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Women’s World

ENGAGEMENTS./ The engagement is announced °f Marjorie, only daughter of Mr. end Mrs. A. M. Mowlein, ’ of Napier, to William, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cowan, of Dunedin.. Tho engagement is announced oi Grace Janet, third daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. G.’ Mundell, Otane, H. 8., .to, Malcolm Claude, eldest son of : Mr. and, Mrs, 'C. J. August, Patangata, 11.8. •' ' : ■ ■ ; SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. .* % Mrs. 11. Carlton Williams (Aluriwai) is visiting, Auckland.-' m „ * J & \ Mr;- K. S. Williams, -M:P., is vis-, iting AVhakatane.-- • ; ; ■» » * Mrs. Brodio, Te Puka, is at- present in Gisborne. • • Miss P. Reynolds (Ormond) ha s returned from a visit to Hawke’s Ray. ■* * Mrs, O’Grady, Te Karaka, is visiting relatives in Tokoniaru Bay. Mis s Joan Cuff, Gisborne, is spending a holiday with Miss' Bro'die, Te Puka Hotel". *> * ' . . O Mr. and Mrs.' W. Clark, ■ “Opou,” return to-day from a brief visit to Napier. © * • Misses F. and I. Hunt were -the week-end guests of Mrs. Vcrrier Jone s at Wainui beach. Mrs. A. J. Stock and Miss M. Hogartv were the gnests of the Misses Steele. Tahunga, this week. o • • Mr. and Mrs. R.., deLautour (Wairoa) were the week-end guests of Mrs Tp J, Cooper, Wainui bench. * 9 « Mrs. Roland Graham (Ormond) .is returning to-day from a. brief visit to Napier. ,

Mr. and Mrs. J. Appleton (Tolaga Bay) have returned from a motor tour of North Auckland. » - *» Mrs. W. L. Rutledge, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. R. J. Reynolds "Sundown,” returned t° Matawai yesterday. * * » Miss R- Sherratt and her brother, Mr R Sherratt (Morero), were the week-end guests of Mrs. R. 11. Burke, Ncrtheote road. > « • « Mrs. G. Moore, Gisborne, is 'Staying with her daughter, 'Miss B. Moore-, Tnkornnrn Bay for a few days. A » « Mrs. A. Pitta r (To Karaka) was the week-end guests °f her parents, Canon and Mrs. IT. Parke, Disraeli street * * * Mrs. R,. Kemp (Ruatoria), who has been visiting Wellington, is at present the guest of Mrs. E. G. Matthews, Wainui road. * » * Mrs. A. G. Jeffrey, Pehiri, is staying at the Gisborne Hotel. * * * Miss T. White-Parsons (Napier) is the guest of Mrs. H. L.. Primrose, Balia nee street. »‘ * * Miss- W. Barns-Grahom is, the guest of Mrs. Nowell l'r.ard (Wanganui) . * * "■ Mr. N. S. Thomas returned ■on Sunday from a short visit to Wellington. " *. ft Miss M Hunt (Hexton) is the guest of Miss J." McDonald, Tolaga Bav. i * " » - Mrs. E-. Loisel (Tolaga Bay) returned on Saturday from a visit to Mrs. J. P>.'. Murphy, Mohaka.

Miss D. Bartram, who has been visiting friends in town, has returned to Tolaga Bay.

Aliss J. Bartram (Tolaga Bay) has been staying with Air. C. Seymour, "Alangaone,” AVhangara.

The Misses Barker, "Acton, ’ who have been visiting Wanganui, where they were entertained by ' their niece, Mrs. Nowell Izard, are at present staying in Auckland.

Airs. Herbert Rathbone, who has been the guest of Mrs. AV. Graham, “Ngakaroa,” Ormond, for a few days returned to Waipawa yesterday.

On Monday afternoon Mrs. AV. R. B. Willpck invited a number of friends to a charmingly-arranged bridge tea at her home in Heta road, meet Aliss Q. Wright, of Timaru.

On Saturday night the. Tiniroto Hall presented a gay ' and festive scene when a very enjoyable dance, organised by" the newly-formed local football club, was held in aid oi funds. Both the floor and tlio music were all that could be’ desired, and the keen frosty air was an added stimulus to dancing. The duties ot j[ ,'C. were efficiently undertaken by Air. W. McGonigal, and the Black and White orchestra, comprising local musicians, gave of its best, each number being repeatedly encored. Th© excellent supper arrangements were supervised by Mrs. F. Law, and the "members of the club waited on their guests most assiduously.

. DANCE FOR. YOUNG PEOPLE. ;• On , Saturday night Mrs. R. IT. Burke gave a very- delightful dance, at'her home in Nortlicote rood, for her young daughter, Patricia. • The ■ spacious verandah, charmingly decorated with feathery; greenery, streamers of every hue and rainbowcoloured balloons, made an . ideal ballroom, and here a gay company of. young folk danced to up-to-date music supplied by . Mrs. Thompson. The drawingroom and adjoining verandah were used for sitting-out, great howls of hydrangea, combined with wonderfully-tinted autumn foliage, being-used .with artistic effect in , the- .decoration of the former. ■'Supper was served in the brealrfastroom, a howl of golden marigolds beautifying the charmingly-arranged table. ■ The hostess was extremely smart in a .frock of midnight blue satin beante with a matching coatee. Miss Patricia Burke was attractive in a ■ simple frock. -of white organdie ornamented with tiny frills edged with Valenciennes- lace. ■ Miss Burke’s charming frock of primrose • taffetas was finished wi th a' sash tied -in a bouffant how at the bade. .

> Among the guests were: Mesda.rnos, YV. L. Rutledge," AV. Robson, EL Adair and L. T. Burnard; ■ Misses Rachel Sherratt, Joan Thomas, Jill Williams, Diana ltutledge, June Irvine, Janet Kahlenberg, Bunty Dobson, Joan Burnard, Janet Williams, Anne Gillingham, Peggy Gunn, Barbara Kemp, Sydney Barton,. Margot Morris,-■'Enid Reeves, -Shirley Ormorod, Monica Murphy, Elizabeth Murphy, Prudenco Reynolds, Joyce Nolan (Wairoa) and Every Barker; Messrs. G. Gregory, P. Barton. Burnard (2). T. Kahlenberg, N. Rutledge. M. MoLernon, P. and T. Singer, D. Barker, R. and P. Reynolds, T. Blair, IT. and B. Malvon, B.- Bright, F. Ortnerod, E. Gray, V. Field, U, Kemp, R. Sherratt. M. Poniare. C. Gardner. Jackman (2). P. Norman (Well--'ngtonL P. and S. Murphy and J. Rodgshun.

DANCE AT MANGAPAPA. That tho monthly dances organised by members of St. John’s Anglican Ladies’ Guild are popular was evidenced by the very large attendance an Monday night. The function was. as usual, held in the Oddfellows Hall, and the gay decorations of many-hued streamers lent a festive air to the animated scene. Air. T. Hill made a very efficient M.C., and sparkling music was supplied by Mrs. Aitkcn’s -orchestra. Tho programme of modern and old-time dances included' a Monte Carlo waltz contest, which was w°n by Mrs. Hnzell and' Mr. Hewitson. A flag five hundred', supervised by Air. Hailey, added much, to the success of the evening, honours being annexed by Messrs. A. Elliott, T. and R. Halbert and IV. Marshall Prizes for the highest aggregate number of flags were awarded te Miss Gill man and Mr. A. Halbert respectively. The excellent supper arrangements were in the capable hands °f Mesdames. R. Andrew, Steele, Simpson. Wootten, C. H. Ferris and Elliott..

L.O.L. DANCE. Tho social committee of the Loyal Orange Lodge are to be congratulated on the complete success of . the dance held i.n the Orange Hall last AVednesday. The dance room was gaily decorated with coloured streamers -and large paper balls. During the evening a variety of old-time and modern dances were enjoyed to the strains of merry tunes played by Airs. - Aitken’s orchestra. The winners of the Monte Carlo waltz were found in Air. F. Glover and Aliss Freeburn. The Quickstep competition was won by Air. F. Beyliss and Aliss Al. AlcLeod, Mr. R. Turnbull and partner .being second. The AI.C., Air. J. Morgan, announced that a silver cup would be presented to the couple with most points in the aggregate of the competitions and said that next week’s competition would be a waltz. Air Donald AlcLeod then demonstrated the "Blues” which was much, appreciated. At an opportune interval a tasty band-round supper was dispenser.- by the ladies’ committee, after winch enjoyable extras were played by Alms G Small. Dancing was then continued until the . small hotlrs, every one voting the evening a huge success. BRIDGE. On Saturday afternoon, Aliss RSeymour entertained a number M friends in a very delightful manner ut her homo in Russell street. ■ Bridge tables were arranged in the drawingroom, which looked very in • viting with decorations of chrysanthemums in lovely mauve Linings, a bright fire adding to the atmosphere of charm. Autumn tints were chosen for the adornment of the diningroom, a bowl of bronze and . yellow chrysanthemums beautifying the tea table. The hostess was extremely smart in a frock of blue hopsacld finished with a collar, belt and gauntlet cuffs striped dn red,'white and blue. . Among the guests were: Alesdamcs P R. Aluir, S. D. Nathan, AV. A. Bowie, S. T.’Gray, W. Alaclaurm, A. fl. Aluir, G. I. Parker, AV. Irwin, H, V. Stovell and Misse s _ EL Thomas, m', Hegarty and 0. Bright 0

PIONEERS’ RE-UNION. The committee, comprising representatives of all the local women’s organisations, set up to arrange the Annual Pioneers’ Re-union met at the Gisborne Women’s Club on Monday afternoon. Airs. W. E. Qoffe presided in the absence of Miss A. L. Rees, president of the local branch of the Victoria League, who was, unfortunately, i ndisnosed. The following organisations were represented: Victoria League (Mesdames. T. Y. Cuthbort, E. 0. Alntthews, Fairlie, Aybvnrd T.eggnti: «nd Baty), National Council of Women (Mrs. Kenny) National Reserve (Mrs. llruce), Women's Christian Temperance Union (Airs. V. E. Goffc), Gisborne Worn pit's C'lub (Alesrlames. T. A. Crawford and P. RnrTy), League of Mothers (Mrs. D. W. Coleman). Business Women’s Club (Airs. Jones), pioneers (Mrs. R. Blair), and Girl Guides. Apologies for non-attendance were -iroeeivorl from Mesdamo-s. J. Blair. A. Af Pnflett and Quigley. The minutes of the- last meeting were read and confirmed, and very satisfactory reports were jiresonted. It was decided to bold the function in the Masonic Hall. Childers road, on Empire Day. and to issue a general invitation to all resident s of Poverty Bay of over 40 years' standing. The musical programme was left in the capable hands of Airs. P. Barrv and the finalising of details was allotted to individual members

PLUNKET EOCTETY . The monthly' meetnig of tho local branch of the Rlunket Society was held in the Y.AI'.C.A. Hall on A.Tonday , afternoon, those present including Alesdamcs. A. AT. Puflott (chair), J. AV. Nolan, J. Blair, J. C. N. Thomas, J. Aitken. F. AV. Nolan. Turbott, 11. G. AVollborne. S. D. Nathan, H. Bennett, R. Al. Gann, AV. E. Goffe, H. L. Primrose, N. 11, Bull, W. A. Smith and Misses BrookcTaylor and AL Burnard. Apologies for absence were received from Alesdamcs. R. Dobson and J. S. AVauchop. At the conclusion of routine business, arrangements wore discussed for the forthcoming annual meeting,' which takes place early next month. The monthly report was as follows: Visitovs to tho office—adults 249, babies 233, older children op. babies under supervision 342, older children 156, new babies 7; visits to homes, 58. .The following country offices, Te Karaka, AVaipaoa, Alanutuke, anc.' Muri wai, were each visited twice and Tolaga. Bay once during the month:— Tolaga Bay—adults 14, babies 11, older children 3. "To Karaka—adults 9, babies 9, older children 1. AA 7ai-paoa-—adults 8, babies'7, new babies 1 ; visits to homes, 6. Alanntiike — adults 7, babies 5, older children 4, new babies 2; visits to homes. O Aluriwai—adults 9, babies B', older children 1. A FAREWELL PARTY. A. delightful bridge tea .was gifen by Airs. IK 11. De Costa, L. Smaill and Airs. I. Stephenson, ■ at the ‘‘Alary Elizabeth” on Staurday night, a s a farewell to Airs. J. A. Curran, who is leaving Gisborne shortly. , : ' i

Eight tables •'Were arranged in the loungo, which was .beautified with great bowls of chrysanthemums intermingled with wonderfully-tinted foliage.

Tke same lovely lilimms w>-n> <•*<»- son loi i- (lie adornment of the -• i! p-por-room. tho rich Lutings lending a vivid iourh of colour to Die charm-ingly-arrangod tables. The. prize for Dm high e-si score was annexed l;y Die guest of Jiom.ur. mid the consolation award wont to Miss Robb. The pin voir s also competed - for a hidden number, Mrs. \V. McKinnon emei'cing 111c* "inner. A DANCE. On Friday night the ■ rreesht Lounge was the scene of a very sueoessful dance, organised by the members of AYninui Ladies' Guild in aid of flic fund to provide a ball at AYaimu beach. No detail had been overlooked in tho preparations i'or tho occasion, and the. promoters, have every reason to feel gratified at the result of their efforts, many requests being received during the evening for a repetition of tho function. In tho ballroom streamers of every hue fluttered gaily overhead, and shaded lights .cast a soft glow upon tho dancers. Mr. J. Pollock carried out the duties of M.O. in a very efficient manner, and excellent music was supplied by an orchestra arranged bv Mrs. G. G. Winter, much-enjoyed extras being contributed by Aliss J. Mai'goliouth and Air. R, Witters. 1 Bridge tables were also arranged in tho ballroom and supper-room for tlie entertainment of non-danccrs. Supper was served by the guild members, who had prepared the many home-made 1 delicacies, th 0 charmingly arranged tables being adorned with howls of richly-tinted chrysanthemums alluringly combined with golden marigolds. Tho organisers are greatly indebted to Mr. B. Lowe fo r the use of the Frecsia Lounge and all accessories ; to the orchestra for it's services; and to Mr. It. ,T. Iverridge for screen advertisements. The president, Miss Ford, welcomed the guests, wearing a smart frock of black silk cut on simple lines. Among those present were: Canon and. Mrs. . A. F. Hall, Canon and Mrs. 11. Packc and the Rev. and Airs. Parsons.

VALFOTCTOPY. A very pleasant, little fund bn was Judd: on Saturday night when the Gunters of the Gisborne district - pat ! a. surprise visit in the heme of M-' s AY J.ysnar with the object of making her a presentation on her retirement from tbc office of District Captain. Fur a number of years Afiss T.ysuar has held Die positions of C'amp Adviser and District Captain, and is now dividing idle 'duties by retaining the former. In asking Aliss l.ysnar to accept a silver pencil as a tangible irihuto of xbe Gunters’ esteem, her successor, Mrs. E Andrew, referred in eulogistic forms to her invaluable service to iho Guide movement in poverty Hay. Miss Lysnar, who was completely taken by surprise, replied in a very happy manner. During the evening two diverting competitions wore, arranged anc entered into with zest, honours being annexed by Airs. Andrews and Afist Lysna r respoetively. flu Pp er vr as served inter m ally, bringing a very enjoyable evening to a close.

LADIES’ GOLF-' A bogey match, played in conjunction with the first qualifying round for the Hutchinson Cup, figured °n tho programme for tho lady members of tho Poverty Bay Golf Club yesterday afternoon. Tho wen liter conditions wore all that could he desired, and a number of excellent cards were returned. In the A division honors were annexed by Airs. L. T. Burnard, 3 down. Misse s Al. Mclldowic and S. Ormond, 5 down, tying fo r second place. . - Mrs. S. D. Nathan, all square, emerged tho winner in the B division, Miss G. Faram, 2 down being placed second. The- qualifying round resulted: — Airs. S. D. Nathan,,Bß—l9—69; Mis s G. Faram, 98 22—76; Atiss Nico'l, 101 2-1—77 ; Afrs. L. T. .Burnard,'. 86—S —78; Aliss Ar. Shcrratt, 97—18 —79; Miss P. Burke. 115—36—79.

On Tuesday next a Coronation medal round will he played in conjunction with the Aotcaroa Cup match.. For the cup fixture an entrance fee of one shilling vvil] bo charged f° r the benefit of the fund sot aside to send a team of .lady golfers to Australia,

AN INFORMAL TEA PARTY. Yesterday afternoon Afrs. AY. B. Wiiloek entertained a number of fnenrlv iii a very charming manner at her pretty riverside home. The weather was delightfully- mild, enabling the guests to wander at will in the picturesque garden and enjoy Die rich autumn glory cf the wonderful old trees. Great howls of chrysanthemum? were used with artistic effect' in the decora;ion of the drawingroom, and tea was served informally round a 'large kg fire. The hostess was wea'riug a gracefully designed frock - of ’ smoke grey wool marocain. Aliss E. Willis wore, a becoming frock of black, and white printed crepe de. chine cut on simple' lines.

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Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11946, 17 May 1933, Page 3

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Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11946, 17 May 1933, Page 3

Women’s World Gisborne Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 11946, 17 May 1933, Page 3


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