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WELLINGTON, August 6. Sir Joseph Ward, when seen tonight by a "New* Zealand Times'' reporter, said that the selection of the men who were to represent the Opposition in the National Cabinet had been an exceedingly difficult matter, as was only to be expected under the circumstances. The ranks of the Opposition includ ed a number of men who were thoroughly well qualified for Ministerial position^ and his regret in the matter was that the limitation of numbers imposed upon him by circumstances of the situation had made ut impossible for him to give the opportunity Of service to every man who was qualified to carry a portfolio." "I want to make »it clear in the case of Dr. McNab, that he informed the members of the Party quite voluntarily of his willingness to stand aside, said. Sir- Joseph Ward. It, was upon my special request to-day communicated to him by telegram, that he consented to place himself in my hands. I think everybody will agree that his inclusion iin the National Cabinet is a good thing for the country. The National Cabinet fcas been brought dnto existence for var purposes. We all recognise that at this highly critical time in the- history of the Empire the Dominion wants the best administration that can be provided, and that Party discension ought to be set aside in the common dnterest. Everybody in. the country from the humblest to the highest is feeling that there are difficult times ahead, and that our duty .just now is to face the future confidently but resolutely. We want to place the Dominion in as strong a position as possible, and to that end it is desirable that there- should be the fullest co-operation among the political partiefe both inside Parliament and outside of it.; . That must be our attitude. uriti lvictory has. been achieved for the British Empire and our Allies in the field."
Grey River Argus, 7 August 1915, Page 5
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