—— —— MR. AND MRS. McPHJBBIPS: ; FAREWEDLED, LARGE G ATHERINCr AT MAN AI A.' Tliere was an attendance of between four and five hundred residents, of the district and friends, from . all parts • of thp‘province at the farewell social tenderd in the Manaia. Town Hall on Friday reveningc to Air. and Airs. T. AlcPhillips. They are: leaving; this, week to take up their residence ill New Plymouth, having lived in the Manaia. district- for the p.ast thirty - years, during which time-they , have- gained the affection and esteem of all who , have come into contact- with them. They have, been noted' for their kindly;- hospitality and the courtesy which marked their dealings with the rest- of the commuh‘ity as much as for their active partici-> pation in all 'matters- affecting the public weal. .' It is of interest to note here some of Mr. AlcPhillips’ many activities in public affairs. He has 3 been a'member of the Waimate West County Council during the sixteen-years it has been functioning, anddias- for- thirteen years occupied the chairmanship, which position he recently resigned. He was also for four years a member of the road board which -'governed the district local affairs prior to the institution of the county council. • For fifteen■.•years lie has been a director of the Ivaupokonui Dairy Co., and for the past three years has been the chairman of directors. He was’ one of the ; ofiginal members' of the Taranaki War Relief Association, and has bpen a member of practically every local society during-his long'residence at Ala ii aia. Throughout ’ the whole 1 of j his public activities he lias/devoted his .energies to all matters.'affecting the welfare of the icoinmunity.s and;' as-was evidenced in; the speeches pm Friday evening, his! departure from tlie dist 1 ict wil 1 beTiuiversallV regrette'd. JOn arrival iat the Tialk Airs; AlcPhillips was inet' by Mrs. J.J. Aleldom .wife of the Town Board chairman, and presented with, a beautiful bouquet, \yhich had beeii made T>y'Air. R. Donald, of Alauaia. ■
The greater portion of the evening was .occupied, with-a lengthy dance programme., the' fafewCl l speeches delivered from the platform and the -preSentar tion’s being made before the 'evening was well advanced.
Mr. E. TV Burke, who presided, said it was fitting that the people offthe distjict should -gather together to' “give public expression to 'the regretr; which ato s felt oyer the projected T departure df and Mrs. AlcPhiirips, and ;to the , very high esteem in which; thro'i.ighotit .their.dong residence in the district; They were held by all who had been privileged to know.. them. 'He read a lengthy list, of apoiogies: for' absence received, Including / that A front ( Messrs. J. R. Corrigan, /TE--.--"Masters;-' and O. Hawken, Al.Pi’s, Who-; but for their Parliamentary duties, would have been present. It uas a‘great pleasure to note that the ,gathering Avas attended- by.' such a large number of people. Their attendance showed that' the sterling AA'ork which had been " accomplished by Mr.'andAlrs. AlcPhillips was. uppreoiatecl. For long before the war,' Air. and Airs. , AlcPhillips had worked untiringly .in all matters appertaining to the interests of the community, and during.-the f stressfgjL. days .of .the Avar had freely >gh r en their assistance to all patriotic activities. He Avas sure that afteFthey. had gone - the value, of. their labours Ayould be.doubly realised. After
referring to the services rendered in 'the cause of others by Airs. AlcPhillips, the. speaker added - that she • Ava® also air ideal home worker. His audience would- agree With him Avlieh ,lie, that- Airs, AlcPhillips. was a. lady, than which,; perhaps, no. higher tribute cbuld be paid. Air. ■ AlcPhillips had taken a,leading part- .in all 'public affairs of the district. He Had been a. member of the .Waimate WeslirCo'unfcy '.Council- . since the council .had*first been formed; and had for thirteen years: been its -able chairman. , Throughout that‘periodlhe had worked actively in all progressive movements, and the success which had attended the work of the council could be largely attributed to his able direction .of affairs, Avhile at. the helm. As a co-director of the Kahpokonui Dairy Cb., the speaker,had been given the opportunity of realising, the, value;.of Mr,' AlcPhillips’ work;, as the eompapy’s chairman.; = In that capacity Mr. McPhillips.had, by his efficiency, straight•forwardness and whole-hearted devotion to all - business entered upon, gained and kept the confklence.of all associated. With lnm. ,In conclusion, Mr. Burke;. ; speaking on behalf-' of the whole of the residents.;of The : - Waimate;. Plains, 'expressed the very deep regret with which thy AffeWed the departure of Air. aiid Airs. AlcPhillips. Air. Long,' the neAv chairman of the County Council; saidihe had been associated with. Air. McPhillips ill local-af-fairs for. many, years; and no one could have accomplished more than Air. McPhillips in anything he had undertaken. No better man could have been found
to work in the public interests. The speaker had Jtripwiv both Mr. and Mrs'; McPhillips before and throughout their married ; life.; In everything Mr. McPhillips had done in the public interest, he • had : beej* . given the co-operation of Mrs. McPhillips, to whoiri they owed, is deep a debt ,pf. gratitude as they owed to her husband. Mr. McPhillips had that hall mark of the true gentleman—modesty. His countless services liad all been rendered unselfishly and withput desire for approbation: or personal credit. As' an opportunity of testing individual character- and’the bapacityto serve one’s, 'fellow-men, the speaker 'instanced the epidemic which visited the district a few- years ago,.; and stated that during that time of affliction and distress both 'of their; guests had toiled unceasingly in.the,endeavour to bring relief to the suffering anil <rive assistance to thpse in need. During the war period they‘had whole-heartedly devoted .their energies to all. 'patriptic causes. fii wishing them all success Vr . c future, the siieaker hoped that McPhillips would be enabled to enjoy, for many years to come, a good and. happy time of well-earned rest from their labours. , Mr. J P. Stevenson ;,said that in all 1 • body capacities/ Mr. Mcpinllips had achieved a splendid record of service to the district. - 4s a-re-mnider of: one;- phase of . his," activities, had fin© roads arid bridges in the district which would serve ;as monu?r e . rti •!?• m « moi ’y- During thewar *ll ’ a • 'P’lips had been connected with a patriotic work, and had, in particuJ,ls tru»nental in the formation ivu «i Wtfr Pelief Association. Uith Mr R, Dunn, Mr.. McPhillips had i ugiaiated the loans scheme carried °l - Wk • 16 association, .Ky. .'means of uriich thp sum of £IB,OOO had been adc. ced to assist soldiers. arid ; the nes , s ihe scheme had since been j.’. r ( " OIK Ct 1,1 the fact that out of the only a small sum at pres•lkn Ie, r a . u . le . ini naid. Mr. Stevenson sf'rvir-* 01 1,1 ernifi °f praise to the Mr* Ar in -M- 1 . +, he community by Mrs hie wished Mr. and ness in tlm l .! 1 P s ' a "d family every happisnniA do and hoped he would their c , a^\ e lo welcome them on Uiui 1 etuni to the district.
All*, j. J. Aleidbii; ekairmahFbf."tlie Ajanu.ia.sT'eAvji jßoard, ~ 3aid thgt. the guests- df 3 tlie\e^dning' ! Were 'held die The highest esteem by the people-; of Alanaia; Avho would -greatly--iag, to eA’en^ifybnly for a; time. -The courtesy and' kindness Avhich they ■ had:Extended, tb ;all Would, always - be . remembered -by, the people of the district, and- fflieAcdnstructive; Avork. ia roads, bridges; and buildings ; Avhicli Alri ' AlcPhillips v had been - instrumental ia-v ecedffYplishing Avo'uldfremain as fi&ure generations of hi* He expressed the. ap pre ciat ioif.Aybich " Ava s felt- for:-,what; Mr. and, Airs. McPhillips had done; forThg eomnitfuityj aiid lieped that An the'.years : to • come, - and ;especiallyf.Avheu The fAvilight of old. hge approached, their , days . would.Tahbund
v.ith coutenh jiud,: happiness. ' ,: MrtyiFr jvhti on behalf of the neighbohrsrof'Mf.'. and;Alrs. AjtcPhillips; Waid it Was evident, frbriFihe large . number present, that a very t wide circle; of. friends 'hkd h'eeh made hy Air. and Airs.. McPhillips, and it must lie very gratifying to' them, td see such a large'attehdailce. As a. neighbour; the speaker liad been privileged to? come into Close contact with" Air. AlcPhillips, and had found in his character'everything; that could -be'desired. He Avas a tip-top. farmer, and to those av;lio sought his advice, had imparted the Results ok his \AA'ide experience.; Mrs. McPhillips had done a great amount of splendid Avqrk,- on behalf of others in- a quiet, unobtrusive Avay, and .the various bodies and committees she had been, associated AAUth avou Id miss her greatly AA'lien her assistance Avas no longer available. He Avished her and Mr. t AlcPHillips Con.tinuance of health, ! ahd expressed the sinceie.;'hope : , that they -would be long spared to enjoy the Avell and liard- ' earned rest from their labours.
; Mr. S. Turner stated tiiat .au-expert f?*?® intending- over many years had .brought him into confabt. with, a great i successful,_._.and se ’ and ' * always gave - him pleiisure to meet amanwho could’face higydh .v/ith eojifidence, and. avercoiiie its chfficuities. Mr. McPhillips was such.a man. The speaker could say that from he knew of 'Mr, ?lc-. Phillips 'ehafriiian of tlie Kaupbkonui Co. He could further say that Mr. jftlcPhillips did / not" undertake the .Workjr in that capacity .from-, motives, of personal .ai\VbitioiK„or .advancement. Hefore wishiffg and fami*y. future happiness and prosperity. Mr. Turner stated that lie did not .like dp so many! farewell messages.; I v who was still chairman.! ■°i com Pp n would not vacate I i that ..until (September,- and the speaker should • feii’deicycpir, 5 fb/rf e-1 tain .Jiis services Toi' a. further period. | h, Messrs. Scoff/;’’ Hickey'’and Lieu£.-| Colonel Sutherland also paid tributes | to .tne. esteemed guests of the evening, i CplofieJ/ Sutherland yalso». thanked- Mr; | >lii P®-’ 011 behalf of the* Defence - flOjClub, for .v; • presentation‘of-several beautiful gifts|r as mementos of the v ‘ esteem in' whicq they are. held throUghoukthe dis-< '& r &dY, as then made do Mr. and Mrs! MoPhillips and family. . • oi£ behalf of the. settlers of the ,Wai/matef Plains, presentations were made by Mr. Burke and Mrs. Hansen. Mr * • Burke presented Mr. McPhillips with a valuable gold watch, , suitably; idscrilfed, aiid-Mr.:McPhillips, junr./with a fountain pen. and*Mrs. A. Js Hansen handed a liandsom& silver tea service also 'inscribed, to Mrs. McPhillips, a ma-mbure- set- to Miss.T.' McPhillips, and Sp|d b’angle .To/Miss K. MoPhillipe. •' i Oit :behalf, of 'the employees -of the Kauaokormi^ftii^^V'vhiwiittaaiager .’fi McDonald) • presented Mr. Me- • .JfIPS- with a gold watch,.; chain . and medal. M r ;'.‘McDonald said ’it ;gavt \ 1 , llu !/$ I rea pleasure; in conimo'n with the other employees of the/DaiiyiGbmpanj| to see *0 many . present to do honqur to the chairman bfVthei 'cbiifMcDonald referred to Mr.. McPhillips popularity -with -those -in the service of the company/ and .their of the able attention he gaveMo ; its affairs, together with' the unfailing courtesy .which .marked -his relations with all of them. had always worked in harmony with those connected with the company,- all- of li 01 P i° l n e{ f hi the general *wishes for welfare of Mr. 'and Mrs. M C sn!’ir PS ; .had Mi;. .Alcphillips. -initials' -worked m ' s a iiftit Kr!bf !kt }e -^ tsi -uW fche following mscHptioninside, , PresentedtbT. McPhilhps, Esq’.,' by his friends -on the AVaimate Plains. 5 ’ The <rold medil Wa* inscribed: .‘-‘To Mr. McKiillips;ehairmair,Kaiippko ft ui Dairy;oo.,- from .employees ~ June -27 i* me |K..5.A., ; the president ’ <Mv. R Within f Mrs., McPhillips 'SmS-h- elc^, nt sa lad bowl and Mr. M c^ l .lhps ivith/a case 6f/pipes Mr .Grreayes expressed the association’s ap Sff Tf th tll fr VOrk accomplished on XX,? I Strict, by And Extended .happiness. After likening the hews of shell T' oieCted ilfi P a^»k boiiili™l nr €Xpre Yf, d * he hope muSLS A,? A • dud ’” a«d that .-Mr. 'fo tfcistSb ,PS U,d C ° nie back
. TB& final presentation ivas followed by call for musical honours,Which met antfy , Ir§ response, Sir. ei to the difficulty, of giving ;a<leat? expression to the sincere appreciation of the extreme jtindiiess' exM him, |elfjmd or the great. # • their attendancev the many sppierkWr the sentiments exprekSedr rind tile of the JrsfrHi^gteneroris' W'.nr'i' 1 ' ' ' ire W, ilia, ~
mucfi kindness was qriite undeserved Ti iiiiioi Phillips ivould be, -hardly feS: of to: appreciate -the' tellfled Id d them. 0,, seeing so many l : > assembled, he,.reaitheni hnT^Tr- C —u to leave hiSlf 1 1 n UgH McPhillips and there in f’r lU r lanii,v ' would remain wrirtliv Ul ■ l 6 * 10 P e d they would prove Whit9"*} laj" before them. Mtlch -com-SetorTi-tW bafc Jkoped tK# a, 'P?uld he^ given to |lre. recefvpd in avail h¥d he .not tKwumoft n flie undertook, W *"?£• °/ *»» loyal wife. Afso.rit any service ..he had-been able to render to the community, Mrs. McPhillips; had freely and Kad-*hever credit for what she had done. Referring tri the?'successful Countv Councu work which liad bee ii a scribed to ami. lie reminded the public tliat lie .could have done nothing had lie hot- at all |imes received the adyice<arid;backfrig jrit the .-other councillors-- and the county foreman. It was to them that trie thanks of. the public were due;; and he.y’ould•'lyceto take the opportunity of PP.bocly his own apprecia-
tion =•• a£ thejr : co-operation. •• -Also, Jib wisliecr-to thank• the-ratepayers ■of the county ioi* 'the confidence, they had placed yin hini/ and; the; loyal; support they given.' to any .project. he .had put, belo're.. them. Referring; To the work;lvaupokonui Dairy Co;, he pajd a, tribute to the loyalty of •tlie stafr aud; their gift, stated he valued, it the more>highly-bei came from the, ranhk of'tfie workers, to. which,, great - army ’he wag himself proud .to belong. luthanking ii °i tljeir attendance at ' well function, ,he - wished .to ; specially.' jerer. to Mr. Turner, who the from- Auckland,. andScott,- who had journeyed from Hamilton. ’y 6 , ;l j r csei it." . He • also - specially thanked: the • ladies- for the great trouble tliey had taken! in;making the excellent supper arrangements. . - r
In conclusion, he again thanked 1 the* speakers for., their- kind remarks, , aiid ilie many friends who had donated" such generous gifts. >.. .The, very great'honour .conferred upon -Mrs.- McPhilips! and himself that' evenihg ■ would always live. . iiutlieir-memory,. and the i preseiitatiops they had received'would in tlie. yeafslfo come, be . treasured as mementoes-of the "nrany friendships they . had/ beea. privileged; to 1 form during their life-, time'iu the Waimafe Plains district.¥ ~
.Prolonged ■ '/cheering resounded throughout .the hall as Mr. McPliillips resumed his seat. ’ ’
The .'function was organised by;; a laige' .committee of ladies : and men arranged by Mr. V. H. Hobday. Cosgrove’s: orchestra supplied the music for the pi’ogfamme ’. - Extras were nlayed bv Misses N. Hotter, J. McCartney. hi .“ Long.' Mesdames J. Joyce aud Collier, and Mr. Renwick! Ihiring 'the evening > number of-.' musical and elocutionary items were given by local- artists. . ! .
The gaHiering broke up shortly.before 3 a.m.. when a huge hand-linked circle, with the,guests of honour jnhh’e centre, was : formed,- and the- singing- of t‘,*Aliild Syne” concluded an occasion, which should be long remembered by all who participated in it. .. , Tt was acknowledged on all sides that the;.gatheriug w^s/one of the most successful and ; enthusiastic ever held in Mauaia.. and. was a fitting tribute l to who had done ' so ; much for the ;town and district. •’
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Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 1 July 1924, Page 10
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2,535SERVICES APPRECIATED. Hawera Star, Volume XLVIII, 1 July 1924, Page 10
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