**, ___ STORY OF THE ADVANCE. - OPERATIONS WELL CARRIED OUT. (Received December 24, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, December 23. Mr. Landler, telegraphing from the banks. of the '-Shaft el Hai on the 17th, states: We advanced oh the night ot the 13th December across perfectly flat country with no landmarks, and carried out operations without a hitch. The infantry and cavalry reached their objective at the exact time agreed upon. The infantry crossed at three fords near Atab at dawn, cavalry crossed lower down stream, and within an hour the Pioneers were building camps. Enemy outposts were dispersed, and two pontoon bridges erected. Hai is hidden from the river and is bordered^ by low scrub. The fords are numerous, but treacherous, and some of our transport carts were caught in ithe quicksands. I The Turks shelled our position until th~e cavalry were within 200 yards. The enemy was then driven out. I The. main body of cavalry rushed the Shurnran Bridge; nine miles from Kut, while the infantry advanced and consolidated the ground gained. . I Our losses £pr the day were Inconsiderable. I Our 'aeroplanes in the moonlight flew over Kut and bombed a bridg-e which was beintr towed in sections, l^'id scattered . the pontoons. The Turks were unable to transport their troops except by ferrying. Durinir. the 15th we advanced to AviiHvh fnree-quarters of a mile of. the Titrris, southeast of Kut, and on 'the T^th dispersed a considerable force of Turkish, irrefirulnrs. advancing on the western bank of the Hai. Our troops were in -high spirits ow- '"■«• to rhf» move after thp It**- haft. We ran now see the people of Kut un--01 tltp rnnfs nf the houses, art rf cnuirf . m^'irp t.tip niace tr> p heap of mud .an^ 1 brirk<= if we likerl. 1. Th<v ivoqther throughout was most
Grey River Argus, 27 December 1916, Page 5
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