DISPLAY AT KAPONGA. AIETHODLST ANNUAL SHOW. The third annual .spring howcr show conducted under the auspices ol the Kaiporigja Methodiisfc Ohureli was held sn the Town Hall, Kaponga, yesterday, when the most sanguine expectations concerning its success were fully realised. Though'the number of entries was slightly ‘below the total ol the previous show, owing principally to the late advent of the season and the extremely unfavourable conditions prevailing of late, the 'standard was maintained with distinction and in the daffodils sections showed an improvement according to the opinions expressed by competent critics. The success achieved reflects credit upon the exhibitors and the president (the Rev. A. Blukomore),.the secretary (Mr N. C* Davies) and his assistant*(Mr. S. Death) who, with the other officials, are to he congratulated upon the results of thcii efforts.
The show wais officially opened at 2 p.m. by the president, who expressed his pleasure in viewing such a fine display of exhibits 'and in noting that the show had attracted a big attendance of patrons. He pointed out that without the joint assistance of the exhibitors and the general public any endeavour made to secure the .success of such an institution woulij be fruitless; and he emphasised that- those engaged in the organising work deeply appreciated the encouraging support given. The committee wn« also very grateful for the willing services rendered by the judges, some of whom had undertaken their exacting duties at considerable personal inconvenience. The speaker paid a tribute to the efficiency with which the secretary and his assistant had discharged their duties, and on behalf of the ,church he sincerely thanked them and the many enthusiastic workers who had co-oper-ated in preparing for anul administering the show. A brief speech was also given by Mr. B, Gibson, of Mantua, who officiate.'.! as judge of the daffodils and cut blooms, sections. Mr. Gibson complimented the competitors and the show committee on the marked success of the <• bition. He referred to the severe ha.iidicatp the recent stormy weather hr: placed on both amateur and professional horticulturists throughout < hrdistrict, in view of which the display was of a wondeilul standard. Tracing the history of the shows at Kaponga, he recalled his visits extending for a period of 20 years, when exhibitions had been conducted by the former horticultural society. buL he could not remember an occasion which had produced better quality of 'blooms. Stressing the' highly useful purpose served In tine Kaponga and contemporary .shows in fostering the love of flowers and encouraging the cultivation of borne .agrdens, he appealed for further support to that object. In conclusion, ho said a point with which he had been particularly impressed with the present display wars the competition in juvenile classes, it affording him much pleasure to 'note that such provision had been made and that it was creating keen interest among the young growers.
■ Tlhrnughouit the afternoon and ovenin" «th<* liall was well filled with an admiring; throng of patrons from all parts of the district. DAFFODILS RREiROAIINATE.
The dominating feature wa-> the display of daffodils, which comprised a wide range of well proportioned 'blooms, showing exquisite colouring and approved substance. Mr. A. C'lhryist..d and the Rev. W. W. Avery, of Elitham, were the most successful competitors The foimer earned distinction as the firtsib winner of the Daffodil Cup, a handsome trophy presented by Dr. M Jl. Hiockin, of Kaponga, for award io the successful exhibitor in the twelve varieties class. X nder the terms •of the award the cup is for annual competition, but may be won -outright if secured four times in succession or five tunes at inter vials, Air. ('hrysLai’s collection included notably a particularly fine Ba-silia (giant, leed.sii), having ai large well balanced crown tinged with pale lemon and spreading cream tinted perianth of beautifu texture. This bloom also secured the show championshipl. Others idlalming .particular attention in this exhibit were specimens of Silver Plane and Silver Dawn (white leedsii). Fulaii’s (orange cupped incompurabiJi.s), Selina Malone and Conqueror (bi-coloured trumpet-), and Buxtecl and Herbert Smith (yellow trumpets) The Rev. Avery was the ino&i successful .in point of numbers and was awarded the Williams Rose Bowl and the general points prize. Among his most notable examples were blooms of Pink ’IXn (incomparahilis), showing the characteristic canary yellow cup edged with salmon pink; Robespierre, another incomparahilis, capped in rich orange reil with a creamy white perianth, and Ellfrieda Pearson, a leedsii showing the refined beauty of the type. This is the
.second .successive year in which, ffho Kev Avery has annexed xiho AA llhams ,-se Bawl, which will become Ins property 'should he head the hH m the 'KKrSWtJ sections. y e xt in -attractive merit came the cat blooms classes, in which nvave in popular opinion was accorded tlm van-coloured .anemone ■exhibits. Another highly pleasing *'j!~ afforded by the decorative section, evident autistic diitei.preta.uon ot the schedule being freely commended. The home industries sections neie well supported and were iavomab.y commented upon by the judges, anc also met with the approval o* f the. m.my visitors at the show. Consuleiabfo nterest centred in a group ol Leak eo-o-s featuring a white leghorn spewmen weighing 6i o/.5., a buff orningtou e"g of diminutive size and about Joz in weight, and eight duck ran'"in"- in -size from .that ot a thiushe y r^w«'n.•**-, tr/c named were shown by Messi.. - • Davies, and O. Tonkin vespec-tn Gj, while the (luck eggs formed a collection made .by Miss Thounune.
ALi- G. P. Cook, the judge of the •school .section, expressed himself as being very favourably impressed w ith the thoroughness and industrious application evident in the work ol the children. He intimated he was particularly pleased with the drawing Irani nature and modelling exmbits and, in the former class made no less than three highly commended awards.
Duiin" the evening session an appreciated musical programme was rendered by Mrs. Evans’ orchestra.
Aifternoou tea and supper were piovielect 'iu the annex by a commit-tee under the supervision of Airs. i. Evans, and the following were in control ot special .Halls: Airs. J. J. Davison (sweets), Alesdames R. G. C-ook and A. E. Powell (needlework) and Alesdames I/. Shepherd and N. 0, Davies (con fecitionery). SFFO AiL. DTSiPLA YS. A special exhibition of daffodils, which included representative specimens of the various groups and emphasised the surpassing beauty ot the species, was provided 'by Air. R. GibReplying .to questions. Air. Gibson explained and .practically illustrated the characteristics by wliiehi the superior types weie recognised, the display thms .proving of educational value as well as adding greatly to the general attraction of the show.
Another special exhibition, comprising daffodils and varieties of shiubs, was arranged by Mr. W. Moss, of Ngaere. The general prize list was as follows : DAFFODILS. Judge: Air R. Gibson (Manaia). Stewards: Mesdames R. D. Dagg. H. D. Stanners and L. Abbott. Hoekin Cup, 12 varieties, exclusive of oolvanthiis). —A. Chrystal (Eltham) 1, Rev. W. AV. Avery (Eltham) 2. Champion bloom (Rev. W. X\. Avery’s special).—A. Chrystal, “Basilia” (Leedsii). Williams Rose Bowl, for most successful exhibitor in the section.—Rev. Averv 1, A. Chrystal 2. Points orize (Mr R. Gibson’s special). —Rev. W. AV. Avery (52 points) 1, A. Chrystal (20 points) 2. Six varieties, one of each.—A. Chrvstal 1, R. Lewis 2. Three varieties.—A. Chrystal 1, RLewis 2. Long trumpet, yellow.—R. Lewis 1, A. Chrystal 2. Long trumpet, bicolour or 'white. — Aliss D. Swadling 1, R. Lewis' 2. lyon.g trumpet, three varieties.—A. Palmer 1. Rev, Avery 2.
Long trumpet, six varieties. —Rev. Averv 1, A. Palmer 2. Tncomparabilis, one.—Rev. Avery 1, Aliss D. Swadling 2. Tncomparabilis. three varieties. — Rev. Avery 1. Miss Swadling 2. Incomparahilis, six varieties.—Rev. Avery 1 and 2. Bnrrii. one.—A. Chrystal 1, Rev. Averv 2. Barri three varieties.—Rev. Avery 1 11 nd 2. Bnrrii, six varieties. —Rev. Avery 1 and 2. Leedsii, one.—R, Lewis 1. A. Chrystal 2. T'Oedsii. throe varieties. —Rev. Avery 1. R. Lewis 2. Leedsii, six varieties.—Rev. Avery 1 n nd 2. Polvanthvs. one.—A. Chrvstal 1, Mbs D. Swadling 2. Polyanthus. three varieties.—Airs D. ATonrie 1. Rev. Avery 2. Poeticns, one. —Rev. Avery ]. Mrs A.!/ 1 n rip 2. Poeticns. three varieties. —Rev. A T ’°rv 1 and 2. Double, one.—Rev. Avery 1 and 2. Double, three varieties.—Rev. Avery 1 and 2. Specimen, any other variety.—Rev. Avery 1 and 2. Novice class, 19 blooms (Air D. Gibson’s special).—Airs D. Syme 1, Airs P ihtoher 2. Children’s Classes, under Id years. Prizes donated by Rev. W. W. Avery.
Six varieties. —Gwen Avery 1, Ivy Pitcher 2. . T . n Three varieties. —Lincoln Leu is 1, Gwen Avery 2. Long trumpet, one. —Gwen Avery 1, Lincoln Lewis 2. . Long trumpet, three varieties.— Gwen Avery I, Lincoln Lewis 2. Incomparabilis, one. —Gwen. Avery 1, Lincoln Lewis 2. . - Incomparabilis, three varieties. Gwen Avery 1. Barrii, one.—Gwen Avery 1. Barrii, three varieties. —Gwen Avery 1. _
Leedsib one'. —Gwen Avery 1, Lincoln Lewis 2. . . Leedsii, three varieties.—Gwen Averv 1. CUT BLOOMS. Judge: Mr R. Gibson (Manaia). Stewards: Misses M. Bentley and At. Evans. Points prize (Mr F. J. Morsliead’s special).—• Mrs T. H. Fever (38 points) 1. Rev. Avery (8 points) 2. Ranunculus.—Mrs Fever 1. Anemones, double. —Mrs Fever 1, Mrs R- D. Dagg 2. Anemones, single.—Mrs D- Mourie 1 and 2. Hyacinth, six.—Rev. Avery 2. Hyacinth, one.—Miss D. Swadling 1. Rev. Avery 2. Freesias. six.—-Mrs. Fever 1, Mrs A. Powell 2. Pansy, one.—Rev. H. A. Moore 1. Pansies, six.—Rev. Moore 1, Mrs R. D. Milne 2. Violas, six.—Aire Fever 1, Mrs Milne 2. Violets. 12. —Mrs N. C. Davies 1, Richard Noonan 2. Polyanthus. six.—Airs Fever 1, Rev. Avery 2. Primroses, six.—Airs- Fever 1, Rev Avery 2. Wallflowers, six.—Airs Fever 1. Camellias, six.—-Mrs At. Blnkemore I. Stocks, three.—Airs Fever 1.
Collection spring flowers (Mr S. Lissainaii’s special).—Mrs Fever 1, Airs Afoiirie 2. Collection flower in" shrubs.—Mrs Fever 1. ATiss I. Taplin 2. POT PLANTS. Judge: Air W. Moss (Ng-aere). Steward: Air C. E. Be.tts. Collection three (Air F. J. Alorshead’s special).—C. E. Betts. Cineraria. —Airs A. Powell 1. Fern, maidenhair. —C. E. .Betts 1 and 2. Fern, asparagus, fine. —C. E. Betts l and 2. 1 Fern, asparagus. coarse. —C'. E. Betts 1 and 2. Specimen foliage.—C. E. Betts 1 and 2. DECORATIVE. Judge: Airs. D. Syme (Eltha-m). Stewards: Alesdames L. Shepherd and N. C. Davies. Points prize (Duncan and Davies’ special).—Mrs T. H. Rover, llpts., 1; Miss I. Taplin, .Dots.. 2. Bowl of flowers. —Miss Taplin i, Airs Fever 2. Vase of flowers.—Airs Fever 1, Airs N. C. Davies 2. Miss Taplin 3. Vase of flowers, for effect. —Miss Taplin 1.
Bridal bouquet.—Airs Fever 1. Bow 1 , of anemones.—Afrs R. D. Dagg 1 and 2. Buttonholes, made hv child under 14. —Jean Guv 1. Hilda Guv 2, Doris Guv 3. Decorated table. —Airs A. Powell 1, Airs Davies 2. PRESERVES AND PRODUCE. Judge: Airs A. A'. Tait (Kaponga) Stewards: Alesdames J. Guy and A. Guy. Points-prize (Airs A. Powell’s special) —Alesdames J. Guv and AV. Harris senr., each 6 points. Jams. —Airs Harris senr., 2. Jellies. —Al.rs Harris, senr. I. Lemon cheese (Airs Powell’s special) —Mrs R. G. Cook 1, Airs Lyttelton Roberts 2. Butter, 2 lbs (Mrs Powell’s special)— Airs J. Guy 1, Airs Harris senr. h.e. Eggs, hen, dozen, heavy.—Airs J. Falvey 1, Airs A. Powell 2 and h.e. BREAD, CAKES. ETC. Judge: Airs AV. Hill (Afanaia). Stewards: Alesdames C. H. Severne and J. J. Davison.
Points prize (Farmers Co-op. special) —Alesdames C. H. Brewer, J. Guy and R. Evans. 11 points each. Bread, loaf.—Mrs P. Pitcher 1. , Bread, brown )oaf. —Airs Pitcher 1. Nut bread, loaf. —Airs A. Powell 1. Biscuits, six kinds (Airs N. C. Davies’ .special).—Airs 1. Evans 1, Airs C. H. Brewer 2. Cake, ooooanut. —Alls C. H. Brewer 1. Cake, pound (Air AY. H. Lyttelton Roberts’ special).—Airs Lyttelton Roberts 1, Airs N. C. Davies 2. Cakes, collection (Mrs L. Shepherd’s special).—Airs J. Tattersal! 1. Cake, sponge, without butter, iced — Airs I. Evans. Cocoanut ice.—Airs J. Falvey 1. Gingerbread.—Afrs R. H. Harding 1. Pie, apple.—Airs AV. G. Gran's special). —Airs Harris senr. 2. ’ Pudding, plum (Mrs A. E. Andersen’s special).—Airs Harris senr. I. Airs 1. Evans 2. Pikelets.—Aliss P. Melville 1. Roll, sponge.—AEiss Alelville 1. Roll sausage.—Mrs C. H. Brewer 1. Shortbread.—Airs -J. Guy 1. Scones, date. —Airs Guy 1. Scones, girdle.—Airs Guy 1. Scones, p’ain.-*-Alrs Evans 1, Airs Guy 2. • Sponge sandwich. —Airs Brewer L FANCY WORK.
fudge: Miss A. V. Quin (Eltham). Stewards: Mesdames A. E. Aloss and A. Hawkins. Points prize (Airs W. Aloss’ special). —Mrs A. Guv, lOpts, 1; Airs R. Avery, •ts, 2. Article from sugar sack. —Airs M. Bakemore • 1. Article .from benzine box. — I ,v'i' Brower 1, Bernard Willis 2. Cushion. —Alrs C. H. Brewer 1. Garment, wool knitted (Mr S. C. Knight’s special).—Airs T. Woodhead L. Mrs J. Lennaue 2. Baby garment, wool. —Airs R. Averv r. ■ Jumper, silk knitted. —All's Lowry 1. Airs N. C. Davies 2. Knitting, in nev. —Miss Alice Pitcher 1. 1 lady’s fancy camisole.—Mrs R. Avery 1. Needlework, fancy.—Airs AI. IVakomore 1. Mrs A. AleDouglali 2.
Pillow sham. —Airs A. Guy 1, Miss fnn McKenzie 2, Airs C. LJ. Brewer
Table centre.—-Mrs A. AlcDougal l , 1, Mrs A. Guy 2. Tray cloth.—Airs A. Guy 1 and 2. Aliss i. McKenzie 3. SCHOOLS SECTION. Judge: Mr. G. P. Cook (Kaponga). Stewards: Mesdames C. S. Hill and Lyttelton Roberts.’ (Prizes donated by Alessrs A. E. Aloss • and G. P. Cook.) Drawing, ALip of South Island (Mr. C. H. Brewers’ special).—Lvlo Brewer L Map of Taranaki, Standard 3 and under. —Irene Brewer 1. Drawing from nature.—Linda Davies 1, Patty Hoi land, Cecil Pitcher and Ray Kehely all h.c. Drawing, design Ikiolc cover, with title. —Ronald Dempsey 1, Richard Noonan 2.
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Bibliographic details
Hawera Star, Volume XLV, 26 September 1925, Page 10
Word Count
2,288SPRING FLOWERS. Hawera Star, Volume XLV, 26 September 1925, Page 10
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