Local and General.
In the Victorian Assembly, during consideration of t'ho Censorship o'? Iblnis Bill, a clause was agreed to providing that at each motion picture performance at least 2000 ft. ct film of British manufacture must he exhibited exclusive of advertising matter. It was further agreed that at least 1000 ft. of that quota must be film produced in Australia.— U.P.A.
xi I-A. message states tiiat the Yorkshire Insurance Co. has accepted the tender of the Fletcher Construction Co., of £52,000 for the erection of a building- on the corner of Shortland and O’Connell streets. The structure will be of eight storeys, in addition to a basement and living quarters on the roof. °
A Magistrate is addressed in many different terms by witnesses. One fair witness at an inquest yesterday ab-sent-mindedly addressed Mr. Levvey as “Doctor.” Realising her mistake a second or so later she hastened to apologise. “Oh,” that’s alright, ’ said the Coroner, “I get called all kinds of names from ‘Your Majesty’ down.”
A plea for the Maeßao bath funds was made by Or. Todd at a meeting held last evening to discuss the combined Cook County-Gisborne Borough celebrations. He suggested that all surplus funds should be handed over to this fund. The hath, lie stated, was an object worthy of support. Some doubt as to the feasibility of the proposal was cast, as it was thought that the bath would benefit only the town. It was decided that the matter should be lef in abeyance meantime. '
The Gisborne High School prospectus for 3.927 may be obtained from the headmaster, or the’ secretary Mr C. H. Bull, Union Bank Buildings. Tlie Mayor of Westport - * has received a telegram from Mr. I laved, general manager of the c ,P,°nn Goal Co., Dunedin, forwarding £IOO to the. Flood Relief Fund.—R.A, Charged with being on the premises of the Record Hotel after hours without excuse, Cornelius O'Connell appeared before Air. - E. C. Levvey, S.M. yesterday.. Defendant was finked £1 and costs.
Tlie Borough Council, on behalf of the Harbor Board, have accepted .the of Webb Bros, at £660 for the sewerage, and Briscoe, Ltd., or Auckland at £207 19s 3d for the supply of pipes in connection with the formation of the new road along Knit) esplanade.
A further move in connection with the combined Cook County-Gisborne Borough jubilee celebrations which it is proposed to hold next March, was made last .evening, when a general committee meeting was field to discuss the arrangements drawn up uy the programme committee. Various matters were left to sub-cornnnttces to attend to and report to a later generah committee meeting. The Board of the State Fire Instirance Office 1 has decided to continue the present 12£ ptr cent, rebates fur a further 12 months. Since August, 1923, when the reflate system was instituted, the Department will hare rebated to policy-holders out of profits about £74,000. In view of the fact that the insurance companies have each year adopted tlie same rebate, the saving to the insurance public as a whole amounts to a vert large sum.—P.A. Miss Betty McCall, who is demonstrating Paris styles created by McCall's, at R*ttie’s this week, has Arranged a session for busil|fS|, girls ‘ L3O the mannequin display v oF'2s_ wonderful creations, Miss Me Cal! will give an interesting talk l on the ethics of dress, and will demonstrate tlie wonderful superiority of the McCall patterns. *
Butter graded in Gisborne, for export during November shows a decrease on tlie figures for the corresponding period last year, but a substantial increase over the amount graded in October. During tlie past month 5751 boxes of butter were graded for export, compared with 6515 boxes during the same month last year, the decrease thus being 7G4 boxes. On the other hand, there was an increase of 1596 boxes over the quantity graded in October, indicating a steady improvement is taking place as far as the output is concerned.
The new award for electrical linesmen in the northern industrial district, states an Auckland P.A. message, provides for a 48 hours’ week for the employees of the Auckland Power Board, and 46 hours for other workers. Tlie award covers tlie employees of thirteen Power Boards in the province. The minimum rates of wages are: Foreman (overhead or underground) 2s 4.{d an hour: cable jointers 2s 3d ; linesmen 2s 2d; linesmen’s assistants Is Hid ; cable jointers’ assistants Is 11-id: cable layers’ assistants Is lid.
Inmates of Cook Hospital were granted a musical treat on Monday evening when the recently formed Gisborne orchestra made its first appearance. The 30 musicians were under the baton .of # Mr. C. H. Wyke, conductor of the City Band. The following programme was much appreciated by the inmates: March, “The Middy”; fantasia, “By the Swanee River”; Nell Gwyn dances, “Pastoral Dance”; raise, “Grenadiers”; overture, “Magic Flute”; suite, “Egyptian Ballet”; march,
“Watch Parade.” Aliss E. Parker contributed a vocal solo, “Arise O Sun.”
The inoculation of Te Hapara school children with toxin-anti toxin to immunise them against diphtheria, was mentioned by the headmaster in his report to the* committee .on Tuesday evening . He stated that Dr. Alercer, Air. F. Holder and Nurse Leo had carried out diphtheria tions at the school, about 250 children being treated. There had been no ill effects £rom the treatment, as had been feared by some, and it was confidently expected that the establishment of this system would have a beneficial effect upon the health of the children. This too, would be reflected in the attendance during the warm months of February and March.
A deputation representing the Y.AI.C.A. Boy Scout Troop conferred with tlie Borough Reserves Committee on Alonday on further improve-ments-to be undertaken at the Cook Alemorial, according to a report received bv the Borough Council on Tuesday. The Scouts, it was announced, were prepared to make further improvements such as a footpath outside the fence, and the planting of shrubs in the enclosure and of trees on the slope of tlie hill if the Couneil found the material. Two or three seats would also * improve the surroundings. and perhaps these might be donated by some benevolent citizens.—After some discussion, -it was decided that the representatives should inspect the loealitv together with the engineer and submit a report concerning the decisions reached.
Another obi Coast landmark is t/Oiicd v 'lth oblivion as a result* of the coming of the motor-ear—the lokomaru Bay stables. For mainyears the site next to the hotel has been the rendezvous for horsemen coming in from the back country, blit of recent years business from that direction has grown less and less. Since the motor services have been running on - the Coast the stables have been the Tokomaru business offices of the Gisborne Motor Servicc Co.; hut now this firm, with ;. I \ n P rove d roads and increased facilities for travel, threatens to pass them by. The companv have taken over the Ruatoria stables, and will now_ make that township their Cbast headquarters instead of Tokomaru
v °i-4\Hie weather is interfering I. 1 work of the cable steamer iris, which has been chartered bv the Government to pick up and repair three faulty cables in Cook Strait, states a Wellington message. The steamer arrived from Auckland on November 20, and after taking the cable aboard went out into the Strait to commence operations. So far, however, heavy seas have prevented her trom making much progress. Only ' .’ le day s work has been done, and the vessel is now waiting for a favorable change in the weather. None of the cables yet has been repaired. Dragging operations on the ocean necl are always uncertain as the method of working with the use of grap piers js nece'ssarily somewhat crude and rough weather adds considerably to the difficulty of locating the line to he repaired.—R.A.
A now shipment of charming cotton georgette frocks with very attractive lines in every shade and design, await your choice. Also included is a wonderful range of crepc-de-efiine frocks in the newest colorings and these are -priced from £5 os, and are to be had in .Jull women’s sizes and with long sleeves so much in favor, Mathewson’s Ltd.
The name pf Davy Bros., hairdressers, was inadvertently omitted from, the list of hairdressers to whom a license has been granted by Bor- . ougli Council. The Opotiki Borough Council has decided to set apart a camping area for touring, motorists in a park in the borough and to take steps to provide conveniences.—-P.A.
Tlie pupils of the Tc Hapara school will commence their summer vocation, on December 16, and Air. IV. I>. Lysnar, ALP., is to he invited to present the prizes at the break-up ceremony that day.
On Saturday next, commencing at 2 o’clock, Mr 11. B. Gardner will sell by auction at Messrs Williams ana Kettle’s store, salvage stock comprising powder dips, twine, paints, oils, etc Full details will lie found in another column. Eulogistic reference to the service rendered by Airs. Alartin, caretaker of the Te Hapara school for the past fifteen years, was made by members of the committee at Tuesday evening’s meeting. The committee also recognised her work in tangible form.
Those who appreciate beautiful china, should visit A1r....G. S. Vincent’s, shop and view his selection of exquisite rose howls, jardineres and vases in the new Trojan china ware. For a Xmas or wedding gift nothing could he nicer than one of these beautiful works of art. * The seventeenth A. and V. Hhovafc Stratford opened yesterday with large entries. The championships resulted as follow: Jersey cow, R. L. Hurn (Ohnu): hull. H. Salway (JJellhlock); Fresian cow, J. O’Shea (Ohangi); hull, H. Johnson and Son (Stratford). -—P.A. At the annua! meeting of the Young Alen’s Christian Association in Auckland it was stated that,the hank overdraft amounted to £5369, which <fo some extent wa,- ; due to the association standing down while the Y.W.C.A. launched a new building campaign.—P.A. A peculiar experience befell an Oamaru carrier recently. When proceeding down Wharf street, he was struck on the forehead by a missile and fell over unconscious in his cart. The horse proceeded on its way and the driver did not return to consciousness until well down into Tees Street. Apparently the missile was a pellet from an air rifle and the carrier considered himself fortunate that it had not penetrated into an eve.
The Mayor of Hastings (Mr 0. A. Aladdison)~ who has ju-t returned from Gisborne and tlie East Coast country, says tlie Hastings Tribune, speaks in glowing terms regarding the splendid appearance of the district, the plenitude of feed and or the general richness of the soil. He saw land up there, situated near a town, and about 15 miles from Waipiro Bay, which was capable of carrying a cow to the acre and which had been sold for £ls an acre. At a meeting of the New Zealand Cricket Council last night, it was suggested that the selectors choose a maximum of eight certainties for the touring team by not later than the middle of January. An effort would he made to announce the appointment of the manager by Christmas. It was decided that, as the minimum number of .-hares. 3000, had been subscribed, the New Zealand Cricket, Ltd. Company go into allotment. —P.A.
Smoke, issuing from the front door of- the Opera House shortly before six o’clock last evening- caught the eye of Mrs. L. J. Coham. The police were immediately notified, and the doors were smashed open * y Constable lone. Two small e-wonnnt
mats were found to be smouldering, .and the floor was well alight. A fire extinguisher from a near-by car. and water, were responsible for the suppression of the outbreak before the arrival of the brigade. Despite the rain last evening, a large crowd assembled at the office of Whitfield's Alotors, Ltd., to await the arrival of the Gisborne lady athletes on their return from the Wellington and Hawke's Bay trip. The party which comprised Airs. B. F. Forster (chaperon). Misses >*. Eastwood, N. Wilson. H. Hansen. AI. AlcDonala. and Air Owen Paliridge (manager), were welcomed by the officials of the Amateur Athletic and Harrier Club, and a large party of friends were also present to otter their congratulations. An official welcome will be accorded the team at a later date.
Reserved judgment was given by Air. W. G. Riddell, S.AL. at Wellington yesterday in a case where Reginald Collins. Ltd., proceeded again*" Richardson and Co. for compensation for a demijohn of wh:T;v found iroiicij in a wharf shed at AYairoa. whtTe it had been shipped by the deiendants. The plaintiffs argued tka- lot the defence to succeed they ’- r ; 05 * prove there was insufficient packing. The Magistrate held that, the consisted of the earthenware jar itself, and its wicker covering, jdst.as if the whisky had been contained in a keg. lf.it had been handled and stored with reasonable care the carnage should not have occurred. I“ e defendants had given no evidence as to the cause of the breakage. Judgment was given for £9 4s. and cosvS £6 Bs.—P.A. With the approach of the h\z fifh season in the Bay of Islands, toe vicinity of Russell, a corn -pen cut calls the lassooing of some snai-e* by Captain Cook, the present uui'oj of the whaler Hununui !!. »n W lie was a passenger on ilio ' : Olive, journeying from Anckrut'i Tonga, when during a calm lu> y-T* mates were amusing themselves :n an endenver to catch sharits •’ . ; y round the vessel. Alter wrt - : - with amusement their Muiie nUrwe-s
Captain Cook got hold ot some h--.it line well at the .end and soon raue good a boast to lassoo stinte >»■*,»«> until his blistered hands put a > ;° l ’ to In’s astonishing font. Ho naulou “ten-footers” aboard, t ho,ugh body was amazed. The other nasso-*-gers were soon engaged trying to emulate Captain Cook’s exanip o with what result is not roconivd. Special.
During the hearing of a ease against a waterside worker at me A' u land Police Court where a charge of having used obscene language "as made. Mr J: Sullivan submitted to the Court at the close of the ease for the Crown, reasons why information should be dismissed, relying, lie said, on discrepancies in the t" idence of witnesses that had been called for the prosecution, and men contradiction of certain facts not material to the issue. He called the attention of the Bench to the ease of Susannah and the Elders, which, though not accepted universally a> part of the Scripture, was very ancient history. “There,” said air Sullivan, “the witnesses had, as here, been ordered out of Court, with the result that, though agreeing in the main story, the Elders disputed upon an apparently immaterial the name of the tree under which the alleged offence had been commit- 1 ted.” The Court, however, thought a primal facie case had been made out against the watersider.
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Gisborne Times, Volume LXIV, Issue 10260, 2 December 1926, Page 4
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2,484Local and General. Gisborne Times, Volume LXIV, Issue 10260, 2 December 1926, Page 4
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