[Per City of Sydney, at Auckland.] GENEBAL~SUMMABY. Count Oomboro is dead from paralyeia. The Oowes Boyal Town Begatta took place on the 3rd inst., and the sailing match for all Teasels not exceeding 26ft on the water line, to be steered by their owners, was won by the American boat Gleam, steered by Goader (owner). The Thames Boat Olnb, in a letter to Hillsdale, deeply regrets its inability, nnder the resolution of the Amateur Association, to row the American crew. The objection to Hillsdale ii that the crew rated as amateurs has raced for money. Trouble haa broken oat in Corea. Two peraona belonging to the Japanese legation were killed by the mob and three wonnded. Mra Langtrey is so mnch indisposed that all her immediate engagements are oancelled. For the first time sinoe 1878 the farmers of Suaaex, Surrey and Kent are radiant at die orop proapeots. Two men while attempting to clamber over the railing of the Tuileries Garden during a display of fireworks, thoughtlesaly grasped an electric wire used in illuminating the greunds. Both were instantaneously killed. The steamer Hope, commanded by Sir Allen Young, O.B„ which left here in June last in aearoh of the steamer Bira, has arrived at Peterhead with the entire crew of that vessel. The Hope picked them np in Matoshkin Strait, Nova Zambia, on the 3rd of August, they having lost their ship off Franz Joseph land, and journeyed in boats to the Straits through tbe ioe. Biohard Belly, proprietor of the " Tnam Herald," was oommitted for trial at Tuam for publishing an article written by James Bedpath, which is alleged to have boen an incitement to the murder of Bourke. Bail was accepted. Prinocss Bolande Bonaparte died in Paris on the 3rd. Jenkinson, private secretary to Earl Spencer, has been appointed to succeed Col. Brackenbnry as director of the Irish Criminal Investigation Department. A mass meeting at Madrid urged the Spanish Government to increase and strengthen the navy. Pollock Castle, Benfrewshire, the most ancient family seat in the west of Scotland, haa been burned. The loss is £30,000. The B<ur Association of New York invited Lord Ohief Justioe Coleridge to visit America as their guest, but tne invitation was declined for this year owing to other engagements. He proposes to make a visit in August, 1883. The Bußaian ateamer Maacana, according to a despatch from Aden on July 30th, exploded her boilera off Boshofin, and 2CO persons are lost. 120 were saved. The effect of the war in Burope has boen to throw large sums of money into the American securities market. The rush to get out of Turkish and Egyptian stooks ahowa no abatement, although large purchases are made by continental speculators, to prevent a panio, and even a serious failure in prices. Bitzpatrick, convicted of an attempt to kill the Beoorder of Dublin, was sentenced to five years. A deputation of Boston dry goods olerks, sent by a firm to study the processes of European industry, waited on President Grevy, and weregsubsequently received by Yiotor Hugo. At a meeting of the Cork Constabulary the following resolution, approved by the delegates from Dublin and Belfast, Sussed . —" Having seen, with surprise and isgust, the calumny cast upon our loyalty by the insinuation that we are in collusion with Fenians, we desire to show our sense of its falsity by withdrawing from further agitation, and rely on a speedy redress of grievances." Miss Banny Pamell's remains were interred in Ireland. There was a great demonstration at the funeral. The Postmaster-General has again denied in the Commons that the Fost Office Department would ever purohase the telephone lines. The Czar of Busaia has grown bold enough to dispense with an escort in riding or walking. The Limerick Races committee refuted an offer made by Clifford Lloyd of a cup valued £SO. Ons hundred and eighty thouiand pounds were distributed among the Irish Constabulary. All vessels coming from Borneo, Sooloo Islands, and the Phillipine Archipelago are quarantined by the London Board of Health on account of the prevalence of cholera in the places named. Trevelyan, the Chief Secretary of Ireland, arrived at Belfast on the 23rd, and the Mayor presented him with an address of welcome, expressing the desire of the residents to strengthen his hands in his onerous duties. Mr Trevelyan, in reply, said it would be idle to deny the existenoe of personal danger in the task of governing Ireland. The remedy against outrages was to have a tribunal which could be trusted to do justice without fear. Mr Gay, the correspondent of the London "Daily Telegraph," who sent in a false acoount of the behaviour of the 60th Bines on the outskirts of Alexandria, accusing them of rank cowardice, has been recalled. The Queen will open the new London Law Courts in November. A decree has been promulgated giving duly author sed Ameriean joint stock companies a legal statua in Franoe. About 4000 Bonapartists met in Paris on the 15th. A resolution was passed favoring the placing of Priuoe Viotor Napoleon upon the throne of France. Da Cassagnao made a speech, in which he said the Imperialists were ready for power, and meant to it. Dean Gonbot, an Englishman, and two guides, fell from a preoipice while attempting the aeoent of Mont Blanc. All threo were shattered to pieces. Menotti Garibaldi denies he is recruiting for Arabi Bey. Engineer Melville, and seamen Minderman and Norms, three survivors of the Jeannett, arrived at Moboow, and had a grand reception. C. W. Dyer Grey, member of Parliament, and proprietor of the Dublin " Freeman's Journal," was on the 16th August sentenced to three months* imprisonment and £SOO fine, for oontempt of Court in publishing a letter of O'Brien, editor of the " United Ireland," acousing the jury which convicted Francis Hanes of the murder of Jotn Doughty of being drunk on the night previous to the day the verdiot was given, and an article commenting thereon. O'Brien and Davitt were put out of Court for creating a disturbance. Mr Gray, after being sentenced, was handed over to the coroner, who evinced some reluctance to take charge of
hi to ; bat the Judge called upon him to da '. hit duty, and he conveyed tho prisoner to i R.chmond prison. At the expiration of the t'rm, Mr Grey most find sureties for himself r for £SOO, and two otheri for £2OO each. Tho s decision of the Court erased great sensation. Mr Gray was Lord Mayor of Dublin for 1882, ar.d was nominated a second time. 9 Jas. E. Lowell, the Ameiisan Minister to St. j James', sent a letter to the Conference on the > Codification of International Law, stating ha had little hope for the scoseas of the negotiations now proceeding at Washington relative I to international copyright, as the publisher* hove had a weighty irflaenoe. Stephen J. Me&ney, arretted ii JDublln soon after he had arrived from the United State* under the Repression Act, has been discharged. Meaner is an American newspaper man and correspondent of the " Hew York Herald." He was soon released. Henry George, formerly connected with the San Francisco press, was arrested in Loughrea. Mr Joyce, a master at Eton Col. lege, who was in his company, was taken into custody at the same time. The arrest waa made on telegraphic order from head-quarters in Dublin. They were driven to the barracks, and after their luggage had been searched and papers read and submitted to & brief examination were discharged. George is correspondent for the New York " Irish World," and of late has taken a strong personal interest in the agitations in Ireland. Ha was subsequently re-arrested and again discharged. A farmer named Leahey was shot by a mob near Killarney. The affair waa more like a military execution than an assault The leader of the party called on No. 1 to fire ; he did so, and badly wounded Leahey. The leader then ordered No. 10 to fire; this shot also took effect. No. 14 waa then summoned to give the coup de grace. Leahey remained alive aa hour after being shot. Five young men, the sons of farmers, were arrested on suspicion of complicity in the murder. Smallpox is reported to be spreading at Capetown in an alarming manner. Lord Spencer has decided to hold an inquiry into the conduct of the jury who convicted Lynes. They were said to hare been drunk. George 3. Holyoke, an English author and promoter of co-operative securities, is on a visit to the United States. Nathaniel James Merriman, Bishop of Grahamston, Africa, has died. The palace of Count Andrassy, Vienna, waa burglariously entered on the 16ch. All the diplomas, orders, and many objects of art and antiquity were stolen. Judge Lawson, of the Dublin Commission Court, who sentenced Sheriff Gray, complimented the jury at the close of the session for the manner in which they had discharged their duties. The Corporation of Limerick voted the freedom of that city to Sheriff B. Dyer Grey, at pretent in Dublin GaoL Wright and Sons, worsted spinners, of Bradford, England, have failed for £170,000. The police have searched the house of Captain Dugmore, a prominent Land Leaguer, at Affronkfort, King's County, Ireland, and found a number of arms and document. De Lessepß waited upon the Duke of Edinburgh, and assured him he (De Lessens) feels friendly towards the British Government. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has declined to interfere with Judge Lawson'a course in the case of Sheriff Gray. Charles J. Hirkham, a Fenian leader, is dying in Dublin of paralysis. The bust of Longfellow will soon be plaoed in Westminster Abbey. Of ten persons arrested in Ireland for eon* motion with the murder of the Joyce family, five are named Joyce, four Casey, and on* Philbit. Sellars, a Liberal, was elected to Parliament far Haddington Borough over Karr, a Conservative. A week's stoppage of mills has been advised by the Oldham spinners. Trade waa never at such a low ebb. Emilo Oostellar, the eminent Spanish statesman, in a long letter to a Madrid paper, defines his political position. He declares ho will ever remain a Republican, and ridicules the idea that democracy and the Dynasty of the Bourbons can ever s'a merely cooperate for the welfare of Spain. Over 100 women are on trial in Hungary charged with poisoning their husbands. Tho guilt of thirty-five of the accused has been proved. Louis Bubis, the Italian painter, is dead. The ship joiners of Glasgow struek on tha 26th. " " ~*i Thos. Joseph, an extensive English collier;, proprietor, failed for £150,000. Emigration from Holland to the United States is checked aod diverted to the Transvaal through the exertion of several Boer missionaries, who recently visited the Netherlands. Landsbury and Co., of London, commission merohatta, have failed for £30,600. Fred. Loike, the oelebrated Russian navigator, is dead. The British rifles team has sailed front Liverpool for New York. Lord Dufferin has promised pilgrims to Meoos permission to traverse the Sues Canal as usual. The Maori chiefs now in London have not met with any success in their starring tour They have suoceedsi in getting Mr Gorst to present a petition to the Hot. -i of Commons, but no dueusnif has as yet taken place on the Native Sffairs of New Zealand, tha promised Blue Book not having been laid upon the table. The chiefs visited Lichfield, aud were the gueits of Mn E- ' wyn. They were shown the grave of the late Bisnop, and were visibly effected on beholding the tomb of their late matter. They are now in Loudon, and will shortly return to New Zs&land. Sir Arthur Gordon is expected to arrive in <** England in October. Sir George Bowen, Governor of Mauritius, in consequence of ill health, hss obtained as extension of his leave of absenoe. He is now at Kissingen. In the Probate and Divoroe Court recently a motion was made for an order for presumption of death of the late Sir W. A, Oongreve, aud his brother Mr W. F. Confrere. Each brother had passed by the feigned name of William Cooke. The elder had resided in New Zealand, and the last letter from him was reoeived in 1860. The Brush Eleotrio Light Company haa distributed an interim dividend of £245,000, equal to IC3 per cent. AMERICAN SUMMARY. The reoeipts of the United States Treasury daily for the week ending August 26th are more than ever known before within tho memory of the fiscal department The amount averages a million end a half dollars a day. A swimming contest for 1000 dols aside and championship of the world, between Captain Webb of British Channel fame, and Thos. Well, champion short distance swimmer, took place in Boston Harbor. Webb won easily. The American Forestry Congress cornmenoed its session on the 21st at Montreal, with 100 delegates present. The object is the preservation of forests in the United States and Canada. There was a grand celebration at Omdea Grove, near Chicago, for the purpose of raising funds to erect a monument to the memory of old John Brown. The sister of the political martyr lives in California, and was present at the ceremonies. A charge has been made by an evening journal that Senator Contelling has attempted to pay Gould to bribe Governor Connell, of New York, to sign bills relieving the Elevator Railroad and Pacific Steamship Companies from certain large assessments, William G. Kilpatrick, residing at Milwaukee, claiming to be heir to the throne of Ireland, and who, the papers gravely say, is not cranky, has been writing to Mr Gladstone tc- nrge on " his Rojal sister Viotoria " that she shall renounoe her title to his country. A manuscript novel, by Hawthorne, has b6fla discovered by his son, and will shortly be published. It is called " Dr. Grimshaw'e Secret." A soirited correspondence took place between* ths English and American postal authorities regarding indicated mail matter. The English stop not only certain American newspapers inimical to Government, but also registered letters and packages suepeoted of containing seditious information or dangerous preparations. There will be a committee of Congress appointed on the 4th of November to inquire as to tho causes why the building of iron, steel, and wooden ships cannot be done as wall in the United States as in Scotland, England, and other oountries. All the Knights Templars of the Masonia , o:der in tho United States will meet in grand Oinclave at San Francisoo in August, 1883. i President Arthur has deoided on the strict ! enforcement of the eight hours law in tho
dockjarJs and other public ■ General Grant and W. H. Twßoott bare Hbeen nominated commissioners to negotiate a ■commercial tr«at7 with Mcr.ico. V The British ihip Oypromene arrived at Ban f Francisco on August 6th frcm Newcastle, N.B.W. Bhe had an exoaptionally rough paaiage. Bha pissed through galea, eleotrieal stormi, and oalmi interspersed ■with *" electrical dijlurb<moes, during which balls of fire flaw around tha Bhip. The oargo ehittod badly. To stop the turbulence tho captr»ir. utilised fifteen barrels of oil with satisfactory results. , Tha offioial investigation into tho conduct of the Jeanetta exploring expedition promises to diastase a (treat deal of unfriendly feeling among tha officers and jealousy. Jerome J. Collins, " Herald" correspondent, ia reported to have baenishamef ally treated by DeLong. Canadian -whiskey recently gob the better of Blade, tbe spiritualist, end ho gave a humorous seance, in which ha unwittingly exposed a good many of his own trioke, slate writing and others. Some young men, it is ! aaid, placed him with this object in view. Tug Wilson, tho English pugilistic champion, and James Elliott, the American, are matched to fight for 200dols aside and the championship of the world. Mies Emma. Boone, a handsome young aehoolmistress, of Tayloriville, Illinois, was seised and cruelly outraged in hor own schoolroom by three young men named Clement, Pallia, and Montgomery. A mob took the parties out of gaol, and would have lynched them,, but they protested their innocence so strongly. They were returned Co prison. The Irish leaders in Ireland are laughing over, the proposal by *he Philadelphia Land lieague to send funds for the assistance of Arabi Bey in resisting the English. Parnell sent a telegram decounoing such aotion, and the proposal was not repeated. The Jesuits of Quebec, Canada, are again agitating for the restoration to them of ttteir -confiscated property. The restoration is demanded as an aot of justioe, and the list of properties referred to contains some which are now of great value. The promoters of the agitation suggest some outlying territory to tbe north to be given as recompense. Captain John Mullan.-of California, has filed with the Socretary w ot State at Washington a petition drawing attention to the second arrest of Henry George, the New York "Irish World" correspondent in Ireland. George ii a San Franciscan, and the Sititioner. says he takes this step beoause alifornian delegations are absent from Washington. Mullan and his petition were ridiculed by the Eastern Press. The Bight Bav.r Bishop Neston, of the orthodox Buasian Ohuroh, oommitted suioide ._J»y jumping overboard from the steamship 8t Paul on a trip from San Francisco to Alaska, whither he was bound on a visit to tho churches. .. At the Mechanics' Industrial Exhibition m -San Francisco, on the 15th instant, there was not mnoh interest excited. Among the exhibits was a sample of building stone from JTew-vSouth Wales, placed by Mr W. L. Hoxham, of the firm of Barron, Moxham and Co., Sydney, now on a visit to this city. A powder mill was 'blown up at Yalego, California,.and three persons were mutilated beyond recognition. The privilege of landing at Baltimore was recently refused to 600 Chinese for Cuba. The decision was made under the | AntiChinese Emigration Act. By a similar ruling the Ohinesa employes on the Australian i and i San Ft anciioo Steamship were refused permission to come on shore. At Davenport, New York, the police have a duty .imposed., on them lately, that of raiding the Chinese opium dens. Mrs Sooville, the sister of O/uiteau, filed a bill for divorce from her husband. The Chilian garrison, seventy-four strong, at Conception, Junan Irwaly, having illtreated some women was attacked by the - "inhabitants and all massacred. John Pender, M.P., is on a visit to the United States. California hops brought fifty cents per lb in Hew York market recently. The {ton.. B.S- Webbing, a pioneer citizen of California, and one very mnoh respected, died suddenly in San Francisco. The Bed Bluff, an important town in California, was almost entirely destroyed by fire. A negro conspiracy to massaore the white inhabitants of Obatam, County Alabama, was deteoted by the discovery papers. The whites armed and seised tbs leader, Jack Turner, who was hanged at onoe. Other leading conspirators arc in prison awaiting trial. The MUwaukie and St. Paul Railway Comhas sold to a r English syndicate, repreby Close Bros., a million aores of land at 4k dollars 60 cents per acre. Twenty-fire thousand dollars have been appropriated by the United States Government to meet the expense of returning the remains of De Long and his companions to their native country. ■ The Marquis of Lome, Governor-General of Canada, and Princess Louisa arrive in San Francisco early in September, en route to British Columbia. SOUTH AMERICAN NEWS. The news from Peru, under date August sth, shows the war is becoming one of extermination. The excesses of the Chilian troops in the interior have excited the population, who are rising against them. A profound sensation exists in Chili in consequenoe of a public meeting held, at whioh the orators need the most violent language, and demanded that the army should at once march against Aregnpka, and a committee was formed, whioh offered to raiso 10,000 men for the purpose, and furnish funds if neoessary. The Chilian military authorities, however, desire to withdraw all of the troops ♦-Sajthe Interior of Peru to Lima. 3500 men left Yalpariaso for Peru. At the beginning of the month the Lima garrison will be increased from 3000 to 11,000 men, and no detachments will be kept in the interior in future. The revolution in Ecuador makes slow headway. Famine threatens Nicaragua from the failure of the maize crop, on whioh the inhabitants are nearly totally dependent for food, r Dr. W. Musgrove, D.D., prinoipal paatorin the Union new and old school Presbyterian Churches, died in Philadelphia. Business failures throughout the United States for the seven days ending August 26th number 109. Beporta from various parts of New England are very unfavorable regarding crops, owing to the lack of rain. A company has been organised in New York under the name of the Great American and j European Short Line Bsilroad Company, with a view to shortening the aea trip between the United States and Europe. The plan is to convey passengers by rail to a point on the extreme ooast of Ireland, a distance of > only 1610 miles. It is thought three or four days will be saved by this route. Ficklin, a town in Texas, was swept away by a flood on the 26th. Forty lives were lost, c There is a movement by the San Franoisoo commercial community in opposition to tho exactions of the Central Pdoifio Bailroad Company, the direotors of whioh are in the habit' of favouring some and oppressing others by a differential tariff as it suits their interests. A meeting of some seven hundred merchants was held on the 24';h instant, at which it was resolved to make up a ticket from candidates of both politioal parties, to be voted for at the forth. oming eleotion, to be known as " Anti-Monopoly." A revolution is threatened in Sonora, Mexico'. The latest news from the West Indies, August 9th, is to the effect that yellow fever was ravaging in Port Au Prinoe in San Domingo. Nobody in future will be allowed to land without passports. A decree granting au amnesty, and allowing political exiles to return, has been issued. , General Ulysses Lenreaux has been eleoted of San Domingo, and accepted the President Blanco, of Venezuela, all Yenexuela consuls abroad to facilitate the return of all exiles to the country at the expense of the Government. The Canada fishery inspector stopped the Americans from fishing in Canadian waters ■nless they have a liceme. A pionie was held near Chicago to realise funds for a monument to old John Brown and proved a complete failure. There were more letters of regret than there were persons present. A national prohibition party has been formed in the United States independent of all parties. Certain Senators and Congressmen having opposed tho admission of female clerks into the department at Washington, the women .have formed themselves into a seoret society
to collect and publish to the world damaging faots in the private lives and habits of tneir opponents. The latest interesting back teller is Henry J. Hall, of Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company. He confesses to oily 21,000 dollars. General Sherman has announoed his intention of resigning the oommand of the United States army and retiring to private life. It is asserted that a mining looator named Chaplin discovered in Lake Erie, by means of a magnetic rod, the whereabouts of a sohooner sunk fifty years ago with a cargo of capper ingots, valued at 150,000d015. The wreok was in fifty feet of water.->A fifty pounds ijgot was brought to the surface. Ex Governor Sprague of Rhode Island, whose mansion was recently sold to Frank Moulton (of Beecher trial fame), refuses to transfer the property, but has entrenched himself with Gatling guns, mitrailleuses, and rifles at his baok. The State has been oalled upon to put the purchaser in possession. Freethinkers, 700 in number, led by Colonel Bobert G. Ingersoll, hold a convention at Watkinß, NY. They propose to establish a Freethought University.
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Globe, Volume XXIV, Issue 2636, 18 September 1882, Page 3
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3,979ARRIVAL OF THE 'FRISCO MAIL. Globe, Volume XXIV, Issue 2636, 18 September 1882, Page 3
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