Women’s World
SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. C. C. Doweling motored through to Hawke’s Bay yesterday. » . # i» Miss Mona Blair returned on Thursday from a visit to' Hastings.' £3 # # Mrs. R. Scott. ('Paha') has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. It. Atu>rphy, Mohaka. * * ■ *> Mi,s= O. Mead has returned Horn a visit to Rotorua. *> ■* Mns. R-. L. Maclean is leaving today on a visit to Auckland. Sfc * * Miss At. Beale (Waipiro Bay), who has been the guest of Airs. J. Blair. Iranui road, is leaving to-day for Ruakituri. * * Mrs. ,T. Hutton is a Gisborne visitor to the south. # * V Mrs. I. Thompson (Whakawrau) has 'keen staying with her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Carson, Riverside road. # # Miss N. MoKechme has returned from- a visit io Auekland. V * * Mr. and Mrs. Bassett, and Miss Ruth Bassett have returned to Auckland after visiting Airs. K. Jstout. Iranui road.
Atrs. A. Al. Thompson, who has been staying with he r sister, Mrs. J. R.. Murphy, Mohaka, (returned to Wellington yosterdav.
Miss Hilary Barker is leaving io~ dav on a visit to Auckland.
Miss Hetty Coleman; is the guest of Airs. T. B. Spoiloo (Tiniroto).
Mrs. O. I). Bennett has returned from a visit to her daughter. Mrs ,1 T>. Murphy (Mohaka).
Aliss E. Williams (Napier), who has been staying with, Aliss S. Alaofefrn -'(Paha,), %% at present the guest of Airs. C. Gray. “Waiohikn-”
•a * ® Mr. and Airs. T. Todd are visiting Hawke’S Bay and Wellington.
Alias AL Coleman, who has oeen visiting hey pa-renis, Air. and Airs. T. A. Coleman, Hinaki street, returned to Ruakituri on Thursday. Airs. 1. Murchison (Lake Coleridge, Canterbury) is visiting her parents, Air. and Airs. ,T. YV. Nolan, “Otipi.” * * ® Aliss R. Ferguson, who has been the guest of her sister, Alt's. Bruce Muir, Rawiri street, returned to Cambridge yesterday. # **■«* Alisses P. Gunn and S. Ormond are leaving on Alonday on a visit, to Christchurch. * * w Mi ss T,-. Orr, who has boon the guest of Airs. W . .1. Berry (Waimoaiia), is returning to Eanakanaia to-day. * # * Aliss A. 1.. Rees is spending the week-end with Airs. W. Graham, ‘ ; Nga karon,” o rmoncl.
Air. and Airs. H. C. Nolan, who have been the guests of Airs. J- V’. Nolan, “Otipi,” returned to Ruakituri on Thursday.
• Aliss Dora Sheat, Dominion Aletbodist Bible Class travelling sccretary who has been spending a , few days with Airs. H. Daniel, the parsonage. Palmerston road. i s leaving to-day for Auckland
Tho committee of tho Gisborno Nursing Division of St. John Ambul ance held its monthly meeting on Wednesday. Airs Berridgc presided over a good attendance. Alr3 Lewis, divisional secretary, reported she had given a lecture on “First Aid”, to the members of tho Alothers’ League; also that the jumble and produce sale held on Alay 12 had been a success. Grateful thanks were passed to all who so generously sent donations to the sale. DANCE AT BATUTAHL A bright and cheery dance was held under the auspices of the Patutahi Rugby Football Club in the local hall on Wednesday night. The floor was capably supervised by A fir. W. Clarke and Mrs. Mermen' orchestra supplied the gay and inspiriting music, much-enjoyed extras being contributed by Alisa Gilliam and Miss Paltridge. Coloured streamers lent a festive air to the hall, and the ‘ supper-room was • decorated W’i golden toningsc hry sauthem urns and nalliardias beautifying tho charmingly-arranged tables j
AN INFORMAL EVENINGOn Thursday Alt’s. FI. Daniel invited the member s of the Biiight Street Methodist Church Bible Class to a delightfully informal evening at fjie parsonage, Palmerston road, to meet Miss Dora Sheat, Dominion Methodist Bible Class travelling secretary. Golden chrysanthemums and lovely foliage adorned, the drawingroom and a bright tire, offered » cheery welcome. Play reading has become a popular pastime and the early part «t the evening was devoted to the presentation of “Thci Lepers/’ by Laurence Housman, a capital reading of the various parts being given by. the following: Misses G. Foster, M. Duncan ; P. Wheeler, J. Scaly, .T. Eaton, B. Bignell, H. Aitken, At. Harris and N, Henderson, ' Later, Miss Slieat gave a most inter estiing, and helpful talk on the aims of the Bible Class movement. A delectable supper was servead informally ’from a flower-decked table
' A CARD'PARTY. Although the attendance was not as large as usual, -a ■ very enjoyable time urns spent by card enthusiasts at, the flag five hundred tourney organised by the members of Te ha* para Angi'can Ladies’ Guild in the Cook Street Hall on . Wednesday night. NThe- ‘players at the wanning table included’Air. anfl Airs. J. Monk, Air. K. Atonic and Air. Broxton; the prisso for the highest number of flags being awarded to Airs. IT. Monk. The tourney was supervised by M r ,r. Park who, ns usual, placed his much-appreciated services at the disposal of +]io guild.
A delectable home-made supper was .served informally by the members.
ORMOND WOAIEN’S INSTITUTE ' The monthly meeting of . the Ormond Women’s Institute was held in the local hall on Tuesday afternoon,, Airs. Barrow presiding. As tho busy season for the 1 aiming community is now over, there vras a. good attendance of members find a happy time was spent. , A letter was received from Mrs. Hope acknowledging the members’ kindness and sympathy in her recent bereavement. Votes of condolence were passed to Mesdames. S. .ft. .Tones, Paulson, Atkin and Aliss T. Porter, who have recently suitorefl members standing in silence. ■■.lt was announced that half a dozen small platep had been kindly donated to the .Institute by Airs. T. R. Jones.
Arrangements are well in hand in regard to the dance which the Institute is holding on May 29, with Hie object of raising funds to send a delegate to the forthcoming conference in Wellington. Permission to run a refreshment stall at the dance was granted to the Ormond Basketball Club. Members were invited to to assist the sewing circle hv forwarding garments to be renovated for the community box. One new member. Aliss .T. Dope, was enrolled, and three hospital visilors, Mesdames. Barrow. Long ami Newman, were appointed. Three candidates were nominated to represent the Institute at next month’s conference in Wellington, tho president, Airs. Barrow, being elected.
TVo interesting demonstrations, the ornamentation of an artistic, wooden bowl with scissor painting, and tho method of preserving apples and quinces with sulphur fumes, given by Airs. Breirigan, wm'e followed with elosesfc attention. The demonstrator later generously presented the bowl and apples lor competition, Airs. Lovelock winning tho former and Alts. Barrow the latter.
Tho month Ifv competitions—(a) “Needlework Section” and (b) “Best Sponge Roll”—resulted: (a) Aliss E. Jone-s 1, ATrs. Alclvinnon 2. Airs. Barrow 3; (h) Airs. Pardoe 1, Airs. Millar 2, Miss E Jones 3.
Next montl tho Institute is celebrating it s birthday and invitations have been issued to three Institutes.
The following were the guests of the members: Alesdames. Breingan, senr., W. Lovelock, W. Jones, G. Carrington, Breingan, junr., Cook and Alisses Cook and M. .Lewis.
Afternoon tea, was dispensed by Mesdames-. S. G. Jones, Cameron, I). •T. Gumming, McGregor and Alisses Courtney and M. Cumining.
' GISBORNE WOMEN’S CLUB. The monthly social, gathering, organised bv the members of the Gisborne AVomcn’s Club, was held on Wednesday afternoon under the happiest of auspices. There was a large attendance and regret was expressed at the unavoidable absence of the president;, -Mrs. 0. JI. • Seymour,' especially as the occasion .coincided wjith her birthday and the members wished to personally offer her their felicitations.
The pretty lounge wa.s beautifully decorated bv Alesdames. R. Hepburn. D. McKeagtio and, Jennings, a wealth of chrysanthemums, roses, flowering gum and tree dahlias being used with artistic effect. Vocal solos were charmingly rendered bv Mrs. P. Barrv and Aliss Moore and Aliss S. Bradficld contributed a humorous sketch and a delightful monologue. The accompaniments were played with sympathetic understanding by Aliss N. Arnold A delectable afternoon tea was served informally bv Mesdames. T. Corson, C. H. Ferris. A. Smith. 11. H. Sinclair and X. Smith.
■GISBORNE BUSINESS WOMEN’S CLUB. A. very pleasant and profitable time was spent by members at the fortnightly meeting of the Gisborne Business Women’s Club, which toot place at Le Grande Lounge on Tuesday evening, Airs. Hugh Jones presiding over • a large attendance. Tea was followed by a short bush ness meeting, after which Mrs. A. F. Ha 1.1 gave a most interesting address on “Physical,' Culture.” How the training of a child’s body indirectly trains its mind and how games foster .the' “team spirit” and all that it entails wa s sketched by the speaker, who also described several exercises the aim of which: was the harmonious development of the' whole body. ' - . At. the conclusion of the address, questions asked by several members were kindly answered by Mrs. Hall, ■to whom a warm vote of thanks uvas ; passed, the motion being carried by acclamation,
BRIDGE. On Thursday rd" v ■ L Mrs. D. Stevens entertained several friends in a .very delightful manner at' Rangatira station, To Karnkn, Bridge tables wore arranged in the drawingroom which looked very inviting with its artistic decorations of roses, hydrangea and geraniums, a bright log fire adding to the , :j| - inosph°re of charm. Supper was served in the diningroom, galliardias and shaded Iceland poppies beautifying the table. Tho hostess wn a wearing an elegant frock of bottle-green lace cut on simple lines
Alias Nancy Stevens, who assisted in tho entertainment of the guests, chose a becoming frock of printed flat crepe in. a soft shade of blueAmong the guests were: Air. and Atrs. R, Scott; Alesdames. G. Bloomfield, J. G. Appleton, C. G. Holdsvvorlhij Alisse s S. Maclean, J. Bloomfield ; and Air. E. Crane wick.
HOLA r TRINITY MEN’S CLUBGaily decorated with flags, the Parish Hall was on Into on Thursday night whc*e- the memSbei's of Holy Trinity Aloe's Club entertained ill©!* wives and friends in a very delightful manner.
The Re-' V. I. Parsons presided and proceedings went with a. swing from beginning to end. The music was all that could b<* desired and the programme of mod ern and old-lime dances was Interspersed with vocal and elocutionary items.
Aliss P. Lange sang very sweetl,? and Air. Sloan’s voice wn a also hoard to advantage in a vocal solo. Delightful elocutionary numbers wencontributed liy Aliss Mortimer an -* Air. David Lee and a graceful pas f.eul and skipping dance were cleverly executed bv Aliss Barbara- Scott, Air. Sharpies acting as accompanist Community singing, led bv Air. Par sons, was entered into with enthusiasm during a pleasant, interlude. 'Hie gay and up-to-date dance, music was supplied by Airs. G. G. Winter, Aliss N. Paltridge and Messrs Sharpies, C. Bmosden. and Rovds assisting with the extras. Supper wn« served, inlormallv. the hosts waiting on the guests most assiduously.
ORMOND GARDENING CIRCLE Tho Alav meeting of the gardening circle of the Ormond Women’s .Institute was held on Wednesday afternoon. Airs. N. Aloore presiding over a large attendance of members. Prior to the opening of proceed ings a vote of condolence was pass,ed to Mi-Ss T. Potto” in. her recent bereavement, all standing iu sß(>nco. The annual repoit, w;-s presented by the retiring convenor. Airs. CCameron, to whom warm vote oi thanks was accorded for the very capable manner in which she had carried out her duties during the past yeaX'. One new member was elected. The principal business of the aitornoon was the drawing-up of a programme of monthly competitions for the ensuing year. Tho plant exchange Proved a popular feature of the meeting, menu hors displaying much interest. The monthly competitions—(a) “CaVrots,” (b) “Onions” and (c) “Autumn Foliage”—resulted as follows: (a) Aliss Conrfuey 1 and 2, Mesdames Lovelock and fthoTrilf, equal, 3; (b) Airs. Sherriff 1, MrsAloore 2, Airs. Dixon 3: (e) Airs. N. Afooro 1 and 2, Airs. C. Long 3. Afternoon tea was dispensed by Mesdames. C. Cameron and A. Bar row..
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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXX, Issue 12263, 26 May 1934, Page 3
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1,975Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXX, Issue 12263, 26 May 1934, Page 3
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