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In the Kitchen

Poilt Flavoured. puck: Take 1 duck, 1 pint of good gravy 1 teacup port wine, 1 large onion, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, tablespoon flour. Joint and cut up duck and place in a saucepan, with the gravy, wine, and onion. Boil up and simmer for an hour. Thieken with the flour and .sauce, mixing to a smooth paste. Place on a uish and serve. Duck cooked in tM’s way is delicious and a change from the usual noast. ****** Goose (With Bacon [Curls: Prepare <:i young goose, stuff with three cups breadcrumbs made crisp in the oven, two finely-chopped apples, two taiblespoons seeded raisins, one egg and a little butter, and season with pepper and salt. Cover the biic with dripping and grease- proof paper and bake in dripping for two hours or longer in a mtoderaite oven. If not in a covered roaster, baste occasion. - ally. Be careful not to let it burn. To make the bacon curls, cut the rinds fitom a number of rashers, cover w'ith some chopped apple and a dash of pepper, roll and tie or secure with a skewer. Place around the dish with the goose for the last. quartcr-ho|Ur Tto serve, place the goose on a dish, surrounded with bacon curls, garnishing them with chopped parsley. Make a brown gravy and apple sauce. • * » « • • Parisian. Christmas puck: The duck is dressed, then roasted in the usual way. Take the rind of 2 oranges and boil in a little water, after cutting it- into t.'hln rings. (Put this aside for further use. Peel slices of oranges and remove pips. Put 1 dessert spoon of sugar in 1 dessertspoon of vinegar, work intlo it some of the gravy from' the duck and cook it for 20 m'liiutes. 'Thicken the sauce with potato flour; after it has boiled once, withdraw it fitom the stove. Add orange peel and a little juice. Dish the duck in the ordinary way, garnish it wCth quarters of orange, and serve with the orange sauce. »•*»** Hungarian (Plum Budding: One cake of yea.-it, J cup. lukewarm water, -J cup milk, 1 cup butter, 3% cups flour, I cup sugar. 1 teaspoon salt, J teaspoon mace, 4 teaspoon cinnamon, 7 eggs 1 cup -seeded raisins, 1 cup sultanas, 1 cup chopped dates, I cup glace cher/ries, -J cup candied pineapple, cup chopped orange peel, -J cup shredded lemon peel, j cup chopped, blanched almonds, 1 teaspoon lemon extract. Soften ithe yeast cake in water, add scalded, tepid milk and the flour. Beat well, put in a warm )>lace io rise; cream butter and sugar, work in flour salt and spice, sifted together. Turn in the spongy yea«t cake, heart, well, add chopped fruits and almonds, beat well, and let it rise .in a warm place until nearly double its size. Brush all over with butter when risen. (Bake in a moderate oven about two hours Serve wiith' white sauce. German Almond Budding: To 1 oz bitter almbnds allow Boz flour, Boz breadcrumbs, 11b suet (chopped), ll’b raisins (stoned), 11b currants, 11b sultanas, lib mixed peel, Boz sugar, 4ozs sweet almonds, -1 autmeg (grated),, rind and juice of 1 lemon. Sift the flour well and mix with the breadcrumbs, then add cither ingredients in the order named. When well mixed stir in 10 eggs, J pint milk, -J cupful gblden syrup and the strained juice of 1 lemon. Stir well for 20 minutes, adding more if ircquired Cover basin with eloith and leave for 24 hours, then stir agin. Put into buttered pudding cloths or basins tie securely with scalded and floured cloths, put into boiling water and boil for 12 hours.

******* Danish IPUftunf (pudding: To Ub sifited flour allow Jib fine breadcrumbs, lib suet (finely grated). Boz raisins, Boz currants, B>z sultanas, ■Jib tigs (finely minced), Boz mixed peel, Boz sugar, 2oz sweet almonds, and a dash of brandy or champagne. Mix ingredients thoroughly by stirring, then add 4 eggs, (well beaten) and J teacupful of golden syrup Moisten with -a little milk as required (Stir again, and boil for 10 hours, using well-buttered pudding basing and scalded and well-floured’ cloths. Serve with any good sauce. • ••••• Wholemeal Chitistnras (Pudding: Jib butter, Jib brown sugar, -1 eggs, J cup milk, jib curramts, s'Jz wholemenl flour, 7oz wholemeal breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon baking powder, -Jib sultanas, and Joz peel. Cream butter and sugar. Add wellbeaten eggs, then milk, lastly sifted flour. breadcrumbs, carbonate soda, and prepared fruit. (Put the mixture in a large b-isin, and steam for 8 hours Australian Mincemeat: -Steam -Jib prunes until tender, remove stones, and chop fruit rather ' finely. Chop 4 peeled and cored apples, 1 cut up ?flib seeded grapes, stone and chop Jib raisins, shred Jib mixed peel finely, and grate rind of 1 lemon. Mix all these ingredients together, add Jib brown sugar, pinch -salt, J teaspoon cinnamon and strained lemon juice then stir thoroughly. Put into jars, tie down tightly, and store until required. ****** Blackberry {Mincemeat: Put- 21b blackberries into a saucepan with the juice of 2 lemons and J cup lof water. Simmer until soft, then press trough a sieve. Peel and core and cut up 2 large cooking apples, add the grated rind of 1 lemon, 4oz stoned raisins, 2-oz washed currants, the same of sultanas, candied peel, and blanched almonds; add gib brown sugar and J teaspoon ground ginger, ground cinnamon, ground cloves. Chop all well together, then add the blackberry pulp Jib chopped sued, and J teacup of brandy. Put in a jar and tie down. This is used ii! exactly the same way a-s mincemeat, and is a novel filling for tarts. French /Gingered. 'Minco (Pies: To a 21b jar of Chinese ginger add the strained juice of 2 oranges. Chop the ginger and add to it 1 emg> prepared raisins, currants, and sultanas, A :

cooking apples (peeled' and minced), 3 lb chopped suet, 4lb sugar, 4oz spice, 2 tablespoons rum'. Put into a basin and pour over the ginger syrup. Bottle and seal. On Christmas Day line a pie plate with shoi«t pastry, spread thickly with mince, cover with pastry score slightly, ornament edges, and cook in hot oven until brown. Serve hot or cold with cream, ******* Unusual phristmas Cake: Take Jib butter, Mb crystallised cherries, )lb ehoppod figs, I cup preserved pineapple, 1 cup seeded raisins. J'lb brown sugar, Mb chopped nuts i cup chopped lemlon peel, 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon baking powder, i dessertspoon spice, 1 teaspoon ground sinnamon, 5 eggs, 3 cups plain flour ’ cup preserved pineapple juice. Beat butter and sugar, to a cream, then add eggs one at <a time and beat well add, fruit juice then half of sifted flour, spices and baking powder. Mix other ingredients with rest of flour, then mix all together; if too stiff, add a little more pineapple juice. Bake in a slow oven for 5 hours. Tomato '{Salad: Six round even-sized tomatoes, three tablespoons grated cheese, 2 'tablesspotons chopped walnuts, 1 tablespoon fiiiely chopped' spring onions, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon

whipped cream', mayonnaise, lettuce leaves. Wipe itomatoes, and cut off tops. iScoop out the centre, taking care not to break the sides, and mix ; it with cheese, nuts, onion, parsley, cream, and fliavpuring to taste-. Sprinkle the ‘inside of the shells with salt, pepper, and a little castor sugar. Refill the shells with the above mixture mask ithe top with a little thick mayonnaise,, set each tomato on a crisp lettuce leaf, and garnish the top with shredded lettuce or a sprig of young parsley. . • ****** Bed'irpot in (Jelly t (Boil beeitrdot, peel it, cut into thin slices, and put into a wet mould'. Sprinkle with salt, cayenne, and castor sugar t 0 taste. ‘Take suffie'i'ent vinegar and water to cover the beetroot, alltowing two-thirds of vinegar one-third of water, and 3 teaspoons of powdered gelatine to each pint of liquid. Dissolve gelatine carefully in the vinegar and water, pour over the beetroot, and put aside to set. .Lemon juice may be used instead of vinegar for beetroot. ****** Coßl Rooked (Vegetable (Salad: Cold potatoes, carrots, beans, onions (or several spring onion), peas, cauliflower, finely chopped parsley, rich mayonnaise. iC'ut vegetables into neat pieces, mix with the mayonnaise, and serve on lettuce leaves. Garnish with shredded lettuce and asparagus tips. Cold broad beans or butter beans make a tempting salad' if tossed in oil and vinegar, seasoned with salt and pepper, and garnished with chopped ham'. *.*•**•• Menu Ideas from America: In Scotland, the home of porridge, a new way of eating ilt has been introduced by American women who have gone there for the season. The porridge is made very thickly and is allowed to cool, then it is cut into slices and fried in deep fat before serv'Jng it with bacon rolls. New cheeses are being sent up to Scotland for counbryhouse meals. One, , adapted from a Normandy farmhouse recipe, is a cream cheese made 'with celery and herbs. Bor breakfast there is a delicious lemon mdrmalade flavoured with brandy, while unusual jellies with a piquant tasrte, tire made from rowan and wortlc berries. For eating with cocktails or sherry, before dinner, there are cheese popcorns, which have also been borrowed from' America, the popcorns being cooked in cheese instead of sugar.

The Body Beautiful


If you’re a w.oman and over 40 and feel pangs about the passing nature of beauty, you are- the of person a group of middle-aged suburban women is : out to succour, says an English writer.

These women gathered recently in a London film studio. They -were filmed ait thel'r usual everyday occupations—sewing, making beds, washing, cooking, cleaning and gardening. It was the first scene in a new series of iip itructional films, “Th? Body Beautiful,” which will show how people from 25 to 75 can keep the- beauty of youth. “We shall show as one film a day in the life of a. young married' couple to prove that what most people consider a natural and normal life is often anyth'?ng but natural and normal.” the general manager said. Then the s:nne- couple will carry out their same tasks without stress. The secret is a return to the balance and rhythm of natural man which has been lost

in most modern occupations. zk city typist will demonstrate the wrong and the if'ght way to go about her work to show other typists how to keep their shoulders and necks straight and their faces free from the ugly ageing lines of tire. A bank clerk will show how the man who pores for eight hours over a ledger every day may be as fresh at the end of it as he was at the beginning. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. «**«*«« Wire paper clips will save tacking if used to hold the two sides of material together when sewing. • «««*** Add a pinch of onion to mint sauce, 'mustard to all gravies, and nutmeg to disguise dripping in cakes. To whiten old lace that has turned yellow, mix two parts of milk With one part of water, place the lace in a glass jar, then stand the jar in a saucepan with water and bring slowly to the boil. ****** i If fish are wrapped in cabbage leaves or wet grass they will keep fresh almost as long as they will on ’’co. ****** Paraffin seals on jelly glasses can be easily removed if a string is placed across the top of the bottle before the melted wax is poured an. When the

jelly is required, simply pull the ends 1 of the string', keeping the paraffiin I seals for the next boiling of jam'. J Before starting to draw th© threads on linen for hemstitching, wet a small brush, rub it over a bar, of soap until a lathei - is produced, scrub the threads of linen that you wish to draw, and they will pull out easily. To clean discoloured lizardskin shoes rub lightly with peroxide of hydroon a sponge; ** # # When fiying any greasy food, invert the colander over the pan. This allows the steam to escape and preserves crispness, but prevents the grease from flying. *♦♦•*•• Mix the contents of a loz bottle of vanilla essence with an equal quantity of orange essence, and add a few drops of the mixture to cakes, etc. The combination of flavours is unusual, and delicious. USES (FOR CARRON OIL. Carron oil rubbed into the scalp and left about ten minutes will remove dandruff very easily. Comb with a tooth comb, or even brush with a whale-bone brush. Carron oil is fine for relieving pains fro insprain, etc. Massage for about fifteen minutes using plenty of Oil. If children’s chests tire rubbed each night with carron oil it will help to cure their colds. 1 Carron oil rubbed well into the feet , .will relieve that tiredness we often get in hot weather. Here 'i's a good recipe for carron oil: Mix equal parts of raw linseed and 1 lime-water. Shake well until thick ■ and ©icamy, then bottle.

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Grey River Argus, 19 December 1936, Page 4

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WOMEN’S INTERESTS Grey River Argus, 19 December 1936, Page 4

WOMEN’S INTERESTS Grey River Argus, 19 December 1936, Page 4


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