Tlic members of the IJorticultura.l ], Society have reason to be gratified with the result of tlieii third .Summer Show, which was held in the Theatre Koval on Thursday. From an artistic point, of view as well as on the score of finance, the exhibition was an uu- “ cm. lifted success, and this is all the 1 more satisfactory when one considers the short time the Committee had to 1 make their preparations. There was a 1 U'ty fair show of pot plants in bloom, • although in many of the classes com- : petition was not as keen as it mignt Lave been. A line cacti was shown by Mrs J. 11. Redstone, and some excellent single and double fuchsias by Mrs it. Mird, the latter securing four first an 1 several second prizes in this class. The exhibits of fuchsias were in splendid condition, and were much admired. Seme very (me pelargoniums were exhibited by Mrs Rees and Mr S. Rollon, between whom honors were divided The petunias exhibited by Mrs Rees were splendid specimens, and <il, tr ie fed a good deal of attention, in gloxinias and primula Mr S. Bolton had the monopoly, and the plants exin luted by him were of first-class quality. Mrs Rees secured first honors fur a very line collection of pot plants. .Some excellent begonias were shown by Mrs Rees and Mr S. Holton, eacn exhibitor rec- ivmg a first prize. Airs Re°s was awarded first honors for i er exhibits of emeus, which were shown I in very good '■ondition. Mr (1. Barton had a line collection of ferns which was a feature of the Show, and 1 e carried all In lore him in the several classes in which he was entered, being avurded three first prizes. Some line exlnnits of ferns were also entered by Messrs Id. P. Joyce and S. Bolton. Variegated geraniums were shown by Air It. VV. Harper, and ornamental foliage plants by Air S. Bolton. Air G. Barton was awarded lirst prize for (lie best plant of ornamental asparagus, and Mr S. Bolton for the best inu.sK plant,. There was keen competition in the classes for palms, and Air G. Barton’s exhibits found most favor with the judges. Air S. Bolton received the lirst prize for the best hanging basket of ornamental plants, and Mr Barton fir-t for the basket of ferns. The latter also secured lirst honors for the best pot plant. Alessrs Thomson Bros fine exhibition of pot plants greatly assisted to make the Show a success. All the firm’s exhibits were in splendid condition, and were much admired. 'Phe display of cut flowers was better than in previous years, and there was a decided improvement in the quality of the exhibits. Some fine antirrhinums were shown by Aliss Smith, of “ Waitaria,’ and secured first honors in this class. Airs Rees’s exhibit of
abctilons was also much admired. 'l'lie show of carnations attracted a {rood deal of attention. There was excellent competition, the chief prizetakers being Miss 10. Reynolds, and Messrs C. P. Davies and W. Gault. Mi W. Sherratt’s exhibit of dianthus was awarded first honors. .Several beautiful specimens of eannas were simwn by Miss Smith and Mr George Stevenson, the latter being successful in this class. For columbines, three vaiieties, Mr C. P. Davies was lirst. Several choice fuchsias and gladioli were exhibited by Miss Smith, and secured lirst prize. In Canterbury Bells there was a good show, the exhibitors being Mesdames Rees and Macfarlane. and Messrs W. Sherratt and G. T. Dull. The judges decided in favor of Mrs Rees, Mr W. Sherratt being second. Mr 0. P. Davies’ exhibits of petunias were of excellent quality, and were awarded first prizes. As usual, there was a great show" of pansies, and competition was keen The prizetakers in the four classes were Mis Bousfield, and Messrs G. T. Bull. vV. Gault, and G. I’. Davies. Messrs K. Faram and G. T. Bull each had an excellent entry, and secured second honors in their respective classes. Miss •Smith also obtained two second pnzes. Mrs J. Macfarlane’s collection of phlox drummondi was greatly admired, as also were the exhibits of penstemmon shown by Mr G. Stevenson. The exhibits of poppies were of good merit, Mr C. P. Davies bemg awarded first in this class, and Mr W. Sherratt second. The season Icing late for roses there were very fe w exhibits, although some_ excellent r.i tries were made by Miss Smith and Messrs C. P. Davies and G. StevenMjn. Miss Smith exhibited several c .oice pelargoniums, and secured two Tirst prizes. Mr C. P. Davies seemed fast honors for the best collection oi sweet peas, Mr W. Sherratt be.iig recond. There were several collecfons oi verbena, Miss Smith receiving first prize and Mr G. Bull second. There were six entries for the best coDection of cut (lowers, and the exhibits were shown in splendid condition Mr G T. Bull was awarded lirst prize, Mr 6. P. Davies second, and Miss Smith third. The latter secured first prize in the following class for lbs best collection of cut (lowers, hulbonplants. A very pretty bouquet 1.1 Native flowers was shown by Mis.-; M. Laurin. The entries in the houqir’J. classes were not as large as in pievious years. There were three competitors for the best hand bouquet, Miss fir ere receiving first prize, and Miss Fees second, whilst the tables were it.versed in the following class for the
i ■-■! ii,.| !l ihuUtT Il'UKjU'.'l . Ail--. ike'i' i:u nr -1 |i; ami Ai - I ’ >■ (1 A mi i; y iniik- hunniii.'i ■ mv. n 'v l] i.-,s Sinili'” ured in- 1 !'!■'/.> "i ..nt.; was cinly on■' entry im i.c- i,- 1. il-.l bouquet. and all.lioueli ii via-, "e opinion Hi lii.inv deemed in i i 'Mirtl.v hi' iir.il nrize ihe ..nl;-. 'i d ' i Hunk -n. mill iiivurJ-! i huffily (j.iiiiiiiindfll. Oi ti.f -c’.i-n i-li-U n.-s ik,r !he best hutd on-hole. Uie lii -t prize it-ll in Mrs I.usk. Miss Cameron belli"; setnud, mid .Miss F.irain tliiril. Mr . I.ink aim rtc.Mied first, prize inr 1 lie spray «i (lowers, whilst for ii • i best-iire:-sed epergiu-. Mi's Deere wit'! mi ee-ml. Then; were four entries inr Ihe decorated basket, Mr-. A (I.Deere being n,-.- 1 , Mrs Nolan second, mid j •Mi."i Deere third. The table decor,.- \ imu co'nnetit ion was one oi the duel j lent nres oi Ibe Show. There were live j entries, and the imno-d. pains were j taken bv the ladies to make line tableattractive. In three oi the tables the I prevailing color was gold and white, and the ii-inaini:itwo red and white. | Voi ms: was by inillot, and li.e result j proied veil close. Miss Ilyeti being first with jab votes, and .Miss Deere second with Dili. Fur the time of the year there was a very good show of fruit, and competition was keen in almost every class. Air A. F. Kennedy siiowed a magnificent dislt oi cherries” which were greatly admired, and awarded first prize. Mr S. Dolton was second in this class. Some excellent currants were exhibited by Airs Does and Air S. Bolton, the prizes going in the order named. There were thirteen entries for the best plate of gooseberries, and there was great speculation as to who would be the successful exhibitor. The judges after a good deal of consideration awarded f rst prize to Mrs A. G. Deere, Air L. T. Sytues being second, whilst Airs T. A. Stewart’s exhibit was highly commended. In the following class for the best plate of dewberries Airs T. A. Stewart was first, Air H. .1. Bushnell being second, and also highly commended. The Poverty Day district is noted for the ijuality of raspberries which are grown here, and it was expected that there would be keen competition in
this class. Such proved to be the case, no
less than ten entries being received. Airs Dees was awarded the palm, the fruit exhibited by her being of excellent quality. Air L. T. Sytnes was second, and Air F. -I. Shelton third. For the best plate of strawberries Air D. Cox received first prize, whilst Alessrs Mossmau and Stevenson shared honors for oranges and lemons. Miss Cameron’s entry for the best collection of fruit was an exceedingly choice one, and well deserved first prize. The show of vegetables was one oi the finest seen in the district, all classes being well represented. Several fine exhibits of beet were shown, Air J. Doleman being awarded first prize for the best bundle of silver beet, and Air \V. L. File second. In red beet Mr File was first, and Air A. F. Kennedy second. There were six entries for broad beans, and the quality of the exhibits was of the best. Air W. ltatcliflo was first in this class, and Air F. ,T. Shelton second. For kidney beans Air .1. Eaton, who won the prize last year, was again successful, Air F. J. Shelton being second, and Airs J. Mnefarlane highly commended. Air File took first prizo for buttenvax beans, and Airs .1. Alacfarlane first for runner beans, whilst Mr \V. Shcrratt’s exhibit of carrots secured first honors. There was a largo entry of white cabbage, Mr W. Gault’s exhibit being the best. For cauliflowers Air A. F. Kennedy was first. Air W. Shcrratt defoated the fivo other
competitors in the class for cabbage-lettuce. There was a good show of onions, and honors were divided between Messrs Shelton and Kennedy, Mrs .J. Macfarlane and W. L. File receiving second awards. Some fine peas were shown, honors being divided between Messrs F. J. Shelton and J 3. Cox. There was a grand display of potatoes, no less than thirty entries being received for the two classes, for the best six kidney potatoes, and the best six potatoes other than kidney. In the first mentioned class the palm was awarded to Miss Boyd of Makauri, who carried off the same prize last year. Mrs .1. Mapfarlano was second, and Mr A. F. Kennedy third. Of the sixteen entries for the second class other than kidneys, Mr W. Shcrratt came out on top, Mr B. Cox being second, and Mr G. T, Bull third. For the best collection of potatoes Mr A. F. Kennedy was the successful competitor, and his exhibit was greatly admired, being perhaps the finest feature of the show. Mrs J. Macfarlane was second in this class. Mr Kennedy was also successful in class l-J-i, for the best collection of vegetables apart from separate exhibits. There were six entries, Mr F. J. Shelton being second, and Mr H. J. Bushnell third. For the best collection of bottled fruit there were three entries, and Sirs Bright, who carried off the prize at the previous show, was again successful. There were a large number of entries for butter, Sirs A. G. Bcere being first, and Miss I*. Maunscll second. The prize for home-made bread was won by Sirs Fielder, Sliss Aikman being second, whilst Miss Ward was awarded first prize fqr the best collection of* home-made cakes. The judges were particularly pleased with the exhibits of bread and cakes. The exhibits of jams and preserves compared favorably with previous years, and the quality was well up to the average. The ciiief prize-takers were Mrs A. G. Beore. Mips Boyd, and Mr S. F. Bolton. Thero were six entries of tomato sauce, and first honors went to Mrs Herrick, who carried off the same prize last year, when there were twentyfive competitors. The six exhibits of bottled fruit were excellent, and the judges had
great difficulty in arriving at a decision, their choice finally falling to Mrs J. Macfarlorie, Mrs d. West being second.
The industrial work had great attraction for the ladies, and the fine displays in the several classes were pinch admired. Muss lipere was awarded first prize for the best piece of Mount Mellick, and Mrs Morrison first lor the best child’s pinafore. There were seven entries for the iloiiiton and point lace, and the whole id' the work was very well done. Mrs Symes’ exhibit in particular, which'received first prize, was an exceedingly fine point. I,ice collar, the wuik being excellent. Of the five exhibits for the best child’s frpek, that shown by Mrs Hawley was awarded first honors, ft was a beautiful piece of work, and was greatly admired by all who inspected it. The prize for the best specimen of drawn thread work went to Miss Beere, who showed a pretty worked tray doth Mrs Atkins secured ■ firs * award for the best specimen of knitting, and Mrs A. Q. Beere first for the best specimen of crochet. Miss A. Biadley showed an elaborately worked talde centre, which received first prize in that class, Mrs Challis being second. Miss Beere was first in the class for the best collection of fancy wnrx. Several fine oil paintings were shown in each class,
first award in each case going to Mrs N. Hooper, whose picture.: were of exceptionally high merit. Miss Beere was second in class Hit! for the best oil painting, (lowers, and Miss Orr, who was a pupil of Ihe Convent of Mercy, Wellington, was second in the following class for the best, landscape oil painting. MBs Beeie carried ofi first honors for the v ale,--color landscape, and best paii tinted photographs, as well as for the best specimen of poker ivor:.. Some line wood uaiv,ng and fre! -work wi re shown hv .Messrs O. Sand lain, C Steele, and -J. I). I lay. In class 7, children's class, some interesting exhibits were shown, but the competition was not nearly so good as it should have hem The number of entries were also much smaller Ilian they should have been Miss Mabel Morrison obtained first prize for_ the best child's pinafore, and Miss_ Sberratt first anil stcend prizes for the be.t piece of fancy work. Several pretlilv dressed dells wire shown, ‘lie exhibit by Miss .McClure being first, and that by Miss Kathleen Akrovd second. An cxereuiuglv choice collection of (lowers v JS shown by Mils Macfarlaue. Ami a pretty bouquet of flowers by Alls.- Hilda Kilo. There were three ej tries ier the he-t buttonhole. Miss M. Siddells being first. .Miss Bessie Graham steroid. and Miss .Jeannie Hicks ii'.od ] special prize for tii- liesi e.xbiiiil by rbiidie.’i was won bv Alls- is. Maciarlane, Miss Hilda Kile ’being second. Collect ions of tlu'ushes’ eggs were shown by AlisBoyd and Master Sam. Doleman. The Society intend to hold a autumn s”cw. and a'meeting of the Committee will be held at au‘early date to arrange for the same.
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Gisborne Times, Volume VI, Issue 290, 14 December 1901, Page 3
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2,448POVERTY BAY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Gisborne Times, Volume VI, Issue 290, 14 December 1901, Page 3
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