THE BALLOT LIST. By Telegraph Special Correspondent. KLLINGTON. March 13. ■ A Gazette Extraordinary was issued to-day containing the name, s of men drawn in the ballot last .week. The men called up from No. 19 (Poverty Bay) district are as follows : Adair, George Ernest, plumber, 2GI Ormond Road, Gisborne. Adamson, George Alexander, railway ganger, Scddonville, Puller. 11 Aiton, Joseph Grierson, sheepfarmer, care of Jack Richardson, • private bag. Gisborne. Angell, Harold, medical student, care of Knox College, Dunedin. Aston, Gerald, painter, Clifford Street, Gisborne. Atherfold, AY illiam Edward Perci- ■ val, Salvation Army Officer, 24 • AVickstead Street, AVanganui. Atkins, James, shepherd. Paparatu station, AVaingake. Baird, James, ploughman, Puha station, Puha, Gisborne. Baird, .John, laborer, care of H. Arnott.. Tangoio. Napier. *Balfour, Leslie, clerk, care of Colonel Winter, Mangapapa. Cook. Bardwcll, Joseiili Jolm, barman, 5, Norman Road, Gisborne. Barnes, Robert Janies, timber-yard hand, 6 Stevenson’s Lane, Haiti, Gisborne. Bell, Francis Edward, motor mechanic, Newton Street, Haiti, Gisborne. Bell, William Douglas, shepherd, Waerenga-a-liika, Cook. Bimler. Christopher Victor, fencer, care of J. L. Reeve, Tologa Bay. Birss. Charles Henry clerk, 125 Fox Street, Gisborne. Bishop, George, bush man, Waingake, Gisborne. Black. Allan, sheepfariher, Manutukc. Cook. Blair, Arthur, farm assistant, Matawai, Gisborne. Boniface., Frederick, laborer, Otoko, Gisborne. * Bourke, Patrick, bushman, Royal Hotel, Gisborne. *Bowes, Thomas Frederick, blacksmith. Ormond. Cook. Douglas Frank, accountant, 151 Grev Street, Gisborne. Brooking, John, Shepherd, AVaere-liga-a-liika. Cook. Buchanan, Joseph, buslnnan, Kawhia. Cahill, Patrick, station hand, AYaihuka, AYaikoliu. Campbell, James Henry, lineman, telegraph camp. Motii, AYaikobu. Campbell, Hugh, farmer, Matawai, Gisborne. Carlin, Patrick, bridge-builder, Motu, Gisborne. Chalmers. AVilliam John, buslifeller, Cape Runaway. *Cliapman, Donald Lee farm laborer, Ormond Road, Gisborne. Chase, George Edward, navvy, Motu. Gisborne. -Clark, Peter, station manager, Captain Tucker’s station, private mail-bag, Gisborne. Coker, Alfred, farm band. AYairoa, Hawke’s Bay. Collinson. John Albert, creamery manage] - , Lytton Road, Gisborne. *Cooze, Leonard Victor MeGoorge, dentist. Tologa Bay. Copedo. Henry AYillmott, mill hand. B Grey Street, Gisborne. Courtis, Walter, laborer, Fellingwort b House. Haiti, Gisborne. Cowley. Frank, fireman, N.Z. railways, 159 Bright Street, Gisborne. • Craill, Robert, sheepfarmcr, Tologa Bay. Cook. *Crarer. Robert Y\ illiam, hotolkeep- * er, Frasertown Hotel, AY airoa, Hawke’s Bay. *Crawfortli .Edward Samuel, batcher. 180 Harris Stree,t Haiti, • Gisborne. Cutler. William J.. roadman, Arakilii Road. Gisborne. Victor Walter.. farm laborer-, care of Messrs. J. Chambers and Sons, freezing works, AYairoa. Hawke’s Bay. Darmedy. Phillip 1 homas, bushman. Gisborne. Davidson. YY'illiam Ernest, teamster. Record Reign Hotel, Gisborne. Davies. Reginald Rowland, grocer s assistant, -51/ Gladstone Road, Gisborne. Davis, Reginald, contractor. AY ae-renga-a-liika, Cook. Deacon,’ Sydney Carrington, shepherd, cave of Mrs. Gilhgan, AVairoa, Hawke - s Ray. *Dovle, Peter, grocer’s manager, " Grev Street. Gisborne. Dver Bert, ploughman, AA aipaoa. Edwards. Henry Holt, shepherd, Waikura Station. Cape KunaEnersen.' Charles David, carpenter, care of Coskie s boaiding house, AYairoa. Faliy, Timothy, roadman, 8 Grey Street. Gisborne. Evinson. Frederick Richard, laborer, To Havaka, Gisborne. - Forbes, Archibald Grant, shepherd, care of Mrs. Ferguson, Bright Street, Gisborne. Gandy, Herbert Henry James, gardener, Motu Hotel, Motu, GisGartsliore, Robert, clerk, 389 Gladstone Road. Gisborne. Glenny, Isa a./ - William, carpenter, f reozi n» r works. YY airoa Gordon. Jolm. shepherd, AAhatatm tu, Gisliornc. . -Gray, Yahmtim- Barrett fitter, 104 Crawford Road. Haiti, GisCreen° r Mhlmel Joseph contractor, Moeangiaugi. private bag, i.aGriffin* 5 John Maurice sliecpfafmer, Pukutawa. Tologa Bay. *Gann, Francis Janies cinema operator. care of Mrs. Stevens, Haiti. Gisborne. Hanna, John. laborer, DcLautoui Road. Haiti. Horner Eric Martin, law clerk, 5o Wainni Road Haiti. Gisborne. Hatton, Thomas Stanley bus Proprietor. Ormond, Gisborne., Heekin. Thomas, laborer, Springhill station. Mona lea. John, ploughman, Haideratahi, Gisborne. Hio-o-ins. Thomas. contraetoi, knee’s station. Kualuturi "Vallov. Gisborne. Hill AYi'Uin m, station manager, AVaerenaa-o-lcuri. Gisborne. _ Holder. Robert Pritchard, engineer, Tologa Bay. Horsev Henry Robert, plaste.ei Ripploside, Smith Street, - T.vnn Auckland. . sJS. st„iro,d neo Towliurn 1 iillo!'- " alroa > New Plymouth. PUfton Hnev Nelson. laborer, CMton House, Nesbit Road. Gisborne. TngrS? Walter George, laborer, T iin a I Tam(^Al cxander. overseer, Makaron, -JolinjtolF'i'ilm, .»«*« j ’"f ’"qG 13 Carnarvon Street, v*isJone b s ori Jobn Henry, accountant, . 275 Palmerston Road, GisJudd°Albcrt John, farmer, Matawliero. Gisborne. . jKellett, James, slaughterman, Gis;King.mChiules AYade, bricklayer, iHirkpatrick!' David WAlexander, sheepfarmcr, Patutaiii,. ’Dawfo^Ricliaid, shepherd. Opou-. ' iti AY r airoa. . Leigh, John Thomas, laborer, Arero, Tologa Bay. Leigh,Joseph Y Patrick, P ai " ter ’ care of F. Marshall, Grey : Street, Gisborne. . iL’Huillier, . George. hairdresser, Gladstone Road, Gisborne.
I*Lord, Herbert Edward, coal-dealer, care of,Mrs. Heather, Riwaka, Nelson. Lyons, George Philip, carter, 303 Stout Street. Gisborne. McConnell, Samuel, cordial-factory hand, Wellington Street, Gisborne. McDermott, William John, mailman, Te ivaraka, YVaikohu. Mclntyre, AVilliam Victor, head shepherd, Kiore station, Tologa Bay. Mackay, Murdoch Gordon, ploughman, Iviwi station, AVairoa, Hawke’s Bay. McKenna, AVilliam A\ r aldern, contractor, Poututu station, AVai.kolm, Gisborne - . McLeod, James, laborer, Tologa Bay. *McMurtrie, Alexander William, la- . borer, 321 Gladstone Road, Gisborne. Mahon, Michael, gardener, Mokoiwi station, Gisborne. Malcolm, Robert John, bank clerk, i Bank of New Zealand, Gisborne. Malone, James George, road contractor, AY r aerenga-a-hika. YMander, Cygil St. George Ruxton, bank teller, 42 AVainui Road, Gisborne. Mann, Peter, electrician. Cook Hospital, Mangapapa. Manriox, Albert, bushman, AVoodlands, Rakauroa. Marshall, William, miner, care of Post Office. Gisborne. • Martin, Howard, farm hand, Repongaere, Patutahi, Cook. Mason. Charles Henry Percy, shepherd, care of AA’est Ho station, Arakihi, Cook. Matheson, Alexander, scrub butter, Cricklewood Street, AYairoa, Napier. Matthews, Alfred, roadman, Manutuke, Gisborne. Mellor, Eric, coaelibuilder, 303 Stout Street. Gisborne. Mills. A\ 7 illiam Charles, drover, Makaraka, Gisborne. Moorman. William, railway clerk, N.Z. Railways. Gisborne. Morgan, William, bushman, Tologa Bay. , Morris, John Thomas, police constable, police station, Gisborne. Morrison, Edward Gunnell, freezing works employee, freezing works, Gisborne. Morton, Herbert. sheep-station hand. Buakituri station, AVairoa. Muis, Eric Alfred, accountant, Gisborne. Murphy, AVilliam. station hand, Ruakituri, AY r airoa, Hawke’s Bay. Neale. A ictor, slaughterhouse assistant, 783 North Road, Belfast. Neilson, Chris, butcher, freezing works, AY’aipaoa. Ormond. Nilsson, Martin, farmer, Ardkeen, Frasertown. Nugent, John Somerville, jnr., barrister and solicitor, care of Mrs Wisliart, 42 Wainui Road, Gisborne. O’Connor. Edward, cook, Kanakanaia, AY r aikolui. O’Connor, John, laborer, Kaitaratalii, near Gisborne. O’Donnell, John, farmer, Matawhero. Ormond. YYnlliam, Matua, Opoutarna. - Parker, Alfred Edward, bank accountant. care of Union Bank of Australia, Gisborne. William, saddler, Ormond, Gisborne. *Pawson, Bert, bushman, Te Rehunga, via Dannevirke. Peverill, Henry Joseph, laborer, AY’estcourt Boadinghouse, Gisborne. Pilcher, AY r alter. hairdresser, 24 Ormond Road, Gisborne. Reading, Montague Charles, station hand, care of T. H. Caldwell. private bag, Gisborne. Ribbon, Edward, lineman, 277 Palmerston Road. Gisborne. Riddick. Martin, laborer, Matana, Gisborne. Robinson, Harry, drover, Kilutu, AVairoa. Hawke’s Bay. Russell, John Edwards, shepherd. AAAiilii station, AYairoa, Hawke’s Bay. Saxby, AVilfrid Gordon, station manager, Huiarua station, fokomaru Bay. Schofield, Stephen plumber, Aorman Street. Gisborne. Seagrove, Sidney, lineman, care of Mrs. AVeston, 8 Grey Street,, Gisborne. Sexton. Robert, laborer, Te Ai - aroa. Simpson, George Alexander, carpenter, care of G. Simpson, Queen Street, AYairoa, Hawke s Bay. , , _ Smale James, farm laborer, Queen Street, Te Hapara. Smith Charles Alexander, laborer, Marine Parade, AVairoa, Hawke’s Bay. . Smith, Charles Benjamin, manufacturer, Gladstone Road, Gisborne. ~ Smith, Rupert Lawrence, poultryfarmer, Matawai. Smith, Thomas, wool-dumping expert. Tokomaru Bay. Waiapu. Smith. AVilliam John, flax worker, Okuia Mill. AVairoa. Hawke s Y ■ SpillerT Thomas Roy. storeman, YY r airoa, Hawke’s Bay. Spurdle, Herbert James station hand, Gowerville, Gisborne. Stuart Gordon, motor driver, care of’H.B. Motor Company, Y\ airoa, Hawke’s ® a y-. - Swarbrick, Oswald, sheepfanner, AY’harerata. via Morere. Tasker, Thomas, laborer, Dynclhnrst Street, Gisborne. Tassell, Sidney James, laborer, Waingake. Gisborne. Tavlor. James, carter, care ot U. ' Smith builder. Gisoorne. Taylor, Rodger, laborer, Ormond, Thomas Samuel Arthur, driver, care of Redstone s. Gisborne. Thorpe, Benjamin farmer, Tunroa, AVairoa, Hawke’s Bay. Tredray, Percy George, station manager, care ot F. E. Rein, Troxitheck! .Stanley, clerk, Turner” AlUedshepherdf Owhena Tologa Wa < VVaikareAYatS o ns?BeHi - and Coleman sheepfarmer. Ohinepouhea, Tuparoa. w,,of- William Corrie Arthur, gra dei of dead stock, Tokomaru AYhehng James, laborer, AVliatatuWilson, Arthur Elliott, dairyman, Matthew Road, Tamarua, Haiti, Gisborne. . , Wilson Harold, station worlv Laliora station, AVaimana, AVhaWilson! an james Boyle roadman, Tuarua station. Gook. Wilson? AVilliam Hall fish curcr, 126 Sheehan Street, Gisborne. AA’ilton Norman A man, farmei, Motu, Gisborne. , AVinter, Ernest, bricklayer care of Chatsworth House, Giey tetreer, Gisborne. . yr Words, AVilliam. liorsc-tramei. Upper Gladstone Hoad. Gisborne. Yarr, Alexander laborer, {j<-V Runaway, AA r aiapu. Young, James, bee farmer, Makaraka. Gisborne.
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Gisborne Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4497, 14 March 1917, Page 5
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1,351CALLED UP. Gisborne Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4497, 14 March 1917, Page 5
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