed. Several persons were wounded. - - -• ■ ■ - ;

thipa arriving from Cuba and San Domingo at Philadelphia and New York brought the yellow fever "and were quarantined. Several deaths froin^tke disease have taken place in New York Hospital; ; The negro exodus to the N6rth and West still continues.; ■-....

; i3ennett's v Arctic expedition- was 'enthu-: siastically commended by the French Societe Greographi^Ue on July 21; I ■ / ;The Nova Scotian ship St. Bernard was wrecked off the Banks of New Foundland on a voyage from New York to Antwerp, and seven of the crow were drowned, the remainder were rescued and landed in Europe.

! The British barque Becherdass Ai^biadass, from Shanghai to Victoria,: British. Columbia, has become a total wreck on a reef at the entrance of San Juan DeJ Fuca,five miles south of Cape Beale lighthouse.. The crew were saved. ' v • ..V . ' ; Five ladies were drowned .through themismanagement of a Steam launch on St.; Lawrence river. . „ '

: A fire in Hamilton, Ontario, on August 2nd, destroyed nearly a million dollars' worth of property, and .three lives were lost.

' The ship Templar arrived at San Francjsco on July 31st, having lost thirteen lives from yellow fever during a voyaee of 320 days from New York. ,

On the 19th July a yachting accident, took place on the St. Lawrence river, off £oint-Aux-Trembles, which resulted in the drowning of eight persona belonging to the principal families in the 'district.

The English screw steamer Burgos was loafc in Saiiit Mary's Bay during a dense fog on her voyage from Montreal to Liverpool. . .

On the 19fch July the steamer State of Virginia atruck on'a reef off Glendon Island, and/ became 1 ' a rtotal ■ wrect :■- Four" women , and five children were drowned." The vessel I ' sailed: ftom 1 Nsw, York", for. Liverpool on the, lOth July. . \ ,"' ' : Mr Qordbn Bennett's. exploring ship, Jeannette sailed for the North. Pole, from San Francisco,: on June lpth. • ; - ' SOUTH AiIERICA. The Mexican war vessel Libertad was" carried off, by mutineers from V v era Cru?;. "When ttt 'sea ; aiiottier' xmrfciny 'ocdurred, and the ship returned to port, the crow submitting to the- authorities. Several lives were lost. The Chilians : deny thafe, any land, engagement took place, as reported last - month.; The Peruvian's report, the disabling of two Chilian war ships, which were blookading Iquique by the Huascar, which was -uninjured. \ The Trans-Continental ■ railroad, in posta Rica, ; is t. being-/ pushed rapidly forward. ENGLAND, Ambrose Fortescue and William Bangan have, been apprehended in London for endeavoring to pass an altered 'cheque on the Bank of England. - They |are supposed to belong to a strong gang of American forgers operating in England, France, and America. The deposit of- £750,000 francs, required to be made in London under the concessions to the Isthmus Canal Company before the work can be formally proceeded with, was. definitely paid on the 17th ultimo to a banker appointed by the United States of Colombia to receive it. It has been determined to lay a new Atlantic cable next year, aud to adopt a lower tariff. Three hundred engineers on strike at Bradford are about to eragrate to the United States and Canada. A shipment of 1300 sheep from Boston, infected with foot aad mouth diaease, were slaughtered in Liverpool on July 8. Among the month's failures are :— J. J. Taylor and Co., dyers, Beerstall, liabilities £60,000 ; A. G. Fordyke, colliery proprietor, London, £100,000 ; Edward Wurtzburg and Co., woollen merchants, Leeds and Bradford, £50,000 ; Hand and David, diamond merchants, of London and Birmingham, £53,000 ; Price, Bonstead, and Co., army agents and merchants, Craven-street, Strand, London, £000,000; Lees and Bros-, cotton spinners, Manchester, £40,000, ; International Bank at Hamburgh (voluntary liquidation) ; Matthew Watson, cotton spinner, Burnley, £60,000; George Wall and Co., London and Colombo, £300,000.

A despatch to The Times from Dublin says that a bitter feud has arisen among the Home Rulers owing to Mr Parnell, of Meath, abusing Mr Shaw, of Cork, in a speech at Limerick.

An Emigration Association has been formed at Sheffield for the purpose of aiding .working men to obtain a livelihood in the Western States of America.

The French residents in England will erect a memorial to the Prince Imperial. The. race for.' the Goodwood Cup was won by Isonomy ; Bear, second ; Parole, third. The betting just previous to the race was six to four against Isonomy, 25 to 1 against Bear, and 100 to 30 against Parole. Bear led by 200 yards until a mile from home, when Isonomy headed him and won in a canter by three lengths. Parole closed with Bear at a mile from home, when Isonomy finally headed Bear. The time of the race was two minutes and eight seconds.

The Twelfth of July celebration in Ireland was attended with some rioting, and one death, is reported. The Government had taken extra precautions to preserve the peace. The day passed quietly in Canada. "■

The hop crop in Kent threatens to be a disastrous failure.

in favor of the establishment of a Department of Agriculture and Commeroe under a responsible Minister. The Government opposed the proposal.

The House of Commons voted by 76 to 56

The Warwickshire miners declare that the award of the umpire in the wages dispute means starvation for them.

Cardinal Manning preached the funeral aermon on tho Prince Imperial at Chiselhurst in the presence of the ; Imperial

family. Mr Finnegan, a Home Ruler has been elected for Ennis against Mr O'Brien the Clerical candidate.

Twenty to thirty thousand persons were present at Talraage's lecture at the •'Crystal Palace. It was presided over by the Marquis of Townsend, and many of. the nobility attended. His Exeter Hall lecture Teas under the presidency 'of Lord Kinross.

Mr Speaker Brand will resign at the close of the session of Parliament, , and ■will probably be succeeded by Mr Ridley, the Under-Secretary of the Home Department.

A large portion of the wall of the import dock, East India docks, at Blackwall, fell in, carrying with it the hydraulic cranes and quay sheds. The damage is estimated at £100,000.

In the House of Commons, on July 29, the Government re-introduced the bill to enable Banks to limit the liability of shareholders to twice the amount of their paid-up capital. The bill as re-introduced applies to Scotland and Ireland as well as England. The objections of the Scotch members were thus met, and the bill was read a second time.

The Civil Service Gazette _ says that the sentence of the court martial on Lieut. Carey in South Africa was death. The Empress Eugenic had written to the Queen begging that no punishment b^ inflitced.

Mr Tennant, Liberal, has been elected : to the House of ; Commons from Glasgow, opposition, in, place of Alexander jyvhitelaw, Conservative, deceased. !> Lord Cranbropk, Secretary of State for .India, speaking Conservative |athering in the Crystal Palace, took a hopeful vie^, r of s |he future condition of trade, now so depressed. He defended the Afghan war, because it had pacified a hitherto disturbed country. He said that he firmly believed that Russia would * fulfil all the engagements imposed by the* treaty of Berlin, and pleaded for time for the Porte to accomplish - the promised reforms in Asiatic Tiirkeyf"* r: • -'^ ■--•*'«':■ tn the House oi • dotnriio'riSjthe tinder Secretary for Foreign Affairs said negotiations were- pro6eedin|f' betweeh^'GeiJ } ■ i many and the other' European' Governmerits in regard to the-Samoan Islands. In t>h'e'firßfc J stage of the ctififpetition.for'j the Albert prize at Wimbledon, Rigby, of ;the r lrish Rifle Assdoiaiio'ny jteored jLOo! and Farrow,^ American/ W LieutColonel Fenton, Englishman, toon Curiaa"-. and Haryey'a prize. ' tfrahk' Hyde, Ame-^ rftkn, andean Englishman, tied' fori'thti-ic'O second, pi-ize, which was divided. In the Whitely competition, Hyde obtained^he sixth prize. • ! T:::n i ;.•/. . ■.• .- :.-,, J4 IVis despaTc.ii of, July 21 States that .ain^etingof Bjnapartists . to deterrrifcie - "' the to be^pursued in .coasequ'eiicJe* T f of the ideath of 'the Imperial tiffi'-'' held; at tl^e. residence /.of .< Baron "Rolibe?."';'"; Those" present tv^eiSenatQrSiand'dep'u'tt^^- ? but: neither EQubervnor.^De dassagnao^,; iyere Ipresenth.a.-ip'erainand . l Bajtfet W&^u sided. A resolution deolarijlg tnatJjSrdffit^'-i death of the Prince Imperial, Prince Jerome^ -Napoleon ' Had become th.e7: head „ •> of the : Boii'aparte family, wa^ ultimately |' passed \vitH J ' only./ two* dissenting t,j votes. M. Barret aid Murat, followed by most of those present;' *'i waited on Prince JerOme Napblfeon'Vrttli >;i ' the resolution.".,, ; v himself miicli graf;iped.'. : Th^' r .r|i6lUti6n "j of the meeting, was fcbmmunicafe^'''to f .Pope Leo. ■■ <. : , ; ;.T J ,,.;.^ *„ : iS ;y The.Ghamber oi Dep j utie«;^Bs.-pass|Ja^ Gorerntnent bill authorising!ithe;>proTpji^ ~,\, gation of all treaties 'of •commerp6(f or lair ' months after the general tariff igvotedrfahf • The Chamber of Deputies has, -ibj^fah vote of 249 to 166, adopted the p^opDßttV !1 .-.of M; JPtqufet/ for : 'tTb.e" ■. the Tuilerieii, ; The leUtf will "be taansformed inj^p a l^gftrdi«: j The Budget 'Cpmrnitteq of !of Deputies andthe Senatpnal-jbomn^iJt^e .;' have pronounced in' fayor^ of 7- ;' France .'.j taking an aqtive,r.ppib .'in opening vp 1 : Central Africa. :...-..[

A commission to examine a project for j uniting Algeria and Senegal to, Soudan by a railway, hasjbpen ppj?ointed.7 7JC£ '•".-" lhcmdes-M. De Leggeps, yarious Senators " and Deputies, and a number of engineers. M. De Lesseps has issued-^ the, prospectus of "the Darrien Canal Company, The capital is. fixed, at 400,000,000^irajabs, ■; but only 125 francs per share" jfiUf.ibp t£ called up in the first instance. Interest ' atthe rate of 5 per'efcn't. willißd r (pliid;in;'; the actual inoh6y received' -SUring I".'the1 ".' the course of construction. M. D&'Xiessep3 estimates an income of 90,000j000~"franca / from the canal.; '.•'■'•'.'' \l- *'■■-..■ . . ;

: The utmost alarm prevail^, at the pros- ' pect of a bad harvest in France 1 . . Iti the South the quality of tKe grain iB good, but the quantity is barely, ah>yerage;.' : • A Paris committee for the -erectioja of; a chapel in honor of . the Prinoe Imperial has: issued an appeal, .calling,' e!n ( . the ; nation, for aid. \jj.* .: ' -'. ■'>

■ GEBMANY. .. „'• The Eeichstag pass, ed'.i, the Tariff { Bill and then prorogued. ;An active". agitation against the tariff 'is being organised. The German .papers , esfci- "j mate the the new tariff to yield one' hundred and twenty million iflafcka 1 " in excess, of the previous .revenue.^ Half this amount is required to coArer-jde-ficits of individual States, and -twenty two million marks for extra services recently, voted for the Empire. The German budget for 1878-9 shows a decrease from the estimates of thirteen million and a quarter marks. • - ■ ■'■'■- ';>. .! — ■:.

The contractors .who have undertaken to raise the , German ironclad Grower Kurfurst have placed. B7 . pontoons inside' the vessel and a shield over the breach. v 7 ' The final decision' of the" German Government on the religious questions at issue with the Vatican has been communicated to the latter. It is as follows : —All exiled clergy who ask permission will ba allowed to return to Germany ; the May laws will be tacitly suspended provided the clergy obey the. common law ; and all fresh nominations are to be submitted tb the Government. The Pope is satisfied with the terms.

Baron Von Gait, formerly Prussian Minister to Washington, and' :; '\Duke William, only brother to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, died on the 28th of June. ' SWITZFRLAND. In connection with the failure of- the Spinning Company/ at Biripch, Canton of Zurich, the manager absconded, and one of the directors committed suicide. The depression in the watch trade . is occasioning considerable anxiety. ATTsrsrA. ' ''■''•' •--'-■ The Liberals lost the elections for the Austrian : 'Eeichstrak, and a 'Conservative Government will be formed under Count Traffe. The harvest in, Hungary. is reported to be an utter failure..! • ' King. Alphons'o,' of Spain, is not to marry an Austrian Arch-Duchess. Mount Arlberg is, to be tunnelled to connect the Swiss and Austrian railroads. ■•' ITALY". '' -ilii.-f/-. K A circular has been addressed- by the Pope to the .Bishops . throughout ,tl>e Catholic world, .(sailing on them,,^promote a monster clerical pilgrimageto, Rome for the next Feaat of the Epipb^nyi,; .. ; The Pope hopes before the cloße of the year to conclude a concordat with Russia, KTJSbIA. A torpedo boat attached lai AdmiraL, LazarefPs frigate at Cronstadt was blown upj wjiile at practice ; five men were killed and fourteen wounded. T All the wealthy inhabitants of Baku, on the shore of the Caspian, : whence the Russian expedition against: Merv -started, have been informed anonymously: that the town will be fired unless money is contributed to the-revolutipnary fund. A private letter from Tiflis reports that the Russian soldiers are suffering from typhus, dyee'ntery.j and, fl£ue.' •'•"• '' ' The Russian gendarmes quieted the Silesian workmen who made. $ wage? demonstration near the frontier, Incendiary, fires continue m Eussia. The Siberian cattle plague,'. has again broken out. It destroyed 212,768 Catt^. and. 2360 horses in Russia laat year. s |, , Raiding continues upon,; $he, Rußßian frontier by Chinese subjects. : v ( . The Russian Minister of the Interior reports 4501 fires duriDg June, causing damage to the amount of twelve^ million roubles ; 508 fires were incendiary. : Fifty thousand roubles have been appropriated to exterminate the corn' beetle. The physician from Weimer,' Germany, who prompted Solovieff to assassinate the , Czar, has been sentenced to, be. hanged. .

A theatre in Kremlin,; Moscow,. Jbas been burned by Nihilists. ..'"-. - . . .

Owing to the prevalence of incendiarism the authorities of Kharkoff have divided the town into 324 fire districts. Every householder is bound to keep a spocial night watchman, and to have thirty buckets of water ready.

Cholera has made its appearance at Smolensk.

Diphtheria continues its ravages in Bessarabia. A proclamation by the Governor is published ordering a universal fumigation of the dwellings and clothing of the peasantry. TURKEY AND THE EAST. ' Servia claims three million francs from I the Porte as compensation, far the injfr

sion of her territory by the Albanians. Should the Porte deny the obligation, Servia will repudiate her share of the Turkish debt as fixed by the treaty of Berlin. .' : .'. .i ') T;

The Sultan has offered Rhaireddin Pasha, ex Vizier, the ambassadorship in Paris, which he has refused.

The Sultan haa accepted the resignation of the Grrand.Viaier, and; appointed a rear ponsible Ministry." / '" r '." \ . A firman appointing the Khedive gives him power to conclude treaties, but the Porte all treaties submitted to it by the Khedive. The Powers, however, insist that they shall only be communicated to the Porte;

A fire at Irkutsk, Siberia burned fourteen out of fifteen blocks in the city. A. Becond fire is reported which destroyed five churches and a convent, a Lutheran church, the Court of Justice, police office, telegraph and post offices, artillery, engineer's, excise, and medical establishments, three banks, the military barracks, and the town hall. The pfreeks are putting their army on a war footing. A fire destroyed a portion of the town of Ortakeul, on the Bosphorus, leaving thousands of families destitute .; ■ -several Jews lost their lives. E. • ~- <■ - Germany has declined to entertain .ajay proposals from Roumania for the-modin--cation.: of the provisions npfv the treaty. of Berlin^relative to the emancipation; of th& Jews.; «'lt? - -«->'--■ -- :■ INDIA AKT> CENTI|Si...ASrA."/_ ;y A revolt in Upper Burmah on JulylJ was suppressed. Twenty officials were killed |md others wounded, but there was no gefljeral rising. ' ;-.- ■•■ On July 12 the King of Burmah ordered the massacre of 12 persons. Cholera is reported amongst the British troops at Rangoon," and there have been several deaths. Thousands ; of men are. .employed digging a* canal to divert the Oxuslnto its old chaiiijel,., „ : , .... The cholera has died oufc among the Afghan troops ;teturning to India.

Famine has made great ravages in Cashmere. The capital of the country before the plague had 300,000 inhabitants, but now it has only 30 ,000:. : .\ „ V -J?he latest intelligence from Central Ait&is to the?efFecfc that' China is preparing for war with Buaeia.

The SrftMff residency at Mandalay will be removed, to,, a er .position, and the guard around it increased to 500 men. The permanent. .-occupation of. Merv would necessitate 'simultaneous operations from .Turkestan, and Caucasus, and as no special^rigpafotions' are being made on Amudaria, it appears that' Russia does not intend: v toi complete -..the subjugation of Tekkof.

It is necessary, ; iri-yiew of the English Buccess -in Afghanistan, to form a base on-the-Persian '-border, -'■ in case England should wish to take Herat.'

A despatch to The Tinies from Calcutta say^jtthafc , thj§ .-Madras ..Government is taking more energetic measures to supdress "the,, Riyn pa rebellion, and has increased the hjimber of its troops.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5471, 28 August 1879, Page 2

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NEWS BY SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5471, 28 August 1879, Page 2

NEWS BY SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5471, 28 August 1879, Page 2


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