Awake! for orators of silver tongue Into our mid-st; a startling scheme have flung . For cutting down tho national expense, So that tho Commonwealth shall not go bung.
The loans tho country owes to me and you Are all to ho converted to' a now Compulsory issue, hearing 4 per cent. But Scull in's lads—are they converted too?
Expenditure, if rumour tells the truth, ' Is to be out, sans scruple and sans ruth— Cub down in its mature hut vigorous age. Alii had been-cut down in it's youth!
Economists are seeking ways and means Of saving—-and, alas I of raising beans. • The deficit shows signs of shrinking; but The millions we are short • are in their . 'teems.
Myself this week did eagerly frequent Tiie conference, and heard much argument (Through keyholes'), and it all boiled down to this —\ We owed—oh 1 heaps—and ready cash wq spent.
Soon with niv bluov ’neatli a gumtree’s hough [ shall he mum-hing food that’s cadged; and thou Beside me grousing iu the wilderness, My ,stone-broke comrade. Won’t it be a cow?
Oh, Jim, you lacked the evangelic lire To spread abroad the gospel of Nietnever — The .pluck to grasp your Budget like u man And mould it nearer to our heart's desire.
Tho outlook—is it better? is it wonse ? Is it “Good-oh!’’ os it is “Goodnight, /Nurse” ? Shall we with joy turn down depression’s page. Or hopelessly turn down an empty purse ? —Oriel, in “Alclb. ArguiS.”-
Gisborne Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 11555, 7 July 1931, Page 3
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