“AU REVOIR" 'l’o LEAGUE Ml-.X. His Worship .tjie Mayor (Mr. \» . H. Parfitt) presided over a large and representative gathering last njgn; to bid au revoir and good lui k »<» r. -J. D. Wingham (Manager < | i’hNew Zealand League team), ami Messrs N. Mouatt, H. Mears, an Haisty < Members of the South Island team). Alter the loyal toast had b. rii honoured, the following toast list v. as given: — " I he South Island Sclri o r. ' proposed by Mr. Mouatt. ami rcspo. to by Mr. T, Thomas. - Kindred Sports,” proposed by Mr. T. K-. aa. • nd responded to by Messrs A. M'Kane (coursing) ,F. Doogaii ((iob. 1 Wright (wrestling), J. Smm (b./wls), ('. O'Neill (boxing), T. Milligan (tacaig) and W Farlitt icourb In rising to propose the toast » I he Rugby League,” Mr. AicKam>;nted that ho hoped” ‘dial the Le :• guc’s headquarters would be tram-, ieried to Wellington next year so tiro, ih- Council would be more cent:;;:. He also hoped that next year a No., Zealand '-.oam would tour Engl : i,He wished the New Zealand team I;. b“sf ol luck Hi their tutu- o| Au-tr.; lia. Mr. Win.L.ham, on- lisiig to re Mom! was greeted u ith cheers. G did not r. grot .his long assoiiat i m ill’ the I uagtto code, but was v proud ( f i' . A, present. the (' . ( .: did mi; have a very good >pin ? the (kaincil, bin he as sun !. , everything would be alright. H:s Worship the Mayor iMr. W H. Parfitt) stated tha| he had Im mo'H. important toast of (lit- eve": ig that of “The Manager of the Ne Zealand le'in; Mr. Wingham.” M: Whigham was one of the mo-,; lion esi men he had ever m-alt v. itii. an • the team were lucky to have mic'i a y.anager. He wished the ( oast '>"■ - every luck in their game. On behaif of the V\ e.>t (Masi Ku . g v L(‘agiie, Mt. McKane congi ulatcd Mr. Wingham on his appo nt meni as Manager of the New Zealand League team, and on behalj i the ( ode Imre, he had mm h plea-ioe in presenting Mr. W’ingliam will: . handsome 'ravelling bag. In r.turmng thanks. .Mr. Wnr2bam sailed ;ihnt he had ro.i-iised mI the dearest ambitions oi h:> I le. in being selected as .Manager of New Zealand team. 7’e hoped H.h the Coasters would be with him tn the Austr; linn Hour, ami ;•> sured Ji.- u that he would do his best in (he terests of the game. The Secretary ( ,f the West Co.r t Rugby League (Afr. C. Saunders) congratulated Mr. W’ngham, an i t,h<‘ South Island representatives on the-ir selection, and hoped that when the team faced the •Aussies" the\ would uphold ihe name of the ( oasi I .eague. Io (wool the box s who had to do the work. Mr. Bariiil t said, he had great pleasure in preseiiiing traveling rugs to Messrs N. Mctiat, anl- - Mears. He hoped that when the result of the inter-island game wr-s known, the. Coasters’ names would i>e it.he most prominent. He w<rsorry that Mr. Mears could mu ,)<* present at this gathering, but. ‘W. sure that he would be picked in the New Zealand team He also calh-d for cheers for Mr. Ha.istv, the o>'.’>-i Coaisi representative. Deafening cheers greeted ?..r. Mouatt when he rose to reply, and -t was several minutes before he c< speak. He thanked them for their generous gifts, and assured them •’.<* would do his best. Mr. Tom Milligan, on behalf ol Mr. Mears, said that he was pleato accept the presentation, ami \\ sure that “Hughie” would he seh' l ’- cd in the team. I he 4,oast “Other Codes,” w ,s proposed by Mr W. Ryan, and ic sponded to by Messrs N. Joni's (Rugby) and D. Costello (Soccer). The following rendered musical items :—Messrs ’P. Dbogan, I*. Roache, T. O'Hallahan, ('. Cutbush, J. AVright ami F. Moore, while Messrs C. O’Neil and N. Jones gav.. a recitation LEAGUE NOTES. (By “Speculator.’’) The games at Omoto 1 lie last week, end were played in showery weather. The Grey third team put it all over Nelson Creek, scoring 30 points to nil. Once the ball got loose, there was only one team in it, the local backs being far too good for Ihe visitors. The 1 handling was far superior to anything seen in the senior game, the forwards .joining in, in re: 1 League style. The boy?; will teach ihe nien how the game should be played. 'This Grey learn is very reminiscent of., the Blackball thirds of three or four years ago, the Dodds, White, Leach, Ferry and Co. of to.day’s seniors. I'he two Masons, Sexton, O'Leary and Lees of the backs and Rogers and the two Gordons in the p'lck were the pick of the team. Three cx-Rugby juniors made their debut in this game and all made good. Another was awaiting his chadc.e to play; his turn will come next game. The Creek pack did fairly well, but the backs took too many “dummies” to hope for success. By the time the senior game started the ground was greasy, and further showers did not improve matters. The ball quickly became too slippery to hold, and both sides settled down to ft forward game. Although the Marists won B—3, 2 tries and: a goal to a try, the game was very even, with Roa tn tacking perhaps a shade the of toner of the two sides. The tries were both scored by Mears, the result of tireless
following up and determined finishing. This is where the Roa ream are lacking -they woik hard, but can’t finish their movements to advantage. Tinsecond try was rather a lucky one in I one sense, the ball being kicked to. i ■* - ueh, and seeming certui ■ gr. out of bounds. The Roa <icfem"‘ gave it up, and the ball hitting a •'ight depression in me ground, turned infield again. flughie Mears, who ! er gives up until the ball is really out, had followed up, and in a race for il. In l dived very del ermi riedly, 9 and secured ihe try. Mouat kicked a pea ally and hit the post with am-Ei'-: shot. I i'.‘u logical as il may sound, Ab.'-at \.as both the best back and be>; forward on the ground. He was in ihe v:;n uf every forward : .im\ emei I, and in the defen. s.ve positions got tile greens out of i lore tight corners than any of his backs. His anticipation was really excellent, every move showing Headwork < f the highest quality. He is in a class by himself in Coast football, .'.icais mid O’Hallahan were the next be>t forwards, while young Keily and ( utbush. two promoted juniors were ihe pick of the backs. Hinchin ami Moore ar<- not nearly the players they v. ert las: :e:ir. Jackson ami Kennedy are also "IT their game at present, jitdging by th' 1 iast few games. For R.;a, Hansen. Dando. Skinner ,u.<l McGuire were the pick of a hardworking pack. The backs are nearly all former forwards, ihe exceptions bill.g Kells, Rimmer and Quinn. led White was also playing but let lli" >.i<|e down badly on several occasions. He was never fond of slopping a rush ta.ckl’iiig a forward when he > : .- :: 'unior. As a senior, he is iii'ii iit-h worse. He may be able to score Iric.-. when given the ball in a position w In-re lie has room enough in which to •:.ove. but. giving that in. the piay.-r who won’t tackle or face a dribbling rush, is not much good to any side. You must have thirteen players who will all tackle. Jack Quinn was the Ih-si tackler on his side. 'I lie way lie dived and got Moore several times Hfec-.ively squelched the speed mer. chant’s chai.i-es. Taylor and I! .ulsoii ate two good forwards, waste I in the :,.a backs, though neither played at !! b:idlv. Skinner is a greatly imptovojl forward, ami. along with Hansen and Dando. make up a front row : hat will hold their own with most clubs. Roa are short of b.-o-ks, and ran never hope to beat a team like or Riinanga. who are al least ■heir equal in the pack and have a superiority behind. Refer-e Hopkins hml charge of the game, ami nio.u;. i.-d to give satisfaction to bo‘h teams, though I think League has been played long enough in this district . »r the players to know they should piny the ball properly, ami if they doo t pi:.v it right they should be penal'sed, not brought back ami made to play it over again. Apart from this am! a 1f..,, breaches <f the ml’t.n I;:;/ 1 rule, Mr Hopkins was very good. Wort! has been revived that 11’iglnu M’.-’rs was to represent the Si mJ Islam! at Auckland. Better late th :• never. Lot us hope ll"‘ D'ip will Le extended still fuither. across the Ta.--man . Hastie got a kick in the nose in (he trial game, which caused Ins retirement. Though not wishing to damp this young player's er.tlrmiasm in :ui y wav. 1 think he is very fortunate to be selected to repres 'i.t tus ’sland. There must b" a .b't-.r.h <» w ing men in both Canterbury mJ. Otago if he is one ot the tvu lust. A’hui is wrong with Stewart, of Can. terbury !t is up tn tlie selei-'ors uf the Const to yet their side together and play a trial game or two to enable them t combine effectively. If we are to make a show in the "times tigai.nt t < Im.-v and Auckland, not to mention Quei (island, we must have e.imbina- :, ■ A coach should be appointed to knock litem into shape and supervise tli.'ir play gene (illy. When our te,. amt Wellington, and narrowly lo>: ' Ct.iilerbury (a Hnke pot at gir.l t|eciding against us) all who pare there i.ii the tour ar. agreed that it was ti e work of Watt.e Kirk, the co. >l. vho was responsible for the great slum ii’g of the team, lie is still here, wuh no superior in tin' Island, and tn l ' so.-uer he is given charge of the team, the better elianci we will have. In the lilial series ol N.S. W Queensland matches, the former team bad a matcli winner in Wearing, the . b.int South Sydney flier, scoring 21 points out <>f the 27 registered J>y his side. ;■onls from half way and a ail t ending in a try under the posts wer.' amongst his tally. He -s .iiouesti bly Hie most brilli-iit b. it playing lie l-eague game in. Australia to-day. .1 Join son was playing junior football at t<• start of the season. Now be is Im la'll upon as the stieeessor to Uunean Ihonipson as the New Sou Wales - rum half. Althoug- his li: big gai e. the North Sydney youth played .'itii the confidence and resource |t n veteran. O’Rourke, the Univet jfy centre, also played a rattling :It me. Hardman, the St. George forwa j. although ye. a mere youth, added to the already great opinions forme of him. By the time New Zeala 'I arrives over there, th. Wale team will be a. really formidable e om l nation, youth has put the ne.es. sfllA dash and enthusiasm i tea , There is just a suspicion that Q U( asland are hanging on to their old players and not giving the yonngstc • a fair chance. This will spell ( ti, ster to any team. Daisley, the f., back of N.S.W., gave two tries av iy by attempting to tackle round t 5, head. This is a common fault T , li our own West .Coasters. A
[ oii-klc should be fro n the > 1 •ih hip> down warns: otherwise disaster is imwij able. Eroin all appearam-es. that m U ,.|, tu'ked of South Hand teain must have been select.'.! b. the .ri:l muteh took pin,,.. The Canterlmr-.-'heads” say it would 1.. i’ni’'ir t i judge on such a day. Perhaps so. Yet it is fair | O assnnw tL.-tt wards who ran perform rreditablv t ,n a wet day are at least as good on a a good ground with a drv K ” Lnndle. Anyhow, what is the use of « trial game, if you don’t judge tli“ players on that form. There is a nigger in the woodpile sone where. Il •s just a shame what the Nortn Island team will do to them, ir properly selected. Perhaps the Coast. Otago and Canterbury will get one rep each into the final team, where a properly and fairly selected South Island * team would have given the Southerners a third of the representation. Ihe N.S. Wales Referees .Association conduct a correspondence course of lessons for country referees, with’ examinations. supervised by local J.P.’s, the examination papers being sent to Sydney and adjudicated upon there. Country centres mostly have certificated referees controlling their games now. From the accounts of visiting teams there is one Inangahua referee who would possibly benefit by a course of instruction, particularly as to the advantage rule. Ask Roa! The game between Inangahua and Blackball must have been very open and spectacular when a total of 58 points was scored, of which the northerners had a majority margin of six. Runanga were somewhat fortunate to beat Grey seniors by a point, 6—5 being a very close go. The same re. marks apply to the Grey Jyiiiors and Marist Juniors, the latter being unlucky to lose by one point.
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Grey River Argus, 23 June 1925, Page 6
Word Count
2,242LEAGUE FOOTBALL Grey River Argus, 23 June 1925, Page 6
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