SECOND DAY. GOOD RING ATTRACTIONS. ADDITIONAL AWARD'S. The promise of fine weather, held out in the early morning of the opening day for the Stratford Agrcultural and Pastoral Association’s eighteenth annual show, was maintained, and typical summer weather prevailed throughout the day. For a first day, the attendance was highly satisfactory, the gate takings showing an appreciable increase on those of last year. Once started, the judging of all classes went on apace, an unerring proof of efficiency on the part of the association’s stewards. Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of this year’s fixture is the excellent show of purebred Jersey Cattle, the great entry of 236 embracing the flower of the .best known herds in the district and some very choice exhibits from far beyond the confines of Taranaki; included among these may be mentioned Mr. It. L. Horn’s (Ohau) aged cow, Ku Ku Brooklet, which yes tea-day added another championship' to her already long list of successes. The association was this year lavoured with, tne allocation at me Norm Island. championsmps in Ayrshire©. JVlr. F. 'Mills (ilaweraj showed the champion cow, vvaipapa Dolores V ~ and was closely run by -Ur. W. Hall s (Lepperton) Ladybird of Edendale). Mr. P. Bremer’s (Okaiawa) Gleneairn Craigeolachie annexed the bull championship, while Mr. Hall had again to be content with a reserve championship with his Dominion Lockhart.
The invariable rule that side-show-men strongly support a successful show was put to the test and found not wanting—the grounds literally teem with amusement caterers.
The steer riding competition provoked much merriment, though marred towards the close the preliminaries by an unfortunate accident to one of the competitors, J. Franklin, of K aim at a, who was thrown and injured. It-is assumed that in falling his head struck the head of the steer, resulting in slight concussion. He was conveyed to hospital. Reports on his condition are favourable. LIST OF JUDGES. Horses. —Light and thoroughbred: Mr. J. Bull, Hunterville. Draught: Mr. H. E. Hocken, Feilding. Cattle.—Pedigree Jersey: Mr. H. R; Benbow, Onnondville. Grade Jersey: Mr. R. Linn, New Plymouth. Ayrshire: Mr. G. Carter, Greytown. Friesian: Mr. H. Jolly, Waiuku. Shorthorn: Mr. J. Grant, Woodville. Crossbred: Mr. E. A. Washer, Okaiawa. Grade and crossbred section: Mr. E. A. Washer, Okaiawa. Fat cattle: Mr. J. Grant, Woodville. Sheep.—Purebred and flock: Mr. F. E. Short, Feilding. Fat: Mr. L. D. Webster, New Plymouth. Pigs.—Purebred and crossbred: Mr. W. B. Grant, New Plymouth. Fat: Mr. J. W. Burke, Eltham. Butter.—Mr. A. Guthrie, Midhirst. Sewing and fancy work.—Mrs. A. Wilkes, New Plymouth. Cooking. —Miss L. A. Nielsen, New Plymouth. Photography and art. —Mr. J. R. Wall, Stratford. Woodwork. —Mr. J. Weston, Stratford. School work—Mr. W. A. Ballantyne, New Plymouth. Cow judging (primary schools). — Jersey: Mr. D. O’Sullivan. Friesian : Mr. Harold Marchant. Steer riding contest.—Buck jumping challenge: Mr. J. Bull.
Prize winners, in addition to the list, published in yesterday’s issue, are as follows:
CATTLE. PEDIGREE AYRSHIRE^. Bull, any age, and three females, two years or over; mast be property of exhibitor.—F Mills 1, W. Hall 2, A. R. Claridge 3, F. W. Weston v.h.c. PEDIGREE FRIESIANS. Cow, calved prior to July 1, 1922. — T. H. Richards’s (Cardiff) Nepean Isold a Johartna Pietje 1 and champion, C. W. Baldwin and Sons’ (Ngatoro) Milkmaid Johanna 2 and reserve champion, H. Johnson and Son’s (Stratford) Segis Lady Waihi 3, H. Johnson and Sons’ Glenmore Tilly Alcartra v.h.c. Heifer calved sines July 1, 1924. C. W. Baldwin and Sons’ Ngatoro Billv Alcartra 1, Cameron Bros.’ (Stratford) Brookside Segis Panline 2, Cameron Bros.’ Brookside Johanna de Kol 3. Bull, calved .since July 1, 1927. —C. W. Baldwin and Sons’ entry 1. Bull, any age, and three females, two wears or over; property of exhibitor. —H. Johnson and Sons’ entry 1, C. W. Baldwin and Sons’ entry 2, Cameron Bros.’ entry 3. Junior breeding team, bull, yearling or under: heifer since Julv 1, 1926; heifer calf, since July 1, 1927.. —Cameron Bros. 1. PEDIGREE JERSEYS Cow, calved prior to July 1, 1922, which has been awarded a C.0.1t. for butter-fat produced.—F. W. Cornwall’s (Bell Block) Oaklands Lady Brampton 1 and reserve champion, J. A. Mitchell’s (Longburn) Viola’s Frisky 2, Mentone Jerseys’ (Tariki) Meadowvale Perfect 3, 0. McAloon’s (Te Wera) Meadowvale Sheila v.h.c. * Cow, calved prior to July, 1922. — It. L. Horn’s (Ohau) Kn Ku Brooklet 1 and champion, F. W. Cornwall’s Oaklands Lady Brampton 2, J. A. Mitchell's Viola’s Frisky 3, Mentone Jerseys’ Meadowvale Perfect Day v.h.c. Cow, calved since July 1, 1922, and before July 1, 1924, which has been awarded a C.0.1t. for butter-fat produced.—Truby King’s (Stratford) Ivondale Golden Rainbow 1, and Marshlands Butterfly Otterbum 3, H. C. Sampson (Hillsborough) 2, J. T. Belcher’s (Cardiff) Bridge View Sweet Pea v.h.c. Cow, calved since July 1, 1922, and before July 1, 1924. —Truby King’s Ivondale Golden Rainbow 1, and Marshlands Butterfly Otterburn v.h.c., It. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Silver Chimes 2, H. C. Sampson’s Vive La Clare 3, J. T. Belcher’s Bridge View Sweet Pea h.c. Heifer, calved since July, 1924. — Truby King’s Noble Queen 1, F. W. Cornwall’s Oaklands Silky 2, R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Victoria 3, G. H. Bell’s (Oaknra) Pinewoods Viola v.h.c., J. A. Mitchell’s Ivondale Gold Box h.c. . Heifer (senior division), calved since July 1, 1926, and before October 1, 1926 —R. L. Horn’s Ku Kn Gleam 1, E. J, Kirkwood’s (Stratford) Golden
Fern’s Island Queen 2, R. L. Horn’s Ku Kn Elegance 3, F. W. Cornwall s Oaklands Zeila v.h.c., G. H. Bell s Pinewoods Golden Tresses h.c. Heifer (junior division), calved since October 1, 1926.—H. C. Sampson’s Woodlands Little Marvel 1, J. Browning's (Tariki) Nga Tawa Jasmine 2, G H. Bell’s Viola’s Golden Farewell 3, G. R. Bell’s (AVaipuku) Pukatea Phoebe v.h.c., Mrs. M- A. Gadsby’s (Stratford) Linden Grove Lady Maid h.c.
Heifer, since July 1, 1926 (junior or senior), from semi-officially tested dam : exhibitor to be a member of the Stratford Jersey Cattle Club.—Trubv King’s- Cornelia’s Disdain 1, and Mentone Capping Day v.h.c., G. R. Bell 2, Mrs. M. A. Gad shy’s Linden Grove Jean 3, O. McAloon’s Punga Nai Perfection h.c. Two heifers, calved since July 1, 1926. R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Gleam and Ku Ku Elegance 1, F. W. Cornwall’s Oaklands Zeila and Oaklands Senna 2, Trubv King’s Mentone Capping Day and Cornelia’s Lady Disdain 3, E. J. Kirkwood’s Golden Fern’s Island Queen and Golden Fern’s Lilac v.h.c., A. J. Lux toll’s (Omata) Crofton Darling and Crofton Nellie h.c. Three females, at least two of which to be in milk, progeny of the same sire. —R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Brooklet, Ku Ivu Silver Chimes and Ku Ku Victoria 1, G. H. Bell’s entry 2. Bull, calved prior to July 1, 1924. E. D. Ballantyne’is (New Plymouth) Marshlands Masterpiece 1, G. H. Bell’s Golden Fern’s Volunteer 2, A. TJhlenberg’s (Waipuku) Leiglierst Baron 3, D. J. Gillaaiders’s (Midhirst) Ku Ku Glory Owl v.h.c. Bull, calved since July 1, 1924. — H. Sal way’s (Bell Block) Victor’s Handsome Prince 1 and champion, J. Pettigrew’s (Pihama) Sungold 2 and reserve champion. Bull, any age, and three females, two years 'or over; must be tbe pronertv of exhibitor. —R. L. Horn 1. Truby King 2, G. H. Bell 3, 0. McAloon v.h.c. PEDIGREE MILKING SHORTHORNS Cow, any age, in full milk, judged on dairy points irrespective ot type. Champion ribbon in addition to prize money. Animals competing to be milkjd out the night before in tbs presence of .a steward.—J. C. Wright (Normanoy) Braeside Sweet Nell 1 and champion, J. Wood’s (Huiroa) King’s Prize 2, J. Wood’s Redman 11. 3.
Cow, calv,2d prior to Jury 1, 1924. — J. C. Wright’© (Normanby) Braeside Sweet Nell 1, J. C. Wright’s Cornwall Park Sweet Nell 11. reserve champion and 2, J. Wood’s King Prize 3, JiVood’s Redman 11. v.h.c. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1924. — J. AYood’s Rongomai’s lted Beauty 1. Heifer, calved since July 1, 1925. — SV. P. Booten’s (Rawliitiroa) Shawfield Profession 1, W. P. Booten’s Shawfield Aster 2, J. C. Wright’s Cornwall Park Victoria 11. 3, J. C. Wright’s Cornwall Park Sweet Nel! 111. v-h.c.
Heifer, calved since Jul yl, 1926. — FT. C. Ralcher’s (Eltliam) Egmont F’earl 1, H. C. Belcher’s Egmont lucerne 2, AV. P. Bdoten’s Shawfield Fortune 3. AV. P. Booten’s Shawfield Daphne v.h.c. Two heifers, in milk, calved since Julv 1, 1925—AV. P. Booten’s Shawfield Aster and Shawfield Profession 1, J. J. Wright’s Cornwall Park Sweet Ne'l 111. and Cornwall Park Victoria II- 2.
Two heifers.—Calved since July 1, 1926.—H. C. Belcher’s Egmont Queenie and Egmont Pearl 1, AV. P. Booten’s Shawfield Fortune and Shawfield Daphne 2. Two cows, in milk, calved prior to July 1. 1925. —J. C. Wright’s Braeside Sweet Nell and Cornwall Park Sweet Sell 1. J. AVood’s Redman 11. and Kin"- Prize 2.
Bull, calved prior to July 1, 1924. — F. C. AVright’s (Normanby) Cornwall ’ark Gav Lad champion and 1. Bull, calwsd since Julv 1. 1925- —J. AA T ood’s (Hnriroa) Morning Star 1, AA T . P. Booten’s Shawfield Supreme 2, H. C. Belcher’s Egmont Lad 3. Bull, calved since July 1, 1926.—J. C. AVright’s Cornwall Park Rover 1, AA r . P. Booten’.s Shawfield Knight 2, J. 0. Wright’s Cornwall Park Pretty Lad r >
Bull, any age, and three females, 2 rears) or over; must ho property of exhibitor.—.l. C. Wright’s Cornwall Park Guv Braeside Sweet Nell Cornwall Park Sweet Nell IT., and Cornwall Park Sweet Nel 1 111. 1. J- Wood’s Morning Star, Redman 11., King’s Prize and Red Beauty 2 FAT CATTLE. Pen of two steers or bullocks, any lore. —G. Lamplough (Stratford) 1 and 2. Pen of two cows or heifers, any age. —M. Barraclough (Hawera) 1,2 and 3. PIGS. TAMWORTH. ‘Sow, over 12 months; must show signs of being in farrow or have farrowed. —F. Ogle (Normanby) 1 and 2, and champion, 11. Pittams (Wharehuia) 3. Sow, 12 months and under. —H. A. Hamlyn (Bell Block) 1. Sow, 8 months and under. —J. Thomlinson (Hawera) I,' F. Wellington (Tuna) 2 and 3. Sow, 4 months and under.—F. Ogle Normanby) 1 and 2. Sow, with litter of not less than six. —II. Pittams (Wharchuia) I. CROSSBRED PIGS. (For pigs not entered in the Herd Book) Sow, over 12 months. —Erie Bennett (Normanby) 1, E. iLinell (Midhirst) 2 and 3. Sow, under 12 months. —E. Lined Midhirst) 1 and 2, Sow, with litter of not less than six. —Eric, Bennett (Normanby) 1, E. Lin-, ell (Midhirst) 2. HORSES. SADDLE HORSES Ladies’ Hack.—C. H. Washer’s (Hawera) Molly Paul 1, Mrs. 11. A. King’s (Stratford) Sans Alger 2, Mrs. L. Hicks (Hawera) Grevmist 3. Weight Carrying Cob.—T. Walker’s (Tuma) Playmate 1. Mrs. IT. A. King’s Dandy 2. O. R. Honey field’s (Onaero) Civility 3. LEAPING COMPETITIONS. Leaping Competition, Steeplechase Style.—A. H. Mercer’s (Patea), Gilgai 1; F. W. Atkins’s (Normanby), Prince Paul 2; I, R. Cole’s (Motupui), Nimble - foot 3. Open Riders’ Competition.—S. McRae’s (Patea), Suede 1; S. Cole’s (Onaero), Lady June 2; I. IT. Cole’s (Motunui), Nimblefoot 3. Lady Rider.—Mrs. J. Anderson, Whangiamomoma; Mrs. Bekker, 2. Lady Rider. —Miss M. Washer, 1; Miss Smitheram., Patea, 2; Miss D. Young, Ivairanga, 3. Pony Leaping.—J. Hamblyn’s (Mere Mere) Blue Boy 1; D’. Collins’s (Stratford) Slippery Tom 2. Boy Rider. —T. Vincent (Stratford) 1 J. Hamblyn (Mere Mere) Blue Boy 2’ Boy or Girl Rider. —F. Atkins (Normanby) 1, A. Agent (Te Popo) 2, R. Collins (Stratford) 3.
STEER RIDING. PRELIMINARIES. A. Harrison (Hawera) 1, J. Bryant (Normanby) 2, J. Isgar (Inglewood), E. G. Johnson (Inglewood), -J. Mannings (Alton), AV. Payne (Sknncr Rd.), J. Peters (Ngaere), W. Poke (Paten), J. Taylor (Raimata), G. Twidle (Manaia), R. Morrison (Hawera) 3. PONIES. Pony.—B. R. Blackhall’s (Lepperton) New Zealand’s Tony by Empire 1 mice —Lady Free, bred by exhibitor 1, D. Collins’s (Stratford) Opossum 2 J. Hiamblyn’is (Mere Mere) Blue Boy 3, Pony.—Miss U. Miles’s (Tiarurutangi) Entry 1, D. Collins’s (Stratfoid) C. Patterson’s (Kiapuni) Flora 3. Pony.—Mrs. T. J, Martin s (Inglewood), Sportsman 1, Miss D. Young s Silver 1 2. J. Gtiiiiliii (jYldnaia) Pearle 11., 3. SHEEP. ROMNEY MARSH. Ram, over 30 months. —J. G. Alexander (Miaxwelltown) 1 and reserve champion, J. AVood (Iluiroa) 2. Ram, over IS months, and under 30 ■months—J. G. Alexander (Maxwelltown) 1 and champion, Blair and Hunter (Maxwelltown) 2, L. Marfell (Toko) 3. Ram, spider IS months. —'Blair and Hunter (Maxwelltown) 1. ' Two rams, under 18 months, shorn since September 1, 1927.—J. G. Alexander (Maxwelltown) 1. Ewe, over IS months, with lamb at foot—Blair and Hunter (Maxwelltown) Jl and champion, (Blair and Hunter (Maxwelltown) 2 and reserve champion. Two ewes, over 18 months, with lambs at foot. —Blair and Hunter (Maxwellbown) 1. Ewe, under 18 months. —Blair and Hunter (Maxwelltown) 1, H. R. AVickham (Huiroa) 2 and 3. SOUTHDOWNS Ram, over 30 months. —A. H. Bowen (Huiroa) 1 and champion) H. Kaye (Toko) 2. Ram, over 16 months and under 30 months. —A. A. Verry (AVaitotara) 1 and reserve champion, AV. AV. Clarke (Eltham) 2. Ram, under 18 months. —A. A. A T crry (AVaitotara) 1, A. 11. Bowen (Huiroa) O Two rams, under IS months, shorn since September 1, 1927. —A. A. Verry (YVaitotara) 1, F. Bosley (AATienuakura) 2 and 3. Ewe, over 18 months, with lamb at foot. —A. A. Verry (YVaitotara) 1 and champion, P. Farley (AVestmeut) 2 A. 11. Bowen (Huiroa) 3. Two ewes, over IS months, with lamb at foot. —J. C. Allen (Stratford) reserve champion and 1 and 2. Ewe, under IS months. —A. 11. Bowen (Huiroa) 1 and 3, J. C. Allen (Stratford) 2. Two ewes, under IS months, shorn. — F. Besley (AVhenuakura) 1 and 2, A. 11. Bowen (Huiroa) 3.
CORRIEDALES. Ram, over 30 months. —u. AVood (Huiroa)' champion and 1 and 2. Ram, under IS months. —J. AA’ood (Huiroa) 1. Ewe, over 18 months, with lamb at foot. —j. Wood (Huiroa) champion and 1 and 2. Two ewes, over IS months, with lambs at foot. —J. AA’-ood (Huiroa) 1 and 2. Ewe, under 18 months. —(J. AVood Huiroa) 1,2 and 3. Two ewes, under IS months. —J. YA'ood (Huiroa) 1,2 and 3. FLOCK SHEEP. Three ewes, 18 months or under. —A. Marfell (Toko) 1 and 2. Three ewes, over 30 months, . with lambs at foot. —A. Marfell (Toko) 1. Three crossnred ewe hoggets, suitable for breeding under Taranaki eonditions. —A. Marfell Toko) 1 and 2, AViuskill and Green (Douglas) 3. FLEECES. 'Complete fleece, any breed or age. J. AVood (Huiroa) 1,2 and 3. art section. Miss T. A. Ingram, Hawera, secured first and second prizes in landscape or seascape, and first prize in fruit or flowers, in the painting in oils section.
SECOND DAY JUDGING. HORSES. CLYDESDALES. Clydesdale Stallion (lour years or over). —Moore Hunter Estate (Hawera) Cruncher, 1539, by Bonnie Dene Hefty Maid. Bred by Exhibitors, 1; J. Kerrisk, junior, High Tide by High I lonour—Lee Creek Maggie. Tired by J. Patrick, 2; J. Kerrisk, junior (Ohangai), Prince Premier by Premier Pride)—Nancy Lee. Bieid by E. E. Jenkins, 3. Olydevsdale Stallion, (three years of a ge.—A. L. Campbell’s (Hawera) Itatonga, 2095, by Bonnie Dene —Lady RlautaTii, 1. Clydesdale Colt (one year old). —G. Sangster’s (Stratford) entry, 1; J. Kerrisk’s, junior (Ohangai), Highborn by High Tide—Cherry Queen, bred by exhibitor, 2. _ Mare or Gelding.— I’. Perry’s (Mangatoki) entry, 1 and 2. Milk Cart Horse.—lX Lowe’s (Huiron) Sandy, 1; T, Perry’s (Mangatold) entry, 2; H. 9’. Hun wick’s (Midhirst) Miss Knight, 3. Milk Cart horse.—W. Bond’s (Lowgarth) Bless. 1 ; P. IT. Smith’s (Cardiff) Lassie, 2; E. A. Adlam (Waipuku) Kate, 3. Fanners’ Utility Horse. —P. ITSmith’s (Cardiff) Lassie, 1 ; V’. Bond’s (Lowgarth) Bloss, 2; El. A. Adlam (Waipuku) Kate, 3. Pair of Farm Houses. —T. Perry's (Mangatoki) entrv. 1 and 2. Turnout.—T. Walker’s (Tuna) Playmate, 1; Mrs. T. J. Martin’s (Inglewood), Sportsman, 2; Mrs. L. Hale’s (New Plymouth) Lady Zetland, 3. HARNESS HORSES. Mare or Gelding.—A. W. Agent (Te Popo) Reform, J ; T. Perry’s (Mangatoki) entry, 2; S. Wisnewski’s (Inglewood) Glen, 3. Mare or Gelding.—W. R. Pfilgy s (Mangatoki) Octachord, I; W. 1 1 deman’s (Wanganui) Laddie, 2; 0. Patterson’s (Kapuni) King Dick, 3. Mare or Gel din 2:. —T. Walker’s (Tuna) Playmate, 1 ; Mrs. H. A. King’s (Stratford) Dandy by San Fran—Allger. 2; Mrs. T. J. Martin’s (Inglewood) Sportsman, 3. Best Turnout.—Mrs. IT. A. King’s (Stratford), Dandy, 1; T. Walker, 3 is
(Tuna) Playmate, 2; AV. R. Perry’s (Mangatoki) Octachord, 3. Lady’s turnout.—Mrs. H. A King s (Stratford) Dandy T, T. AAalkers (Tuna) Playmate 2, Mrs. T. J. Martin's (Inglewood) Sportsman 3. Trotting marc, or gelding. 1. I crr >' (Mangatoki) 1, A. 3. Griffiths’ (Toko) Maori Jack 2, C. Paterson s (Kapuni) King Dick 3. Trotting mare or gelding. YY . It. Perrv’s (Mangatoki) Octachord 1, A. YY Agent’s (Te Popo) Reform 2, 1. YValker’s (Tuna) Playmate 3 Champion. —A. AV . Agent s (Te I opo) Reform. . , Reserve champion. —T. AA a I her © (Tuna) Playmate. THOROUGHBREDS. Stallion, three years or over.—C. J. Preston’s (Normanby) Ruapapa 1. SADDLE HORSES. Champion- Mis© C. J. Steward’s (Haleombe) Gentleman Jack. Reserve Champion— S. Symes’ (AVuverley) Osprey. SCHOOL OpXLDREN’S PONIES School children’s pony, irrespective of size, Competitor to bo resident oi the district under the Taranaki Education Board. —B. R- Blackball (Leppeiton) 1, J. G. Gamlin (Maaiaia) 2, H. Johnson (Inglewood) 3. PIGS. ANY OTHER VARIETY (Purebred).
Boar, over 12 months. —O. Robertsons (gVlatupu) Luce l-nci ale Lordship i and champion. B-oar, eignt months and under. —J. F louno-’s (.Inglewood) Lincolndaies Burleigh Ist 1, A. M. O’Sullivan’s (Cardill) Lucerndaies Pioneer Ist 2. Sow, 12 months and under. —O. Robertson’s Springdale Baroness Ist 1. Sow, four months and under.bA. M. o’Sullivan 1 and 2, S. Mcßae (Patea) 3. Sow, with litter of not less than six. —C. YY 7 bite’s (Puniwhakau) Lucerndaies Demand 1. CATTLE. PEDIGREE JERSEYS. Cow, any age, in full milk, to be judged on daily points, irrespective oi type. —Truby King’s (Stratford) Ivonuaie Golden Rainoow 1, R. L. Horn’s (.Ohau) ivu Ku Silver Chimes 2, F. YY . worn wall’s (Bell Block) Oaklands Lady Brampton 3. Final Stratford Futurity Stakes; heifer calved since July 1, 1924, open to heifers entered for Second Stratford Futurity Stakes. —F. W. Cornwall’s Oaklands Silky 1, J. A. Mitchell's (Longhurn) Ivondale Gold Box 2, G. ri. Bell’s (Oakura) Pinewoods Viola. 3. Junior breeding team, of two yearling heifers and one yearling bull.—R. L. Horn's (Ohau) Ku Ku Owl’s Victor, ivu Ku Gleam and Ku Ku Elegance 1, J. Browning’s (Tariki) Aga Tawa Dawn, Nga Tawa Jasmine and Nga Tawa Commander 2, E. J.. Kirkwood's (Stratford) Golden Fern’s" Conquest, Golden Fern’s Island Queen and Golden Fern’s Lilac 3, Novice class, lieifer, calved since July I, 1926. —Mrs. M. A. Gadsby’s (Stratford) Linden G:rov r e Jean 1, AY’. Johnson’s (Ngaere) Brookley’s Tiny 2, Mrs. M. A, Gadsby’s (Stratford) Linden Grove Una 3., Heifer, since July 1, 1926 (junior or senior). —E. J, Kirkwood’s (Stratford) Golden Fern’s Island Queen 1, Tlruby King’s (Stratford) Cornelia Lady Disdain 2, Mrs !M. A. Gads by’© (Stratford) Linden Grove Jean 3. J. Browning’s , l ariki) Nga Tawa Dawn v.h.c., YY’. Johnson’s (Ngaere) Brookley’© Tiny h.c. Bull, salved since July 1, 1925. — Truby King’s Fern’s Golden Laddie 1, J. Klenner’s (Kaimataj) YY’ood land’s vie2, D. A\ T . Gray’s (Huiakama) Iyoaiclale Gold Boy 3, O. McAloon’© Pinevood’s Golden Ray v.h.c. Bull (senior division), calved ,siince July 1, 1926 and before Otcober 1. 1926. —R. L. Horn’s (Ohau) Ku Ku Owl’s A'iotor 1, YY’. Pollock’s (Hawera) Jersey Park Bullfinch 2. J. Browning’s (Tariki) Nga Tawa Celebrity 3, G. Uh leu burg (YY'afpuku) Hilltop Masterpiece v.h.c. Bull (junior division), calved since October 1. 1926. —AV- Crosby’© (YY'aiilci) Pukatea Squire 1. O. McAloon’s YA’attlebanlc Golden Noble 2, J. Klenner (Tvaiimata) Xenia’s Oxford Majesty 3. YY r . T. Thompson's (Tariki) Mira Meadows Marcus v.h.c.
PEDIGREE FRIESIANS Cow, any age, in. full milk; to be judged on dairy points, irrespective of type..—C. W. Baldwin and Sons’ (Ngatoro) Milkmaid Johanna 1, H. Johnson and Son’s (Stratford) Glenmore Tilly Alcartra 2, 11. E. Johnson (Tokaora) 3. GRADE AND CROSSBRED (Cattle). Dairy cow of any breed, other than entered in any Herd Book, to he judged on dairy type (Wanganui Fresh Food Co., Ltd.’s, Cup.—R. Laird (Westmere) 1, H. Edwards’ (Ngaere) Violet 2, W. Harkness’s (Midbirst) Zilla 3, Stanley Kemp’s (Te Wera) Twyligbt v.h.c., A. Thompson (Midhirst) h.c. Dairy cow of any breed, other than pedigree, calved prior to July 1, 1924. —R. Laird’s (Westmere) Primrose. 1 and champion, H. Edwards’ Violet, 2, W. TTarknciss’ Zilla 3. Dairy cow of any breed, other than nedigree. calved since July 1, 1924. — Stanley Kemp’.s Twyligbt 1, A. Thompson (Midihinst) 2. Householders’ cow, other than pedigree.—W. TTarkuess’ Zilla 1, F. H. Wiokffnm’s (Stratford) Pet 2. Heifer, calved 1 since- July 1, 1926. Miss H. Hunt (Stratford) 1. SCHOOLS CATTLE SECTION. Grade Jersey calf, calved since July 1, 1927. —Edith Marnier (Cardiff) Cowslip, 1; A. Stevens (Stratford Primary School) entry, 2; Roy Paul (Andhirst School) 3. Grade Jersey heifer, calved since July 1,192 G.—-S. Parker (Ararata) 1, Hazel Hunt (Stratford) 2. •Grade Friesian calf, calved since July 1, 1927.—R0y Shannon (Cardiff) 1, Heather Watson 2, 11. Ward (.Stratford) 3, Lance Archer (Cardiff) v.h.c. Crossbred heifer, calved since July 1, 1926, sired by pedigree bull.—Hazel Hunt (Stratford) .1, I. Stewart (Stratford) 2.
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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 24 November 1927, Page 6
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3,532STRATFORD SHOW Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 24 November 1927, Page 6
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