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%T O DL'O WkFS' ; O V I ; NTMIN T uf .•jBLi,-;:'//:, >viwJf J __i.K. ;l rv/- U h=,.:.j ilr. ,>J v \_BadiLegsf:?Bad;Breastoi4i Winmki'i <en%'^l 7lc&tyionsoj^Mn^Ji±T^^ • preparation whichnimay.xiber^ rso ; thoroughly A > *elied; uj?pn Jnjhei treatment, Qf ; jthe.rab^jß^, itlments as Hplloway^iCHntinent. . Np,thmg,,,. I can ,be more simple, ithAnilbe mannet ' j - in^whlchit is applied, ;nptiaing l nt6re sa'luiary '\ pit>M its actipn' on the body'; ; bpth v locally Snd cots.!;ifcu^6naUyV'TtW;Oiiitmen^ rubb'ecl afeotot/^ 0 the park 'affected enters the 1 pores; ias salt $ci:- " : : m^te3 : Me'afc.- !- 'It f^c'iay/"penß^^^to'tbi( } "'' source I".'of-'the1 ".' of-' the evil and drives? it ffbnl the '^ system.-/'> •--.• ■■-=>> c ij!;. :ra ;':ji:f-.7. .Aiumsrui : ; BronchWt£,:jjg)th&riaf.Go^ : Throats,-. and. Slwtne&s tf ßreqtM^R&lixedd3 '. and ,cppge3feed:. : lihrjoatßj(; elongated inyil%/f ; lilcevabed prjturgiqVtonsijs, whppping.cqughjr.i crpupj asthma... wheezing from accumulated...; ! mucpusj. and; other.. difficulties pf ;respiratS6jj./.J ; also palpitatiooi "Jfcitphe^ ,and.,)shorl;ness!i l pr,';, breatb, 'may -with cej:taia : ty^^ rubbing tins henliiigOmtnient over the ; ch6s£” andbhetcfor at least 1 half : an hpur.jiwic^Jii'/V Hay, accompanied by appropriate Soses'of^ 1 olloway's^Pills.-.^ .- ■■'jjsv ■•■,:i-.ilfl\c i y.f, DiFor Glandular :SweUingsi Stiff Joints 'dridrf: the Skin.4— There is no preparation'^ for salutary e.€ects:c6mparableto'thw remedyif.r 'It - should , be vwell ' rubbed over -the affected' .f parts . after taeir due- fprmatapn with] warm;, * r watev., f It. acts by stimulating the absorbentSj : f to , jncrease'd. actiylty,, by preventing, cpnges«i '* , mon/ancl "promoting a freean^ ; copious circu-^" ■laladn;ia;the''' : pirts' ; affeetedT; tliei'-Speedfly :? ' :> . and effeoitfkilly it; ensures a cpre.' r :;; . '■';,!.: Gout- aiid J?^eamai!is,7}:-^This ; ihvaiu i abl^^B utigaent : has ' greaiier power over gou'ti "aaj^^| rheam^-ism- than any other ; preparat^^^^| None remain in pain if itsremby^^^^H ' sal; abaat. in- good earnest, by. using tbj^^^^| [faliible.i'eriieay accoi'diijg to. the ;prinl^^^^^| structions affixed; to ; each ;pp.&, Ain^^^^^| achea and. piins are remsdiabie ; in the^!^^^^| ': manner.' f ■ .-■ ;' : -... .:"'■. ,"'.'." ;-,-.V J 'T^l^^H j Piles, FMidas, and E^r^tvms^—j^a^^ cure t^hicii this pintmeuV effects .Whealing' •; : p.iles.ji.M' fistulas of lbn ! g staading,: after tWy' 7 ' - nave Tesisfced all ; other ; j nave beenib ; countless arid ( 's'o hotibripus jihrough!-' I (^ut 1 the -world that I: any effbr't^tq-give^aTi m adequately 1 detailed" statement of their'num^^ '■- beror character -would be ;vain;:r-It;is£Buffi- - '-;> ) cient to know. that ; the:. Ointment has rieveri. r t ;',■ proved inefficacious;- ..... ; -. : •; "-iri -;-.'. '■•( :o:t h^n , iln DisQrders:ofr,thajKiswys— Stonejaa^'[ t l-. , Gravel...— i-.The.,; Qintment: :is :^ a, Bpye,t|^.".' ( , ! remedy if it be well rubbedltwicb.adayJft^-r ,- the, back,,; over. theje^gionjbf "jhp x ,\ kidneys,' into which' it' wiU grabluail^geneJ trate, and in , almost every 'case 1 give .iminki- , diate : relief. ) this v^^ , be on once used,Jt^has_ esj^Kshed its owh'^ :'; -worth, and has r agam^ r bW sought ; s for as the easiest^aha safest.xemedy.M all the , d^orders of the kidneys., ~ - Both the Qintmmb: am JsKs, shmld jbe usea S ,'. ; Jy '^th^.j'oUqimig, cases, ;^, -, "' ilJ ' BadLegsr; .." KstnJ^;. .o " SOTeThrpats/^f i Bad Breasts , , G° u t : l', Skin'Dufeases!^ t Burns ;' Glandular i :'- Se ; uryy' ;i ' ! '.J [ Bunion^"''-'- ' 'dwellings' .Sor^Hea^iiV 1 "^ Chilblains Lumbago- ;'; Tumoura^ ::Lr -'^^ . Chapp ; d hands Piles - : -^ (JlSers : -''-l"*~ il'" !• Corn3 '(soft): r Rheumatism Wouhdii'.- "^ " '-^t i Contract'd and Sore 1 Nipple3~ ;:0&c;; .'-ftc. >--di fj ■ j Stiff Jointso Scalds^; .' ; ;; j ,•;-:■> ]-^ • | cTLbjePills.a^dQintoentare.soldi^ i SOr^QLiq^AYJS^Sta^ >_■ street^ Lpn^on.s <-alsb. by.: nearly, ,eyery u 'r^o+ ; ' spectable. Vendor^ of Meiiicine^ '; ttroiighoiit ■ > the civilised^ world, in boxes an"d'"polii*at i iß"^ j i Jd, . 23 9d, 4a 6d, ,11s, 225, and 3% eaih! 30 . The 2s 9d siiie J ttie v 4^ J 6d J sizt ; sixj- tHe'llß" si^e- sixteen^ tne 225. size tbar'tyi' l ? .' ihreP, H and.thei33s. ; size' ! fifty-two^time^M<h^^^ 1 quantifcy of ' a^l^lj'icl^ boxu'orlpoti^TTto&o I: Smallest of liPills-j contains four" dozen;. /?. ■< and the smallest poi of Ointment one [ounce? A I FiilliprintedSi^.ctibns. are affixed-^, .each . box and po^, and can, bp had in. any language,.,^ i; even jujT^rk^h.^ab^irmenian^ergia^^ or Chinese. ->..,. J ■ >•/ --'»;«" 1 . •■'-"- -'s-jO'J-ji. ■'•: nyf ;o e' j r/ j^Mtf^o'"^' 1 ir :ij Ei :f s^ s\ ■ ;: iii>[ A Debili^' :v;;; - 7 ,- ; -vyrtia o-'M. oi; f «s .-.; ■■■ ! ""' r a ' (V/ Lbss : bf'Power| H ' rr -wii-Hivix LK-^xdo . : I Spermatbrrhcea> ! - tr *>yi-v ssai J> j.-ia-v i ; ; ;: d>- indiscretions ofiEarly Yoith i s '. ;:: lv ;Syphilitic:Jl)iseaßeSiri noW . :. In t aU:the,abovecasesi-;Awisr«oj:itoM»BßOi?,o / shoal4be; i ali,once,aiTesji.l^ . pf, the disease., r, ;,. f i.) .' ':.!''-'' m : ''V+ '\ '"'"■•' : jHaa devoied. himself for gentry yeara.mthe tblbn> '■$^b^^praiMc^c^^ibir^i^W M .pfbressronii wMl^ previously' v in'Ehgi{ffi4 J "he^ Nas the 1 pupU'pfj 'and /practised' a wi«h t "tSe' l -J {celebrated 'Dr Gdlverwell, -the 1 . onlyMeWcal g jpractitibber-whb ever^exelusively^adbptediJ ithia is the^ eole^brauchof his' profession i ■ '.;< ■ v; j :'.'jQr : 'L.-L.:Skiaß: r hereby informs thepublie,; Ithat-j.-HEliIS .-MS& LQtt&jAQtAI&Y : QgAIJXa&/> jMEBICAIi 3VTA2S- IN THIS SPECIALITY OF HttS ltLOj ~f } jFEssioiTi; j. th2ri : tOihers, advertising arje. Un« Iqualifie'S, kjj.6.l tliatj , therefore,"'." in pretending to be '.qualiSed. are! obtaining money under . - |Ms^p>e^nce3,' ; , i: '; V'<p t ' :; :'" ; ' V*}. ' J V'}l' j Dr L.'ij. !1 SMmi "also l^^^^arns thßf' ! piib : lic ' jagainsi; the'quaokenes OJ advertising.'' 7 WiMe 1 I taker -61 ''"apf of -'th bejb'' adve'rtii8 r ed J nos^ume i escape with'hig^life^orhis^ system 'btt'inbt 1 - ! thbrovt.e(hl^ :a f Ed';irreparably "undermine3f6y •' ;them, he may look upoiß himself asthemost! ifoftunaAe^mortal,i! .'•.-; ■.:r->iv.--..'.--.[ ,\{ ;If j Dr L. L.j Smithc has -been.applied tPlbyißPl I macy unfpr tunate broken-down ypnng T pld- f men, .utterly, .crushed ,]in r ..spiutj ruinedjiQi body, aud iSlchedJin, pocket,, .thai; .Ke.deeiw^ : it ;& \duty 'to^ipuhlish' .tKa W^eVwori^'Lri"'", 1 j : ' Thpsie menaM iybmenT who ' have bben the [ i victim's 1 of ianprincipled Phariiita'ns freq'ueiitly ,- •seek thaV recover/ wluch.^s 1 of (ien 1 beyond^ |Dr Smiths control ; When will ; the public^ ! understand that it is tb : theirinteresytb : cbn-'I • I suit a duly qualified medical man,'< who -Has ; made this his soleL studyp'rather thatf-applyr ! tp a; number of. ignorant,- impostbrsj-r who/ merely harp and prey upon their pockete and . health? .■-, nio ,. y:: ; .-,{> --jj r,-s(' .^f^jh ' : - : . Drl/. Li.S^TH hd? alw.ays. j stkted, that. to, ; warn the public ' bf 'these quiclssands lsbis ! chic| re'asqnfpr ■ aiyertiiihg, „''„!!!,. '/v'^','.--'. 1 Ip aU cades oi nervpus ';de'Mii^ 3 lowne|ifj'*{i i ' spirits,' loss of power, pimples' on ltha J foreV head; lassiyude/^ptitude-fo^ biisiheM, !j 'im^ - potency," J draihage ? f rpml the system, an<Hhe[ various efiecSs of errbrs of youth and blood-, poisoning frbm r disea«eßpreviouslycontraeted^Dr L. L. : Smith invites sufferers tocbnsult bim,;as_ he ;has no hesitation instating that r.o .medical man. (either ; here pto in, /Ei^land; h;a,9 had tb.e oppprtunities^f^pract^c© apdiextraordinary experience which lie baa had.' Therefore. -those who.. r really, desire rf treated, by one yrho is at v the head-of , m 1 profession in this ', branch pi : roepQcal : practice should J.ose"nb M^ in'.BMklhg^fiis'advicei ;Nor should 'aDyo^e/marry fjiratihoai l first r SoaJ flultinghim? ; ; :' T:^ .;> : ; ":;:^ -faun srlt rr'ii "■■ : r The Cbnßulting ßbonrtaire at lSSthm i : COLLINS: STREEYJJAST/MEt^aOiBNE -■■■'■ Oppositß the rMelbburne Club, ::, ;n v : (Late the residence of the Governor^), Private ; ;. eutrance is in Stephen street spiath.!;; '■ 'Medicujes forwarded' to ail" the.- ► L .'pibii ? eiß^ \ v . sopacked toavoßobjae^atiin;;;.;;-: 1 Books jrablish^d;^ the'li)r;'e»n 'bet Woo : ; ! " •;'(- - : I L"

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Bibliographic details

Grey River Argus, Volume XV, Issue 1850, 22 July 1874, Page 4

Word Count

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Grey River Argus, Volume XV, Issue 1850, 22 July 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Grey River Argus, Volume XV, Issue 1850, 22 July 1874, Page 4


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