The Friesian section, judged to-daj, is the most outstanding in tne nistoij of the show, and altnough omy rive breeders are represented, the entuts total over seventy in comparison w,u. twenty dead shown by ifour local breeders last year. 'The previous record entry for the section was o.L. The exhibitors this year are jMossrt A- 0. Cadwallader (Lreytown), u . J. itames (Hunterville), H. Id. .Johnson (Tokaora), E. o. Letts (Okaiawa), and it. B. O’Shea (Ohangau. Mr Cadwallader has tor some years been one of the most successful breeders of Friesians in the Dominion, anu his services as judge of the breed have been sought by numerous associations His entries comprise an exceptionally strong team. Air Fames, also a pro ininent fancier of the bleed, lias naa a very successful show-ring experience. Three years ago he won the Egmont championship for the bed dairv cow of all breeds, and tins yeai again is competing with the same ammal for the Lane silver tea service, the trophy given annually for this event. The local exhibitors have beer, supporters of the section for some years and their entries have always provided keen competition. The Ayrshire section, also judged today, is one that commands attention, the quality being equal to that found anywhere in the North Island. The entries numbered forty-tihree, compared with 29 last year, and the Taranaki exhibitors—Messrs F. Mills (Tokaora), W. Hall (Lepperton) anu Mrs F. Weston (Waitara) —were faced with, .very strong competition from Mr J. G. Donald (Featherston), whe brought forward a large team. Mi Donald will be remembered as the purchaser of the highest-priced bull o the Canadian consignment brought oui by the Ayrshire Cattle Breeders’ Association, the price being 300 guineas. Descendants of this bull are among Mi Donald’s exhibits. Mr Mills, who als< secured one of the Canadian bulls, ha? a very representative entry of quality stock, and has been a consistently successful exhibitor. As is usual at the Hawera. show, the Jersey section is a particularly strong one, ,aud exiceptionajliy keen interest was shown in the judging today. Included in the exhibitors it the veteran showman Air It, L. Hon. (Ohau). whose stock is always a special attraction. North and South 'Taranaki breeders are well represented in each das?, exhibitors including W. Hudson (Manaia.), S. A. Tippett (Okaiawa), Ciemow Bros. (Stratford). J. Nicolson (Stratford), G. H. Bell (Oakura). J. Pettigrew (Pihama), A. E. Western (Bell Bldipk), W. Pollock and Sons (Hawera), P. J. Petersen (Brixton). E. J. Kirkwood (Strat ford), A\ . Douds (Ma-ngatokiV, :T. Willson (Ararata), H. (V. Palmer (Ararata). Tniiby King (Stratford), It. Altiggeridge (Anroa), H. Sal way (Bel! Block) and Mrs E. O. Aliles (Hawera).
The Milking Shorthorn section ans not been particularly well supported at the Ee.mont show in past years, but a lack in numerical strength has al ways been off-set by high quality. This year the number of entries shows is considerable improvement and the in t crest shown is most gratifying. j' feature of the sect-son is entries from as far a.s (/torohanga, the exliibito’ being Mr G. D. Hall.
The dairy section, as is to be expected, is the main feature of the show as far as live stock is concern eel, and it is doubtful if a more out stand in a cotleetion of quality an :rna.l; as will be paraded to-morrow, conk: be found at any show in the North Island. An idea of the interest taker b - exhibitors may be pained from the fact that in the nine classes are 141 entries. The classes throughout reveal exceptional quality and the judge (Mr A. Montmogerie. Te Kauwhata will have no easy task in making his placirrrs. Nineteen entries from as far afield as Orevtown and Otorohangr have been received for the championship'. t'ui for three-year-old heireis. m for the two-year-old class, fourteen in the class for two females in milk and eleven in the class for two yearling heifers, while there are 26 en-
The Egmont. Agricultural and Pastoral Association’s Golden Jtibilee Show opened at Hawera to-day in ideal weather and will be continued to-morrow and Friday, with special attractions each evening. With record entries in every section the show is easily the most outstanding in the history of the association, and its comprehensive range of attractions is more vai’ied than in previous years by the addition of features each day and evening. The stock exhibits naturally command principal interest, and it is probable that a more striking array of pedigree animals has not previously been seen in Hawera, and possibly in the province. The trade displays of motor ears, trucks, and agricultural implements form a decided attraction, while the home industries section, with a total of over 1000 entries is an exhibition in itself. The side shows will be an irresistible lure to many, and the types this year are well varied and of a high standard. The number of entries of pigs constitutes a New Zealand record.
The programme to-day commenced with the judging of cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and home industries. A display by boys of the Salvation Army Home, Eltham, occupied part of the morning, and this afternoon ring events, including a trotting exhibition, maiden, wire, open hunters’ and ladies’ hunters’ jumping competitions were held. The wood chopping contests, one of the features of the show, were also decided this afternoon. The tug-of-war championship, for which teams from all parts of the province have entered, will be contested this evening, as well as an attractive programme of athletic events. To-morroAv’s features include the judging of dairy classes, calves, harness horses and harness ponies, military competitions, steer riding and horse leaping events and the Egmont champion jumping competition. The evening attraction is a concert in the Opera House, at Avhieh cups and trophies are to be presented.
The boys and girls’ calf judging championships are to be held on Friday, as Avell as novelty competition events, folk dancing, motor car competitions, and a Maori entertainment. A gymnastic exhibition in the evening Avill precede the monster fireworks display, Avhieh concludes the shoAv.
tries for yearling hellers. In the one-day cheese competition, there are eight entries, an increase of five over last year, but the support is not very encouraging jn view of the fact that this is a cheese producing district, and four of the entries are from outside competitors. The grade .and lerosstored. classes, J which will be judged to-morrow, are well filled and exhibitors have shown a much keener interest than in previous years. The boys and girls’ calf rearing classes are considerably better supported than usual and form a most interesting section well worthy of inspection. The horse section is one of the best seen at the show for some years. Clydesdales are well represented and form :a well-balanced section. As usual, the Aioore Hunter estate figure's largely in the exhibits, and other district breeders exhibit some outstanding animals. Entries in the class have been received from as far as Alarton and the Waikato. The spring carters section is well filled and district exhibitors have shown very keen enthusiasm this year, the section being larger than for a considerable time past. Thoroughbreds are disappointIy few in numbers, but the breeding! of the exhibits somewhat compensates for the poor numerical strength. The saddle horse entries, numbering over 100, are reminiscent of the pre-motor car days and the classes are exceptionally well supported. The pony and light horse sections ajre always an attraction at Hawera and this year both the standard and numerical strengths have been well maintained. The ring competitions provide one of j the show features and many prominent performers entered for the events, to-day and tomorrow, a, number of j competitors being from outside districts.
The sheep entries, judged to-day, show a considerable increase in comparison with recent years. A notable entry is that of Sir AA’illiam Perry’s Romney Marshes, and this exhibitor also forwarded two pens of rams for exhibition only. Fair entries were received for the fat sheep and lamb classes. One of the most outstanding sections of the show are the pig classes, which are the largest seen at Hawera and extra pens had to be everted to accommodate the exhib’ts. Alanawatu breeders are strongly represented, while Taranaki breeders have also shown an unusual interest’. f rhe home industries section is probably one of the most striking at the show. Dyer 1030 entries were re ceivod and the home produce shed eomorises an entire exhibition in itself.
JUDGES AT THE SHOW The judges in the various seetio is of the show are: CATTLE. Friesians—Mr. H. Jolly, Waiuku. Ayrshires—Mr. T. M. Thomson, Waiuku. Jersey's—Mr. C G. C. Dernier, Cheltenham. Milking Shorthorns—Mr J. Hearsey, Longburn. Dairy Section—Mr A. Montgomerie, Kauwhata, Palmerston North. Grades and crossbreds—Mr. W. R. Butler, Hawera. HORSES. Olyclesda-los and Spring Carters—Mr, it. D Knight, Longburn Light Horses—Mr. W. Howard Booth, Carterton. Ponies—Mr. H. R. Denize, Hawera. SHEEP. Purebred Snoop—Mr. Q. Donald, Foatherston. Fat Sheep—Mr. F. Beslev, Wlienuakura PIGS. Purebreds —Mr, J. A. Bussell, Gillespie’s Line, Palmerston North. Baconers and Porkers—Mr. M. Barraclough, Hawera,
HOME INDUSTRIES. Cooking—Mrs. E. O’Meara, Wanganui, and Miss AI. Hopkinson, AA’averley Fancy Work—Airs. C E. AYilliams, New Plymouth. Art Section —Air. L. S. Poison, Hawera. Eggs —Air. I>. Stewart, Normanby. SHOAV STEAVARDS. Ground Supervisor—Air. E. A. AVasher. Judges and Exhibitors Reception—> Messrs A Hunter, AA 7 . McL’Dowie, S. C. Tonks,' C. H. AVasher, .1. H. Baker, A. L. Campbell, H. G. Dickie, M.P., H. McAViiliam. Implements, Vehicles and Side Shows —Messrs Allan Evans and \V. O 1 ’Callaghan. Cattle—Chief steward, Air. E. A. AA’asher; Ayrshires, Alessrs AY. B. Fearon and J. Sinclair; i<riesians. Air. A. Murdoch; Jersey and grades, Alessrs AA’. R. Butler, J. B. Laurenson, H. F. Wren, E. H. Linnell; milch cows, Messrs J. B. Laurenson and G. AA’. Williams; grades and crossbreds, Messrs W. B. learon and J. Sinclair; dairy Shorthorns, Air. Eric AfcCallum; school judging competitions, Air.. Rod byme; calf rearing, Alessrs G. \Y. Williams, H. E Johnson, F. Hoskin, and \Y. A t . Parker; steer riding, Aiessrs H. Slater and H. I. Crocker Sheep—Chief steward, Mr. 11. McAVilliani; purebreds, fat sheep, freezers and lambs, Messrs E. Death, C. Tick-, ner, J. G. Douglas, H. Beslev, Jas. i AA’inks, L. Bishop. pigs—Chief stewards, Messrs J. l Thomlinson and Don Stewart; stewards, Alessrs F. AValker and B Trask. Horses —Parade marshal, Air. 1. A. AA’inks; chief horse'and ring steward, Mr. AA'. AidYßowie; Clydesdales and spring carters, Alessrs J. F. Alurray and A Appleyard; tlioro ighbreds, harness, hacks and competitions, Alessrs S C. Tonks and J. D. Stott; loose-box and stall steward, Air. H. 1. Crocker; measuring and weighing steward, Air. H. AI. Caselbsrg; mounted stewards, Messrs H. I. Cro-ker and A. Chong Pony Section —Mounted stewards, Messrs N. Hunter and E. P. Grant; stewards, Alessrs A. Appleyard and A. McAViiliam; padclocking, trucking, and receiving stock, Alessrs J. J. Pease and P. Eastbury; fodder, Air. AY. Bevan. AVeight judging—Chief steward, Air. B C. Gibson; stewards, Alessrs E. A. Nixon, J. G. Douglas AV. B. Fearon, G. Livingston, J. O’Sullivan, A- Evans and L. Bishop. Catering—Chief steward, Miss D. Corrigan. Home industries—Chief supervise!', •Miss G. Deatli; section I, Misses AI. Ballantine, D. Swadling, E. AVasher, j A. Betts,' AV. Oldfield, A r . Alortnner; section 11, Aliss B. Young; section ill, Airs. F. Evans, Misses J. Exlev, V. Death and J. Easton; art section, Aliss G. Death. CONCERT ATTRACTIONS PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES. Trophies won at the show will he jiresented to successful competitors by the Minister of Agriculture, the Hon. C. E. Alacmillan, at a concert to be held in the Hawera Opera House tomorrow (Thursday) evening. The artists “billed” for appearance ensure a programme of unusual merit and one entirely in keeping with the importance of the occasion—the celebration of the Egmont A. and P. jubilee. By special request the Hawera amateurs will present the one-act play “Touchstone,” which won the recent Do-minion-wide competition for New Zea-land-authors. Items by individual performers who will contribute to the first half of the programme include songs by Mr J. | Crawford, winner of the Wellington competition solo, items by the Alain School choir and Mrs AV. A. Quin’s choir which proved so successful at the Hawera Competitions .and by Miss Reillv (songs), Mis,s Instone (elocuMisses AV. and V. Quin (Shakespearean recital), Mis.s Kathleen Fairhall (pianoforte), Alaster Stuart Nairn (dancing). Air Rupert George (instrumental) and the Hawera Savage Club Orchestra. . .
A nominal charge of 2s admission to all parts of the theatre has been decided upon and seats may be reserved free of charge at the Opera House confectionery.
I FIREWORKS DISPLAY BOUQUETS OF ROMAN CANDLES. SHOWERS OF GOLDEN SPRAY. If there is any attraction making an outstanding appeal to young and old alike it is a display of fireworks on a largo scale. AVhether it is in the hissing of rockets shooting skywards or the rapid revolutions of huge fiery wheels one cannot precisely state. Ataybe each feature has its own special attraction. Batteries and bouquets of giant Roman candles, showers of golden .spray from a great golden cascade and furious whizzing of Saxon wheels are other products of the pyrotechnist’s skill which have a fascination over the public, adult and juvenile. All such features and several others are to be included in the great display to he given on the show grounds at Hawera on Friday night. It will make a brilliant termination to the Jubilee Show.
ELECTRIC LIGHT SPORTS TUG-OF-WAR CONTESTS The electric light carnival to be held at the showgrounds this evening will provide a variety of entertainment to suit all tastes. In the tug-of-war competitions the public will see a return of a. very popular form of sport, intensely exciting and interesting. Seven teams of more or less equal merit will compete for the liberal stake offered. Special interest will be centred in the efforts of the team from Levan and the Maeaia, Road A team. Both teams hold an unbeaten record over a period of years and both are confident of maintaining their championship status. It is on the cards, however, that a. “dark horse” team among the other competitors may upset all calculations and the result remain in doubt until the final pull.
The special electric automatic recorder wi II 1 reep the public advised of the progress of each pull by a series of coloured lights. Between pulls the running, and cycling events will be got off and since a splendid entry has been received racing of a high standard should bo witnessed.
At the low admission charge of Is for adults and children fid, which includes stand, a* big crowd is anticipated. Members tickets do not admit ,to this function.
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Hawera Star, Volume LIII, 8 November 1933, Page 5
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2,462FIFTIETH EXHIBITION OPENS Hawera Star, Volume LIII, 8 November 1933, Page 5
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