.^J'^NU.AL^^EIING^ ; :/ "^ \ "The seventh annual meeting of tne • aßSveanstitution waVheld at the Ttest? GfeSsph Street; N fast '"■ when* there, was a crowded'attendance, .there* bjEsing: a;, very larger; number of ;ladies> preseht. The 1 ■', .was \ nicely . decorated for - tHe. 6ccasidti : the ' stjige ' and^walls. being tastefully relieved ; with? a display. .^f?; Kfeenery^and \i coloured: B^ T ?r ..dejco.ratfo'ns^which gaye;the- .; in-: teripr '-a;' fnast, , pileasdnj^ appearance- j 'The Mayor (Mr. G-.E: Perkins) pre' sided;- ! snd W his opening- remarks said : J%was '■ pteasedVto: beVpreserit- bn^the' occasion of the sevenths annual "meet-' ing.and.Jbo =see such-a. lar^e attendance T^evefforts" of,/the-Rest jn.prpyiding ?* building' where visiting might, spend a: pleasant hour ashdre-had beeV eminently successful * ■ 'i n \ pa* s £ -years? and^were^much. ? appreciated by c-.tne"' «fcws 9f r vesje.I Sl .vi.sitin^ n ,,.G.reymouth^ .JSSLXQ* '%.*%* i^TJ^e Vhairman; •hoped it would not be .very long W fore^tnoxe 'central antf large* "&coffi- { modatian was -seeurecH a'hd' ; he also* th<>ugkte-that <Jxeymbuth citizeas might* Be: a Uttie more;,generQUs- in .their •■.vol-* untaty which- woidd.^res l»eve^ those respons ib/e jor; the -carry ;, ing?."' W "of "tKe/ "Res| the c neceasity . olV'having.'to ; 'fprdmotV;-"sales..;!ot^^work : ; anil entertai^fments foirtße purpose of I ■ raising"; funds. The chairman then read 3 , tne report 'for ''the 'year 'is "follows : - •>T- ANNUAL ?REP : ORT-:^ ■ -i: ;; ' . The -annual report y a£as Jbltows^ ' During the year "247 men' paid 5Qi r visits 4-0 the " vFor-scc/weeki: of che'year the" portiwas closed o n: ac ; counter &c strjke^ when; P^^aUy, the * ■'%<&!?' ,\yas; } ,jck>sed v , ■ since.the f poit r was; opened the. s-eam6n. have ude £oodWof the^Rest^ as the s visits'paid- w*»l showc r,fheCmen haye • been entertained^: .seyeral^ times - bj> f riendsifgrnngmusicai.: evenings* W^ch.; tliey •ha,ve / .mucii. .enjo^ed.^^The care- ; tukefia'nd his wife c aH doing all they 1 can to mike tKe'^nieri^feet act-honievr certainly- the"" mcii appreciate -it, • ano/ often:, express their ffS^^ ll^ 4P& hhr^ r is, being ; done... .have • still a debt of £2s. ti> ineet.;and will; fee.l grateful to anyone who -will helr< tfiem-rta''- cancel the 'debC' . The r bal> anc*. 'sh€e^*will..,tell v^what r^oney nas r been.,Teceiyed % and j^^it^.ha^.^eer.^ spent,",- The "Rest carried /on" . b* .* wpjrkers ;whp give'lhelr tinie aod'la'b-^ oSr' without any^Tecompense" "whatsp-i • eyer'. c ' The cbmmittefe be.R^.to tendei-; th'eir' 3Jncere. thanks -to the; foUowin? • -|:l;he-"S.tar. for^papej^.and., tickets \_ tH?, /'Argus fojr Dapersiy'Mr. Slin>" nnban'fc)r.y»"t<on r of 'cVvalr ; . Messrs StrSt ? fo^dj.^nd^Biaif for " timber • Mr. War-; nes^for- -/auditing- the balance ;sh p e;j[ freer . of l charore ; and all those kinr l^ frjends \^f% $?s&s??&£%>' fyw? T ? : 4 papiers. etc. '-?-,.',,." - v ... \ Miv T. Brown had pleasniTe in mov-< ing fthe adoption,], of the report and balance ; sheet. '' It wwars rr a' matter of congr.atulatipn to all concerned that a building should be provided for-jhe efitertainment of our. ; .sajlpr,- iriends,v wbiou'.cajiiQ hQfirojn tijne, to time.. ;^ It] wa^teally, a^ home from home.' . ; _ "* ' * was by Mr.K^it'' ami ds<t applause. • OwThr { to 'Mr.' Perkins- being . cailled<; away, the Rev. Ashcfof ttfppk the ,#air.i fo^ the remainder of the evening. During the musical- pottibn of . the. pr<>gi;anMne < =-Mr. A'shcrpftvSQade $, shortan^ interesting address oiii,^e ing r t^><P?^P^^^'-^ 1 4"i ma'n^ty]; drew atfentioii^o the greiat numahitanan'wpric V)f We 'YaXe General Booth and "Dr7 : - BaTnardo;> T;he,'.good:work I carrjed on by the tlcKjal Sa.p^sf/ Rest shpWM'.th^t it was ap- , preciaLted. by yj^ting seamen.^ as the 1 ' report ■ that there had> been overt 500 visits ; in the pastrof s'ailoxg.v. Ashcroft expressed his- great. pleasure^ at r .beinjg p pprese n t, and .wished, the Rest arid its; many,,s,uppprters a, prbsjpdrous^ year. _ . . ■ : '- >iV ' ;: '' ni '". "•';;'. '•'' "'" T " ;; j: 7 7A"' ehjovable musically ' proV " /^rammer co-iisistine" of ■: vocal and. ixVs-i tnwnjental ..solos,- : and, , recitations- f jwa.,s^ th,en gpji^ throush. the^ p^y^-?-p^ausfl: PTf f ted p?ni 1 1*» W»- ' . <?> HHr.* e^/th^ pnnr^cia'tVn.T\ ,\v;tlj they? wgre^teceived^ fdllowingf- was th> ■ '■'. prK^rainmft stiVimit^d:-—^ ... -'-■ -. ■'. ' PiaiKoforte duet. Misses Lawftj'Splo^ «MJ|s^ Taylor; .Mandoilin, duet, .Messrs; Andrews and Lawn ;^SjDlp,,]Miss^ofs> r - Recitation* Miss \yillia'm's;' Solii. Mis's r S^€etman';^ Violin soldi Mr Pepper, (eWbted) ; Solo, 1 Mr. :^ T; MdssA^en^ cored) ;. Soilo, Miss Taylor; Musical monologue, Mr.- V. Lawn (encored); Mandolin duet, "Messrs Andrews; and Lawn. .Misses .Lawn and Moss acted as accompiinsp." \! - . . At the conclusion of the entertainment, the chairman . moved a very hearty : 'v6t^>of tb,anks to -.the: ivariou^ plrforifaefsv-: for^ heir kind v assistance,an^: rna^e special mention :of the 'good wotk r of^is'ses Lawn : and Sweetmanv Wp^^aS arrangM the programme. - Tfife motion wa§ .carried with applause. r Supipr, T Tcindly f :sfupplied by the^liidiesVwaSi'lnefi'handed rbundj and- need • les^ * to " : dori^iampile" justice b^fie. xMv^jf^ ?fs£? t -:'': ' T ';: :; The ev«nin^'s }; pfoce^9in'jErs 'were of a most harmonious nature throughout, . and. were thoroughly enjoyed by all present; ._ ; . ,-
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Grey River Argus, 28 May 1914, Page 5
Word Count
747GREYMOUTH SAILORS' REST Grey River Argus, 28 May 1914, Page 5
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