SAME ARGUMENTS AS WILSON'S (Australian and N.Z, Cable Assn) t ßeceived December 26, g.20 p.m.) PARIS, December 25. Switzerland's Note to the belligerents is less elaborate than President Wilson's, but the arguments are the same — humanitarian considerations, . neutrals' sufferings, and fears oi an extension of the conflict. The Note arrived in London on 1-ri-dav and in Paris on Saturday. The "Petit Parisien" states that the Note reveals that Switzerland took the initiative and sounded President Wilson five weeks ago. He was therefore assured of support. Switzerland does not invite the- belligerents to state their objects and does not deal with the original reasons for tKe conflict. It merely expresses the hppe that the war will soon end. The newspapers comment courteously, appreciating Switzerland's attitude during the war period.
Grey River Argus, 27 December 1916, Page 5
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