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Tho hearing of the conspiracy cases brought by Renata KaAVepo against George Prior Donnelly and Joseph Price AVas resumed at the Resident Magistrate's Court on Tuesday, but very little progress was made, OAving to the case not commencing till 2 p.m., and the Court rising at 3.40. Karma Avas further cross-examined by Mr Cornford, Avhen the folloAving additional evidence was adduced: — I knoAV Mr Maney. I did not mention to Mr Maney about the sale of the horses and the £40, but he spoke to me about something of the same kind. It Avas at the Criterion Hotel at Napier he spoke to me. Mr Maney and Mr Josiah Hamlin Avere angry with me about the prices of those horses. It Avas some time after the sale. I said nothing to .them after they spoke to me. Mr Maney did not bring Mr Hamlin to me. We all went in together to have a glass. They said "Do you know what you have done about those horses ?" I said "yes." They said "Don't you knoAV that Avas Avrong?" I did not answer them ; I knevf in my own mind that that sale Avas a correct one. There Avas no mention betAveen us of the £40 I have spoken about. I never had any conversation Avith Mr Maney, either after or before, about the £40. Reexamined by Mr Rees : I still say, after heaiing Mr Cornford's cross-examina-tion, that Donnelly did offer me £40 to run tho horses up at the sale.

Mr Wall, of Hastings-street, has shovra 'ussome "illuminated" watches he has just received, Avhich Avill be a great convenience for ascertaining the time Avhen in the dark. The dial plate is composed of some material Avhich absorbing Hght from the sun Avhen exposed to its glare in the daytime, retains the light throughout the night, say from 12 to 15 hours. Looking at one of the Avatches in a darkened room, the dial plate, the figures, and the hands are all plainly visible. Mr Wall has the watches in silver cases, and also in nickle silver at very moderate prices. We understand that there is an idea of using the illuminating material for painting rooms, Avhen the invention has become sufficiently improved for the purpose, and so rendering the rooms "illuminated" Avithout the use of lights.

Before proceeding with the case Renata v.Donnelly and Price on Tuesday, Mr Rees said that he had been informed that Mr Donnelly, one of the defendants in the case then pending, had stated to some of the natives that Karma, in his evidence the previous day, had said quite enough to convict him of perjury. He (Mr Rees) looked on this as a threat used towards his Avitness, and ho added that if it occurred again he should ask His Worship to commit Mr Donnelly for contempt of Court. Mr Cornford said that Mr Donnelly utterly disclaimed having used any such threat as that complained of. The matter then dropped.

The Town Clerk has received from Messrs. Large and Townley a cheque of £6 7s in aid of the Kaitangata relief fund, being £4 5s from the firm and male employes, and £2 2s from the girls employed on the establishment.

The Theatre Royal was fairly attended on Tuesday, when the comedy "Who speaks first" and the burlesque of "Cinderella" constituted an attractive bill of fare.

A large number of civil cases were set doAvn for hearing at the R.M. Court on Tuesday, but in several of them judgment Avas confessed, and others were settled out of Court. Barry's estate v. Robertson, claim of £45 19s 7d. Judgment Avas given by default, Avith costs £5 16s. — Barry v. Meihana, claim of £40 6s sd. Judgment Avas given for plaintiff, Avith costs £5 Is. — Barry v. Groom, claim of £3 Os 6d. Judgment went by default, with costs 5s. — Barry v. Burgan, claim of £9 14s lid. Judgment Avas given for plaintiff, Avith costs £4 12s. — Manoyv. Hansen, claim of £2 9s 3d. Judgment Avas given for plaintiff, and costs 5s. — Cohen v. Manning, claim of £5 7s 6d. Judgment Avas given for plaintiff, and costs 18s. — James Kelly Avas brought up for drunkenness, but Avas discharged Avith a caution.

The ordinary pobce cases on Wednesday Avere heard in the Grand Jury room, in consequence of the -Court being taken up all day Avith the conspiracy case against Messrs Donnelly and Price. The presiding Justices Avere Messrs A. Kennedy, J. A. Smith, and E. Lyndon. Michael Laffin Avas charged, under the Vagrant Act, Avith having obtained small sums of money from several tradesmen in the town by false representations. It came out in evidence that he had obtained 5s from Mr S. Carnell and 5s from Mr A. Grant. The Bench, finding tho charges proved, sentenced the prisoner to six months' imprisonment, Avith hard labor. — Bolot Christiansen and her daughter Annie, a girl of 13 year 5 } old, were brought up charged with shoplifting from the boot shops of Mr TuckAvell and Mr Reardon, and stealing boots from each place. They Avere also charged Avith having stolen spoons and forks from NeAvton, IrArine, and Co's premises. Mr Lee appeared for the prisoners. The girl admitted the offence in each case, and she was sentenced to ' one Aveek's imprisonment with hard labor. As it did not appear that the mother Avas implicated, the Bench discharged her. — Oio Christiansen, the husband and father of the prisoners, Avas then charged Avith being a receiver of stolen goods. The boots Avere found on the defendant's feet. The defence set up Avas that defendant Avas not aware the boots were stolen, and, the police not being able to sheAV that he Avas aware they were stolen, the Bench gave him the benefit of the doubt, and discharged him.

The performance at the Theatre Royal on Wednesday consisted of the comedy ' 'We all have our little faults " and the sparkling burlesque the " Field of the Cloth of Gold." The burlesque Avas well dressed and mounted, and Avas capitally played, the special features, of course, being the singing and dancing of the principal characters. The songs incidental to the piece were all well given. A triple Highland fling, by Miss Jennie Nye and the Misses Alice and Amy Johns, was very gracefully danced, and had to be repeated.

We have to acknowledge the receipt of £5 from Thos. Lowry, Esq. in aid of the Kaitangata relief fund. We are requested by Mr W. Douglas to state that in the Provincial Produce Stakes, last Friday, his horso Kaokaoroa ran third, a position which was given in our report to Hailstorm.

The Claude Hamilton arrived at Hokitika on Wednesday from Melbourne, Avhich she left on the 20th instant. Nearly all the news she brought has been anticipated by cablegrams. Out of the new Victorian loan a sum of £120,000 is to be applied for building new schools. —The Victorian Government intend to propose the abolition of the endoAvment of local bodies, and to subsidise instead all the main roads according to mileage. The municipalities suggest that the Government should take charge of the main roads. — Sir John Coode recommends the Yarra as the entrance to the port of Melbourne, making it fit for the purpose by a large expenditure. — The officials in the Victorian Railway Department are to be made to contribute to a sick and superanuation fund. — The contributions in Victoria to the City of GlasgoAv Bank relief fund amount to £1400. An attempt Avill be made to increase it to £2000.

The Rev. A. Shepherd will (d.v.) hold Divine service on Sunday next, the 30th inst., at Havelock, at 11 a.m.; and at West Clive, at 3 p.m.

The Rev. Charles Penny will preach at Kaikora, at 11 a.m. ; Patangata, 2.30 p.m. ; and 7 p.m. at Waipawa on Sunday next.

The Poverty Bay Standard of last Tuesday has the foliOAving from a contributor respecting the supposed presence of Winiata at Warenga-a-hika, of Avhich wo had some intimation by telegraph : — "A supicious - looking half-caste has been knocking about Warenga-a-hika. The police noticing him to be a stranger, and being struck Avith his appearance, instituted inquiries respecting him. Mr Kydd, blacksmith, recognised him as Wynyard (or Winiata) Avho murdered Packer at Epsom, Auckland, three or four years ago. Mr Kydd had Avorked Avith him several years ago at the Bay of Islands, and although this half-caste is close shaved, he knew him to be Winiata immediately. The story goes that the supposed-to-be Winiata told someone thathe kneAV Kydd. Kydd sought an intervieAv Avith him, in the course of Avhich he asked Winiata if he had not worked with him at a certain place. This he at first denied, but afteAvards admitted that he had, and that he was Winiata. Constable Villers did not think it advisable to arrest on suspicion, so he has telegraphed for a description of Winiata. In the meantime the suspected one is being Avell Avatched." A short time ago a young Maori belonging to the Wairoa South Avas at the native settlement of Waiwharariki, on the North Shore, and there met a girl Avho, he thought, Avould form a useful helpmate. UnknoAvn to the people she Avas living Avith, he took her off to the Wairoa, and there they lived together for some months, his tribe having given full consent. But the other party, Avho recognise Paul as their head, Avere very angry, and at last it was agreed that the Wairoa people should bring the girl up, that the whole question should be debated, and that the girl, in the face of the Avhole people, should make a choice; This was done, Hori Te Whetuki (Long George) conducting the proceedings on behalf of the Wairoa people. The girl said she Avished to remain with the man to Avhom she had been married according to Maori tikanga (regulation), and so the matter apparently ended. Next morning, however, when the girl was going doAvn to the boat to return with her husband to the Wairoa, she was commanded by the other party to stop. She took no notice of these commands, and they then seized her, and took possession by force. The other party were too feAv in numbers to resist, and she was carried off to Waiwharariki, Shall we venture to say that it offers an illustration of the whimsicality of the sex, that she noAV declares that it was her desire to come back to her people, that she was not speaking her true sentiments at the meeting, and that she has no compunctions at all in leaving her lover ? — N.Z. Herald.

A birth in a raihvay carriage is not an everyday experience by any means, but such an episode is recorded by the Daily Times to have happened in Thursday's express from Christchurch to Dunedin. The husband of the lady mother, who had journeyed all the Avay from Christchurch, somewhere about Seacliff, interviewed the guard, in view of the impending event, to urge increased speed, but such Avas not possible. All that could be done was to secure a cleared carriage, and somewhere between Seacliffe and Dunedin the "little stranger" first opened its eyes upon the world. Mother and child were doing well at latest advices. That the General Manager should stand godfather to the oddly-born infant may, perhaps, be too much to suggest ; but at least a handsome christening present from the employees on the section may be looked for, to serve to keep so uncommon a birthplace in mind of both parents and youngster. One very curious result has already folloAved the residence of the Princess Louise in Canada. Already all the vacant houses in OttaAva are occupied, not by Canadians but Americans, Avho have come across the border to settle close to tho Princess. UpAvards of a hundred Yankee favorites have arrived for this purpose, and rents are rising daily. It is said that some of tho American ladies have actually come from San Francisco and brought all their jewels with them. They are very anxious to shoAv the Princess how much they possess.

It is stated that the man Friday in the Crystal Palace pantomime has been ordered by the Lord Chamberlain not to mimic Lord Beaconsfield by wearing a Disraeli curl over his forehead.

With regard to a statement of a Noav Zealand paper that Miss Carmichael, the young lady Avho Avas rescued from the Avreck of the Loch Ard, had become insane, the Castlemaine Representative Avrites : — "We are happy to be able to say that Miss Carmichael's only symptom of insanity is that she intends very shortly to be married. Of course this may be regarded as an indication of a severe attack of lunacy, but unfortunately phase of the complaint is so common that it is hardly regarded with the serious commiseration to Avhich the patient is entitled. Mrs Hugh Gibson, of the Glenample Station, who entertained Miss Carmichael after her Avonderful rescue, received a long letter from the young lady by last mail, in Avhich she tells of her projected marriage to Captain Boulton Jones, whose portrait she encloses. The happy man is very handsome, and the bride-expectant Avrites as cheerfully and sanely as could be expected under the circumstances. We are indebted to Mr R. G. Gibson, of this toAvn, for the information, which Avill no doubt please many of our readers, inasmuch as they Avould grieve to learn that a young lady Avho had escaped a watery grave almost miraculously had survived only to fall into the living death of lunacy."

Truth has commenced an interesting series of "Anecdotal Biographies" of illustrious personages. The first Avas the Queen, the second Lord Lome. One of the anecdotes of tho Queen states that she had only read one of Lord Beaconsfield's novels before he became Prime Minister, but she Avent through the lot Avithin three months of his accession to the Premiership.

According to a Wellington contemporary, the reason Sir Hercules Robinson disposed of his coaching stud is that he was unwilling to risk valuable horses in the narrow streets of Wellington, Avith tramways running through them,

The pension Avhich Sir George Bowen will be entitled to in 1881 Avill be the largest alloAved under the regulations. He has already administered the government of colonies in Avhich the Governor's salary is not less than £5000 per annum, for eighteen years, and only aAvaits the completion of his sixtieth year to be able to claim a retiring alloAvance of £1000 per annum. The regulation allowance for the expenses of the voyage home is from Australia £800, and that for the voyage from England to the Mauritius is £700. As, hoAvever, he only proceeds homeAvard as far as Suez, taking the Messageries Imperiales steamer thence to Mauritius, the full allowance of £1500 Avill, of course, be proportionately reduced. — New Zealand Times.

Prince Louis of Battenburg, who is at present a Lieutenant in the British Navy, is, it seems, the favorite candidate of Russia for the throne of Bulgaria. His father (says the Examiner), Prince Alexander of Hesse, is an Austrian cavalry general, and honorary colonel of the Bth Austrian Dragoons .and Bth Russian Hussars. The sister of Prince Alexander is Empress of Russia, one of his cousins is the Grand Duke of Hesse Darmstadt (husband of the late Princess Alice), and another has just married Princess Elizabeth of Prussia. Thus this candidate for the Bulgarian throne is the blood relation of the reigning families of the most important groat powers.

Mr E. J. Love, the astronomer, in a letter to The Times, mentions a curious instance of the value of small birds in agriculture: — "Thirty-five years ago, a countrymen left here for Australia, taking Avith him all our popular hardy fruits and vegetables ; but the produce Avas yearly destroyed, until the EngUsh sparroAV was introduced, after Avhich there Avas plenty of fruit." Warterton calculated that a single pair of sparrows destroyed as many grubs in one day as would have eaten up half an acre of young corn in a week. The SAvallow, fly-catchers, and other summer birds come too late to destroy the grubs ; it is only the native birds, like the sparrow, which really do the necessary work. Frost does not kill these grubs. Even in the sevor© frost of 1860-61, Avhen the thermometer stood in some places eight degrees below zero, the grubs Avere not injured. It is the little birds Avhich are the true under-gardeners, though they do take a certain portion of the produce by way of wages for their work.

The Wagga Wagga Advertiser of March 1 is responsible for the following story :

— " A few days ago a smart-looking person Avas charged at the Court Avith theft, and, in order to show the Bench that he was of respectable caste, in reply as to who knew him, and could testify as to his character, he named the Inspector of Police. This functionary, on being called, declared he had never to his knoAvledge seen the prisoner before, Avhen the prisoner remarked that he had made a slight mistake — ho intended to have named the sergeant of police. This officer being called, he also declared he had no knoAvledge of the prisoner. The prisoner, scratching his head as if calling forth fresh facts, said, 'Your honor, it must be the senior-constable of this district I meant.' The senior-constable being called, ansAvered in the same Avay as his superior officers. This appears to have been the prisoner's point, for he stated as follows : — 'Your Worship, have I not given you proof sufficient to shoAV that, as I am not knoAvn to the police, my character must be unquestionable ?' "

The Rev. De Witt Talmage, in holding forth on the profligacy of the city of New York, says : — " I shall speak of my second night of exploration. I have begun to stir the cities, and, God helping me, I will go through. Ido not know what course I will take in these Sabbath morning sermons, but whoever else will be kept standing outside the doors, I charge the trustees of the church that they give full elboAV-room to journalists, since each one is another church five times or ten times or twenty times larger than this august assemblage, and it is by the printing-press that the Gospel of the Son of God is to be preached to the world. May the blessing of Almighty God come down on all the editors, reporters, and compositors." (Murmurs of approval.) Murmurs of approval, indeed, why there should have been thunders of applause, for if any class of men are badly in need of heaven's blessing it is the unfortunate members of the Fourth Estate, Avho are toiling and moiling from week's end to week's end in order to illuminate an ungrateful people. On behalf of all the Press folk in NeAV Zealand, from the biggest editor to the most diminutive devil, I return my sincere thanks to the Rev. De Witt Talmage. May his voice never grow weaker nor his shadow ever be less. — "Frank Fudge," in Saturday Advertise)'.

A cynic remarks that every visit is attended with tAVO pleasures, Avhere very often the arrival ts eclipsed by the happiness of going away.

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Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5342, 28 March 1879, Page 3

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Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5342, 28 March 1879, Page 3

Untitled Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 5342, 28 March 1879, Page 3


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