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MONTHLY MEETING. At the monthly meeting of the Greymouth Borough (I-ai'ticil las evening, there were present lh e Mayor fMr J. G reenslade), as.J Councillors A. Kitchhigham .1. S. Robertson, F’. B. Lawn, A. McCarthy. J. B. Kent, J. McGinlev. R. J. Williams. C. Nevi'le, F. Boust ridge, jj. MrKane, F. L. Turey ami R. M u’ey. The Department of Internal \f fairs advisej that a. proclamation had been issued on October ?. uniting Grevmouth and Cobden, under the name of the Borough of Grevmouth. tvit.h nine Councillors and the Mayor after the next biennial election in Mav. 1935, as heretofore. The Town Clerk, Cobden, advised that Messrs A. IT. MlKnne R M- rloy and F. L. Turley had I>Acn 1 > A cn upointod to represent the Cobden Board District on the ?ou:<"il. Afte r the proclamation was read » y the Mavor, the representatives signed the statutory declaration Mr F. H. Denton was appointed Town Clerk, Treasurer and Returning Officer for the united borough area of »Creymouth arid Cobden Councillors Marley .and McKine were appointed ;‘o the Works Committee (including »va Urwo’-ks ami Gasworks); Cr. Turley to the Gen eral Committee (including abattoir, library and traffic); and Cr. McKane to the Reserves and Beautifying Commit tee ( including cemetery and manning), and to sub committee to doo’ with outstanding revenue. 'rhe Mayor expressed p ensure at the appointment of the Cobden representatives. and extended the new Councillors a, hearty welcome. He thought the amalgamation would be for the advancement of greater Greymouth. They had wonderful potentialities in raw material, and when the necessary finance os available 'o apply fro industries, he considered Greymouth would become a < ity. He hoped Greymouth a ml Cobden would progress side bv s : de and thought conditions would imorovo. Cr. Williams spoke in a similar afnn in. Cr. McKane. on»behalf M the Cobden representatives, returned thanks. The merger, he said was now an a<‘romplshed fact, and should prove beneficial to all concerned. Ho woubl work in the' interests n f tim P.orougl generally. In order to fin<l the fruit' ef the merger, c'o-one’’ntinr was re quired.The matter of the services of tin

<’<>b<lcti Town Clerk was d'sc-iissml. \and referred back to the l-'iiianro Com in i 111>(> fop considera I'on. Messrs Guinness and* Kih-liiagham forwarded memorandum of \> ,\. G. Holder fro A. McDougall for Conn oil’s consent to right of wav, over portion of Section .314. fronting on M a< kay S’ reel. —A pproved. Mr W. Davis applied for ; ho posi--1 an of Baths Caretaker. The letter 1 as referred to :|he Town Planning Com rn i 11 re with por.ver to act The Greymouth Branch of th,- Tin giro Drivers. Firemen and Cleaners’ Association recpiosted Pint ‘he footpath in William Strec; !><■ ox-icndod p to the railway fence, ami that ;l ligh.t be ir.stal'ed near the Star Football shod.—■ Referred to tic Works Comroitteo. Native Trustee. Wellington, wrolo reg.irding dedication of pillion of Ructions in the Native Reserve, Greymouth, in order to conform with ’ho requirements of the Tubli- AVorks •\vt.— Approved. Aritika Sawmilling Co. a; plied for tram rights under railway bridge Ko. 82 a>‘ Aritika at an nnr.ual rental of .£5. —Referred to the Reserves Committee for a report The Sanitary lnspecto>- advised that Mrs Annie .Johnston Kaiata, had not complied with a requisition regarding premises in Guiiim-'s Street. 1 -Tim Clerk wa< au’hor <cd to take necessary action. The Sanitary Inspector advised •hat the premises of Croom Bros. Cash and Carry Providers, and An'hiw Mathipson had no‘ n"?b.-..ritv Io carry on offensive trades.—The matter was referred to the Finaru-'? Committee W'*«t Coast Competition- Sonic'y wrote thanking the Council for heating arrangements at the Town H-ill. a!s'.'l for the caretaker's insist::nee. Mrs M. Mayo requested that a street light be placed in Petrip Avenue—Referred tn the T .ight’ng Commit tee. The Director-General nf Health, advised that the question of the representation of. the combined Cobden ■•1 nd Greymouth district on the Hospital B'O'ard would be considered before next elections; while the Tnferfpil Affairs Department ndv’cnd that the matter was under consideration. — h was decided to seek further information on the subject. The Nelson. City Council wrote asking the Council’s support in a protest against the provisions of the Transport Law Amendment .Act. 1933. —lt was decided to support ’he protest. ■» The Greymouth R.S.A. and Salva-

lior. Army were granted 1 erinission Io hold street collect tom’. Messrs and Sodden rorwarded instrument in •nnection V.ih dedicat ion of :l street on Municipal Reserve. Blaketown.---]■ proved. Messrs Hannan and Secdon forwarded copies of the Amemling P>vlaws rekiting to traffic a?:,; parking regulations.—Tt nvas decide-1 1o dual with the matter a' a special meeting <>n Thursday next al 5 p.m. Tiie lingineer was ii.-t ra- ‘ ed (o off< < I tenip'.irary repairs ;<> ('oaklev S,'root footpath, in Blaketcw’i <'r. Mct'artliy referred to thcie being compllaints regarding the removal of sand and gravel mar the Old Powder Magazine. The Engineer was i’lsfncted to confer 'with the Harbour Board Engineer with a view to having this practice stopped, as some of the ratepayers are being '.affected adversely. Cr. Kitehingham said that some ratepayers would not tel) who they were who removed the gravel. and the Local Bodies were then eft ‘‘high and dry.’’ Cr. Williams considered the Council should again review th<> matter of extending the sewerage ".-lem t" outer areas of .‘lie town. The E:.pincer had the old scheme to work an. and had done Kilgour Road economically. ft was decided to a * j< the Engineer to refresh the m’nds <d‘ the Council members on the subject On the motion of CT KHchingham it was decided to iiwoort Cobden district 1 . ;at an early date. Considerable discussion ensued re 'sting to the defi’dive stale of the piano at the Town Hall, after which it was suggested that as the liability was on the lessee, the matte.- might be refer 1 led to the various musical societies who could possibly purchase a good piiano jointly at a reasonable figure, by each eontrilni« in<*; a small sum. The Town Planning Committee recommended as follows in regarj to An application by the Trustee <>t the ' Methodist Church to erec/ a Sunday School room in wood and iron-, within tho area: (1) That the walls fronting Whlall Street and Lane musit comply with tho by-laws; (2) the wall on the side next the Church may be erected in wood and iron; (3) the back wall may be emoted m wood and iron : f such wall is not within 15 feet of the bouudarv nf the Church proper/y. Cr- Kitchingham stated that all applications were demit with alike, and the Council had to be consistent. The

Council had -enfome :be re,g;:l:i 1 ion the chirr reason being for nrevenlion 01.’ lire. Cr. AVilliams objected to the recommendation of "h<> Committee, and an amendment moved by Cr. Williams ■■‘ml seconded by Cr. 'Turley, that the application be granted under the hardship clause was dofeeted. and the report was adopted. WORKS COMMITTEE’S REPORT. 'The Committee met at the 'Town Hall on W’edncsday 2(Hh ultimo, there being pre.-eiit Crs. Williams (Chairman who was unable to go upon the round of inspection) McGinley, Lawn and McCarthy. An apology was received from C’r. Neville. Visits were paid to Boundary Street, Mawhnra Quay am] W'erita Street: Alexander Terrace, Heaphy. Whall and Tarapuhi Streets and to ‘the Gas Works. Your Committee went into the question of improvements to the rubbish collection service and have tn recommend that an entirely now cart be purchased in accordance with the design prepared in the Borough Engineer’s office, and that Mr E. Airey’s quotation of £53 for the construction of same be accepted. Works *in progress in Alexander Terrace, Heaphy Street Kilgour Road and Guinness Street wore inspected and approved. Albert Street has boon scarified preparatory to re-tar sealing and yi.ur Commiittee’s recommendation is that Lord S'treet between Tarapuhi and Albert Streets receive similar attention. Consequent upon the recent loss of motor spirit from tanks of motor vehicles parked at night in rhe Gas "Works yard it. is recommended that stops be taken to enclose the shed in order that it may be locked at night. LIGHTING COMMITTEE’S REPORT. The Committee met ai‘. the Town Hall on Tuesday September 25'th, there being present Crs AVilliams (Chairman) 'McGinley, Lawn and McCarthy. The Grey Electric Power Board having agreed on the basis of the number of 1 street lights installed as at the 31s>t March 1934, to double the candle power of 45 and to instal 35 additional 100 c.p. lights without, additional charge the following 10 additional lights have been authrised and ’installed with the exception of Che last mentioned which will receive attention shortly, Tiameh ■ —High Street near Old People’s llornt* Blake S'treet (2); Dcyle Street (2); Reid Street (1); Byron Sreet (1); Milton Road (1); Town Belt North (1); Total 10. Your Com-

mittee recommend that the positions of the following lights bo altered as follows:—(1) 'That at tho Bank of Xew Zealand corner be coniiecte<l to a span light over Tainui Street af the inter section with Mawhera. Quay. (2) 'That nt ’the intersection of High Street and Paroa Riad be shifted on to the west ern side in order to illuminate the Railway crossing at the back of the Grey River Hospital. (3) That adjacent to tho intersection of Shakespeare and Byron Sttireets be shifted from north western side of the former :o the south eastern side in order to afford better il’uiniiia'tion in Byri.n Street, and that lhe following additional lights be orecDod. namely:— Sfi'an light in Mackay Street opposite ‘‘Star’’ Office; Span light in Mackay Street opposite Harley’s Ltd; William St. opposite Star Football Shed; Herbert Street, western side, r.t Peake Lane; Puketahi Street between Tainui and Alexander Streets; Turumaha Street at intersection wich Tainui Street; Turumaha Street between Griffin’s Hill and School Lane; Lombard Street midway between Herbert Street and foot of hill to Tainui Street; Thompson Street between Tainui and Alexander St.; in Joyce Lane; Flood light! f(Ocus.-i(‘(] on Cenitaph; Perofti Street between Kilgour Road and Win n'ie Street. Milton Road at south end of hill; Chesterfield Street near crushing p'la.nt:; Omo'to Road at bend ‘by Oil Coys Depot; Omoco Road on hill towards Borough Boundary; Two on car parking p’ace to be established in Tarapuhi Street; Two on car parking place to be established in Herbert Street. Regarding that in Mack'.y Street oppo><i'te Harley’s Ltd. further observation is called for after extinguishing of the shop lighting. It will he seen itihat 20 of the additional 25 have been accounted for. It is recommended thait the remaining five be kept in hand meanwhile to observe possible requirements in such localities as Boundary Street after the removal of the .Band Rotunda. ENGINEER’ REPORT. The Engineer (Mr A. J. Fairmaid) reported:—Streets: Werita Street roadway fooitpaths, and Waite and Customs Street footpaths have been tarred and .'landed. Albert Street roadway between Mackay and Guinness Streets has lieen reshaped and is in progress of traffic consolidation prior to re-Hpaling. Concrete channelling has been laid down on the western side of Tarapuhi Street bet ween Mackay and Guinness Streets and in the latter street like work is now complet-

<‘d <>n “lie northern sblr from Tttrajnilii street to Boundary Street. ami on the southern side between William and Boundary Streets. The footpath on the western side of Kilgour Bond between I’erotti and Winnie Afreets ha < been regraded and asphalted. In Alexander Terrace the cutting towards Smith Street has been regraded and th water nia'in has been lowered it; conformity'therewith. Brom the ..op of the cutting toward.- Chapel Street concrete kerbing and channelling lias been constructed <>n the western side ami llie filling neceosary for the formal ion of a footpath has been placed. In lleaphy Street the building of the dry stone wall to reta'in the filling required in the widening of the street is progressing favourably, the deepest part of th wall having now been passed. Drainage. Sumps have been constructed in the water 'tabled in Tarapuhi Street between Mackay and Guinness Street, the work being rendered nee essat'v by the required alternrC.r, in waiter tabled levels; in Petrie Avenue adjacent to the eastern side of Herbert Street., this being required to prevent an accumulation of waiter on private property consequent upon the filling r-w being placed to improve the Avenue; and on the southern side of Threadneedle Street at Alexander Street 'in order <to water seal the upper end of the sewer. The addition 'to the Public Trust Office was built over the upper end of the sewer scrv ncr the premises on the southern :.ide of Mackay Street between Albert and Tainui Streeit. To obviate- this difficulty, acting in conjunction with the authorities dealing with the sewerage of the addition referred to. a deviation was taken in hand and completed. The 36 inch diameter pipes required for the culvent in Creek to give access to the Kilgour Estate Subdivision, have been delivered on to the site. Waterworks: The reservior has been kept full with an average daily pump run of 8.8 hours. This shows an improvement of over half an hour per day as compared with August, the improvement having resumed from the overhaul of taps throughout the Borough, this work now being completed. RESERVES COMMITTEE. The Reserves Commi J tee reported that an application by the Mari st Cricket Club for a practice pitch and right to build a dressing hed on the Recreation Ground was treated as an application by the Cricket Association, and recommended that the Association be allowed to have a prac-

t ice pit' ll .to the south of the United Pavilion, these pitches l » 1 o allocated by the Association t<> separate Clubs, and conditions as previously settled to apply; that the Association be allowed to build a locker in the mower-shed, situation an,] size to b» approved by the Engineer; that the Engineer report on the actual cost of maintenance nf Recreation Ground; that the areas between Il’Sh Sireet and the Old Gravel Pi 1 and tho proposed fool way • along- de the (b'Hiiiet Cub’s fence !>c gi'dcd and grassed ami planted m sm h ;i way as not to interfere -with the future use of lhe area for snort-; pm poses. All of the reports were •■dopte<l. FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Finance Committee submitted tho following rec-ommen lattens, which were approved:— That, accounts paid since last meeting. amounting to £s47<i Gs 9d. be approved, and accounts amounting t*> £S94 0s 9d bo passed pnyr.n nt: ako that Hume Pipe Company's account for £GI 1-s be paid out of Loan Account; that in <onnectiou with a claim from Mr W. S. M.i'-hell. proprietor of the Albion Hotel. G eymouith, for compensation for damage done to two rooms in ’.he h'*tol cans ed hy a leaking cistern, the result, it was alleged, of faulty woikmanship on the part of RT-irgh workmen. Im left in ’he hands of the P.orough Engineer to make an effci without orejudice; also, tnat in tu-ure. the Council do not attend to :‘nr watyr service matters on private property other than leaking taps; that no action be taken r*» a roc’U'sT from the Wanganui-Rangitikei IJec.ruPower Board ‘hat the Council contribute towards the costs of a test «-ase wi«h lhe A.M.P. Sociotv :n connection with an effort to have the interest payable to New Zealand borrowers on the Australian uarkef reduced; that the Inspector of Nuisances (Mr H Lane) be given a n.’cvcle a - lo'VHncn of £5 per year; that the matter qf forming the footpi’h on the southern side of the anproaeh to the bridge across the lagoon between Reid Street and Preston Road, on the ElakeCoAvn side, be referred to the Works Committee with power to ac.: that Cr. A. McCarthy be appointed to the same Oommittees on the Council as the late Cr Perotti sat on; that, the Borough Engineer be authorised to proceed with the reading work, etc., on the Kilgour Estate as soon as possible; that the Borough Engineer be authorised to

purchase a new tar pump for street work; dEat the District Public Trustee. Greymouth, be informer that the Council is not prepared to make the offer of £5OO suggested by him for the sections at Waterwalk in the estate of Charles Lloyd ?.for:ee; that a letter from the Public Trustee. Wellington. m connection with rhe eonversion of the £l4OO loan from (the Public Trustee, sefting out his requirement*? in connection with same, be referred to the Loans Conversion ( 'ommittee for attention.

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Grey River Argus, 5 October 1934, Page 8

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BOROUGH COUNCIL Grey River Argus, 5 October 1934, Page 8

BOROUGH COUNCIL Grey River Argus, 5 October 1934, Page 8


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