RACINC FIXTURES. Dec. 28, Jan. 1, 2 —Auckland R.C. Dec. 29 Manawatu R.. 0. Dec. 29,. Jan. 1, 2—Greymouth J.C. January I—Waikouaiti R.C. Jan. I—Wyndham R.C. Jan. 1, 2—Hawke’s Bay J.C. Jan. 1, 2—Stratford R.C, Jan. 1, 2—Marton J.C. Jan. 2, 3—Southland R.C. ■' Jan. 5, 7—Vincent J.C. Jan 7, B—Reert-on J.C. Jan. 12, 14—Thames J.C. Jan. 16 —Gpotiki J.C. Jan. 19—Bay of Islands R.C. AUCKLAND RACES RAIN AGAIN AFFECTS ATTENDANCE PEG A WAY WINS ■ SUMMER CUP (Press Association.; AUCKLAND. Dec. 28. Rain marred the second day of the Auckland Racing Club’s summer meeting to-day. The track was heavy. The attendance was considerably reduced, and there was a_ big drop in the totalizator receipts, which were £44.311 compared with £72,331 la«t year. The investments for the two days wore £140,00.5 10s compared with £203,844 last year. Fcrgusson Handicap*—l B. F. Oliver’s Lunette 7.9 (11. Goldfinch) 1, 5 Amor 1, 10 Sir Morn! 3. Also ran : 4 Storm Fiend, 2 Arikitoa, S Court Jester, 3 Hakanoa, 6 Ivomak, 9 Sunny Morn, 7 ’ Tea' Money, 11 Bold Archer. .Won hy two lengths and half a length. Tea Money was fourth. Time, 1.45-3-5. • King’s Plate.—l G. Paul’s Aussie 9.2 -(A. Tinker) I, 3 Toxuma 2. -2 Prodice 3. Also ran: 4 Lysandei;. Won by a short neck each wav. Time, 1.42-3-5. Ponsonby. Hurdle Pace'.—2 TT. D. Matthews’ Pouri 9.13 (E. Warner) 1, T ; Karamu 2, 12 Clockwork 3. Also ran: 3 Beaumont, 1 MOiarncliffe, 5 Roynlform, 4 Lady Cintra, 6 Ripon Abbey, 9 Harbor, View. 11 Pekataho, S Farndon, 10 Glenotus. Won by a, length and two lengths. Glenotus was fourth* Royalfomi, Farndon, Harbor View, Ripon Ahbev, Beaumont and WharvicliFe fell. Time, 3.56 3-5..
SUAIAIER CUP Of 1250sovs; l), miles. 1— A. W. Prangley’si Pegawnv 8.8 (A. E. Ellis) ' ! 2 H. E. Cleland’s Bright Glow <8.2 (R. Reed) 2 I—Airs Elgar’s Talisker 7.10 (H. Goldfinch) .; *.... 3 Also ran: _ 2 Royal Doulton, 5 Cashier, . 6 Mithra. Talisker led out, establishing a lead of four lengths from Royal Doulton. The field closed up along the back, and-Pegaway led into the straight, winning by a length from Bright Glow, who heat Talisker by two lengths. Cashier was fourth. Time, 2.14 2-5. ' Criterion Handicap.— H, W. Burch’s Ralston 7.7 (Dickj 1, I Eaglet 2, 5 Imperial 'Prince 3, Also ran: 7 Love Call, 8 Carl Idem, 3 Awamutu, £F Hunting Cry, 4 Bennie 6 Curragong, 10 Aliev. Won by a head and three lengtlis. Bennie was fourth. Time i. 19 3-5.
Waitemata Handicap.—lo J, AVilliamson’fe Valsier 7.2 (Gilmer) 1. 2 Metellus 2, 5 Bombarder 3- Also ran: 1 Ataori Boy, 4 Foxhound. 11 Bannock, 7 Royal.. Flounce, 7 Template, '.B Salamander, 6 Cybele, 9 Good Boy, 3 Nassock. Won bv half a length and a head. Cyhele was fourth. Time, 2.18. Nassock and Bannock fell.’
Electric Handicap. —2 R. W. Todd and R. Porter’s , Nancy Lee 8.8 (H. Goldfinch) 1, 6 Billilcins 2, 3 Silvermine 3. Also ran: 5 Awarere, 1 Kingfield, 4 Lady’s Boy. 10 Ariliana, 9 Town Bird, 7 Subdivision, BMacroom. Won by two lengths and a short head. Town Bird was fourth. Time, 1.17 2-5. Plunket Handicap.— 5 A S RideWood’s Thur-% 7.10 (H. Goldfinch) 1. 4 Hyde Park 2, 6 Golden AVedding 3 ! . Also ran: 1 King Lu, 3 Flying Juliet, 2 Siaoso, 7 Tinokoa. Thursby and Hyde Park had a great tussle in the straight, the former getting home by half a head. Golden Wedding was four lengths away. Siaosi was fourth. Time, 1.47. MANAWATU ACCEPTANCES. • • (PießS Association-* PALMERSTON, N., Dec..2B. Acceptrf!R«pfj for the third day of the Manawatu races are:— Tiritea Hurdles, 1£ miles.—Elyianor. 11.13, . Cohesion 11,5, Diana’s Lad 10.5; Panorma 10.3, A r exatious t 0.2,.2, Bonhomme 9.13; Othon,’ Braemaii, Roburaht, ’ Hymestrason. 9.0.
Apprentices’ Handicap, seven furlongs.—Henna 9.1, Rabbi 8.1, HdlnW Bolus 7.9, Roi de. Val, Tea Tattle, Cold Air 7.7, Cloyne 7.6, Volnlano 7.1, Paearoa, . Tirimoana, Cobham, Disrank, Evensong, Lady Alophen, Birkbeck 7.0. / Juvenile Handicap, five furlongs.— Miss Gowri'e 8.8, Royal'Flyer.'First Monev, Admiral Drake 8.5, Latakia 7.Y, Hot Spring, Tapcstl-y,’ Acrediiy Liverpool Handicap, one mile and a furlong.—Benzore 8.10, Singleton 8.9.. Nightwatch, Afendip 8i.5, Historic 8H;, Glariiida ;7.11). 'Teri,;Keddar 7JL Discourse .Polouett;7.o. ) Y Westburv, Handicap.—-Desert Lad 8.13, Aliss Ransom 8.11, Alangaharei 8.4, Arrow Boy, Bank -Note, Noteworthy " -7.13, • Mon Mint,' Monetize
7.7, First’Ruler, Indolent 712, Second Thought, Miss Field, Evensong 7:0. Oiandebqye xiandicap, one mile and 110yds.—Sir Roy 8.5, Mias Pat 7.11, Vivo 7.10, Rowley 7.7, Thurnbeli, Pale Star, Imperial Spark, Polone’tt, Vigilance, Jmarosebud, Decoy Bird 7.0. •■' A . . Christmas Handicap, seven • .furlongs.—Acred 8.13, Moutoa Wonder 8.2,' Mothplane, Fine Acre, Royal Black, Balloon 7.7. \ Kawau Handicap, six furlongs.— Arrow Lad 8.13, Nightwatch 8.-6, (JJielone 7.9, Miss Ransom 7.6, The Raider, Callanmore, ‘'Jeanette 7.4, Dobbin 7,3, Ruffles. Silver Coot. Epistle 7.0.
THIRD DAY’S WEIGHTS ' Cress Association.) AUCKLAND, Dtec 28. Ellerslie Handicap, one mile.— Amor 9.0, Tidal 8.8, Phillipio, Modest Boy 8.5, Miss Potoa 8.4, Arikitoa, War Officer 7.13, May Hall, High Court, High F'alutm 7.8, Big Bfertha 7.6, Court Jester 7.4, Ivomak, Archieval, Arch Queen, Armenia Bannock, Becalmed, 80ld 1 Archer, • Brampton, Camp Prince, .Gy-: bele E'ane, Footpad, Lord Abbey, Master Clements, Miss Myrtle, Monetize, Mon Star, Presumption, Shot Silk, Template, Onewhero 7.0. Midsummer Handicap. 5 furlongs. —-Ceremony 10.0, Gold Tinge, Speed Lio-ht 9.8, Flying Prince, Eaglet 8.10, Gemlight 8.5, Awamutu 8.2, Carl Idem, tfalson 8.1, Cymon 7.12, Desert Song, Tea Queen 7.11, Gay Ballerena, Refresher, Glenartney 7.8 Hunting .Cry, Lucky Alice, Pellotte, Pure Tea 7:5,' Vali,- Ruling Chief, Imperial Prince, Alom, Clop ton, Tii# Currajong, Alloy, Orimestar, Gay Duke, Norval Tea, Polyrena, Praetor, Rose Mint, Valarous, lasty, Fairy Bell 7*o. New Year’s Hurdles two miles. — Wedding March 11.12, Comical 11.7, Siaosi' 11.2, Beaumont, ' Mangaiu 10.11, King’s Guard, Wharnclifle, Pouri 10.10, Royal Form 9.13, Uralia Potoanui 9.11, Ripon Abbey, Lady Cintra 9.9, Bourn 9-8, Stormy 9.7 Karamu 9.4, Abbot’s Delight, Archangel, Bizarro, Blajo, Bracken Abbey, Farndon, Hangawera, Importer, Lady Spalpeen, Mangaiti, Master Arch, Rahepoto, Roman Abbey, denotes 9.0. Auckland Racing Club Handicap, It miles.—Laughing Prince, Rapier 9Pogaway 9.3, Count Cavonr j\fask 8.13, Vertigern, Co nnax, Goshawk 8.4, .Ovatrix 8.3, Hoylake 8.2, Beacon Light 8.1, Prince Humphrey Pintliair 8.0, First Fight, Valkon 7.13, Seatowu 7.12, Great Charter, Crown Area. Pink Note, Tresliam 7.11, In the Shade 7.10, Catkin 7.9, Bisox 7.8, Talisker, Transformer 7.6, The- Hawk, Battle. Colors 7.4, White Fang < .2, Booster 7.1 Royal Doulton, Blimp, Desert Glow Flying Juliet, Golden Weddin" ’ Historic, Be Choucas, Mint Lea"’ Mithra, Nippy, Papatu Phillipic Starboard Light. Tidal. Tliursl,y. War Officer, Eli Timi 7.0. Countv Handicap, 7 iurlongs.— Storm Fiend, Jolly Money 9.0, Leitrim 8.13, Air King 8.10, Brothblower S.B, Poiiikurder 13iilolo, Partial Eclipse 8.3, Winsome Boy 8.1, Sauev Lass, Hakanoa, Welcome Home, Court Jester, Sir-Mond, Bahama 7.12, Leuxis, Tea Money, Mussie, Patere 7.9, Sunny’Morn 7.7, Ambrosia, Appellant, Archilecn,. Becalmed, Bonny Day. Brilliant Light, Carmint 7.1, Diamond Queen, Envoy, Flying Tresses, Foxhound, Gay Cockade, Good Boy, Justify, Just Nell. King Fiend, Look Out, Mauriaena, Men Star, iNiurjahan, Optniiistic, Palmares, Principal, Quinsilia Royal Flower, Sea Cob, Swift Light, “ Upoko, Valquette, Zone Grov, Quin Abbey filly 7.0. Newmarket Handicap, six furlongs.—Aussie 9.11, PaganelliJ Silvermine, Nancy 8.11, Awnrere -8.7, The Hawk, Lvsander 8.4. Tea Time 8.3, Money Order 7.11, Kinglield, White Fang 7.5. To Atiawa, Billilcins 7.5, Consent 7.3, Appellant, Ariliana. High Finance, Leitrim, Lorient 11., Macroom Marble King, Ainu Star, Prince Ln. Subdivision, Town Bird_ 7.0. Glasgow Handicap, 7 furlongs.—• Cimaue Scatown 9.4, Branson 9.3, Merrv Mint, King Lu 8.12, Flying Juliet, Hyde Park, Golden Wedding 8.3, Ladv’s Bov, Beaumont 7.10, Town Bird. M.ervette 7.7, Lomint Ti Tree, Amor Mosque 7.1, Tinokoa. 7.3, High Finance., Mithra 7.2, Liason, Qhinemuri, The Thorn, Ari'hana, Cynthia N., Josie Melville King Emerald, King Smock, Lunette, Marble King, Master O’Rourke, Yaqui, Pi-ince. Lu, Saucy Lass, Serang, Sir Aloud, Sir Russell, Eli Tinn Macroom 7.0. STIIATEORD RE-HANDICAPS. (Press Association.) WELLINGTON, Dec. 28. The following re-handicaps are announced for the first day of the Stratford Racing Club’s; meeting :—. Tnriki Handicap, Owairaka 9.3. Stratford Cup, Manly 7.7, Orazone 7.4, Ohoura Hurdles, GlengarifF 11.3. Juvenile Handicap, 'Lady Quex 9.8. Llano re 8.12, Coolmint 8.8. Douglas Handicap, Paul Lucerne 8.2, Mehssa 7.7. Midhirst Handicap, Glenstar 8.5 Railway Handicap, Lady Quex 9.0. Partial Eclipse 8.1, Coolmint 7.13 HAWKE’S BAY BROOD MARES FOP. AUSTRALIA. United Press Assn, by El. Tel. Copyright (Australian Press Association.) SYDNEY, Dec. 28. Air Percy Aliller, of the Kia Ora stud, Scone, has purchased the following brood mares from Air T. Lowry, New Zealand: Peppermint, Orofino, Tall Talk, Alarum, and Lovelock.
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Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10781, 29 December 1928, Page 7
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1,408SPORTS & PASTIMES Gisborne Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 10781, 29 December 1928, Page 7
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