MISCELLANEOUS /'■'t OOD-BYE to engine trouble if you use Duekham’s New Process Motor Oil. Improves compression and reduces carbon. All garages stock Duckham ’B. —7 SYME & CO.. Ltd., for the latest in Fancy Chintz, Shadow Tissue and Cretonnes suitable for draping and loose covers. Estimates for loose covers free of charge. ttaVE your Show Frock made by our dressmaker. Opens on Monday. —C. C. Ward Ltd. ri f> BUSH Bugs and grey camp blankets, rugs 13/6, 18/6; blankets, 22/6; best Mosgiel travelling rugs, from 65/-; bags and trunks, at the N.Z. Clothing Factory, Hawera. n r n HELMETS —Children's .washing helmets, 2/11, 3/6; fuji silk helmets, 4/11; men's bowling helmets, 4/6; bowling shoes and blazers. — At the N.Z. Clothing Factory, Hawera. xx x> BLACK Italian shirts for the engineer or mechanic with the great wear in it, at 8/6. These are the best quality made and to wear.— A.t the N.Z. Clothing Factory, Hawera. H.B. SHOW time hats. We lead with all the best hats money will purchase. Lounge felts, 19/6; Borsalino, 35/-; Stetson, 55/-. Buy your show time hats at N.Z. Clothing Factory, Hawera. tt T> STETSON hats. —Great show of the newest Stetson hats at H. 8., Hawera, where the quality is the best and the newest' goods.—At* the N.Z. Clothing Factory, Hawera. TT O PANAMA Hats for show week. We have the newest styles and shapes for men and children. Call and try on a panama or felt hat at the N.Z. Clothing Factory, Hawera. TUDICIOUS motorists always ask for Duckham’s New Process Lubricating Oil. They know from long experience of the better compression and money saved in petrol. Sold all gar ages. —l9 JUST Arrived —The newest and latest Fadeless Curtaining in net, madras, poplin and casement cloths. — Geo. Syme & Co.. Ltd. T A GLOBIA leads the world: The method of reproduction is exclusive—others have imitated it, but without success. Hear the world’s best gramophone at Liddington’s.
WANTED TO LET. WANTED to Let—Comfortable frout room with fireplace; also good garage. Address Star Office. MISCELLANEOUS \ LIFE-TIME of entertainment for an initial payment of a few shillings. Buy a “New Wonder La Gloria” gramophone.—T.' G. Liddington, Sole Agent, Hawera District. A ULD ’S are showing the smartest frocks in their show room. For freshness, style and variety they appeal to all well dressed ladies. Always something fresh opening. Inspection invited. Marabous in black and colours just opened, 15/6, 17/6, 25/6, 35/-. 42/- to 65/-. ANNOUNCING the “New Wonder La Gloria,” the supreme achievement of modern music. Hear the gloriously full tone and masterly rendition of this marvellous gramophone at Liddington’s, Hawera. A DAMSON & ROBB have a splendid assortment of the famous ready-to-wear “Lynx” suits in all sizes; also a fine assortment of Borsalino and Stetson hats, at High St., Hawera. ~X FRIEND to Thousands 1 Very small, but truly wonderful. If you are feeling down take Strange’s Little Liver Pills, 1/- bottle, at the Pharmacy, High St. ~X PROVEN Remedy for Eczema boils and skin diseases —Kurex the great healer, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6 at Tait’s Pharmacy, High Street \ REMINDERI When you are spending good money on a cough medicine, why not have something that really does goodf Monk’s Balsam is the concentrated cough cordial that absolutely annihilates colds. You must get it from Westwood’s Pharmacy, ISS High Street, Hawera. A REMEDY which has nad phenomenal success as a cough and influenza cold cure is Monk’s Balsam. Remember the name and get a bottle when next passing.—G. H. Westwood Chemist, High St., Hawera.
WANTED KNOWN YjyANTED Known—Cash and Carry every time for me, says Mr Farmer. Why should I pay for heavy delivery trucks, exorbitant High Street rents, booking charges, bad debts, etc., when I can carry my own goods in my own car and have a good outing for the money 1 save as well? Quite right, Mr Farmer, you can save. Hook at these few prices for example: Pollard, 200’s 25/-; motor spirit, 17/3 case; Soiled Oats, 1/7; St. Mungo, 1/7; B. and P. Cornflour, 10/- doz. lbs; Candles, 10/6 doz lbs; Creamoata, 3 for 5/11; Tomato Sauce, large bottles, 1/3; Jellies, 6 for 1/-; Sultanas, best 9; Currant,s 7d; Eaisins, bulk 7d lb; 21b tin honey, 1/9; Wholemeal (for which we are famous), 6/9 2olb bag; large bars Soap, 9d. Support the Cash and Carry and. notice the prices tumble. Cash and Carry for value, not bluff. Corner Union and Nelson Sts. ANTED Known —Plain and coloured coir matting, 27 inches wide, 3/9 yard; 86 inches wide, 5/6 yard. Coir mats all sixes and prices.—Geo. dyme and Co., .Ltd.
TO ADVERTISERS. Uatiex the P<*st«l Regulation* correspondent atkfretoed to a Bom-de-plumß, or witb Initials only, to cars of any Post Office, will not t-e forwarded ' from office of posting If advertisers do noi desire to disclose their names they may hove replies addressed care of Tha Star and same will be forwarded to advertiser. WANTED KNOWN. VS7ANTED Known —The new Audi- ’’ tion rooms at Dixon's are a great attraction. A full range of H.M.V. Records and Gramophones; all can be heard ii i comfort. We invite you. VyANTED Known —During the next ** few weeks, our entire stock of Millinery, Ready-to-Wear Garments and Underclothing will be offered less a Special Discount of 3/- in every £ for cash. —Harrops Ltd., Hawera and Stratford. VITANTED Known The Cut Rate Leads! Notwithstanding that we have the most up-to-date and hygenic shop in Taranaki, still our overhead is the smallest, as overhead is determined solely by turnover, and if you have any doubt as to who does the turnover, come and watch the arcade of Hawera's leading store. Candles, 121bs for 10/3; evap. peaches, 1/4; evap. apricots, 1/4; sandwich tins, 4 for 1/-; Rolled Oats, 1/6. Agents for stonej crushed wheatmeal (fresh weekly), 25 lbs 6/7; honey, 21b tin, 1/7; Holbrook's rennet, lid. Cut out the middleman. Rally round the Cut Rate and save real money.
VW ANTED Known—O’Beilly’s lead ' ' where quality counts. Known and recognised throughout Taranaki as the home of high-class groceries and provisions. Waiata "bacon, butter and cheese; once tried, always tried. Just landed direet from England, Chiver’s jams, including strawberries and raspberries in heavy syrup. Other lines just landed direct: Del Monte cherries in syrup, Del Monte asparagus, Crosse and Blackwell’s asparagus tips. We are pleased to announce a reduction in Peak, Prean’s English biscuits. As we ,are direct agents we can quote you right; include some in your next order. Mazawattee tea, Panyong Leaf and China Buds. Our famous blended tea 2/8 lb is great value. Compressed yeast; Yates’ and Cooper’s new season’s seeds in 3d and 6d packets. Bing 26, O’Beilly’s, for quality and price. YV7ANTED Known —Our prices ' * 1 ATimaf -in T'orono Vi twist shirts, 5/11; Palmer naps, 8/6; boys’ blue serge shorts, 5/11. —The Busy Shop—Shaw, High St. VX7ANTED Known —Xmas will soon ’ ' be here and we have all the seasonable goods in stock, so there is no reason to pass Bullock’s Big Store. Turban dates, Bd, Bd, 8d per pkt, 7/3 per doz.; herrings in tomato sauce (11b tins, 1/-, 1/-, 1/-; Crosse and Blackwell’s vinegar, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6 per bot; Lea and Perrin’s sauce, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6 and 2/9 per bot; Phoenix peel, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5 per lb; blue boiling peas, 41bs for 1/-, 41bs for 1/-; K peas in tins, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2; best factory butter in pats, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4 per lb (fresh daily). Make Bullock your grocer and you will have no regrets. Our address: Princes St., opposite the Soldiers’ Club, ’phone 96.
YYTANTED Known —During the next ' * few weeks our entire stock of Millinery, Ready-to-wear Garments, and Underclothing will be offered less a Special Discount of 3/- in every £ for cash. —Harrops Ltd., Hawera and Stratford. TUAETEb Known—During the next few weeks our entire stock of Millinery, Ready-to-Wear and Underclothing will be offered less a Special Discount of 3/- in every £ for cash. —Harrops Ltd., Hawera and Stratford. vrrANTED Known The Cut Rate • '*» T.ooflnt Leads! Yes! Mr Farmer, but why not save still more. Read the following prices: Pollard, 2001 b 23/6; motor spirits, 16/11; Brown and Poison’s cornflour, 121 b for 9/6; candles, 121 b for 10/3; evap. apricots, 1/4; factory butter, pats 1/4, bulk 1/3; best separator, 1/-; big round bath soap, 3 for 1/3; oval bath soap, 3 for 1/-; big bar soap, 3 for 1/11; leg rope, lOd per lb lb every day; hickory axe handles, 1/3. three for 3/8. Quite right, Mr Farmer! Save all you can. That means, ol course, that you will buy at the continually famous Cut Rate. > Known —During the next •* * 4 s ,anr -nrnolra Am* OTltirA at.nP.lf ftf Millinery, Ready-to-Wear Garments and Underclothing will be offered less a Special Discount of 3/- in every £ for cash.—Harrops Ltd., Hawera and Stratford. YY7”ANTED Known—Just opened up, a beautiful assortment of Chinese hand-embroidered and linen goods, tray cloths,, tea and supper cloths, table centres, handkerchiefs, etc.; also many novelties suitable' for Xmas presents. Many samples to go at sample price. Inspection invited at Hart’s Show Room, Union Street.
A ULD’S Values are unbeatable! Double width voiles, 1/6, 1/9; smart cheek ginghams in good quality only, 1/3 (compare these); pretty mudlins, Bid, lOd; marocains, in smart designs; table damasks, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11; bedspreads, fast colours, 8/6, 10/6, 13/6; tickings, 1/3 and 1/6; pillow cases, 2/11 pair. Auld’s still lead for value; try them. ULD'S have just opened another case of smart hats direct from the London factory. How is your opportunity to get a smart hat at Auld’s keenest prices. A ULD’S for Kiddies’ Hats and Rompers! Just come and see what we can do for you. Smart straw hats, 3/9, 4/6, 6/6, 8/6 to 17/6; rompers, pinafores, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 3/9. Don’t leave it too late. Gramophones and Records. Crackajack Mouth Organs and all kinds of Musical Instruments obtianable at Laidlaw’s, Piano Tuners and Kepairera. Rawer*. jgRIHG your films to us; we do de veloping and printing. Let us have yours.—Tait’s, the Chemist, High Street. f?EFORE starting on a long run always fill up with Duekham’s Hew Process Motor Oil. Better compression. Less petrol consumption. Sold all garages. —1 J3RITISH and Bestl Duekham’s Hew Process Motor Oil. Goes further than other oils and lessens petrol consumption. Sold all garages. It must be Duekham’s. —9 C. WABD LTD. will reopen their * Dressmaking on Monday, the 15th inst. “{'"JRETOL” Bail-room Powder, a parawax floor dressing, produces a real surface; does not rise; 2/- per tin at Strange’s, the Chemist.
H/TOTOKISTS! Carbon practically eliminated by using Duckham ’a New Process Motor Oil. Better compression. Saves money. Sold all garages. Insist on Dnekhaia’» n OIT WASHING Machines, arrived direct from the makers; make washing day easy, at Dixon’s. Cash price £6 15s ■DEDUCTIONS this month on Xmas A presents. Take advantage of our lay by system: Pay a deposit and any article will be put aside for you till Xmas. Shop early and secure the best selection and service. Special reductions are being made on family shopping at Hart’s High Street and Union Street, Hawera. T>ADIO.Sets —Three makes to be seen and heard at Dixon’s, Hawera— Sonora, Greebe and King Neutrodyn. Call and hear for yourself. QEND £5 T..your entries in now for the Pose and Sweet Pea Show. CTOP that “knock.” Dse Duck ham’s New Process Lubricating Oil—the perfect lubricant. Lessens carbon deposit. Better compression. All garages. CTYLE a Satisfaction! Our Dressmaking department reopens Monday. Be first with your order. —C. C. Ward Ltd. QNIP! English Piano in splendid order, £55 cash. Terms can be arranged. Also Bohm Piano at £3O for quick sale at Dixon’s, Hawera. HPHE result of a life study—Duckham’s New Process Motor Oil; the correct lubricant; lessens caTbon deposit; better compression. AJI garage.—Advt. 'T'HE life of your car prolonged by using Duckham’s New Process Motor Oil. Better lubricating properties than any other oil. Sold all garages. • rjpHE friend of thousands —Strange’s Little Liver Pills make you see life right. Virtuous to a degree; 1/at Strange’s, the Chemist.
YT^ ANTED Known-—Stetsons, Borsalinos, Battersbys and all the best makes of hats from 8/11 to 55/-. We have the largest and best variety at the Busy Shop—Shaw, High St.
FOUND. (STRAYING on property, Nopera Road, Pihama, 'since about the middle of August, one empty two-year Holstein heifer. If not claimed and expenses paid within ten days will be sold. —C. Horgan.
WANTED TO EXCHANGE. ANGKE house New Plymouth for house or section in Hawera. Post particulars to “350/ ’ Star. • POE SALE Sale —One Shetland pony, mare, 4 years.—E. Grant, Normanby, •’phone 429 K. 'p'Oit Sale —Two Pord 1-ton trucks, ■*" ' with pneumatic tyres all round; in good order; cheap. One Pord light delivery with sell starter. —H. it. Kemp, Pord Dealer. Tj'Olt Sale—3 h.p. Anderson engine, two solid fly wheels, guaranteed; f.o.r. Eltharn, £3O. Particulars from Box 3, ’phone 84, -Eltham. Sale —1925 e.l. Indian Scout motor cycle in perfect order. Apply V. Draper, Kaupokonui. T/Oit Sale—Used Cars: Chevrolet 5seater, new hood, side curtains and seat covers, painted and overhauled, £9O; Caleott 2-seater, £75; 5seater Buick, £125; Pord i-ton truck with body suitable for butcher or baker, £SO; Pord i-ton chassis, £2O. Terms arranged.—lt. H. Leeee and Co., Hawera. li'OE, Sale—Secona-nand “Bohm” piano in splendid condition, £5 deposit and 22/2 monthly.—Bristol Piano Co., Ltd. T. G. Liddington, Hawera Agent.
■WTANTJELD Anowu T. a oris I Thft fil The Cut riate Leads! The firm that would not plus your account. 1A sugar, 16/6; Edmond’s baking powder, large, 3 for 3/6 or 13/11 per doz.; H.P. sauce, 1/2; dessert fruits, apricots, pears and peaches, 1/3 tin; Price’s lavender soap, 4/11 doz. We pay no big High Street rent. What we obtain from manufacturers by way of middleman profit more than pays both rent and delivery, and we sell at 25 per cent, cheaper. Why pay a higher price for the privilege of becoming a pack horse. Yes! The Cut Bate Leads. Cheerio! Meet me in the Arcade! YI7 ANTED Known—Factory singlets, i>V ’ J 1/6, 2/6, 2/11; heavy-weight white overalls, 9/6 ; blue, 8/11, 9/11; factory aprons, boots and everything for factory wear at the Busy Shop— Shaw, High St. ~V\T ANTED Known—Buy your Xmas fruits at Bullock’s Big Store. Our goods will stand inspection and our prices are always right. Best Mildura sultanas, 31bs for 2/5, 31bs for 2/5; Mildura currants, 31bs for 1/5, 31bs for 1/5; cooking almonds, 2/3, 2/3, 2/3 per lb; seeded raisins, 3 pkts for 1/11, 3 pkts for 1/11; seedless raisins, 3pkts for 1/11, 3 pkts for 1/11; crstallised cherries, 2/6, 2/6, 2/6 per lb; choice prunes (21b pkts), 1/3, 1/3, 1/3; loose prunes, 31bs for 1/5, 31bs for 1/5; Day Dawn apricots, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4; Day Dawn peaches and nectarines, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 pkt.—Bullock’s Big Store, Princes St., opposite the Soldiers ’ Club, ’phone 96. WANTED Known - licious! Delicious! DeDelicious! Fresh, fully mature Stunner apples arriving twice weekly direct from our packing sheds. Nelson. No wilted fruit. Prices still the same, 2ilbs 1/-; small 41bs 1/-; cookers, 31bs 1/-. Try our cartons — quarter-case, handy packages; cheapest way of all to buy apples. Oranges, lemons, bananas, pears, etc., of the best quality only always in stock.—Sunny Nelson Fruit Depot ’phone 701, 3 Clnion St., Hawera.
pORNSI Corns! Why suffer when you can get immediate relief by using Tait’s Corn Solvent; 1/6 bottle at Tait’s Pharmacy, High St. pAR Ownersl More miles per gallon by using Dnckham’s ' New Process Motor Oil. Retains its viscosity. Eliminates carbon deposit. All garages. —2 pAR Owners! Get the best from your car by using Duckham’s New Process Motor Oil. Saves money and reduces carbon deposit 50 per cent. Sold all garages. —S D ON’T forget your entries for the Rose and Sweet Pea Show. ]~) A TRYMENI Insure against loss by your herd using Neale’s Drenches and Paralysis Powders, etc.; procurable at Dingle’s Pharmacy. T)UCKHAM’S British New Process Motor Oil. Clean, clear. Earned for lubricating value and purity. Better compression, less carbon deposit. All garages. —l4 T)UCKHAM’S New Process Motor Oil forms a protecting film between all working parts. After 2000 miles its viscosity is unimpaired. All garages. —l2 TpNGINE wear reduced to a minimum by using Duckham’s New Process Motor Oil. It defers need for replacements. Saves money. Sold all garages. . —5 TpVIDENCE is convincing. Ask anyone who uses Strange ’a Special Eczema Ointment or try it for yourself. Proof is conclusive and you’ll recommend it to your friends; 2/6, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6 at Strange’s, High St. Blind Hollands in beige A brown and green; antique and wood curtain rods and fittings complete. Estimates for fitting free. — Geo. Syme & Co.. Ltd., Princes St. The motor engine destroyer practically eliminated by using Duckham’s New Process Motor Lubricating Oil. Sold all garages. Insist on it. —3 pi ET in Early! Our Dressmaker resumes her duties on Monday, the 15th inst.—C. C. Ward Ltd. rj ARDENING, washing, milking. etc., all roughens the hands. R.ejtore the natural texture to the skin (vith Strange’s “Aneta” Skin Emolient; it’s the real thing; 2/- per jar. pARDEN Seeds! Don’t plant for the birds. Use Strange’s Poison»d Wheat and collect birds as a hobby. Poisoned Wheat, 1/6 pkt at Strange’s [Jhemiat Store.
of the Skin —Cydonia Skin Cream is unequalled as a soothing and cooling application for sunburn, windburn and domestic .use. Useful for after shaving. Price 1/6 and 2/6 bottle. Procure from R. Tait, Chepaist, High St.
HAWKRA STAR AGENCIES. HAWERA STAR ia procurable from the following agencies iD HaweTa:— C. KELSEN, opposite St. Mary's Church, to 10 p.m. daily. F. J. BOASE & CO., High St., to 5.30 p.m. daily (noon Wednesday, 9 p.m. Saturday). P. T. DONNELLY & CO., High St., to 5.30 p.m. daily (noon Wednesday, 9 p.m. Saturday). ,A. H. HODGE, High St., to 5.30 p.m. daily (noon Wednesday, 9 p.m. Saturday). W. R. SHAW ,Park Store, to 8 p.m daily (9 p.m. Saturday) MISS F. O. BLAKE, Opera House Confectionery, to 10 p.m. daily. G. W. CLARK, opposite railway station, to 8 p.m. daily (9 p.m. Saturday). MRS BARRINGER, corner Argyle and High Sts., to 10 p.m. daily. MRS SUNDERLAND, corner Prince* St. and South Road, to 10 p.m daily. H. GIBBES, Grand Confectionery Shop, High St. J. R. GALLAGHER, Regent St., to 9 p.m. daily (10 p.m. Saturday®). CAUTION. T>ROCEEDINGS will be taken against persons removing “ Star ” from roadside when thrown off by car drivers for benefit of subscribers. A reward will be paid for information leading to the detection of offender*.
WANTED TO BUY YYTANTED to Purchase —Small sec- ' J ond-hand fire resisting safe. State measurements, maker and price. Eeply to “Eire Safe/’ Star Office. to Purchase —Old culled “ cows, boners, old horses suitable for boiling down.—J. Mead, Denbigh Eoad, Hawera.
SITUATIONS VACANT ANTED—Two good carpenters. Apply on tlie job to foreman of works, Hawera Baeecourse. \yANTED —Good milker, male or female; machines used; good wages. Apply Alton Store. YyANTED —Married couple or single man for milking and general farm work; machines used. Apply T. Whyte, Eiverlea. — Bespeetable married ” couple, no children; wife to housekeep and look after children. Write “Careful,” Star Office. WANTED—MiIker able to drive waggon; wages £2. Apply Star Office, or ring 'phone 77M, Opunake. Vy ANTED —Gardening of any deseription or hedge cutting. Address at Star Office. TyANTED —Clean willing lad for delivery.—Townsend, Butcher, Hawera.
yWAJSTTED Known Men's sport ’’ coats, 29/6 to 42/6; cricket and iennia trousers, 17/6 to 29/6. Our quality is the best and prices the low3st at the Busy Shop—Shaw, High St. yTfANTED Known—There are no bet- * * ter values than Bullock’s. Wo do We do not shift our prices up and down every lay. Boiled Oats, 1/6, 1/5, 1/5 per jag; best factory butter, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4 per lb; loose oatmeal for stock feed, 5/-, 5/-, 5/- per 25 lbs; 1A sugar, 16/6, L6/6, 16/6 per bag; sliced pineapple (21b tins), 1/-, 1/-, 1/-, 1/-; Enos Fruit salts, 3/-, 3/-, 3/- per bot; Beecham’s Pills, lid, lid, lid per box; English !>ose cocoa, 1/-, 1/-, 1/- per lb; kipered snacks, 4 tins for 1/-, 4 tins for /-; slide matches, 1/7, 1/7, 1/7 per oz. It is not necessary for us to [nake a big noise about values. The public know they always get a fair deal it Bullock’s Big Store, Princes St., ’phone 96. MTAiNTED Known —Its about time r you ordered your tailor-made suit Por Xmas, as time is getting short. It nay save disappointment.—Adamson rad Bobb, Tailors and Mercers, High 3t., Hawera.
ELTHAM BUSINESS SPECIALS. WIRELESS GOODS. COMPLETE SETS"NOW WITHIN THE BEACH OF ALL GILETLLAN G.N.2—5-vlv Neurodyne sets made up in beautifully finished cabinets (less batteries and loud speaker)—£2s/10/GILFILLAN G.N.2—5-valve kits for making up sets; only requires assembling—£l4. Quotations given for complete installation on request. lEAI EA J JJBIDGER, LICENSED RADIO DEALER, eltham:. fjV>R Sale —Gig and harness in good order; also horse; £2O the lot, or will sell separately.—C. C. Stanners, Eltham.
TOTS TO CLEAR AT HALF PRICE ! GREAT REDUCTIONS YFOR TEN DAYS ONLY. Secure Your Xmas Gifts Now! ART DEPOT, HIGH ST., HAiWEEA ’Phone 630. HELD REN IS fancy sox in art silk wool and mercerised cotton; all newest colours and stripes in great variety at Harrops Ltd. "YTEALE’S Drench ea and Paralysis Powder* procurable at Dingle’s Pharmacy.
WORK WANTED. Y\7’ANTED —Washing and cleaning by * young woman. Apply “Respectable,” Star Office.
London Job Purchase of Summer GINGHAMS. GINGHAMS. Check Ginghams, in a wide and varied selection of the newest colourings and cheeks. Very smart for serviceable street and beach frocks. 27in. and 36in. CLEARANCE PRICE .. .. 7-J-D and H}D Yard ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS MAROCAINES, VOILES, TUSSORAS. Marocaines, Striped Voiles, etc., in all the wanted shades for present vear. Bought at a big reduction, and marked to clear. All double width. CLEARANCE PRICE , 1/6 Yard C. C. WARD, LTD., Dress Goods. CREPONELLA, STRIPED VOILES, ART SILKS. Creponella, Striped Voiles, etc. These goods are all very smart and serviceable for Summer Frocks, and at the prices they are marked are sure to prove ready sellers. 40-inch. CLEARANCE PRICE 1/11 Yard DRAPERS, HAWERA C. C. Ward, Ltd. VOILES, ART MAROCAINES, FANCIES. Voiles, Art Marocaines, etc. Very smart goods, large selection, and will make into dainty Summer Frocks. Specially Reduced Prices to quit. 40-ineh. CLEARANCE PRICE .. .. .. 2/11 Yard ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS
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Hawera Star, Volume XLVI, 13 November 1926, Page 2
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3,701Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Hawera Star, Volume XLVI, 13 November 1926, Page 2
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