DEMOCRACY TmiJrtPHANT -■•• ■•■/ .. ;; '• ♦ — — • '•-/■.'. ■'";•■■.■; ;. .'• LifeERAL 4N| LABOR ALlLl^Ct ' SOCIAL DEMOCRATS', i}REAT ViGtORY HANNANITES |ET BACK THEIR|oWn 1 tou^tand won, and l^^es^ted^iiv J Ne^ Zea^W^^ustralia^ilS^hff: XaS - fJrii-' 3S* '"i^P*- great^dealM please. • fQhfesffflrhe thanks^ "The flag- of 'E>emocraGy; ; has people; 61 New Zealand'^fullu feco<rbeen paced high^on he hiUs of^Grey- niseMheufact tha» wast fi^hlSd mouthy Both , 6 «ies left -no sjtoM jin-: a; p^test^gainsti&, pr&e^t GoISK ■??$ to wm^ctory^o^th^ can. r meri£, (Cheers). vEurJhfethe^elle djdate, and every ,motor *ar; an&\vheeJ,. :^^w-2e'aland.::musti,recoffni&4e ed conveyance was .called -.into requisi- 'fact tha^the- working" peSple^iF#ew tion. Blue and red -favours were ; much Zealand Lad : recognised the necessity .^^^^e.and^here ,of- closer- organisatio&n their part est doubt that; heMCatMjc^vote'.was; Though v the; v contest: he^ had -■'. &k very soUdly cast for Mr. -Webb, and in, strictly to the programme he had SeV «, C X ■ ; Columba School gave. Mr. oiit to, maintain.. <( Cheers). The -doL \\ebh.aJar^r.maw;Uy^a^;Run^n^a icy of his party^'was the -finest and ™ B^^ a w- - A . s "\ the vfirst, ballot most progressive ever, submitted to Mr. . Michel s strenjErh -lay , mostly; jn ,the people .of .New,' Zealand Jl<e- had' the residential portions \of-;the : town, refrained from using the name "of Mr " High" Street. Shake st)ear° • Street, and; Hannam>and h : ad 'not%iven that gen • m. the viqnitv of.; the Hospital. : A; tfeman the credit he< deserved: Jfch'e^ Cobden and Reefton- the." votes, werp had done ' so there would have ovenly. divided.,: b.ut: the /majority, of . hundreds^ say that' Paddy; Webb" was ft 6 y £{F ?' Yo^ed-splidly. for trying- to? catch. Mr. HannaiiV vo& Mr. Webb. The^blue: andred .alliance He twas pleased Wsay; that not one of gave.Mr. - Webb 'a magnificent victory. Mr. Hanjian's . . supporters . had '■: asked Special police. were OR/ duty, L but,as on him (the speaker )~o: deviate from the the previous Thursday j their duties policy that* was so^Hear to his "heart were of the easiest. Over ; four* thou- (Cheers).' .. . .. t sand people" must;ha^ ; .b : een4n^he Most of Mr. Hanrian's supporters streets when the -'results were" coming did not- absolutely agree" with his (the to hand, .but a more^qrdrtly speakers.) P o;iic^ but they preferred natured crowd^; could --hot 1 /possibly be ; rh;give their ; r s%poct to "a Tprogres^ imagined. All sorts' of. -waiaxjimou'r-sisive.' policy . than a pblicv ■ of: were current during. he N day and it is ./reaction^. (Cheers).^ It was^is priv;said that number^of business peppk.. .ileg^^pwto speak; mgfst freely and%e -nsured theix, windows gainst •:dam- ; 'could say that, heh ad" nevW-had 4he age. but as it> happened.; their f.ears pkasure of cbrite-stinga seat with such were groundless. •■ \ ! /^ : : l j J -A .-.= /-. : W honourable and . straightforward opMr/ B.^Harßer, ; and -his. deputies^ pbnent-as- Mr.V Hannah.,: (Cheers), excelled themselves T m th.c.. jS p^ed. > wil;h : :M^: Hanan.-had made no rash pro" which the various .r.eturps. were got mis.^s that he. could not fulfU. ' He had .out and. we have again^to^hank Mr. .n^ver gone found begging'f of votes Harper for. courtesies extended 'to^ our hoped sincerely that representatives: The. follqwingv is the, whatever differences/ he- and'- Mr Ha;n--detailed voting; so far a;s?it ;is: avail; nan had in politics "thy always able. :. • -^ ", '. / \ r-p.Triain friends as they. v . were 'now. v, "^T" 1 . '.' .< ' ' : (Gheers). Their Opposition" ! . tf> SECOND BALLOT. v : each other was merely a matter of pol- . .' . '-.••■- . :^cv. and- next election in; all proba- ." .•.■'/>■ '■"-..-• bili f y Mr. Hannan^ and he would fight ' . %/., .j '■■ ■':'- . ,-y Out the seat. He^was certain that it : '■ ' r ■ ' " ;• woiild;be/a; good clean}fip-ht 'arid that ■*. ' " V Ji tih-pe'Tsuiiiilit-ies dr.dirty work.wduldbe - ..' K ; : v vi ■• allowed whichever was victoripus. . •■'.■ ' s* : ; 5-"'- G^ r s)- They would at least^be^ 2 '. •• ,- 4 . S& ■:. ,ur :; friends ;Vall : through the piece; ; (Apta . • .2 ; v :Plfniiej.';'He was ont o-^ to/ refer' -..'..'" ... ••,-... /to. his opponent,, Mr." Michel,, or Mri Atarau ...........:......... 3i_ 2- -q; Jo;nes "for the simple Teasbn that Barrytown 8. 39 th.« electors had already done so. Big River ..........:.^.r..:..v/.. .■■.Mi.. 3|/f Cheers) . andVthere was no- iiecessjty Blackball 75 400 for, -his doing so. I-n conclusion -hp Blackwater ...,.............;. ,14 . s°. vould say that, he sincerely hope^ Blaketown ....': ••• 92 45' >h a f the elpctors of Greymouth wduVd Canoe Creek •..•• -7 *5 bear •in mirid the fact that he pamCobden^ .". ...v. 205 204 phlet and leaflets ..scattered . about . by Duriollie ........;...:.:.:•..:....:• 5* - 12? Mr, MichePs^Party had gone .a^-long-Globe Hill 19 44 wav to gain him (Mr. Webb) support, St. Columba (Grey) ......... 49 488 (Cheers)-. He . would np> have "the Hospital : (Grey) 15? 4« pleasure of going to the House.- ofCounty (Grey) ..-.....• 47 7Q Parliameiit ;and ■'qarryihg with him a School (Grey) . . ..-..'. •• • 3°4 99 message from • the ■democracy of Grey^ Court House (Grey) ......... 240 132 "mouth .and' that 1 messap-e -was that beTow n Hall (Grey)...... ..: 623 417 -tween^he. present .party in power and Hiriau :.........;........ 0. IQ the- electors of- Greymoutli . there' \vas Hukawai .;.... .1 • Jb nothing .in <;on^'^6n. .. (Cieers), Ke Ikamatua; ....... ............. ......V 44 ... 55; -would take the s^and./t^.rthat'it be, Mawheraiti .7 4~ hoved the people..vof New^ J Zealand:^ to Mernjigs ,;*o. > ° follow th^ : example:, setvth;emi by the Moonlight •-:^| ; -*„ . electors: of .prey; ; a :(CKeersK' -Th^ Rapanoe . . . ........ .............. .. ■? J^ •14 forces of reaction . must -be driven back Reef ton .{Lower Broadway) : 113; f W and progress be the order of tbeday Reef ton^a^y. . Ssa^ Reefton, Council. Chambers) 246 230 thspj^tfcfe people :p£;Gr-eymouth and Reefton (Public School),.. 7° °3 particularly , Mr. Hannaii's supporters Rewanui:.... ;......,. o 21 for voting' for him in such a fashionJ oa • :,.-.-■ i,5 ■J7 (Cheers'): Not one of the- latter had Runanga. :...../...•:;.•.•..•••.•..•,. ever asked him to deviate from the Extension Bui .Site) 4 :p.oliey He stood upon-. (Cheers),, He Extension (No. j 2) ..........:. 1 -3i. ;hoped that the. pe.pple of Greymouth Taylorville • • 99 ; «4 wh o had . selected him as. ' .'tKieir wpf eWaitahu ..-.19. _^° sen tative; would- all iceep collected,- and _ . • ,v._ that no man or woman would' act in . Totals ........................ 27b2 334, 2 a disorderly, fashion. -(Cheers). Let Intormal ............ o4 ; them remember^.that it .; \vould- suit " '~~ r ' „— some, of their opponents if the peoLAST THURSDAY'S BALLOT pie di<l conduct themselves v in^ a rowdy — ■■■■••■•,■•■ fashipni Let he Refbrni Party 'see FOR COMPARATIVE PUPOSES. .that was no. need- to insure thedil : : - — : — - ■■■-'-. windows.: (Cheers)- He wished to The following are the complete re- say i n conclusion that Mr. Michel turns of the first ballot:- .-..'. ;jas ; not^Diiiff ; .;tp. speak; from the;wiiiir -./-.■• / /J&t do. w that ■night, .but Mr- Hahnari would '."' : .-~ ■ 'idfilr^'' ' c.a few words to say.- (Cheers). '■.;■: -jar --''■■ He^wi'shed once' more i to thank- them . y^ •■ and he 'would: promsie;. his best .'■■".. l ■»'■■•'■• ■• : ,ths-^s ;^"p]€ :wHo. had vs?nt\Mm-to '■£ ' < J : Parliament^ ;^f; ' h'e^ rsrp;ye^ uiiwpi;thy g . "■'. . :. r 2 « let i\iem reject* him /at the 1 next eiecO ..: Z 0 2 tiori-arid send him- back ; to 1 th> miV>e: M . ' , < r > He .would do his best, and he -wottd r ... - - s * T- nevej; mdulge. in p,erspn.alitii&s : that had Courthouse 232 180 62 been; so common... during the past few Town-Hall. „ 371 :: 481 < 322 weeksV (Cheers). ' ,• • ;^ High Schoo-1 ............ 145 .325 4b MR. H ANNAN'S ADDRESS. St. Columba .Hall .... 241 24 26 ■ Mn^Hannaii -was received With rlbud County Chambers ....... 42 29 37 cheers.. He. said that when^a-stood Hospital 0o i 32 -. 14 before them a,- week ; ago- ;. he- Kad said Blaketown 32 72 .41 that : he' \y9ui4 wxk against the' ReCobden -.- ......,....: 119 ,167, 135 form candidate. r/ He'.^i%ht-i-teii.-tlifeih' Rapahoe ..::..... ., 12 3 ,io ;thafe he : was -; quite- as -pleased that Barrytown .;...,........, ,33^ 5 2a , .night as if he had been' eleGted ■ hiniRunanga .................. ,24 46 .401, JseL??^Tie, should '%^'a liberal- tQ be Dunolhe. 27 ■.-. 27 124. .r.etume.d. .and^probablylf . he had got Bin Site, State Mine - 6 2 .8;. ;,a place ;"in the,^secahH ballot- with either Rewanui ..... :........ 1 .1. l 7: pf the^ two-othier geiitle"men lie would £yo. 2 State Collieries 7 o 23- -have had- a fair-chance. (Cheets) •He Zf yl ? v Jn ••■'••"'• •■•••" s8 8s 5 5 did not like to, say "■it ■•last- wseekf but Blackball ..,;.....-........ 71 55 347 he... was ; certain that xi? did; not, get a K0a.. .-........,..,.:.:, 9 >16 :3§: ' chance. frdm,.tlk;RefprmP^ty.;s^Dff }j c^ g^'-iUr- ■•—.•.-. "= 4 2 inducements- iiad' b^eri'^ rriaHe get Moonlight (Otarau). ... 14 21 1 ' him^to-gd with the-RefbM : Farm but Ikamatua- ..:>.....;;:. /• 52 35 .14 he/had refused: .-.-: (Cheers^ -He^thaiikMawheratiti ;...;:.;;.,.... .7 ;7 1 those iv^ted fp^-him- -at Blackvyater .... :........ 27 12 33 the election,. and< was pleased Reefton C'nty. Council 146 igo 109 tp see' that twp-thifd| of his supd<^^ Rccfton. 5ch001 .......... 69 75 43 e.fs had mow " voted; : - for -Mr. Webb L. Broadway, R'ft'n,.:. 73 94 53 He; was^ extrenielyi pleased Reefton RTy Station 14 30 S: ;thaV'when /he^ diirno^-get them 'him;. ■Waitamr 10. 4 : self-, that.ahey-;: Mr..^Webb : Globe Hill ............... 13 15 41 fCheer^.lflrhadmad^up 7 his mind Mernjies......... 4 12 .4 to deal it back ib : those had been! Big, River ........; 28 5 29 guilty : -. and", now he-had ; ' dbne^ ifi Hinau.... v . ..-:........... 17 5 7 (:Gheers)./. - That-ni^t- ;it had-^beert Hukawai 7 , 2 - 11 s^idrtfi^t; th^ere :^p/uld b^ a ript.^ut Absent voters ............ 50. 27 12 . was^ ,npt,: and.-he .was Seamen ...... v ..... ........ 15 1 o tKaXvthey, wpulii',^ able to sfiow "lhe! _■ , — —r— — Reform Paxty "that Hhey^cbuid'win an Jotals .:................ .3039 21^9 2691. , electipji-- 7 and l not 'break windows.- : - ;...-■•. . •■ ;• •■- : . ; ' GPheers); - -.) , ■ <■■ : .-■;{,..- .-., *:■>■.' Total valid vote ..:■. ..... v ..; • 6319 Mr. Hannan then, called, fpr three • ■ :.■ , ... .., " . : ; ■'■ cheers for Mr. AVebb which were given ■'■.■' ''- I;- ■•'■ - : '-. . ' •" ■ with a will.'" ' - :'■•:?''" >' : - ; -. ■•".■'•..... I "•■;.- MR. WEfB'S THANKS. Mt. Webb then, called for three When%the^ result^^e^ k-now to- such cheers for" Mr .Hanriah'- which .were ah extent i that; no -possible- • chaug^: ■ alsm .heartily: .re.sppndedv ■ ; . ■ -: could be; made in the ultimate result, -Z The^ 'proceeding^- tten terminated. -Mr. P. C. Wejbb spoke from an upper '■..''■]'■.''■ . . i .--.;. ; . /■■■■■■• .wiiidow--pf-tfie:?'Star^6ffice..- : ..:-.:-. I.v.'1 .v. ' - MR MICH EL'S AOEHEIESS. • He-was received with ringmg cheers VFromßevitigto^s;Ho;el balcony Mr, which vcontmued ; for, some mmutesbe^ 'Michel -thanked the^iSoo-p^ople'; who fore he could make, himsslf , hard He iadvotedf orsMm } and'said that the xe^ said that he-mshed to take the op- •.sulfc-Avas-'-a-^-fiie'-achi^ement-k'-netitral portunity of thanking the of . ground: ' The foundation" of a very Greymouth for placing liinvat ;.the.-head. solid Reform party had been laid .ifi of the poll that; night. He. sincerely- Gtcv arid 1 it would-swell to a majority. W^ -'"Sft he would prove .worthy .of- Co,isiderinir the forces .brought agaiist the confidence of the electors of GTeyr .them.4t /was a marvellous •'; result- and mouth. (Cheers), . Jle though^ that ;j^, : sure, that the' Prime; ;Miinister he could safely say that^o-far as^his; /would^bei-g^ateful to-the>men and "woparty ..was i concerned ,tje:, fight had meji- who ; hadi .suppoited^ean 'prc!r^n .a ,. cleans and honest ■■Jg^ and hiißiaiiitariaTi ,ad- . (Cheery). ;|rom first to las^^is-^.r^-^^^^ : The v ßeform -Partyje ? |;.wpuld be : ; - tqv- Je^true to the.pnn- content the vseai; at fet cipWvof>:the party: that sm^hm^^ election- = 'He hop^d that anY r^^^-fHe . was extremely,,de. n^ssi'th^t might b^/fejt- at the" defeat lighted, that the fanner oi democ^y; should bp. dropped and ; th ? e all fep.l-had-been v ho^sted^kigh on the hills; ■in^.should-die'down.V-'Mf^ Tones ,-'6d-'' of Greymoutß,;- (Cheers)., He must yernmeit organiser^ had^been a>h€ro s
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Grey River Argus, 25 July 1913, Page 5
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1,787Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Grey River Argus, 25 July 1913, Page 5
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