“IT’S RHEUMATICY WEATHER!” Dull, wet, depressing weather affects more than the “nerves.” It renders the system readily open to ’flu, coughs and more especially to rheumatism. A common chill easily develops into rheumatic disorders. Too much uric acid is secreted. This lodges in the joints, poisons the blood, inflames the muscles, makes life a misery. Rheumo cleanses the system of all impurities, keeps uric acid down to noral, drives out the pain. A week’s tx-eatment will convince—4/6 large bottle. All chemists. 337
WEST COAST REFRIGERATING COMPANY, LTD. COOL STORAGE of every description; JCE JCE TCE also Concrete Warehouse available for Furniture and Bulk Storage. All enquiries at Works: Albion St., Hawera. 'Phone 2313, PUKE COAL PUKE COAL nnHE BEST COAL procurable in Hawera for all Household purposes. Obtainable only from— E. h iggs > WOOD & COAL MERCHANT, 25 GREY ST., HAWERA. ’PHONE 2124 ’PHONE 2124 Agent for Pukemiro Collieries Ltd. qEAGRASS Push Chairs, Prams and Chairs. Best quality made on the premises. We also repair all kinds of Sea Grass Furniture. Geo. Syrne and Co., Ltd.* Princes and Riddiford Streets.
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Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 10 September 1927, Page 2
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179Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Hawera Star, Volume XLVII, 10 September 1927, Page 2
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