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ORDINARY MEETING The monthly meeting of the Greymouth Borough Council was held las' •evening. Present; The Mayor (Mr J W. Greenslade), Councillors F. A. Kitchingham. J. B. Kent, J. S. Rob er.tson, F. 11. Boustridgc, J. McGin ley, F. B. Lawn, R. J. Williams and C. Neville. 'J In* Harbour Board wrote agreeing to contribute its share of the cost of development of the aerodrome site at the rear of the Grey Hospital, viz. £l2O, provided the other local bodies assisted according to the apportionment of the total cost. Iho Power Board advised granting £lOO as a donation towards the cost of developing the aerodrome site at the rear of the Grey Hospital. The letter added 'that the donation was made \\ ithout reservation. The West Coast Farmers’ Co-opcra tivp Coy. wrote protesting against the suggestion of the Cotincil to place a lavatory at the railway crossing, Tainui Street. Mr C‘. Fraser and other residents wrote regarding the lighting of Town Belt north, where their properties are situated on the hill. 'The matter was referred to the Works Committee for consideration, and early attention. The Mayor said the Works Committee could report as to how many extra lights were needed in the town. They needed better lighting as early as possible, in the town generally. Derry’s Military Band. Christchurch wrote asking the Council to erect a platform in the Children’s Park for a performance on Sunday afternoon. May 20. They also asked in the evvut of it being wet if permission was ne cessaiy to hold a concert in the Town Hall. Cr Robertson moved and C’r Kent seconded that the. request granted. Cr Lawn moved as an amendment find Cr Williams seconded tha' the visiting Band should pav half the costs. The Mayor said that none of th? funds were to be devoted to any local object. He would oppose the resolution . Crs Boustridgc arid Kitchingham supported the motion. C’r Boustridgc said that if a Grcynioutli band went to Christchurch they’ would not be ex pected to pay half the cost. C’r Kitchingham said that they did not have a big enough rotunda at the Children’s Park, and there was a suggestion that the bund rotunda in Boundarv Street should be shifted. It would be a good idea, he said, to remove it t’o the Ch i 1 dir en’s iPa rk . C r Me Gin l ey al so supported the resolution. The Mayor said he wa s not in favour of either resolution. He did not like splititng it. Crs Lawn and Williams were the only Councillors to vote for the anrendment. and the motion was ca‘ vied. The action of the Mayor i.» granting the use of the Town Hall, if necessary to Derry’s Band, was ap proved. The Harbour Board forwarded a plan of the proposed scheme for the drainage of Gresson Street, which had been prepared in collaboration with the Borough Engineer. The estimated cost of the work was £lOO and it was suggested that this should be met in equal proportions by the Harbour Board and Borough Council. C’r Kern moved that the proposal be accepted Cr Williams seconding the resolution which was carried. It w a . s also decided to ask the Railway Repartment v contribute part of the cost.

Mr J. A. Hart wrote regarding improvements fo petrol station at the corner of Mackay Street and Werita Street. The necessary permission was granted subject to the approval of th? Engineer. Squadron-Leader T. M. Wilke? Controller of Civil Aviation, in replj to the Council’s letter, said he w.v pleased to note that it was propose I to proceed with portion of the Hos pital site, as an emergency landing ground. He stated: “Whether the Taylorville site is ever developed, or not. the Hospital site is essential, and undoubtedly be developed in full. Th*’ land runway will net meet requirements in all weathers, but it can be considered as a useful preparatory work in the development of the site.’’

Cr Kitchingham asked if any reply had been received from the County The Mayor said that the. County Coun cil met that night, and if it. did not agree to come in, the Council would have to reconsider the matter. Whe». advice was forthcoming the Engineer could get the labour and go ahead with the work.

GENERAL COMMITTEE. The Chairman (Mr. J. B. Kent) reported; A meeting of the General Committee was held ou Friday the 20th April, 1934, at 7.30 p.m. the following members being present, Crs. J. B. Kent (chairman), Robertson, Lawn ? Neville and Kitchingham. Air. G. K. Harker, President, Grey Branch of the Canterbury Automobile Association, was also present by in vitation, as well as the Traffic Inspector, Air. A. E. Sloss. The Committee went into various patters in connection with traffic and now submits the following recommendations fur your ap proval, viz:— (1) —That no parking be allowed tr. Alackay Street, east of the present notice—taxi-cars excepted—the taxi cars to park in the centre ot the street as already provided for, the space for such parking to be limited to accommodate five taxi-cars only allowing fur all interscctiuns being clear, the front taxi-car to park at least 30 foet back in an easterly dir ectiou from the intersection of Mac kay and Tainui Streets. (-) —That angle parking be aHowcd in Tarapuhi Street on the eastern side from the Weighbridge south to the railway line, and also on the west side of Boundary Street, clear of the Fire Station and on the east side of Herbert Street. (3) —That angle parking bo allowed in Boundary Street at lb. 2b. ami such part of 2a. on plan Ao. 1, as Is available. (4) That no parking be allowed in Alawhera Quay east of Waite Street. (5) —That regulations be framed regarding the riding abreast by cyclists. (6) —That By-laws be framed for the purpose of prohibiting the standing of pedestrians nt street corners and to walking. Also requiring that the rear mudguards of all cycles be painted white. Cr Lawn objected ifo the abolition of centre parking in Mackay Street,

as he considered if. was of a great convenience to motorists, Cr Neville said ‘the chief reason for the change was that it minimised danger to pedestrians, and other towns were abolishing it. The report was adopted. FINANCE REPORT. The following Finance Committee recommendations were adopted:— That accounts amounting to £l9OB 14s paid since last meeting, be approved and that accounts amounting to £474 Ss Id. be passed for payment; that with regard to an application fr >«. E. W. Bender fo erect a garage qf, his premises, 78 High Street, Greymouth, and four petrol pumps on the footpath in front, the question of the erection of the garage be referred to the Town Planning Committee, but that permission be noit granted to erect petrol pumps on the. footpath; that, re a request from Air Syd Powell. Preston Road, that the footpath in that street between Arney Stree’ bridge ard the railway crossing be attended to. in order to prevent flooding of his property, the matter be referred to file Works Committee to be taken into consideration when compiling list of works to be carried out, that an application from John Kay. 8 Cowim.t Street, for permission to erect a garage in front of the building line of his property—as it was impossible on account of the narrowness of his section to do otherwise—bo granted; thait an application from the Power Board for a rebate <>f rates on a store ami workshop in Gresson St., wh’.-h ha s been unoccupied since the Ist febuary, 1934. be left in the hands of the Town Clerk, with power to reply; that a claim from T. Brown for compen sat ion fur expenses incurred as the result of an accident alleged to havn occurred as the result of the bad con dition if Herbert Street, in Alarch, 1932, cannot be entertained; that the Council contribute its proportion of the amount r-Squired for the purpose of preparing au aeroplane lauding site at tuc rear of the Grey Hospital—£l7l —in accordance with the agreemeni by the conference of local bodies; mat re an application from W, J. Caldwell and four other residcuts of Sh.akesp|care. and Buccieugh Streets, that the Oouucil when framing its estimates provide fur itliu eumple|ciou of the kerbing and channelling iu these streets, they be iufurmed tha ( t the work in question is already on the list of works |to be carried out; that re u letiul frurn the Native Trusce. \\ cJ.iijgion, auvising that he had received a oumpiuiut from Air T. A. Rundle, lessee of a section iu Alexanuur Stree., that us a result of the Council raising poiUiou of Alexander btreet, his property is being flooded, a letter araitcd by the Borough Engineer explaining me pu.Sj.tiun, be forwarded :to the Native Trustee; that, the balance of the Gas Works depreciation fund fur the year 1933-34, amounting to £314 17s 6d, be paid te the Public Trustee; that Cr Boustridgc be appointed a member of the General Cumuuttee; that a quantity oi emulsilied bitumen be procured, a trial; that the following wuiks be pu f on the list of works to be carried but—Kerbiug and channelling—Brunucr Si., south side, High bt. to Cowper St., Alexander St., Thompson bl. io Shakespeare bt., bhakespeare St. cast Sxde, Alexander St. to bridge, Shakespeare St. both sides, bridge to Buccieugh. St.,, Shakespeare St. cast side, Buccieugh St. to Aiarsden Road, Buccieugh bji., High S'.. to Shukcspeaie st. north side, complete Guinness St.,; that the southernmost rail Ou Alawhera Quay be removed in order /to improve that street.

rue report, was adapted as a whole, Willi the exception of the proposed kicro'iiig and chauneJAng clause, it being uteided that this matter be hcid uver until a later meeting of the Count'd wncß it way intended to approve of work to be curried oUJt during the next twelve mouths. Cr Lawn considered that asphalt footpaths should be put down in irout of i.ew residence in i\elsou Street aud Albion Ruud. He considered the streets were a disgrace to Hie Council. ihe Mayor said they were being cousideied. He did not think the Council siiould discuss these matters in such a strain. Cr Lawn said the work was uut being dune quickly enough, and they should expedite ukititers. The Works Committee should have power to act. The Mayor said that other streets had no footpaths, and had waited years for them. He would like to see the work done quicker than it was. C’r Kitchingham: Raise the rates then!

Tae Alayior; The Engineer says that is exactly what is needed. Then he wili do the work. Cr Williams said the greatest drawback was inability to get enough asphalt made, were now greater than they used t'o be, as once people were satisfied with gravel foot ptitus. lie thjought injure asphalting should be doue. Cr Bober son said it was surprising to hear twu members of the Works C’umuiilttee saying such things. Ur Kitchingham: It is a vote uf uocuuiidence iu themselves. Ur Lawn: What we want is more latitude. The Alayor said there were so many, urgent works that, in era endeavour to carry some of them out they had a b.gger bank overdraft this year than last. They had not sufiicieut machinery labour, space or time to do the work. If the wurk was to proceed faster, he wouid like to know where the money and machinery were coming from.

C’r Williams: The Engineer cun do the work. lie will find the money. (Laughter) . Cr Kent said the Council prided itself on paying standard rates ou essenial work. Two unemployed workers had approached him. Thev had been working in the trading department and claimed that they had not becu paid standard rates. He moved that the Engineer be -empowered to pay standard raltes on all essential work. The Mayor said the Engineer had power to do that. Last year the Council had paid £lOOO out on extra work. 11, mighlt hav-e been a little mutter overlooked, ami the Engineer w'ould adjust, it. On the motion of (,’r Kitchingham, the Engineer was instructed 'to go into alternative means of giving access to Air Cottle’s property, owing to a deadlock having been reached with the Public Trust, Cr Kitchingham referred to the question of superannuation. There was a possibility of new appointments being made, and he thought every new employee sh'oiiild be. linked up’ with the superannuation service, so that Ihe Council would make provisions for retiring them at the age of' 65. On his motion, the Town Clerk was

instructed to write the Dunedin and Wellington City Councils for particulars of the basis for starting a superannuation scheme. The Alayor said he would like to see Ithe matter gone into. Thev had hud difficulties with older hands. It was their duty to see that some such scheme was brought into being. Eulogistic reference to the work of the Engineer was made by C’r Williams. This was endorsed by Alayor. Cr Williams: “I will move that the Engineer be given authority to shift the band rotunda.” Cr Kent seconded the motion, but stated thait, like Cr Kitchingham, he would like to hear ari expression of 'opinion from the public. The idea was quite a good one. The Alayor did not think he could accept the motion. It was a big job and involved heavy expenditure. Cr Boustridgc moved that the Engineer be asked to draw up an estimate of /the cost of the removal of the band rotunda to the Children's Park, or ‘to any other site over which the Council had control. The motion was carried. WORKS DEPARTMENT. The annual report of the Works Department by the Borough Engineer, was as followb. — The outstanding features of the year’s work have been three; firstly, the completion of the sewerage of the Kilgour Road area; secondly, the addition of two miles of tar sealed streets to the total of tar surfaced streets in. the Borough; thirdly, the commencement of the laying of a larger water supply main. Iu greater detail the works carried out have been as follows:— Streets. General works have comprised:— (1) —The clearing of timber from those parts of Sinnott Road and Marlborough Street, between Marsdeu Road and Sawyer’s Creek around the eastern and southern boundaries ot the Kilgour Estate Sub-division. (2) —Further extension of the formation of Byron Street southwards from Nelson Street to meet extension of the residential area of the Borough. (3) of the formation and metalling of Mouut Street between Smith and Chapel Streets and formation iu Upper Moss Street, being a continuation of a road formed by the owners from the end of the first mentioned work.

(4) —Formation of a roadway tu Upper Puketahi Street, to give access to property owners in Nikau Valley. (5) —The improvement of Marlborough Street railway crossing . Extension of tar sealed road surfaces has comprised work in Palmerston. Ida, aud Marlborough Streets and part of Aiarsden Road iu the southern end of the Borough; and in Blake, O’Grady, Doyle, Rigg. Robinson aud Reid Streets, and Preston Road, in the Blaketown aud Preston Road areas, the total length comprised in the first named sectiou being 48 chains, and in the second named, 112 chains, in addition Tarapuhi and Herbert Streets were scarified and sealed 26 feet in width, a total length of 40 chains, making the total sealing programme 24 miles.

Concrete kerbing anl channelling comprised work in Herbert and Boundary Streets, Alawhera Quay, Werita, Waite, Custom, Willis, Gerald and Lydia Streets, 57 chains in all in addition to which 4 chains of kerbing only were done in Cowper Street adjacent to the Bridge, and at the corner of Cowper and Afarlborough Streets; and 5 chains of channelling only in’ Whall Street. The footpaths have been asphalted in conformity in Alawhera Quay, Willis, Gerald and Lydia Streets.

Footpaths without kerbing and channelling have been formed and asphalted in Packers Quay, O’Grady, Blake and Doyle Streets, a total of 53 chains in Blaketown, and in Palmerston and Buccieugh Streets, Upper Mawhera Quay, Hallenstein and Perotti Lanes, a total of 25 chains in the remainder of the Borough. Drainage.—-The sewerage of the Kilgour Bead area has been completed, work during the past year comprising the laying of 192 feet of 12 inch sewer, 784 feet of 9 inch sewer, 1,189 feet of 6inch sewer and 1,133 feet of 4 inch sewer. In addition the following extensions were laid, namely 175 feet of 6 inch in Milton Road, ISO feet of 4 inch in Byron Street, and 66 feet of 6 inch in Boundary Street. In High Street, to 'relieve the flow in the Buccieugh. Street sewer the flow from south of Raleigh Street "as directed to the sewer in the latter street. As the drainage from the western side of the Recreation Ground passes into the High Street sewer at Raleigh Street the relief afforded to the Buccieugh Street sewer has been considerable.

Waterworks. —It is pleasing to be able to record that at length an improvement in the water pressure available is within measurable distance of fulfilment. Jo February a start was made to lay a 12-iuch steel concrete lined additional supply main from the Pumping Station to a central point in (lie town area. To the end of March, one half of the work had been carried out and a small boost given to the pressure. Extensions to the reticulation system have comprised 200 feet in High Street from the corner of Nelson Street and 1,160 feet in Blake Street southwards to the intersection with Reid Street. Reserves and General.—The stone walling on either bank of Sawyer’s Creek adjacent to the Municipal Baths has been completed and the land on the right bank is now under grass. On the left bank the land is at present in course of being grassed. The bank of Sawyer’s Creek along Heaphy Street lias been trimmed and levelled for about two-thirds of the length, from the Shakespeare Street end. Between Buccleugh Street and the northern end of .Palmerston Street, the creek has been cleared of timber, a surprising number of logs being removed in the course of the work. had accumulated in the course of the cutting of milling timber along the , hanks of the creek and had lain in the ; bed for many years. Logs up t<\ 40

feet m length were removed. With a view to economy in dealing with stores and plant required for operations in the Gas, Water, Streets, and other fields of activity, a centralised stores system has been inauurated and a petrol pump installed. Building Activity.—The past year has witnessed an increase in building activity, following the steady decline since the year 1929-30. The total value of buildings and alterations for which permits were issued, was £24,244. ENGINEER’S REPORT. The Engineer (Mr. A. J. Fairmaid) reported as lollowa; Streets. —The remainder oi the second coat tar sealing has now been, completed, the Lagoon Bridge Embankment, and Preston Road having been treated during the past month. Kerbing and channelling in Waite and Custom Streets has also been completed. Un the southern side of Leonard Street between William and Boundary Streets, footpath formation has been built up to a level in conformity with that on the northern side of the street, the soil used being surplus from me 12 inch water main trench. The bins structure at the crusher has been painted two coats. Drainage. —Three sewer connections have been made during the month. To make one of these, in Winnie Street, required the laying of 175 feet of 4-inch sewer, which will serve further houses which may be erected Un the southern side of the eastern end of this street. Waterworks.—The Reservoir has been kept full with an average nightly pump run of eight hours. Satisfactory progress is being made with the laying of the new town main, a total of 3030 feet having been laid to date, of which 975 feet have been laid during the past month. Acting upon authority received from the Railway Department on Saturday morning, the 28th ulitmo, arrangemens were made to lay the pipes under the Midland Main Line and the parallel siding at Cobden Bridge on Sunday the 29th. Starting at 6.30 a.m. the work was completed, and the railway line open for traffic, by 11.30 p.m. that day. A further boost to the water pressure available in town will be given during the present week providing no unforseen difficulties arise. General.—The land on the left bank of Sawyer’s Creek below Cowpet Street bridge and between the roadway and the creek has been under preparation for grassing and portion close to the bridge has been raked out and sown down. The wall along the creek which was damaged by the heavy flood just prior to Christmas has been repairel and heavy stone has been placed along the toe to deal with scour which has been giving trouble.

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Grey River Argus, 4 May 1934, Page 8

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BOROUGH COUNCIL Grey River Argus, 4 May 1934, Page 8

BOROUGH COUNCIL Grey River Argus, 4 May 1934, Page 8


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