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The following is the report of the Road Overseer presented to the County Council at its last meeting : — 1. " Stillwater Creek Track." In the repairs of the above track, I have spent the authorised Bum ; and as requested, I have made apt <•' locations, and called tenders for repair! a_j and maintaining it for 12 months. 2. "Track from Maori Creek to Musquito Creek." In accordance with resolution of Council I have made specifications, and called tenders for its repairs and maintenance for 12 months, to be paid for on completion, after expiration of time stated. Both the above tracks costs a large sum to keep in a passable state, they having been a considerable time constructed, and were much neglected before they came under the supervision of this County. If the present contracts are let the tracks will be much improved thereby ; and will cost very little to keep in passable repair for some years afterwards. 3. " Track from Langdoris to Black Ball" On the repairs of which I spent the sum ordered, viz., L 25. There has been no money spent by this Council on work which was more urgently needed than the one in question. Pedestrians can now get from Langdons to the Black Ball, and intermediate creeks and gullies without any of the extraordinary, dangers to life and limb that had to be encountered prior to the above outlay. 4. " Amuri Track." As complaints were made to me of the dangerous state of the above track near Starvation Point, I sent Mr Phillips to get the necessary repairs done ; which cost L 3. . If the deviation from Big Gully to Granite Creek (for which tenders are called by the General Government)] was completed, it would be more economical for the Council and satisfactory to the public concerned if a contract was let (by tender) for clearing away slips, and keeping the track passable and safe for traffic. The track is so long (over 30 miles) and so many rivers to eross — it generally coßts a large sum to do a very small amount of work on it, by men scut from here or the Ahaura, whereas if a person living on the track had a contract to do the necessary work stated, it would in every sense be better. 5. " Wire suspension, footbridge over Oreenston Biver at Westbrook." This is one of the County works.(constructed by the Provincial Government,) which was wrecked by a local flood that occurred in the Greenstone and New River districts on the 20fch Febuurary. Ln its repairs I found it necessary to spend the sum of .£l2. Before the necessary repairs were done to this bridge a man (P. Doody), lost his H r e by falling from it through a portion having broken whilst lie waß crossing it. In consequence of the bridge having been constructed too low : , it is more or less injured by snags and trees coming in contact with it in their passage down stream when large floods occur. To remedy this, a new bridge should be constructed which would cost about L2OO It is at present, (and will be) safe till another large flood takes place. 6. " Wire svspensionfooibridge over New Biver on Marsden and Maori Creek road. 1 ' Having the same defect as that over the Greenstone was injured in a similar way, viz., by trees carried down in a flood that occurred on 13th April, the time in which W. Walker was drowned. The bridge is again made passable for the same at a cost of L 6. It will be necessary to construct a new bridge before very long, as the piers and anchorage of the present one are not safe. 7. " New Biver ford." The road from Marsden to Maori Creek intersects the New River at a point about 100 yards up stream from the footbridge last named. That this ford is dangerous in time of freshets is proved by Walker having got drowned whilst attempting to cross it on the 13th April. The ford had been repaired after the flood of 20th of February, and therefore was not in an unusually bad state at the time of the accident. If a draybridge was constructed at, or about this point it would do away with the necessity of constructing the footbridge before referred to. 8. " Protection to New Biver bridge and road approaching same." The necessity for Borne protection, or embankment, to prevent the New River from cutting through Card's paddock, and leaving the bridge high, and dry, can be vouched for by the Committee appointed to inspect the damage done to Connty works in that and the Greenstone district by the flood of the 20th Feburary. Any work of a substantial nature will coat from L.150 to L2OO. '

9. " Footbridge over Cockeye Creek." Was totally swept away by flood of 20th February. I pointed out to the Committee the necessity of a new bridge. They (the Committe) at the same time instructed me to have a tree felled across the creek, and dressed for a footbridge. The tree, which appeared sufficiently long for that purpose, was found, on being felled, to be too qhort. Therefore it will be necessary to Have a footbridge constructed, which can bejdone for about L3O. There is a population of some 20 miners in the district, and the creek is impassable after a slight rainfall. j . 10. "Bridge over Woods Creek dn the Track from Maori Creek to Ge rman Gully, and bridge over Noble's Creek at Noble's Township." Are both dangerous to traffic. They are both long and of elevated 8| tans, viz., about 50 x3O feet. A sum of from L 25 to L3O, would be sufficient to d (fray the expense of erecting centre trestles or trusses, (to both) which would make them quite safe for some years. 11. General : — Since your last general meeting I have had Ll9O spent, principally on the repairs of the following works, some of which were ordered by you, viz :— 1. "New Road ford." # j 2. " Greenstone wire footbridge." ; 3. "New River wire footbridge." '■■ 4. " Protection to bridge over No Name Creek." 5. " Stillwater footbridge.". ! 6. Culvert on main Grey Valley Road at Callaghan's Creek." .. i .7. " Tracks.— Cameron's,, Musquito, Owen's Look-out, Hayes's Terracej Kai Ata, Maori Gully to Maori Creek,* Ahaura to Amuri, Stillwater and Langdon's to Black Ball." 8. "Roads. — Rutherglen to Paroa, Granville road, and approach to Ahaura punt." ■ ; 9. " Repairs to drain in Camp street Ahaura, repairs to Omotumotu TollHouse, &c. &., Though the amount spent on the repairs of works not under contract comes to a large, sum, yet there has been no labor employed in addition to that ordered by you, but what was necessary to keep existing works open and safe for traffic. Thinking that you may be responsible for damages, if any should be sustained by parties through the breaking down or otherwise giving way of decayed and faulty structures-^has often caused me to exceed my instructions in getting necessay repairs done to such works. I may here state that many' of che culverts and bridges on the main Grey Valley road are unsafe ; and particulary so for vehicles carrying over five tons. Some repairs in the shape of (at least) two new stringers for the long span (65fti) of the Arnold bridge is much needed. The up stream side of tha bridge is sinking considerably. This is caused by the king truss crushing into the upper surface of the Btringer, which is quite decayed. At the time the bridge was purchased by this Council, I reported that two stringers in the long span were red pine, and would require to be replaced by new ones very soon. Those referred to now are the same." 12. " Proposed road through Pike's Flat near Ahaura , and bridge over No Town Creek at the Twelve-Mile." In accordance with instructions received at last special meeting, I have 'made survey and plans for said works, which I produce. The section for road, and specification for bridge I have not yet ; prepared. = The cost of both works should -not exceed the sum which I understand you are to getprom the General Government for : their construction. , 13. " Road from Marsden to Tefemakau punt." The contractor for maintenance of this road has made it again (at least) passable. As to his (contractor's application for compensation for the extra expense he was put to in repairing damage done by late floods, &c, I may state that under his specifications, he is bound to repair all damage at his own expense. But under, specifications, with similarly binding clauses as to repairs of damages, &c, by maintenance contractors, compensation has, been given when dam-: j ages, or traffic beyond the ordinary, or of ' an extraordinary nature occurred, such as the Christchurcti road, when under, the old Westland Council, the present road, under the late Grey County Council, and, I understand on road from &umara to Arahura, additional sums were paid to maintenance contractors under such circumstances as above stated. ■ As a Committee of Councillors was appointed to, and did visit the road and works in question, immediately after the damage was done ; they will be able to fully explain matters and inforn you' as to whether the damages done were of an ordinary or extraodinary uatnre, and also as to the reasonableness or otherwise of the application on which you request me to report. 14. "Mr Coates's application for settlement of of the matter in dispute." Be drainage from two culverts on main Grey Valley road, and side drain on Kaiata road. Mr Coates proposes. 1. "That drains be cut from the culverts on main road to main drain now cut by Mr Coates through centre of his paddock." 2. "MrCoates's second proposition is, that a main drain be cut from the main road along the west Bide of Kaiata road for about six chains, terminating at a point ° where the said roads diverges from his land, such drain to be 4 feet wide, and 3 feet {deep. And that the cost of such I work be borne equally between the Council and himself. 3. "Mr Coates further proposes to extend Jthe last mentioned drain to the Railway Creek, at his sole expense." In reference to Mr Coates's Ist proposition I can inform you, that drains sufficient to carry the water from the culverts into main drain, could be constructed for about L 9. And re 2nd proposition; I have to state that the distance from main road to the point where Kaiata road diverges is (9 chains 20 links), instead of six chains as stated by Mr Coates. Of course if he takes the drain (3 chaiu 30 links) already constructed, but, which is not the size he requires viz, 4 feet x 3 feet, he is correct in stating six chains, but if he meant so, he should have stated , from end of present drain to point of , divergence. The cost of it would be about j L2O which would leave your share of the < coat of both works to be Ll4 los. i

It yon entertain Mr Coates' application, plans and specifications should be made, and tenders called, i.e., when Mr Coates will first have the drain from Railway Creek up to the point of divergence of Kaiata road constructed. ■■■'"- This last drain as well as the 6 or 9 chains alongside the Kaiata road would greatly improve it, as in wet weather the water floows over the road at or about the point of divergence. 15. "Mr C. Hynes application for payment of L 8 6a. for alleged extra work, done on track to King's Terrace." Hynes draws your attention to clause 5, page 2, of genenal condition? of contract, and quotes such portions of said clause as reads favorable to his claim. In persual of even the clause in question (which is the most favorable to him), you will see that without an order from me, in writing, he (Hynes) has no claim for extras; he is right in saying that "1 authorised the work to be done," but at the same time I drew his attention to clause 2, page 7, general conditions, and also to that part page 7, general specifications, relating to formation and gradi &c., But the part of the specificatutf which most strongly warrants me in (impelling the contractor to do the work in dispute, as part of his • contract, free of charge, is a note added to detail specification. The reason why I insertei^tis last note was, before I had all the laid off on this track I was called away, and had to depend on a person whom I had for assistant at the time, — and as I was doubtful of his work in laying of the required gradients, I inserted the clauses and note as a guard ■"against extras, in case I found it necessary to change any part of the line to obtain .the required gradients. ... I may state that I distinctly pointed out to Hynes before he commenced the work, that if any of the gradients, as laid off, chanced to be too steep he would be compelled, to do what he now complains of— viz., depart from the surveyed line to obtain the -required gradient. Had I made the specifications somewhat more loosley, I could feel justified in putting in as an addition or extra the L 8 65., which Mr Hynes now claims. I submit specification signed by the contractors, Hynes and Brown. 16. "Inspectors of work and .survey laborers." You having made it part of my duty to discharge, and when necessary, employ competent persons of the above class, yon at the same time, I think, intended that one at least of the Inspectors services should be dispensed with, and as both inspectors are now employed, I think it my duty to state why such is the case. On the 10th February I dispensed with the services of one Inspector,, bat the damage done to works by the flood of the 20th February, made it necessary to again employ him. Since that date the Inspectors have done a great deal of useful and necessary work in the way of — Ist. Supervising the :works enumerated in paragraph 11. 2nd. Inspecting the different new works now in course of construction, viz., Ist Try^Again Road ; 2nd. Deviation Greenstone Road ; 3rd. 3Hfr to Austin's Flat ; 4th. Bridge overTioulahan's Creek; sth. Footbridge over New River, for which pilesvare to be driven. In addition to which they .have, had to pay occasional visits to roads and tracks under maintenance contracts, and when necessary, to employ labor to put such as required it in proper repair at the contractors expense. ; ': '" ■;■."'!. I have also employed them copying, and taking tracings of plans and specifications, to send to outlying districts, for the , convenience ;of contractors when tenders are being called. At such work I have often kept tfieia up at night to 12 and sometimes 1 o'clock. The BurveylaboreM I have at present employed cutting a four foot, wide .bush track, from, a point in the Greenstone and Revel's Terrace track to .an agricultural settlement on the Teremakau River. This work was ordered by a resolution of Council. , . . . As soon as above work is 1 completed, the survey laborers can be dispensed with for some time, and any work of that kind that may be required, togetherjwith repairs to tracks and footbridges, can be done by the Inspectors, that is, provided you give, me reasonable time to do the work now ordered by you. The following] is a list of the works ordered by you and completed by me within the last 12 weeks. ■.'..,... 1. Surveyed and made plan and specification for road from Ahaura to Lea's Ferry. 2. Do. do. Granville Road. 3. Do. do. Section Try- Again Road. 4. Do. do. Deviation Greestone Road, bridge, and culverts on same. : ■ r B, Do. do. Track to Austin's Flat. : J6j Do. do. Footbridge over New River, at Maori Creek. : . 7. Do. do. Road through Pike's Flat. 8. Do. do. Bridge over No Town Creek 9. Do. Road through Bruce's paddock, and bridges over Irangapuku and 09honn Rivers. ■• ,•; For the last named works I haj^not had time to prepare plans and spfoKca* tions, VIn addition to the above, I have had quantities to take out, estimates and accounts to make up, reports to prepare, contracts to visit and pass, correspondence, &c, &c., and as there are still many works in arrears— you can see .how impossible it is for me to carry out your desire in reducing expenses if you will have works in manner here stated, If a reasonable amount of time is not allowed for making surveys, plans, and specifications, &c, something mast be wanting. A like result generally occurs for want of proper supervision of new works, especially, bridge building, and day labor when resorted to. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, lour mo3t obedient servant, JAJTES BUTLEfi, County. Road Overseer.

The tonnage loading on the berth at London, March 13, for India, China, and the Cape of Good Hope, amounted to 47,750 tons, and for Australia and New Zealand to 40,216 tons. On March 10, Messrs John Elder and Co. launched a screw steamer from their ship* building yard, at Go van. The Arizona ia Jfee largest vessel ever built on the Clyde, and in point of capacity will, next to the Great Eastern, be the largest merchant steamer afloat. She is built for the Guion Line to ply between Liverpool and New York. Her l l°^ o£ keel > • 46 *> ft S breadth, 46ft; depth, 37ft j and tonnage. 5500, with an indicated horse power of 6000.

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Grey River Argus, Volume XXIII, Issue 3357, 22 May 1879, Page 2

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ROAD OVERSEER'S REPORT. Grey River Argus, Volume XXIII, Issue 3357, 22 May 1879, Page 2

ROAD OVERSEER'S REPORT. Grey River Argus, Volume XXIII, Issue 3357, 22 May 1879, Page 2


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