The Otago Guardian supplies the following particulars of this expedition : The U.S. s. Swatara arrived at Bluff Harbor oo the morning of the Kith instant, with the American Transit of Venus party on board, She started from New York on the 8 th of June last, with the scientific parties, with all the necessary instruments of the latest improvements, and photographic apparatus, also fifteen houses, three for each party, viz, Transit, phonographic, and equatorial. Stopped at Bahia (Brazil) and Cape Town (South Africa) en route, sailing from the latter place on the 17th of August for Crozet Isles, experiencing very severe and stormy weather during the voyage, which continued with such violence that ihey were unable to laud Captain Raymond's party. After cruising in the vicinity of the islands for four days, they proceeded to Kerguelen, or Desola-
tion Island, arriving there on 7th September. Remained six davs, during which time they landed the following party : —LieutenantCommanding Ryan, U.S.A., chief astronomer; Assistant-Lieutenant Train, assistant astronomer ; chief photographer, D. R. Holmes ; assistant photographers, D. W. Dryer, J. Stanley; and Dr J. H. Kidder, U.S.A. During the time they were landing this party, a gale came up very suddenly, and destroyed two boats, one of which was the steam launch, which cost £IOOO. The site chosen by them is near where the English expedition will take observations. Started from there on the 3rd, and arrived at Hobart Town, and landed during their stay Professor W. Harkness, U.S. Observatory, chief astronomer ; assistant, L. Walds ; chief photographer, J. Moran ; assistant photographers, W. U. Churchill and W. B. Devereux ; who established their observatory in a military barracks; and the party, who were unavoidably brought on from Crozets, landed here with their apparatus, and proceeded into the interior of Tasmania, intending to remain in the viciuity of Campbell Town. Their names are—Captain Raymond, U.S.A., chief astronomer , Lieutenant S. E. Tillman, U.S.A., assistant astronomer; chief photographer, W. R. Pywell ; assistaut photographers, J. G. Campbell and T. Ritchie. The Swatara started from Hobart Town on the 10th insfc, and experienced rough weather during the voyage to the Bluff. After landing the following party—Professor C. H. F. Peters, chief astronomer; chief photographer, C. L. Phillipi; assistant photographers, J. Russell, E, B. Pinson, and L. H. Ayme—proceeded on the following day for Chatham Island, where they will land the last party— Chief astronomer, Edwin Smith, U.S. Coast Survey; assistant astronomer, Scott, N.S. Coast Survey; chief photographer, Otto Buchler; assistant photographer, W. H. Rau, and S. Tainter, instrument maker. The ship will probably proceed to collect the parties some time near the Ist of January, 1875, and then return to the United States. It is expected that they will call at Dunedin before returning. The party which landed at the Bluff was met by Lieutenant Bass, who had been in the colony some weeks, and had selected a site in the viciuity of Queenstown. The party, after paying a short visit to Invercargill, proceeded overland, and arrived here (Queenstown) on Friday evening, 23rd inst, and arc now busily engaged in completing all the arrangements, and will probably have their houses erected and will be ready for operations in about two weeks.
Globe, Volume II, Issue 133, 3 November 1874, Page 3
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