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nn 1} c «f aiIEY nrvER abgus, Ppblis^ed Every TTOCAY, TPPJISDAY 4- SATURDAY, la a^ni|teil $o be tl»e beet oondnfte^ Journal «m Tft^ WEST COAST. Its pirpplation,.already large, is rapidly increasing botU in find put 9^ the Colony, and constitutes it a first-class medium'fof advertisements, which, are charged at the lowest poabible rate, consistent with a legitimate profit. . Kpthing \s spared tp majte the " Qxhj Riy^R Akgus" in every respe^ an effipienV representative of the district in whjcfr it id published; it affprds full i^ifprmatjpn v<» local matters, and the latest mining neijre, whilst at the same time it supplies its readerf copiously with general infprmat^pn pn p^hcj topics. The termq of subscription are 12s pc^p quarter—payable in advance. If posted, 2s 6d adyaiice on abpye price. TQB ? *,\;s T \ $ Q \n al^ jflmKCßm.; POSTERS, CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CUSTOM FOKMS, CARDS, &C, &c, Ac, every variety of TV P E AND COLO S "GREY RIVER ARGUS" >RIKTU?Q OFFICE, Boundary Street. EOKITIKA AGENCY. "11/fR, E. W. JONES, has been appointed XVX^' agent in Hokitika for the "Gkev HiY?k Argus," and is authorised to collect accounts aud receive advertisements and, subscriptions for same. Advertisements aud orders will be received, by him at. Messrs E. W. Jones and Co.'s oth'ce, Ilevell street, near the Union Bank^ Hokitika. 0..V D N E V A G EN C V, Mr A. CUBITT, 11 Bridge street, Sydney^ ha|j been appointed agent fe»Mie:-"Ui ley Kiver ArgUs" ii\- KeW South -Wales, and i^ authorised to receive subscriptions and advertisements for same. "f NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.. All advertisements must be sent into the, oflice before 3 o'clock on the day precedipg^ publication ; and all notices, of -withdrawaJii of advertisements.iustbesentin(inwritingV before 10 a. mV on same day. . • CHARGE PER INSERTION FOR AI)VIRTISIM,. First'insertion, per inch ... £0 5 0 Every subsequent insertion ... 0 4 0 Adveitiaenients of 15 wpijds ... Q % 6 „ aDyordft „ 0 4 0

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Bibliographic details

Grey River Argus, Volume VI, Issue 409, 27 August 1868, Page 4

Word Count

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Grey River Argus, Volume VI, Issue 409, 27 August 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Grey River Argus, Volume VI, Issue 409, 27 August 1868, Page 4


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