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The Grey River Argus.


Sneaking to a friend recently. the^Ho'n D. Lloyd is ..reported to have sa-id'that an effort should be made to reduce" the overwhelming extravagance of expenditurajon- armaments. If- a s.av in«- were effected it would -be possible to' sweep away the taxes on tea, sugar, coffee, 'arid ■ cocoa, and reduce the income tax to 2< £. ,'rhu pieseiii tirheV he added, was vi favourable bhe to .... overhaul the : expenditure on ainui: mehiS. 1 nc-.-siiu'wi nua bt-eii- .■r.cleascti owing to bir Jbci waixj . Ur.ey -s clipiomacv 1 11 c uoniiiientai liuuons. weie lurecung .tffe:r energies tuwaru.s . sirengthyiunt; ■uiea', 'lujLiu torcesf. "Geiriiany,''/ continued Mr. I,loyd George, ••cannoi takes chances, with VVe can uttord to maintain; our present superiority in the navy without .making feverish efforts 10. increase ' if, lintiJ finally, there would be ayievblt. against armaments ' throughout Western Europe. " , There seems to a casual reader to be nothmgout of the way un these utterances of the. Chancellor who is well- known to possess strongrßad'cal tendencies, but no speech .delivered by Him has y ever created such . a sensation not bnJy^.in political; circles; ;it Home, but also in diplomatic circles in Europe. " The Unionist 1 press -have seized the ■ opportunity • ! tb makie -.the conversation tlie.lsub.jeet. for , a. dissertation upon the dissensions that are' rife among the members of the - Liberal Cabinet ,particularly^.bet"ween the- Chaii cellor .of the" Exchequer and the "First Lord of -the Admirajtv. oh ; the. question of . .def enc« . ., : jt .Aas ';._ been- even asserted.--cd. ,b.y the Tbry^ press thaf • the Premier, .despairing; pf .gctting-Jtlbme . Rule passed had.^^instiigated.Xloyrdi.Georgeito malce;.- this r spejech public : In., order to cause a ; break ;up' of;. .the .Cabinet and force a dissolution. Equally, far:; fetch ed .-is the . staterftent '.emanating .from the- same, quarters, .that the'erusade b.v Lloyd George, against : the '.burden .of armahients will result in'; driving^ Mr. Winstoh; Churchill, out flf.'theV Cabinet and force him to-, seek the.; sunnoitibf the 5 Unioivist- Party in .order to ;car'rv into effect his, naval policy.' /There Is no. doubt .-.that a section' o'f..|he: Radical Party, who decline, to believe ; in the "German Peril" : . have .vigbrously' oiSposed any .increase in the riival. estimates, and they have gone so far As to institute .a.' campaign throughout the country, in opposition' (to the 1 First Lord's scheme. ■ On the yCbntment Mr Lloyd : George's has not met with : great favour. .The -German press on the whole^ seem to /regard . the.uttei:an.ces i "' ) ' with m jstrust ain d are" . pushing "fßrwatd . theirVshipv 5 building- ' pfbgramme even .'mtfre '^vigbi-busly. Our French neighbours^ have -put* a most unfdl•.t/unate■■>■■'^.•^•dhterpret■it : ion i -' on^ ; :the speech,^ f 6r* tliey^" regarp?; i£ is; • an'.'-^.t-teni'pt'"bn/th^! phyt-;bF-Ettglahy !to;¥e^pudiate^aiay: interest ih- ; theVwelfar c : p^f France iii : the event " of • it; be^ tweeh ;; . France, krfd-; "' G^rmanyi v : ~it ' 'i s JiaM : tb believe th : «at.v^r.'^loyd-.Deorge had -.-:• ari'y^ liiteritjon'-"bf ' ■c^ausin^r' anY doubt* as to- Briti|in^s. at j.caV : ' In 1:0; i- 'when relatfbn^ btft'ween France and ly ..sirHined*, ' he."spoke; withV no. urTce]; -. tain* ; tphgufe'.-' ■ r^ 'showed- that^o in'atter: how : : *he ■. British ;'. pepiiler"were: •;!]- --yided'on^.btjieW'Qtleistion.S the^ '. were ''&t One over- tlie ' quest'vbiv of defence: : -He dearly -stated' that^Britaiu ■wbiildvfulfil her: vobliffations; "to . : France- : r This fueech ! ":^a'ye ~gr^Atj{ satisf actio^ • our; F r erich - friend s ' -arid .was .-fully a:p t> re- ; pa'ted : by GefrnaLrjS'.J '•{L'loyd r . ; Citbrge;' r !i |iotlViing i; .if^oit^nsistetit^:ah pot-place: •'tp i o' :^r^ng-;.^^iaterprfetdtittn' on Wr-^piiver^'atio^n-t'hat he^'had;\vith;'.;a ; i r ienid/ in 7 ?lie;'f acesbf jtt's straiightf or^ >yard : public, anhouricement- at ; a 'rime $f a .'great- national" crrsjs. VSir \ Jbfia 1 Bruniier,' „a. {veteran; Liberal' of "the |'Littl;e;';England' ir \schbpl- : fi4.s>alsp;-be"en; : ye ry pr omfnen t- in- con derhnin g the in - creaise' ih7th'e^urde"n^bf -navar'expen (ure . and " at:; : a>.meetin-g-, of -the Nation-: a! Liberal-rFederatibn/i^he : nut "-a : rno-? tion- cOhdeniTiihg' the ■' : '.'cont-imied, growth^ of ; varmamen ts • ' which unjess; checked must "ihevitably" lead .to rincreas ed 'taxation;?';; xWheh ; wa?v cari-ied Sir John 'is reported .•to i h i r»vf said with ' fervour "ThaVk-^Gbd^,"-^Thp^Mornihg. -PostV in criticisiricr the m.btion ; asks what' be r had :tb; thank- Gofl fbr.^/Sfr : John-'rn^rfp His- wealth' behind" the:^ prbtection of the', n a vyV whic h: I>P ; i r ■ ' now • sp>;: ari xi 6v V tv «f AJc^en.:*. ' h;e^ fever V ■■pau.seS; j;tc ; think; i n ',th e i nteryal k 'of.' h i s :, wpWi fa \ •making, >;of ,thel terrible,- fate; 1 ' whiiclr n w^i.ts««o«^*s.^p : rsX;;i^ v

asks the; Morning- Post:":-"HjfsThe~ali lowed-his. mind to dwejll i. upon"-. tlie'" awiul lot of:-a -^ritisir Admiral- finyenl-u* take action 1 : with an inadequate- jforceV with an.-: iill-equipped, tuider-giinjied and .under rmanned fleet ag>iuSt|a. more- powerful and better r prepared enemy ? v,.Thisrxich . man would > staiijre our- nayy and risk its defeat to -save yin; infinitely small: portion of ? Kis^bbr nipiis. wealthy . -A, blue book receatjy issued by the.- British Admiralty-throws an interesting light oh the great increase in the cost of armaments for ie -great naval: powers of the world ; V^-Great - . Britain, ; v ' Gjrni"any, Russia, I r rance v Italy;: Austria.-Hungary, Uiiitcd/States,.and Japan., ;in : 1904-5 the' year, before the first dreadnought was 1-aid fdow.n. r the.- .naval-,; expenditure of these. ..eight .powers ': ,w r as ■■'JEAQSiSf-i7~*,2, and 7 the amount to be expended.; in 1913-14 was .£170,632,223;: an Jntceage 0f "^65,28^,431 in nine yearsi -•Whatjjs remarkable: is -that ;theVincreaseJh.'.e)^ pepditure Has-^b.een^greater.\.m! - isv.e:.>ol these great Powers than in the case' of Great 'Britim^yQermany/'/headst^th^ ; list for '•the ; year lust -closed wsj±' ah mcreasc; of and '^iissia, comes .next \vith £i2i2QQ,548. . ; pf ; was;:. £5,950,561.. Thes^fb^Qvir ing— table gives the percentage , increa'scs- of the'^ight Powers:-— ':><:> 1 /■/.■:■■■■•. ;; ': • :■- '■" ■•■ '■.-■, . -.■;. -Per^Ccht. , .'. Gresat Britain •- . ; 13.1 ■ Germany; : v ....... ...'127.7 Austria-Hungary ;'...■: ... -nbiS Italyt ;" ■■•■ ; ••- •"•• •••:: 102.0 - ■•Russia ■-. ' "-^..V-i ■ '■■:^: : .-- '■■- ■■„.;. / ; ioi:6 ' • -Frapxe. -■'....:'; •" ■■;-..■:; '■■■■. ".:• ■? .'.-.> % 6717 -Uiiited States. ; : V : ■•■•'••••..)'" 47j'S' Japan >; " •■•• '."■•■ ••• . . ••• ; 306^6 " ;V.ln^t : he^fafX^of\ihese--:;grim:'fiffu^es.' 5 . \ asks;; the J)aily Mail; "do. our .. Radical Gqutemporafies : pretend that it ; is ; 'fs^pfe ; fpr "this :. tbuntry ; tq- starve, : { Hl^hese'^extremists'; are • de'termmed;^ to carry .but; this; scherric'-ofi; r^Sucti^n [ . ■ : thfen : -it : Avift ! has ipbrn ted^ out; .to foirm a new•■■'Na"tioriat ■•. party vi.that will • see that -\ the l .'. ; safety; of ::thc cbuntrv is= provldetV Tor ; -.'by 'an : aaequately strong -ftayy^V

.^ Thuy' vjßreymoujtK' -Motor :^Bu^ Qo^n^ ■•nkn# jvfiß: run an ;to- Kxinjara . nri Sunday ; kii>i; : Mbwday .provided .siif- ' -fic\enl. : in .'du ccm cnt offers ; ; f are^ sS;ivoturnv earjr apfilieatioh' s^oufd • tiejmade '■ to "tbe driver: or .; secretary.— •Ady.t.v;; ; . i i-. TJie.; Greymouth/ -Gitizens' • Band a re: requested to meet at- the band room on Mpndaj- monimg. at* B. 3o ■.o'clock where: a. conveyance. Avili be in ivaiting to' take them :tb;Kumara.^ •_•" - : "■^'"v^ We reniind our readers of the "clearing sale of live and dead : stock to be conducted by Harley and Coy., Ltd. on .' behalf of ; Mrs. * Marshal at ---.the Tdtara Flat saleyards ; ori; Thusday next.:._ : . ; ■. . \ ;;■ ■•;■; "■ •-■.■ ■■■ •-•;S_" The new bus just .landed :b>r:the Motor Bus Company lias been oiiuch admired by the travelling ' . pUbHic. The seating- accommodation is Comfortably arranged for tliirv passenffers.'--'" 'We understand tnis "busa.s^ppen for hire by picnic^ parties, andfshould nil a long felt want. : . . : • special parade of No' 62 ajid: 63 Companies Senior Cadets. ' will l> hfllid^to-day. Fh« in at; Drill" Shed :at 2 p.m.' All cadets must attend. .'The tQtaiisatdr tax paid by the Greymoutiv Jockey, Club amounted toGs : sd. ■■■;.-; ■■••■•■.- ■■_.■■• T .•... : ...-. .-. r . ■••OWinjr to the visit of the Governor, the' meeting- .of the Gre^'Edycation , Board. eaJfled ; ' f or " Monday rext ?> liai. been, postponed ; f or on e "^eek. - ] -.V }*i • While' on' duty at the : diphith.eri.i 1 ward' at the Auckland Hospital, "DorqthV Gertrude Key worth, A valued member of the; staff . contracted ;se.ijpticaemia. '-"ifnd she Vlied ■ oit.'Mondayi at ' the - -a.gre of twenty^twp : years. ' ; *, '■■ ■■. ■'■ ■:. Five .of the extra- constables Avho have been^ ;^tati O ncd -.^in ■th&.Wcstport district", naive proceeded to-Greymouth. ' The : dratiii ! took , place in ;i thte "Hiofs^Dital on Wednesday of Mrs- '.Margaret Gardiner] 'agrd 60, an old resident of Westport; Deceased, :/whX; 'Was? 4a native.: of Vict6ria ; Kas resided "ih;;Ncw: ZeaJa v od for 50 years.; • /;- ; '^' J ' . 1> Owing- r.tathc banquet in ;cohnec^ion .with r^tlic--bffjciai-;-Vecepti9h ; fof.*Etis-vEx-. cellency the ;Goyernor whicb. is to be 'held:.. on Monday \ eyeninff ipext ' the., oridinary.^meqtin's- d£^hJe'Grev \ Board of feducatipii \ stands" ppstpohed. till Janii. ; ary J9th? jns?t.; \ '.. .^, ». . 'Vv'*'%-\; ':'.. lrispectb'r Phair r'eceived; the following" \y ire i firoin .Sergeant! McCorrie, \Vestport :-T-Robert Donaldson,^ -twelve years' bf sige; so : A ?: of - JRoWert pjbn^io^ ■:sbny--:labo : ur^rY:""\V9stp,ort/:Ayhile'\rldm% a■;b!cycle-;iion^I J alm(bKt6h^'St^ee.t, ran into EnTight's, irrQcer.'s cart and was knocked dp\vn: The 'wheel passed over hi s I Head 'arid ; he died in a ' f ewj' minllite» ; after he^ff 'picked; "ip.. , v ■ -.^ miner named Finlay had a .narrow escape" ! from ; death - , Tvesteftiay ■inqrninff-\at"tfie' : Rpts^'Gbldfieids:iinM[e. He was com.ihg ; out of a >cr|pss; drive when' a shot was beingr fired' in Hhe headway- :and wasrStrudk on tHe'lbf^Ss"t by a $t6n^, necessitating .nine stifches. He was 120 feet ;away'' : ir'om/thip;.- v §te|ne i -. of the explosion at the\time:pof4 the bccurrencle. The in cicle^n t^was^rely Accidental. ; :..... /:,,!,•' ?~._ ;,7" ";; • A; four^roomed cottage "oc'citpjfeti by Mr: /i S:\' Martin, : his^wlfe at Cpbden was ■■Tiy *fife l voh Thursday .^fternopnV ";[.\The' cajise gf thefoutbreak was ; :? evidently cWmriey;. . „^llrs^Martirr wa^-[b;6l3ii*Br cilbthe^n "a p6t in 'the, -front; -Toofli, and had occasion to leave the room; to^gb-to ithe;l)ack. ; While ;thei^e v shc \vas' advised^by^neiffhbpurs' th'a!t..sni©Ke xvas issuing? from j^the.jfriontcpf. "tne ho^se.: "iShje rushed 'in, fouii^i "f^e tobm in -■ flamesv ;: v Th^bnlv^ai^icle^ saved .-were :a sewing \aiid a roup^e of "drawers from a chest;... The toss r ;is.,estirnafed V . :^i 59, -'ab^^c Insurance -^hiVrh^i^ in the, .tJru^^ff:;<3f-f)ce-ambuhts •'. to only '£50..-[\'*'" ~~ : -~" :? Itv Ts: stated that Mr. Tiip^as ■ Bb^le< i '■■ ■we.'ll-fc'nbWh schoolmasterfaT PeiAr lVrokei Road, : tp avcaindir.: date ;fpr.lthV StaffbrVi; seat 1 >| tbeive^t' general/, el ectibii. ..Mr.. BpyJc\.-- '>%%% extrem e> vi e\ys- avi th ' „. { ■ re>af d?j to t 'somfe r •4o9.ialvprobfems.. J"t ]iaVey'^ ; he says, '"a;.. : fleAv.;-stpry\tp/:fetl^the^p^bpie^'.' The Ipjcair branch of , the Progre'ssiye v.LiJje-:' •raij"-. T.;eng-ur' has not .3 r fit' : n6m|nate^i/^ •tand'diJ^v f^ays: a ■correspondent. pE? the . T^ranaki'; N#nys).;.bpt i the v ViSthe : of S MT : .v ?oliej^'^ M;asters. 'fa l niember ;ipjf;^the -'tafauak.i/EtiuGatipn. r;Bbarq/is :^beihg fjrpelyX m entipned. y/i ■.-■■/ '•■? ; r~- ~] ''-'.' : ~' |.:W^^^fMovJringlthijs; weclf spmiß verysmart ; >tad: cttl<fr^'s l; oii^ji|ec« Jresses.; allvcUtsws <?f jdr^s ;miiterial.iliiie I |i^ crepes- /sponge ; elbthesy muslins^ embrbid^^ twill s';:^ etc: ; ■}; febm f 6s ,^1 id^ 4S« 'eaph. :•_; , Also a very fine, Tang^of blbusesvin;; silkj ..muslin '.t'us^Mccs^-^tc:;'". jTQtBLy is iid to 215.7 > TJiese iwMfe; a manufacttirej^i ; stock; ahd^ijl be worth your insp«:tion,~j: Strlwit.;.-;^. .-. : ::: ;.. ; i; ; ; > -. r -^ .-^'f;^^:?-' ', :-i ■We^lia:^. ■;.^ust^bpugh^ : a^iaflge^o{ -•■ " sample cpstqme Skirts indw^iteni^^r skirts. •c*e^;;. ••■.•„ Price from 4s lid to Vss' *{so ; stmfef special valuq in one-piece white^^nderskirts at 7s<ild;^Bsirta tf !

. The; Denniston Millerton and Slock ton- mines are putting out a good deal of coal.

A- very odd resident of the Coast in the^ person of Mrs. Williams, late of Stafford, but formerly of Kumara, passed away at -the Kumara Hospital on Wednesday morning at the* advancage of 91 yeaTs. She was a native of , Stahton, Monmouthshire, . England. She- leaves two sons, both of Stafford, and one" daughter residing in England.' •

The Deputation which waited on the Hon.;Wm. Fraser at Hokitika yesterday- brought forward many requests among them being the Otira Tunnel Works : — Messrs Ward and Murdoch urged the speedy completion of the work. The Minister said they could only emnlloy a. certain number of men at the face. ' Since, the Government had taken charge the utmost expedition had been used. They had not yet • borrowed one shilling of their authorised, loans and they had to hcareful. He. intended to do his best to 'push : qn the work to completion-

A -man named : Andrew Bailantyne Lawson was before the J.P. at Otira on the 6th inst. on a charge of drunk onness. and was remanded for a week for medical treatment. On the even ing of the 6th Constable Caldwell on going to- the cell found the man dead, he ha-ving apparently strangled himself .with •bootlaces which were found tied: round 'his throat. An inquest was hdld at Otira on Thursday to inquire into the circumstances before Mr. J. G.. L. Hewitt. Coroner. Inspector Phair- watched proceedings on behalf of the police. After hearing the evidence of William Campbell. J.P., Constable Caldwell and James Cameron, the Coroner returned thr following verdict:' "That deceased" comniitted suicide by strangling himself w.ith his bootlace:?, whilst in a state of temporary insanity." vA Masterton pedagogue has occasi.bnv t o remember his Christmas hobdays.. .With, a friend, he went to the Wairarapa Lake for a few days' iishing- and shooting. He took with him his 'best suit of clothes, as he intended \ proceeding . later to the city. Ihe partJy left - their tent one morning, and 1 on; their return they discovered that everything was in ashes. The new suit of clothes had gone, together with a few pounds in notes, a new pair of boots ,and a watch and chain. When the school opens he wfll probably get his children to write an essay on "How best to spend a holiday.

The Hokitika celebrations of. the Westland. Jubilee arc now a thing of the past, but excellent souvenirs of the occasion have been prepared by Mr. J. Ring, the well known Greymouth photographer, in « the shape of fine photographs of various incidents of note during the festivities. There is a- specially good group of the early pioneers, taken at the base of the Seddon monument. The group is most artistically arranged and in the pholo those present are very clearly depicted. Various other groups show the sr.nrts i' 1 Cass Square, thr profession through the streets, and thejedeccrations. Mr. Ring ha? added artistic triumnh to the many aPready gained by him. The photos are now on view in his shon window and form a theme of frenpral admiration by the large crowds that haye inspected them. ,

„ Aether some parents are miskd as to ijthe actual /destination of their yotfag daughters who may be going fortia holiday^ or whether they display a criminal negligence as to their intentions, is ■ not - known, but certain facik which have • come under the notite of the sjolicc should certainly befgiven publicity/ The residents of a certain seaside - resort riot many miles from Diinedin noticed that a party of three young girls were "bach injfV with a similar number of youths, ancl' as: one of the girls; appeared to blunder the acre of 16. information wsfe given to the ■police. " Investigation showed that ..the whole party Avere slopping in the six bunks placed in one 1 of the rooms, and that the girl referred to was under the age of sixteen. There is no allegation of immoTal relations, but the jrirls were at once taken back to their homes by the police." ".' It is asserted that this incident is not by .any means an. isolated one •

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Grey River Argus, 10 January 1914, Page 2

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The Grey River Argus. SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 1914. Grey River Argus, 10 January 1914, Page 2

The Grey River Argus. SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 1914. Grey River Argus, 10 January 1914, Page 2


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