A GREAT DISPLAY. PROSPERITY REFLECTED. Something of the progress which has been made in agricultural pursuits in Taranaki was reflected in the Stratford Agricultural and Pastoral Association’s fifteenth annual show, which opened at Stratford ycst* rday. Unfortunately the weather drying "the morning was not. al l that mild be desired, but about middiy the sky cleared, and visitors during the afternoon were able to enjoy beautiful sunshine. The display or cattle was perhaps the main feature of the sVu*. the Jersey and Friesian s- ctions being particularly strong. Competition in horses, however, was an outstanding feature, the large entries in the various classes resulting in healthy' r aby amongst the entrants. .With these sections of the show flourishing it was no wonder that the display was popular and was greatly appreciated by the many visitors who attended. All arrangements in connection with the show were capabiy handled bv the officials, the secretary (hr A. J. Barr) deserving special mention for the manner in which he carried out his duties. Dealing with the individual sections it is well to mention /that entries in the pedigree' Jersey classes constituted a record, both in numbers and the quality of the cattle exhibited. In the junior female class o 8 ai’imals competed, in the aged cow class there were 21 animals in f he ring, and in the C.O.R. class 19 paraded-- all wonderfully good cows The judge, Mr H. Moreland, of Hamilton 1 emarked that the first four placed Animals in the aged cow class excelled not only in dairy type, but in b-eed character, which were a combination of points seldom seen. In the female classes of the Jersey section, Mr F. Cornwall’s Oakland’s Princess won the grand championship, and Mr. R. L Horn’s Ku Ku Brooklet the reserve. M. P. F. Malone’s Cloverlea Conclusion secured the honour of grand champion bull, with Mr H. Lepper’s Hard Shot reserve. The Friesian section aats also an outstanding one, and contained animals with very high semi-off cia- butter-fat records. The senior and g v and championships amonget the c :\vs again went to last year’s winner, Mr 11. R. Green’s Jessie Monona Johaina, an animal which n at Palmerstcn North, and for whicn Mr Grpen has lefused 800gns. The grand reserve champion bull, Mr H. W. Hoskin’s Bainfield King Rozine was favourably eommerled on by the judge, Mr Jolly, who remarked that the animal wnis a young lull which was going to make a name fo T itself “On the day’s showing,” he said, “I- had to give i to the older bull, but I would like to take the young fellow home with me.” Championships amongst tie Friesian cattle were awarded as follc-ivs: Grand senior champion bull, Mr R. W. Hoskin’s Mynheer Segis Galatea; grand reserve and junior champion bull, Mr H. W. Hoskin’s Bainfield King Rozine: reserve senior cliampi »n bull, Mr H. R. Green's Wooderest Posc-h of Oakview; grand chanipi. n and senior champion cow. Mr H. R. Green’s Jessie Monona t oliamia; senior reserve champion and reserve grand champion cow, Mr H. R. Green’s Morcena Posch of Oakview; juniw ehanp.on coav, Mr H. R. Green’s Monona Echo of Oakview. Amongst the Ayrsliires Mr F. Mills, of Tokaora, Avas the largest and most successful exhibitor, w»: ning the championship in both male and female classes. The reserve champion bull, Braeside Eclipse, owred by Mr 11. Egarr. however, ran the champion very close, the judge later stating to a Star reporter that there Avas very little betAveen the tAvo auimals. The reserve champion Avas a younger bull, but lie thought that in a year or so it Avould beat the champion. Mr J. C. Wright, of Matepu, Avas a successful exhibitor in the pedigree Milking Shortherns, his coaa, Braeside SAveet. Nell, AA-hich Avon the championship at the Royal Slioav, again winning the same honour. Some good quality animals Avere seen in the various classes. Entries Av<we not nameious in the pig section, v but there Avere some good animals exhibited. Beikshire sows constituted an outstanding class and suav some keen competition. Mr Don Stewart’s Queen of the Windsors, which beat the Roya l Slioav champion. (Spring-' dale Netty) at HaAvera, again met with' success, it claiming tAvo firsts and the championship ribbon. Sheep were not a stiong feature, as entries were not A-erj numerous, but the quality Ava- there. Unfortunately entries from the Wanganui district did not arrh r e and consequently the section Avas restricted to purely local entries. The prize ikt. avus as fellows: — CATTLE. PEDIGREE JERSEYS. Judge: Mr H. Moreland. Hamilton. Coav, any agi. Avith C O.S. certificate. —F. CornAvall’s (Bell Block) Oakland’s Princess 1, H. G. Sampson’s (Hillsborough) Viola’s Lady Mercedes 2, F. Ranford’s (Stratford) WilloAvbank Gipsy 3, ,T. Scheuber’s (Kaponga) Quillet V.11.C. Coav, born nrior to Julj. 1921.—-F. W. CornAvall ’■* Oakland’s Princess, 1 and senior and grand champion; R. L. Horn’s (Okau) Ku Ku -booklet 2 and reserve senior grand enampion; H. C. Sampson s Viola’s Lady Mercedes 3, F. Panford’s Willowbank Gipsv \*.h.c. Heifer, born since July, 1921—R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Ranch Queen 1, F. W. Corinvali’s Oakland's Meoy Princess 2, E. J. KirkAvood’s Ida’s Lossy (imp.) 3. F. W. CornAvalUs Oakland’s Lady Brampton v.h.e. Heifer born since 'niy, 1922—G. H. Bell’s (Oakura) PRcavooc l . ’s Golden Beauty 1 and junior Hi am pi on, R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku S.lver Bc-il 2, R. L. Horn’s Ku Kb Faith 3, P J. Peterson’s (Waitara) Ivoncialt’s Golden Raindrop A\he. Heifer, sen'or diA'isicn, born since July, 1923.—P. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Suoavdrop 1, and reserve junior champion, R. L. Horn's Ku Fa Dncl ess 2, H. Stonex’s fßell Block) PVssie’s Golden Viola 3, G. IT. Bell’s Pine weed’s Golden Las 3 v.h.e There Avere 33 entries in this class, in which the AA’ fR. L. Horn) takes outright 'he tea service, A'alued at £7 7s, presented by Mrs S. A. Gadsby, Heifer, junior cl’vision, born since November, 1923 —G. V. Bell’s (Waipuku) Pukatea Lady Dirhne 1, W. . Johnson's Brook’cv Sunbeam : 2. H. B. Lepper’s (Li ppeiton) Maori - Wa>roa c, II 0. Sampson’s AVoodland’s ( Perfection A-.h.c. ( Heifer, bom since July, 1923, junior ] or senior, from semi-offuijJly tested , dam. exhibitor to be men ber of the ] Stratford Jersey Cattle Club. —Mrs M. 1
A. Gad;by’s ( St '\>{ ford) Linden Grove’s Silver 'Link 1, 0. E. Bell’s Ladv Dapline 2, H. B. Lerq er’s Maori Pearl’s Maiden 3. NoAfice class heifer l orn since July, 1923.—11. A Hunt’s (StratJord) Pride of Loekerke 1. Mrs M. A Gadsby’s Linden Grove’s Silver Link 2, Mrs M. A. Gadsby’s Linden Grove's Ayesha 3. Taa’o heifers, in. milk, born.since July, 1922. E, L. Horn’s Tin Ku Faith and Sil\'er Cnimes 1, \V. Joiinson’s Brookley Countess and Pet 2. Tavo iicifeis, born since July, 1923. — R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku SnoAvdrop and Heather 1 , R L. Horn’s Ku Ku Duchess and FarrAvell 2, P. J. retmson’s Ivondale’s Black Bess and entry 3, F. Cornwall’s Oakland’s Mole>..n Age and Lila Belle Two coavs in milk, bun prior to July, 1922 (Mr R J. Linn’s challenge cup, to be Avon twice in sum cssicn). —R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Brooklet and Sweet Pea 1, F. W. Coi-paa all’& Oakland’s Merry Princess and Lady Brampton 2. E. J. KirkAvood’s Physical Drill (imp.) if nd Ida ’s Lossy (imp ' ?.. Three females, at le.i-t two in milk. —R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku.Buollet, SAveet Pea and SnoAvdrop 1, E. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Ranch Queen. F»itli and Duchess 2, I 1 W Cf'rnAvall’s Merry Princess, Lady Bramp on and Lila Belle 3. Bull, born prior t, July, 1921. —D. P. F. Malone’s (Kaporiga' Cloverlea , Conclusion 1 and s'uior grand champion, R. L Horn’s .TcT.sey Meadows Birch 2. O. F. Gernidefer’s (Rawbitiroa) Leighu”3t’s Mac 3. Bull, bora since Jr. 1 ;/, 1921.—-H. B. Lepper’s Hard Shot 1 and reserve senior gran •* champion, A. P Muller’s (Tariki) Kaneket’s G", at Hope 2. Ball, bom since J-jly, 3922—5. j. Bennett’a (Knupokonai) Thorncroft Glory Lad 1 and reserve junior champion; E O’Sullivan and Sou’s Meadowvale Passetendalc 2, Mrs M. Jones’ (Tariki) NgataAvu Chief 3. Bull, senior division, born prior to July, 1923.—R. L noin ’s Ku Ku Masterpiece 1 an 1 junior cl ampion, R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku Wonder Oavl 2. J. S. T. Short’s Grand View Heather 3. Bull, junior division born since November 1923 —E. T. Iv.vkwnod’s Golden Fern’s Oxford Lad 1 J. M. Shotter’s (Midbirst.) Fancy's- Charm 2. Novice bull, lo r n since July, 1923. —A. B. Hur+ci ; s PineAvood’s Golden Boy 1 E. Bennett s (Cardiff) Kolora’s Gcveral 2 Bull, any, nrd three females, two yea.s or over. —j}. Horn’s Jersey MeadoAvs B ; rch, Ku Ku Brooklet, SvAmet Pea a -1 Ranch Queen,. 1; F. W. CornAvall'. Sybil’' Oxford Noble, Oakland’s Piineess Merry Princess and Brampton La.iv 2; E. O’Sullivan and Soil’s Mead iwvale Pm: chrndale, Perfect Day, Le S-Htane and Engari, 3. Junior breeding team if two yearling neifors .tgd one vearliiig bull.—R. L. R. L. Horn’s Ku Ku A; f, r tirpiece, Suoavdrop and Heather 1; R. I. Horn’s Ku Ku Wonder'Owl, FnreAAeu and Duchess, 2; F. W. Co-invall’s Sybil’s Oxford Noble, Oakland’s Mi 1 'ten Oge and Lila Bej.v, 3. PEDIGREE AYRSHIRES. Judge: Mr H. H. Olson, New Plymouth. Cow, prior to July, 1921. —F. Mills’ (HaAveraj Handy 1 and reserve. Heifer, since July, 1921.—F. Mills’ Dolores 1 and. champion. Heifer, since July, 1922.—F. Mills’ Rosemary 1, F. Mills’ Princess 2. Heifer, since July, 1923.—F. Mills’ Gretchen 11. 1, F. Mills’ Megan 11. 2. Tavo heifers in milk, since July, 1922.—F. Mills’ Rosemary and Princess 1. Tavo coavs, in milk, from July, 1922. —F. Mills’ Handy and Dolores 11. 1. -Bull, since July, 1921.—F. Mills’ Mariner 1 and champion. Bull, since. July/ 1922.—H. Egarr’-s (Tariki) Braeside Eclinse 1 and reserve. Bull, since July, 1923.—F. Mills’ King Midas 1. ' Bull, any age, and three females.— F. Mills 1. F. Mills easily Avon the points trophy, valued at £lO 10e, presented, by: the Taranaki breeders of pedigree Ayrshire cattle. PEDIGREE FRIESIANS. Judge: Mr H. Jolly, Waiuku. _ Cow : prior to July, 1921.—H. R. Green’s (Kairanga) Jessie Momona Johanna of OakvieAv 1, senior and gi’and championship, H. 11. Green’s Dominion Queen Elizabeth 2, V. Marx’s (Mangatoki) Coldstream Pontiac Wavne 3, D H. Johnson’s (Stratford) Waihi Milkmaid v.h.e., D. H. Johnson’s Segis Lady Waihi h.c. . Heifer, since July, 1921.—H. R. Green’s Mercena Posch of Oakvjew 1 and reserve senior grand champion, H. P- Green’s Johanna Posch of Oakview 2, H. W. Hoskin’s (Mahgatoki) Segis Colantha Abberkerk 3. Heifer, since July, 1922.—H. R. Green’s Pontiac Posch of Oakvieiv 1, H. R. Green’s Lakevieiv Netherland Patch 2, J. E. O’Shea’s (Ohangai) Pauline Pietertje Alcartra 3. Heifer, since July, 1923 (Derby candidates only eligible).—H. R, Green’s Momona Echo of Oakview 1 and junior champion, H. R. Green’s Momona Lakeside of Oakview 2, H. E. Johnson s (Tokaora) entries 3 and v;h c Heifer, since July, 1924.—H. R, Green 1 and 2, H. W. Hoskin 3, G. A. Marchant and Sons v.h.c. Tavo heifers, since July 1922.—H. R. Green’s Pontiac Posch of Oakview and Lakeside Netherland Patch 1. Two heifers, since July, 1923.—H. R. Green’s Momona Echo and Lakeside of Oakview 1, H. E. Johnson 2, G. A Marchant and Sons’ Coldstream Alcar- ” ayne and Clothide Alcartra 3. rows in milk, prior to July, H. p Green’s Johanna Posch and Mercena Posch of Oakview 1, D. H. Johnson’s Waihi Milkmaid and Segis Lady Waihi 2, H. R. Green’s Dorn mion Queen Elizabeth and Queen Hunterville Belle 3. Bull, prior to July, 1921.—H. W. Hoskin’s (Mangatoki) Mynheer Segis Galatea 1 and senior and grand chamoion, H. R. Green’s Kaianga Pai King Delheust 2. J. E. O’Shea’s Galatea liozine Segis 3. ( Bull, since Julv, 1921.—H. R. Green’s IVoodcrest Posch of Oakview 1 and reserve senior champion, G A Mai-chant and Sons’ (Cardiff) King Alca>tra Pietertje 2, C. Schumaeker’s (JNgaere) entry 3. ’ Bull, since July. 1922.—H. W. Hos'ip s Bainfield King Rozine 1 and junior champion and reserve grand eha mmon it h. Johnson’s (Stratford) Gienmore Sir Inka Pietje 2. H. E. Johnson’s (Tokaora) entry 3. Bull, calved since July, 1923. H. P- Green s IVoodcrest Joe of OakvieAA’ 1 and reserve junior champion, Camev°n Bros.’ Coldstream Pontiac Hunr*6i'je Marchant and Sons’ Coldstream King Rozine 3. Bull, since July, 1924.—G. A. Mar-oh.-vnt and Sons 1 and 3. H. R. Green ■Z, u. Jti. Johnson A\h.c. Bull, any age, and three females. two years or oyer.—H. R. Green’s Kaianga Pai King Delhuret, Jessie domona Johanna of Oakvieiv, Johanna Posch and Momona Lakeside of Oak--1 R- Green’s Wooderest Posch ot Oakvieiv, Dominion Queen Elizabyth. Mercena Posch and Pontiac Posch of OakvieAv 2, D. H. Johnson’s Glenmore Sir Tnka Pietje. "Waihi Milkmaid. Lady Segis Waihi and Pontiac Lassie 3.
PEDIGREE MILKING SHORTHORNS. Judge: Mi - E. A. Washer, Okaiawa. Cow, any age, irrespective of type. —J. C. Wright’s (Matapu) Braeside Sweet Nell 1 and champion, J. Woods’ (Huiroa) Tot 2nd of Gloverdene 2, J. Woods’ Smiler of Cloverdene 3. Cow, prior to July, 1921.—J. C. Wright’s Braeside of Sweet Nell 1, J. Woods’ Tot 2nd of Cloverdene 2, J. Woods’ Smiler of Cloverdene 3. Heifer, since July, 1921.—J. C. Wright’s Victoria of Cornwall Park 1. Heifer, since July, 1922.—J. C. Wright’s Victoria of Cornwall Park 1. Heifer, since July, 1922.—J. ' C. Wright’s Tuiip XI. of Cornwall Park I, J. C. Wright’s Queen 2nd of Cornwall Park 2, J. Woods’ King’s Pride 3. Heifer, since July, 1923.—J. C. Wright’s Sweet Nell 11. of Cornwall Park 1, W. Hayward’s (Hawera) Coalwood Carnation 2, J. C. Wright’s Sweet Jewel. 11. of Cornwall Park 3. Two heifers in milk, since July, 1922. —J. C. Wright’s Tulip XI. and Queen 11. of Cornwall Pai'k 1. Two heifers, 6ince July, 1923.—J. C. Wright's Sweet Nell 11. and Sweet Jewel of Cornwall Park 1, W. Hayward’s Coalwood Carnation and Princess 2, J. Woods’ Rongomai Velveteen and Tulip 3. Two cows in milk, calved * prior to July, 1922.—J. C. Wright’s Braeside Sxyeet Nell and Victoria of Cornwall Park 1, J. Woods’ Smiler of Cloverdene and Tot 2nd of Cloverdene 2. Bull, calved prior to July, 1921.—J. C. Wright’s Reformer of Cornwall Park 1 and champion, J. Woods’ Dilworth Elegant 2. Bull, calved since July, 1922.—H C Belcher’s (Eltham) Pukerimu Standard 3rd 1, J. C.'Wright’s Glenthorpe Limelight 2. _ Bull, since July, 1923.—J. Woods’ Rongomai Moneymaker 1. Bull, any age, and three females, two years and over.—J. S. Wright 1, J. W’oods 2. RED POLLS. Cow, prior to July, 1922.—8. W. Harvey’s (Waverley; Princess i and champion. Heifer, since July, 1922.—8 w! Harvey’s Wairoa Edelweiss Ist 1. Bull, prior to July, 1922.—8. W Harvey’s Dominion Panama 1 and reserve. Bull, since July, 1922.—8. W. Harvey’s Dominion Golden Band 1 ana champion. GRADE JERSEYS. (Judge: Mr. F. Cornwall, Bell Block.) Cow, prior to July, 1921, anmuus which have qualified and passed for record in the Taranaki High-Girade Utility Jersey Breeders’ Association Herd Book.—J. W. Pratt (Ngaere) 1, C. J. Addenbrooke (Ngaere) 2, A. D. Walker (Ngaere) 3. Low, since July, 1921.—F. iTecofsky (Ngaere) 1. Cow, in milk, prior to July, 1922. - I}-. Wallace Ov’averley) I,>C. Meuli Clanki) -, D. P. F. Malone (Kaponga) Heifeir, since July, 1923.—H. Edwards (Ngaere) 1 and 2, Leslie-Mul-ler (Tariki) 3 and v.h.c. Two heifers, since July, 1923.—H. Edwards 1, Leslie Muller 2, E. Jones 3. GRADE: FRIESIANS. Cow in milk, prior to July, 1922.—J. Kerrisk junr. (Ohangai) 1. Heifer, since. July, 1922.—J. Kerrisk 1. Heifer, since July, 1923. J. Kerrisk 1 and 2. Two heifers, since Julv, 1923 J Kerrisk 1. * - CROSSBRED SECTION. (Judge: Mr J. Grant, Woodville). : PJ’ior to July, i 921, in milk, judged on points, no test taken.—A. David’s (Stratford)' Nance 1; A. Caspar’s (Midhirst) Jersey 2. Heifer, since July, 1922.—D. P. F. Malone (Kaponga) 2. Cow, since July, 1921, judged on points, no tests taken.—D. p. jc. Malone 1. Heifer since July', 1923.—E. Jones I ’rT‘ r- 1 4 . Malone 2, A. ivaspar v i;.c. 1 wO' heiteirs, since July, 1923.--E. Jones 1, D. P. F. Malone 2, A. Kaspar 3. Three yearling heifers, lor dairy classes. —E. Jones 1, A. Kaspar 2 Three heifers, since July, 1924 --F h. Bocock (Ngaere) 1, A. Kaspar 2. Juvenile class.—Heifer, since Juiv, iy23, sired by pedigree, bull. - K.lotk-s (Toko) 1. SHEEP. Judge: Mr. j. Grant, Woodville. Hi Lincolns, P. Bremer (Okaiawa-) was The only exldhitor. This wellknown 'breeder penned some splendid sheep and secured both chapiori'ships, as well as six firsts, ii boublidowiiis, A. 11. Bowen, of l'oko, was the principal exhibitor, and he took both championships, seven firsts and a second. H. J. Kaye, of Huianga, also took one second. In flock sheep, A. Marfell (Toko) and L. Marfell (Huianga) were the exhibitors. A. Marfell took first in three ewes over 18 months, three ewes over 30 months, and second in three ewes, 18 months or under. L. Marfell took first in three ewes 18 months or under, and second in over 18 months and under 30 months. fet slifiep proved very disappointing, Miss I. 'Gilliver (Bird Road) ‘being first with heaviest sheep. The pet laimib was w r on by Miss Betty Rowles (Huianga). PIGS. Judge: Mr. W. B. Grant, New Plymouth. BERKSHIRE Boar, over one year.—Stewart and Crocker (Nonnanby) 1 and champion, Haw r era Hospital 2 and reserve. Sow', over one year.—D. Stewart 1 and champion, A. Crocker 2 and reserve and 3. . Smv, under one year.—D. Stewart 1. A H. Benton (Bell Block) 2. Boa**, i-nder 6 months.—A. Crocker Sow, under 6 months —A Crocker 3, N. Bar (Hawera) 2. i of pigs.—D. Stewart 1, N. Bar 2. AN Y OTHER I' A!UET Y P V REBR Ml) PIG. Boar, over one year —J. Muir (Brix. ton) 1. Boar over (3 months—J. Muir 1 and 2, A. R. Benton 3. Sow-, over one year.—J. Muir 1 and champion, E : . Rogers 2. Sou', under six months.—J. Muir 1 and 2, A: R. Benton 3. MIXED BREEDS Sow, over 12 months.—E. H. Linnell ( 1 and 2. Sow, under 12 months.—E. H. Linnell 1. and 2. Sow. with litter of nigs.—E H Linnell 1. GENERAL. .• Bis- between 90 ond 1201b5,. to be judged on condition—J. Pattinson (Stratford) 1 , u ,d v.h.c.. 0. F. Germ hoefer (Eltham) 2 and 3. Tw'o baconers.—E. H. Lnnell 1. Heaviest bacon pig.— E. H. Linnell 1. HORSES. (Judge: Mr R. .J. Weall, Te Awamutu.) Colt, filly or gelding, two years.—G. Keighley’s (Stratford) Toapaiti, hv Antagonist—Cornice, ] ; E. C. Rogers’ Tip Tree, by Tree Lucerne—Ka-hleen Mavonrneon, 2. DRAUGHTS. . (Judge: Mr W. Campbell. Has'ingsi. Mare, visibly in foal or foal at foot.
—T. Perry (Mangatoki) 1 and 2. E. Jones (Toko; 3. l>ry mare, four years cr over. —T. Perry 1 and 2. Gelding, four years or over. —T. Perry 1, Belt and Hancock (Tuna) 2. Fiiiy of gelding, three yea)*— T. Perry 1. Filly or gelding, two years. —J. Brown’s (Cardiff) Refined Lass, by, Balthangie Refiner—Gay, i j T. Perry 2 and 3t Filly or gelding, yearing.—D. L. Maxwell’s (Ngaere) Yorksaire Girl, by Balthangie Refined—Yorkshire Lady, T; E. Jones 2. Pair heavy draught horses, m tegular work.—T. Perry 1 and 2, D. ■ Hay ward (Hawera) 3. Three horse team.—T. Perry 1 and 2. COACHING HORSES. Filly, coit or gelding, three years.— D. Mouat’s (Stratford) Peggy i. SADDLE HORSES. Weight-carrying hack, 15.2 hands or over, up to I4st. —S. cymes’ \\Vaver*ey; Ospfey'»i 4 Mrs J). BekKer's (vvauganui; Gentleman Jack 2; 11. H. rcppereil’s (. \\ aicaraj Grey Ley 3. Weignt-carrying nack up to I2st.— D. L. Tonks' (.Hawera) Cnauce j; G. oopiestohe's (hLcliam) Tommy 2; Mrs J. E. Anderson’s (\v hangamoinona) Darnley 3. Best, paced hack.— : S. Syrnes’ Osprey i, D. L. Tonks’ Chance 2, Mrs Hugh Gillies’ (Palmerston i\.) Captain; Glossop 3. ' Best walking hack.—Mrs Hugh Gillies’ Captain Glossop 1, M. M. score's (Mokoia;' Massa Johnson 2, Mrs D. Lekker’s Gentleman Jack 3. , . Ladies’ hack, 15 hands" or under.— D. L. Tonks’ Chance 1, T. J. Martin’s (Inglewood) Sportsman 2, Miss H. Mead’s (Biills) Two Step 3. Troop horse, not over 16 hands.—E. W. Alien’s (Kapuni) Dexter 1, Mrs D. Bekker’s Gentleman Jack 2, J. McCarty’s (Auroa) Captain Dick 3. Ladies’ hack, over 15 hands. S. Syrnes’ Osprey 1, Mrs D. Bekker’s Gentleman Jack 2, Mrs Hugh Gillies’ Captain Glossop 3. Cob, 14.2 to 15 hands.—T. J. Martin's Sportsman 1, Mrs D. Bekker’s (Wanganui) Corn Cob 2, G. Coplestone’s (Eltham) Tommy 3. PONIES. Pony, over 12 bauds and up to 13.2 — F. Kn,uckey’s (W'aitara) Mickey 1, C. Paterson’s (Kapuni) 2, W. E. Collins' (Stratford) Snowie 3. Pony, 12 hands or under.—C. Paterson’s entry 1, Ethel Cleland’s (Toko) Fuzzy 2, Miss Iris Marx’s (Mangatoki/ Tony 3. . Pony, over 13.2 and up to 14.2,—T. J. Martin’s Sportsman 1, Mrs J. E. Anderson’s Mickey 2, Miss Morgan’s (Td Pbpo) entry 3. COMPETITIONS. Maiden hunters, first £5, second £2. — C. J. Savage’s (Tututawa) Spark Plug 1, J. Ford’s (Makahu) Darky 2, J. Fora’s Johnny 3. Leaping competition, , steeplechase style, first £ls, second £3, third £1. — D. Crocker’s (Normanby) £arraman 1, C. Pateirson’s (Kapuni) Glen Royal 2, H. Vine (Manaia) Kernvha 3. Open riders’ competition.-—F. W. Atkins’ (Normanby) Prince Paul) 1, P. Gkousgaard’s (Douglas) entry 2; J. Mc-Cai ty’s (Auroa) Captain Dick 3. Lady rider.—Mrs D. Bekker 1, Miss Brown 2, Miss H. Meads 3. Pony leaping.—C. Paterson’s entry 1, F. W. Atkins’ Bonita 2, F. Knuckey’s Mickey 3. Boy under 14 vears. —C. Paterson 1, F. Knuckey 2. j HOMF INDUSTRIES. Judge: Mr. F. J. Morton. Bread. —Mrs. McAloon 1, Mrs. L. Christiansen 2. Bread, novice.—Mrs. A. Forbes 1, Mrs. E. A. Whittington 2. Brown bread.—Mrs. A. W. Jardine I. Sultana bread. —Mrs. E. A. Whittington 1, Mrs. A. A. Piper 2. Nut bread. —Mrs. A. A. Piper 1 and 3, Miss E. Ackland 2. Oven scones.-r-Mrs. E. H. Linnell 1. Girdle scones. —Mrs. J. W. Green 1. Date scones. —Mrs. A. A. Piper 1, Miss M. Dudding 2. Cream puffs.—Mrs. A. Forbes 1, Mrs. E. A. W'hittinglon 2. Brown scones. —Mrs. A. Forbes 1, Mrs. J. Robb 2. Jam tarts. —Mrs. A. S. Slater 1, Mrs. Doyle 2, Mrs. E. A. Whittington Sponge cake.—Mrs. A. A. Piper 1 and 2, Mrs. E. A. Whittington 3. Shortbread. —Mrs. A. Guthrie 1 and v.h.c. , Sponge sandwich, with butter. —Miss W. Pettigrew 1, Mrs. A. S. Slater 2. Sponge sandwich, without 1 butter. — Mis. W. Pettigrew 1, Mrs. A. A. Piper Chocolate sponge.—Mrs. A. Forbes 1, Mrs. J. W. Green 2. Mrs. A. A. Piper Sponge kisses.—Mrs. A A. Piper 1 and 2. Kisses, anyother variety.—Mrs. A. Forbes 1. Mrs. A. S. Slater 2. Afternoon tea cakes. —Mrs. J. W. Green 1. • ’ Gems.—Mrs. A. S. Slater 1, Mrs. E. V. Whittington 2. Eggless cake.—Miss E. Ackland 1, Mrs. E. A. Whittington 2. Christmas cake.—Mrs. S. R. Newell 1 . Mrs. T. Orr 2, Mrs. E A. Whittington 3. Pound cake.—Mrs. E. A • Whittington 1. Madeira cake.—Miss E. Ackland 1, Mrs. A. S. Slater 2. Iced cake.—Mrs. T. Orr 1, Mrs. A. •S/Slater 2. Mrs. E. A. Whittington 3. Ginger bread cake.—Mrs J. W. Green 1. Mrs. E. A. Whittington 2. Oat cake.—Mrs. A. A. Piper 1. Mrs. A. 2, Mrs. E. A. Whittington 3. Pikelets.—Mrs. E. A. Whittington 1, M’-s. A. A. Piper 2. Plum nudding (with suet and boiled). —Mrs. A. Forbes 1, Mrs. A. A. Piper 2,
Plum pudding, butter and steamed. — Mrs. A. S. Slater 1. Mrs. A. Forbes 2. SEWING AND FANCY-WORK. Judge: Mrs. J. McHardy, Pi'Aama. Fancy needlework, six pieces.—Miss McPherson 1. Cushion, embroidered in .silk.—Miss. McPherson 1, Miss E. Murray 2. Mountmellick.—Mrs. E. M. Hales 1. table centre.—Mrs. E. M Hales 1* Miss A. Ackland 2. Miss McPherson 3. Pillow sham, embroidered.—B. Parke' 1 1, Miss McPherson 2. Crochet jacket, a petticoat in wool. E. L. Stephens 1, Miss McPherson 2.
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Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 27 November 1924, Page 8
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3,969STRATFORD SHOW. Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 27 November 1924, Page 8
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