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The Band Contest

— -« THE JUDGE'S AWARDS. The following i s the. Judge's official report upon .the recent contest: — TENOR HORNS No I—j; LAWN (Rgefton), "Zenobia, — Opened with a very good tone, but style in bar 6 not good. Spoilt cadenza Tone very nice in introduction. Agitato jus a little overdone, too loud. Missed top F fourth bar from agitato. Not giving crotchets full value, cutting them too short. Cadenza not well played at all; Wrong idea of a trill, a iril] should commence slowly and quickly towards the end. Allegretto very nice, good tone, good style. Why do you cut your vrotcheia so short? I like this style, very nice style indeed. Theme very well -played indeed; very nice, nothing . overdone. Playing invery nice style. Why do you hurry the s^emi- quavers P Semi-quavers not well managed, what a pity. You triad to get that top C, Final© was the worst part of the whole sole. 63 marks. No 2.— 0. GTJTHBERLET (Reefton), "Mia Fantasia.' — Andante non troppo is just a shade slow, becomes very draggy when you pay it so slow; too jerky in style. Blurred bars 11 and 12. Cadenza was very fairly played with the exception of missing top A. .Trill and tune very nice. Produces a good tone r Theme— Verygood idea of the theme, but missed the top notes. Just a shade too mechanical. Second time missed the D third bar from repeat. Dragging ib out too slow in this part altogether. The Fin second last bar was not good. Variation 1. — Very fairly played, but cutting the crotchets too short. Missed G Bth bar from repeat. Variation 2 — Missed F, bar 3. You have selected a. solo that* is entirely beyond you: it is a great mistake to ■select a solo that is too difficult. It is a pity that you did nob select a simpler solo, you would have done much better. Mies top A second last bar. Andante sostenuto — This is very much better play ing now, though the lento bar was not treated very nicely. This is decidedly the best part you have played in this solo, Tli© dolce part very nicely done. Tempo di Polaoca. — Bar 1 not very clean. Miused top G and top C, this solo is quit* beyond you. Soherzando — Made a false start at tins part. This should be played in a playful style, triple tonguing not clear at all. Lento bar very fairly pay cd. Missed top G again. Missed top C once more. Why do you cut the crotchets so short? This is a very difficult solo for a horn, would &dvis c you to select) a simpler piece for contest work, where you could show your tone off, and not require to do so much, execution. 49 marks No 3.— A. M'DONALD (Granity) "Mia Fantasia-" — Andante ma non troppo— Very nice tone to open with, but missed the Gin bar 2. Bar 8 was rather blurred in semi-quavers. Played th© theme with very fair expression, but unfortunately made a mess of the cadence. What ■« all tihe. hurry? What are you hurry wg for, I feel sorry for thin player ? he it nervous. Theme — Playing theme veni well, but seeirns to have th© same fauH as the previous player. Why do you nM put a little more expression, make a little ritwd an? accel., play with tast; and accel. at different part bo as to giv( ij expression. Th© second bar »f tic repeat would sound very .nice were il acclerated slightly and then a little ritarc could be introduced towards the fini?l with good effect. Variation I—Very1 — Very wel played, bub hurrying time too much not giving yourself a chance at all U play. You are a very fair excutant Variation 2 — l have th© same fault t< find with this variation — hurrying toi much, missed top A at ritard bar. Spli top A again at ritard baa*, though yer 1 well played, variation very -well played Andante sostenuto— Thi* player produce a very nice tone, and is now playing wii great expression. This lento is very nice ly treated indeed. Missed the G sharj in the bar after the lento. You ahouli take more time in the grandioso part hurrying over your notes too much. Tevn no di Polanaise— You are spoiling thi .movement by playing too quick, you ar '<• not giving youself a chance at all. Slier zando part too jerky right throughou that movement, you should take mon * time, and get your triple tonguing v B better. Tbis-huwying is through nervous 5 ness. I have no. doubt. You spoilt tha .. last movement through hurrying, you ai\ a very fair player, but unfortunately yoi 3 are hurried to such an extent that yoi could not get the notes in. 53 marks. No 5.— F. GARTH (Grey Battalion) "Longing for Home"— Opening very tam< tone poor ; improving as you go along : top A was not a very pretty nole in thi cadenza. Top Bin the cadenza was verj much forced out, not at all a good note ; semi-quavers in th© cadenza very mu:l hurried, spoilt yourself altogether in play . ing that. Andantino — This is being very nicely played with very nice expressior Blurred the E in 2nd last bar. Methoc of attack might be better, articulation i; not as good as I "would like. Variation 1 — Moderato-^Wrong reading in bar 4 Playing this variation very nicly now. Very well done. Variation '2— Triplet not very clear, tone too hard, not a nice style at all in this variation. Second las' bar not nicely don© at all. Piu Lento— You should cultivate a -warmer tone than you have at present, tone ds not full enough. You hay© some splendid opportunities in this solo for showing off, it is a beautiful solo. You are laboring towards the end. Finale was very well played. 52 marks. No 6.— J. MOVE (Denniston, "0, Lovely Night." — Andante — Very, very nice, beautiful tone opening; your first valve is slightly sharp. What a pity yo i did not make such a. nice job of the allegretto. Cadenza very fairly played, yo ir Fs are sharp though. The echo part is too loud. Tli© them© is getting very nice ly payed, producing good tone. Ritard very nicely done. . Very nicely done indeed. Nothing overdone. Variation 2 — Very clean articulation, triplets just bear; tiful. A well played variation very nicely done. Variation 3- — Very nicely -played articulation good, but wrong reading at., bar 23. Variation 4 very nicely don.?, with the exception of the ritard part, it was just taken a shade slow ; this is however, by far the best performance to-day. 57 marks. No 7.— W. TAYLOR (Westport City), "S&hnsuchb" — Allegro moderate — Introduction very nice. Opening tone good, value of notes correct; the bottom note in cadenza bar was played out of tune, cadenza not too nice, top notes beiir? forced!. Theme — This is a delightful playing, producing a lovely tone. Theme very nicely played indeed, nothing overdone. Variation I.— Bravo just the right tempo, synoo'pated bar just th© thing; articulation tip-top, here, very goo i. Variation 2.— Not quite so nice in thi? variation, still good playing; you should pay more attention to your dotted quavers, cutting them just a little to short. Very good top B, very well done. Piu lento— Not quite clear in 'the Bth bar, not distinct enough in 6's. Split the first A. This is very fine playing, ve/y neat and clean. Piu mosso. — It has been a treat to listen to this performance, he is, if anything, better than No 6 ; I have given him half a point mow. 57£ marks. No B.— G: WATT (Denniston), "Sehnsucht." — -Allegro moderate? — Opening very nicely done. . I can hear he is- nervous: what a pity he has broken down there, of course he^ lias spoilt his chance, spo'.U the cadence just through nervousness Theme— Very very pretty, produces ns fine a tone as I have heard to-day. What a pity he is a nervous player. He is very artistic in style. Why does he. nol take the water out of his instrument at the beginning? Be has played this ilie-uie very well indeed. Variation I—Miss1 — Miss ■<.! the top bar 7. Top notes seem to be hh failing. He produces a beautiful tone, and plays with great style and expression. Nothing overdone. I feel .very sorry .n deed for this beautiful player. Variation 2— Again you have neglected to taVthe water from your instrument, this is a great mistake. It has not given you r. chance. Missed all the top notes. Variation 3— Piu lento— Treated it very we 1 ! ; very nicely played indeed. Allegro— You are doing much better now, piu mos^ might have been a bit quicker. Thi? player has my smypathy, he produces a beautiful tone,-but is unfortunate in being very nervous^ 05 marks. '

No 9— J. MAHER (Hokitika), "Hardy Norseman.' — Larghetto — Blurred top F in cadence. Bad foaibt of pushing out notes. Style not good. Intonation "bad. Altogether too meohamca ; very poor i<U i of playing the cadence. The theme — You are playing much better now, and producing a nice tone, although, you are just a shade slow for my fancy. Variation I—Baar1 — Baar 1 very thick, not clean in ] articulation. Bar 6 bottom A out of tune : Ritard bar very nicely managed, bottom A again out of tune. Last not out of tune. Variation 2 — Articulation bad again top G very thick. Missed D bar 3 repeat. Ido not like the style. Affetuose. ■ — Bar 3 not very dear in semi-quavers. Again too mechanical, not enough mado ot ithe con anima. I would advise you to practice more and give and take in your playing. Blurred the ad lib part. Variation 3— Articulation still 'bad, your accom panist is not doing you much good now. ' Very tame indeed. Only a moderate peri formance. 62 marks. [ No 10— J. ROUTHAM (HoHtika Voli unteer). "The Ash Grove."—^ Ad lib. very l nice, but might have made more of the pause. Andante played with a good to as and very good Btyle. Why do you not take the water out of your instrument? Theme — Producng very nic© tone. Theme very nicely played indeed, good tone, and with good expression. Variation 1. — Missed note in 'bar 6 repeat. I do not quite like the style of this variation, it >a too jerky. Again the water in your instrument is handicapping you. Execution very good 1 indeed. Variation 2 — Missed C .in bar 6. You ar© very foolish to pay with your instrument full of water, not giving yourself a chance, missing the notes here: this variation not nearly co well played. Missed Cm the third la3t bar. Andante minor— Why cut the qu*ver in the second bar so short? Ritard mar altogether wrong, even, quavers yoi are playing a* dotted quavers and semiquavers. You are hurrying too unucb, you can make a lot of this. Ido not lika your style in this at all. Variation 4 — Your execution is very 1 fair. Evidently suffering from nervousness in this part, The water in your instrument makes it sound very bad. The lasfc variation alto gether too wild in your style of playing. 54 marks. No 11.— P. B. LAWN (Reefton), "The Conquering Hero." — Marcato. Tempo di Marcia. Lento— Not a good start. Not clear. Cadenza too much hurried, spoilt top B. Andanitee interpretation, not good Playing muchbetter now. I can hear you are also troubled with nervousness. The dotted semi-quavers not too clear. The top 0 was a bold attack, not quite a good tone. Trill not artistically done. Moderato theme^— Very well played indeed. I have no fault to find with it. Variation I—Opens1 — Opens very well, but crotchets vevy short, in bar 7 the articulation is not tco clear. Played much better towards the end. Variation 2 — You are playing this variation very well her© ; very nicely treated indeed. Misser E bar 10. Very well done. If it had not been for your unfortunate start you would have oS- , tamed more marks. Playing much bettor ; now. Andante sostenuto is being very i well treated; marks of expression well » attended to. Playing this very nicely. ; More might have been made of the~la?t : bar, still it was all through very well i played. Tempo di Bolero — Tone is not sa > good heTe, several notes being blurred, > Missed the top C got B flat instead. i Split the F bar 3 after 8 bars rest, splii t F again, tone suffered towards the end i through notes being blurred in the laaf i 6 bars. This is on the whole a ve^ 1 good performance. 66 marks. \ TUESDAY NIGHT. J QUARTETTES. 3 No. I.— REEFTON, "The Villag< t Chimes." — Resoluto. — ■'Opened with a ver\ 7 smart attack, well in tune. Very nice in . deed, splendid attack. ... Moderato — Sole s horn very nice, very pretty. First cor i net might be a little more staccato. Ba\- > ance very good indeed. Not too well to p gether every time. Horn a feature : i i this quarette, horn very good. First cor , net just a little thick in staccato passage • Last chord not too well together. Allegn s moderato very well played. Euphoniun c not quite clear in parts. Out of tuxn - bar 2 religioso, euphonium too loud, Stil t playing very nicely. Second cornet verj Q good l here. Euphonium tone not quit< n good third last) bar, still a very nice per ;• foiunance all through. 55 /marks. t No 2.— WESTPORT CITY, "Fidel ! < c Allegro." — Very nioe opening, smart at t tack, Lento— Very pretty, but just a iit i tie thick; well in tune. Allegro— Verj nice; a fine solo cornet and a fine eu , phonium player, good second comet 9 Little out of tune at 29. Cornet verj • nice in piu lento, producing a beautifu b tone. I like fchis quarette. Cornet hen 7 is very fine. The rail very nice indeed ; ; tone of cornet ibeautiful. Second cornel i very good. Euphonium splendid in lowei - notes. Horn very good, but made a slip r in ba,r 2. Solo cornet a treat. Horr, i very nice at 15, balance excellent. Well 1 done horn. Very nice ati 15, this is « j musical treat, I like this 1 cornet player. L Horn very nice at 19 and 20. This quay- • efcte possesses a y veay fine ( vecond cornet j . the euphonium her© is beautiful. This > cornet i- just to my liking. Very nice,. • horn. Moderato beautifully taken, entrance '> grand. Very nice at 8, cornet beautiful. • I am enjoying this very much indeed. i Ores. — Wei worked up, beautiful, euphonl ium very nice at 20, this is a great treat. ■ Wrong note at 26. Euphonium a littb - out of tune in his top Gat 31. Solo cor--1 net is grand. Presto is splendidly take -a. ' Last three cords 'beautiful. I have enjoyed this quarette. I could listen to this again, I have enjoyed it so well. 59 marks. • No 3.— GREY BATTALION", "Assault aiArms." — Vivace. — Good smart opening. Euphonium at little indistinct 1 at 24 and '3. First and second corneli <very nice in pauses. Response* very pretty with euphonium and horn. Cornet jii&t slightly overblown in &'. Two nice cornet players and a good horn and euphonium. The attack might (have been better. Veiy nice at 11. This is a fine quartette. Two beautiful cornet players. Ores, well work ed up; 27 very nice, balance splendid, 23 - a wrong note by .second cornet. Nice horn player here too, grand cornet player. Alegretto cres. nicely worked in he-; c Splendid cornet player in this quartette. Slight slip at 14, Crotchet . might have been made a little longer at at 29. Cornet missed the, top Al in 13. * Entrance of horn not good at 31. A vary well played quartette, not quite equal to No 2 though 67 marks. ■ ~ " J No 5-j-GREY CATHOLIC, "Vital Spark."— Poor opening, cornet out of tune in A natural, out of tune again bar 4. This beautiful piece could be more delicately treated. Horn out of tune. Second cornet rather weak, crotchets not made full value. Out of tune again. Cornet producing a nice tone, though ; horn very pretty. Not together in piano passage. Cutting crotchets too short. Balance not good ; euphonium too loud, though prodticing a good tone. Balance is not good, cornet and euphonium too loud. Unison passage not nice 1 . More could b© made of the ritard'. Comet orocliets cut too short. Euphonium to-j boisterous altogether. Pauses not well together. Top Fby cornet not good. Intonation suffers here in the last cord. Cutting the crochets too short again. I know tliere should be a- break between each crochet ibut yoii are making the break too long. Too staccato altogether; much'more in tune, though. Finish very nioe. 51 marks. '^ No 6.— GRANITY "Rigoletto."—Opening rathe(i' tame. Larkjiettoi. — Out of tune in bar 4. Not too wellin tune. Very good. Missed ba r 4: Missed the F cornet. Cornet not good at all here ; out oftune. Cornet missed top B flat; too mechanical interpretation, this cornet player is suffering from nervousness. Cor not is bad, out of tun© again. Andante in time, euphonium opens very well, but unfortunately troubled with tremelo, ho bhould get out of it. Euphonium is a fiu« player ; this euphonium produces a lovely tone, he is quite an artist. Cornet very poor, he is very nervous. Horn x very ,good. The woak part of this qiiartette is the first cornet^ euphonium is w good player. Cornet has spoilt this quarette. Out of tune, intonation bad again. A (beautiful euphonium player. Out of tuu^ Ijigain, cornet. Not enough made of the rres. and dim, but this euphomium is\ {grand ; just the right treatment, splend'd i euphonium. Horn vory good. too. First 2^riL^^^^^^ j ■•'"" —J-

cornet the G flab very much out of tun<*. I feel sorry for this euphonium player, he is such a beautiful player. 49 marks.

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Grey River Argus, 31 May 1905, Page 4

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The Band Contest Grey River Argus, 31 May 1905, Page 4

The Band Contest Grey River Argus, 31 May 1905, Page 4


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