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Karaka St., Alan a.', a . IX-iu Smite, Queen,— Last 1 wrote von were asking u } " a ° if,"'- :• 11 vthing in the flower show. I iniist. siiv L did not. It waw vary nice to see such pretty flowers. My fa-vom-its flowers are violets. A\hie I was theio a girl friend and 1 had sixpence eac .riven to us to have a fash in the fash pond. 1 sot a pretty needle case with a thinib e on the top and my fiiend got a, ring. Last week-end I wen w to stay at Daisy Prout’s place and had a good time One day we went to the bench to gather shells and got 236. While we w.?re clown there-1 found a . stone which was brown one side and white the o.*her I wish I was living close to the bench. as 1 think it great fun to go bathing and ploying in the sand. My little sifter has a bur : sleeping doll, and sin- wants von to give it a name, peas.Smile Queen. I must close now, wit-.i lots- of love from Gladys At a,'lace. (What fun von must have had at trie flower show. What sort of shells did vo , mither? All kindi® I expect, as von collected such n largo number. Wien 1 was little wo used to go out and collect all the smallest ones we cor’d find. There are some beautiful very tiny slieTs on flies,? beaches. AAou. ct suit tlio doll? >uo mi:*t h:* ... loantv. Lore from S.Q.i

Alakaka. Sept. 24. bear Smile Queen. — 1 am enclosing tli.i.s letter toe pai\;?l ior the gut cupooar-d. hoping tiia-t it w..l reac-ii you <! u saic.y. i made the dot’s nouse all myseh • it is very tiny, but 1 the uttle child that leteives nt will or as .uterestod in it as I wuw wmle making it. Also “Topsy” I made my so.i. W e had some choice bulbs in bloom, our the flowers have no.v died away, 'ihiey WCI o all of a trumpet spacue, nanva.y ‘‘King Allied,” "Lord I’obo.t--, “Homespun Horace,” "Argent,” • cygnet.” and “Great AVarley.” A on asked the Smiles which their favourite •lower was. W?!’. Smile Queen, I re.i.l., can't- tell you which is my favourite, as i am fond of all flowers. I hare read mv prize, called “ H:i/.elilene’s Schooldays.’ It is a jo..y book, but ends sadly. I -aan now reading “Anne of the island,” by f,. Al. 'Mont bomcry. I think ho i~ a good iintho:. Have; vou road any of liis took'. Smut* Queen Y Baby Hobei t is growing ... bier bov now, and Is able to say a tow words. We hope tha-.r one day he will -join and he one M your happy Smiles. 1 was nlestsed- to know that Captain Kiii.gsford-Smitli and his men conquered l !’.•'• Tasman Sea ; J think it was a wonderful achievement. \A e v isited Mawora to |io!p wo conic the* ga.lant n-r----jnon ; i! wai- interesting watching .the ’olanos gliding gracefully along hit large birds, and wk/ui they at last drew to a- standstill on tnc in: 111 Lie excited crowd rush'll al, round, b lie 'planes ai*- lovely machines, but ill comparison with the Southern Cross • iiev would look small would tliev not ': Tin* two men lookr-d handsome in then navy mil forms braided in go.deii ye!'ow! cm.—; iallv Kingsl'ord S'ni’th. irt. twi'.ms- on his coat. AA'ell, Smile •'it.oan. I leave the pa-rcel to pack now. 9ii will close, hoping tb? doll’s house •.vi.ll reach you in perfect order, with c\<;rvthing unbroken. From your s:nceie Smite. Martha Duckett. (Martha your pares’ is just beautfill. The doll’s, .house i« a work of art avid Tci”sv is lovely. 3 do think von ar ( » a clever girl. Your bulbsjntr-f have lieen a wonderful sight. Yes. T have read several books b.v 1.. Al. Montgor.i.arv .and liked them very much. I hope too. that Bober*- wiP join us "hen l-e is old enough. The Southern Cross must he about th.r.?e or four timer*, as large as one of the Bristol fighters.j Thank voi again for the parcel. Love from S.Q.)

Ml tli a in. Dear Smile Queen,—Please excuse me K»r not writing sooner, but I. have been busv lately, i could not tell which is my fiu’oant flower, tor i like them ail the same. We. went o-ut- to the. 1. atea River, which flows through Mangimingi, anti it was- lovely out i-n the bush. AY e going to have cows on one of om fan ms next year, as we have two and we nave sheep on them both now. Me have twenty little white chicles, and my little brother loves '.(> chase them. AVe have quite a number of little calves now. Well, as news is scarce, 1 will say goodI bye with lots of love and smiles, L le--1 main your loving Smile, Kyra Best. (T was pleased to- hear from you fao-ain, Kyra. 1 am glad you are so fond of flowers. I know the place m Mano-anungi, and it is very beautiful. We went there for picnics once or twice last year. Will you like having cows on one farm? Do you help feed the calves and chicks? Love from S.Q.) I . Alton. Dear Smile Queen-. —Just a few lines to say we are al : well, hoping you are too. Well Smile Queen, have you any wailtiut treen and iplum trees up ut Hawera, as wa have some down here at. Alton. Well, Dear Smile Queen, you were asking how long the clematis lasted. Well, it’only -lasted a day. 1 pi cited some : yesterday and it was dead this moining. Well, dear, what sort of w-a.ther are you having up there, as we are having ’ovely weather. My mother and father and sister went to town the other day and they brought me home six lucky packets and a. do-lh Could 1 von give me a name for it please. Smile Queen? Well. dear. I must close now. From your '■owing Snide to you x x x x x from Alav-iis Adams. 1 p.S.—Please excuse mistakes, and scribble. ,v 1 have to get the tea ready and get the eggs while Mum feeds the 'owls l .—ALA. xxxx (Yos, ‘Mavis, we have a walnut Tree* at the* Castle and several plums. We get lots of nuts from the walnut. If clematis is p'-acsd in water it will keep fresh for «. considerable time. The weather rm here is rather warm and extreme] v blowy .at nresent. How about Janet for the doll? Love from S.Q.) Alien ltoad. Meiemere. Pea: Smile Queen, —Just a. few '1 ries c- see how you uro getting oil at the v-astle. Last Sunday Dad and six other men went pig-hunting and caught three u.;is, and they went again to-day. I am making something for the gift cup--o -.l'd. 1 like reading tifie letters in tire “Ha. worn Star.” Every Saturday night 1 go out to the gate and wait for the paper. Well, Smile Queen, I muet close, I ■v-i it is nearly afternoon tea tune. J •ini. your loving Smile. Dora Col tart. (You are a good correspondent. Dora. Did the n : g hunters catch anything the second time they went out? I am o'eased you are making something for the gift cupboard. Love from S.Q.)

Ala ngatolvi. I Dear Smile Queen,--Once again I take up my pen to write to you and thank you for giving me a- name tor niv bantam. We are having v.?ry ; weather now. Smile Queen. We •.vent to H aw era to see Squadron Leader Aingsfcir-d Smith and his companions ■ast week and I saw the three, planes hind sm the racecourse. They are very brave men, don't you think, Srni.e /men. I should very much like to see the Southern Cross; it must be a .great, size. Well, dear Smile Queen, I must .'.•lose now. with • ove to you and :t 1,1 your •ni.irs. ironic Edith Harris. (Ye.-\ the weather is rather rough, but it is inwarmer, don’t you think f i.ovo from S.Q.) Oliangat. Dear Smile Queen. — I think if. is choiit time I wrote to you. Since I last wrote to you I have, a baby sister; she .viii.s born cm the 21st of September. J went to if;?e the Tasman fliers. Did von 'o Smi'e Queen? We have 29 cows and 12 calves. We have a very good vegetable garden AVe get eight or nine r.rg; • a day. Ou,;- • apple trees are in blossom. 'Mother .said when Da,d ■at has a lot of whitebait she will bring voti in some. I .suppose baby will be a ai-em'lvr of your Cnst’e when she grows o. AA'oll. Smile Queen, as news i<= s •arc.?. I will close. Hopiiy* you and v’l c crt c miles are well. I remain, yours t n' r AT-nis’e Lee. xxxxxxx (Thank you for'vonr letter. Ala's’e How exciting having a, baby sister! S" tli ’t vo? set her a good example, won’t "Tip A'~s I saw the Ta/sman fliers. Wasn't it exciting? I should love some whitebait as I am very fond of theme. Annie trees are a wonderful sight in bossom, aren’t they? Love from S.Q.)

Alien Road, Meremere. Dear Smiil.e Queen, —Now 1 have tie pleasure of writing to you. i will try to send something, for the gift cuphoard. To-day 1 was helping motherto put the vegetable garden in. Oiw jreas’ are up. Jurist. Sunday Dad and sonvi other men went over the gully pig hunting, and Dad brought some n-iTd pig home. We have a duck, and we think she is sitting. We get about eight Iren egg* 1 a. day and about five duck eggs. “The school children play hop-scotch at school and I enjoy it as it i, s a lovely game. Well. SmiL Queen, 1 niirsit say good-bye. I am your smi - niv Smile’ Queen Col tart. xxxxx (1 should be glad to receive something from von tor the gift cupboard A on. a« are early. Do- you like wild pig? How exciting it would I>3 to .have some uiu. kings. Hop-scotch is good fun. I /nc from S.Q.) New Plymouth. Dear Snide Queen, —Just a few liuew to iot you know I am staying an New Plymouth for a holiday. My sisitei brought urs up last Saturday. Mother is in rae New Plymouth Hospital, and I am to se? her to-day. 1 am niuen lietter since 1 been up here. 1 watched my uncle feed itlie calves tins' morning. 1 think this is ad the news non. Love from Mavis Sad.or. (How lovely having a holiday in New Plymouth! i hope you will get better quick I%• now. I am'sorry lour mother is not well. Te 1 me all about v oi n u-.p. Love from S.Q.; Aut o a. Deai Smile Quean, —As 1 have nothing else to do 1 will write arid tell you about Hiv birthday party. 1 had quite u lot of my girl and boy friends at my ~a.ty. and wo had a nice time. My iatlter gave me a lovery birthday preftiyut. it was a pair of goid-ranm-e-d ylibsi-D. it is juftit 18 months since we came out from England in a great big boat. We bad a lovely trip out to New Zealand. Did you see Kingston! Smith ? i do hope lie'gets back to. Austral it -aiefi. it is veiy warm up heiv ,aiei and one dues no: eaten cold standing around now. We are going to have a Nigger Minstrel Society up in Auroa. and all the girls' and hoys are going to be in it. It would be nice to be a conductor of a minstrel band, wouldn’t it ? J gave my lamib to my sister, l>ut she did not feed it properly and it died. My sister was very sorry over it. As it is near bed time 1 will cose with a big .smi.o from your loving Smile Sydney Booth. . P.’S. l wish Kingsford Snntli had 'landed at Auroa; it would have been nice, wouldn’t it? Do you think the noise of the plane wou'd have made the cows’ milk go down? (A very interesting letter, Sydney. What a .ovely birthday party! How do you like, being in New Zealand? When? abouts did vou live in England ? I suppose, you don’t remember much about iit. The nigger minstrel baud will he fun. 1 was in one once, and we did enjoy it. Are you fond of music? W'liat a tragedy about the poor lamb. Yes. it wound have been nice if Kingsfo d-Smitb had landed at Auroa. T don’t know about the milk, bint I should not think the noi-se would affect the cows. Love from S.Q.)

Whakamara. Dear Smile Queen, — Durin.a fhe. hu-t two weeks, the girls of the upper classes at our school have been .collecting flowers. The reason for this Lhi to see who can gather the most. M e press each flower and then mount them on thick paper. We a.'l hope that lvingsford Smith and his party will have a safe trip back to Australia. This afternoon. after we came in from is/chool. the boys came in carrying two hedgehogs in t.l hats. They found them in sonw toi-toi grass near a swamp. AA'e were all anxious to see them unroll themselves. but they did not. Wo had them node for oome time, then Dad tod us to let them go in the orchard. Our garden is looking gay just now. Saturday was a lovely day. so we worked out in the warden until dinner time. -Jen I got ready and went down to the Guides. I will now coucludo with love from Peggy Bark'.a. (A nice long letter, Peggy. I suppose the flowers are all different. .Yes, T. too, hope that Kingsford Smith will get' safely bach to Australia. Hedgehogs are shy ’ittie. creatures, aren’t they? T thank rno'st garden are very gay at this time of the vear. Are you fond of gardening? Love from S.Q.) ! Te Ngutu Factory. Manaia. Doar Smite Queen.——A lay 1 join your c-astle? T promise to srni.e every time i can and chase all the frowns into ti e dark cave where the Smite Giant wi.l kil them with hi» magic sword Happiness. Mv birthday will be on the 18th of October and I anr nine years old. 1 wilt close now, as this is my first letter. 1 remain, your new Smile, Edna D;rchn,l. (AYel come to the Castle, Edna, and tb-.nk vou for the promise.! hone vou will not forget it, especially when things are not going well. Do write again and tel 1 mi? all about- yomroll. L~ve from S.Q.) Ararat:!. | Dear Smile Queen, —As i have nothing to do I thought i would write to you. Thank you for the name. . it is all light. The days are getting warmer now and I am beginning, to wear my summer dresses. Miss Blackie came to Ararata. school and taught the children some ballroom dances and e».erv Friday our teacher; has dancing. 1 will close now as . news is scarce. With a bi</ smile to you and your Smiles. Emily Ward, j [Yes the days are certainly getting warmer, Emily. How do you like dancing? It is great fun, I think., Are yon learning fancy dances as well? I.ove from S.Q.j King St.. Opimake. Mnile Queen, —I wrote to you last week, hut I have stiil more la tell you. Dear Smile Queen, din you go j to Kings.ord Smith and his piain-?i 1 did not. Do you send meiniiersuipj cards, .'.mile Queen ? .Have y-oii a| flower garden? We have not, but my favourite . flown rs are) violets, Sin-ile , Queen. On Sundays 1 go to Sunday scho.J. 1 ha . e one lug ticket and 1 v\ ill got another one to-morrow. Thank, .ion for the doll’s name. Rust time I a rote to you 1 forgot to tell you la was in standard IV at school. I Ini.,-; got two sistens; they hath go to. school. Ethel would join your Castle, but -she cannot write well enough pist yet. I used to live iti Hnwera iwi.i years ago. My two sisters were in l the hospital for nine weeks, but they j are out now. !s Mabel Mil trie still in I the Castle, Smile, Queen ? How many | Smiles have you? Well, I think this is all, as news is scarce. —I remain, you- losing Smile, Violet Parsons. P.S.—Would you please send me a copy of the badge ? 1

(What a lot of questions. A'in let! Yes, 1 saw Kingslord Smith and his party. it was a great sight. No, we do not have membership cards, but you will get a birthday card on your birthday. We have. a flower garden, and it is a great joy to me. J wonder if you will pass to Standard A’ next j ear. Ethel must hurry up and learn to write, mustn’t she? AVe have lots and lots of Smiles, so many that I lose count sometimes. I will send you a copy of the badge during the coming week. —S.Q.)

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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 6 October 1928, Page 18

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THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL-BAG. Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 6 October 1928, Page 18

THE SMILE CASTLE MAIL-BAG. Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 6 October 1928, Page 18


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