SPEECH BY LLOYD GEORGE. IMPORTANT DEFENSIVE , ALLIANCE. ' NEW ANGLO-FRENCH CONVENTION. • TREATY STERN BUT JUST. A us. and N. Z. Cable Association. (Rec. July -1. 7.45 p.m.) LUiNuOiN. ouly 3 The House of Commons was „i owned ?‘hea Mr Lioya George addressed the House on tne Deuce Treaty. The i'nnce of Wales was present in the Deers Gallery. The x'remier, on being enthusiastically welcomed, said he Had to lay on the table two Bills to emorce tne nidmeiitoas document to wmcn the seal or the TH’itisn Empire had been fixed. One was to give eilect to.tne previsions ot the Treaty, and tne ouher to obtain the sanction of the House to a proposed AngloFrench Convention. The ITemier tnbuted tne services cf Messrs Ballour and Barnes and the Overseas representatives. Tie said the teims were in many respects terrible, but so were the deeds for which they were imposed, and tiie consequences of those deeds that had been indicted upon the world. The latter would have been more terrible had Germany succeeded, hhe terms-of tne Treaty were stern, but they were just. Alter describing Germany’s great downfall, the Premier emphasised as being thoroughly just the restoration to Ij'rance of -alsace-Lorrairie, and also that of Schleswig-Holstein and of Poland. He also spoke of the justness of the reparation terms, concerning which he declared that if the whole cost of the war had been thrown upon Germany, it would have accorded with every principle Of civil junspudence.- He then emphasised the justice of the Allies’ disarmament of Germany, and also their deprivation of her colonies. Concerning the latter, he emphasised that mere was most overwhelming evidence that Germany cruelly ill-treated the natives, and in the face of this, restoration of those colonies, (especially in view of the # part the natives Had taken in their own liberation, thus giving Germany an opportunity to make reprisals) would have been a base betrayal. The Premier then went on to point out that Germany used her colonies in South Africa in order t 6 stir up sedition and rebellion against the South African Union, and said Germany used her colonies elsewhere as bases for preying on the commerce of adjacent colonies. “It would have been folly,” he asserted, “if we had renew'ed Geramny’s opporunities for mischief.”
TRIAL.OF WAR GUILTY. Mr Lloyd George announced that the tribunal to tty the Kaiser would be an Inter-Allied one (cheers). It would sit in London. The officers guilty of submarine outrages would, he said, be also tried. They would get an absolutely fair trial (cheers). ' FAIRNESS OF TERMS. The Premier said he challenged anyone to point out a single act of injustice in the Peace Terms, or anything which any perfectly impartial Court would not have adjudicated in exactly ■ the same way. Ho referred to the criticisms made that, though the individual. Treaty conditions might each be right, yet the cumulative effect of them all was crushing, and also to criticisms that the Treaty, though it might be just, might not be wise. Mr Lloyd George.'in reply, emphasised the heinousness of Germany’s offence. He also emphasised that it was a fact that Germany had suffered less than the other countries suffered in the war. He said Germany’s crime must be marked. The world could not take these risks again. The German people were not being punished for the crime of their rulers. The German people had united and enthusiastically approved of the war. He said he unhesitatingly challenged anyone to point to a single clause in the Treaty which did not accord with the stern, but highest demands of justice and fair r>lay. adding “we were dytermined the Treaty should not be a ‘Scrap of Paper.’ ” DISARMING GERMANY.
Mr Lloyd Goorgo went to say that the peace guarantees exacted included the disarmament of Germany, and the destruction of her arsenals. The British delegates, he said, had without hesitation proposed that the reduced German Army should be a voluntary and long service one. This would mean leaving the mass of the German people untrained, and renders it impossible for Germany to raise any I uge armies. The same applied to the German 'Navy. AN AMERICAN GUARANTEE. He. proposed to introduce a Bill dealing with Anglo-American guarantees in the event of an unprovoked attnrk on Prance. (Cheers). FRANCE’S NEED. Prance, ho said, had legitimate reaon for serious apprehension when Britain and America had gone home and the gallant men of the dominions. (Cheers), who had fought so bravely in France —the Australians, New Zealanders, South Africant and Canadians, a. !1 of whom had won the deepest affection of the French people. When those had departed, and France saw only the Rhine between her ahd the toe who had trampled her ruthlessly, and torn her flash twice within living memory. France said: _ We would like to know that you Britons and Americans, who have helped to emancipate our soil, are still behind us against wanton aggression. The Premier said he invited Parliament to say, “Lcsl” (Cheers). LEAGUE OP NATIONS NOT ENOUGH. He did not agree that this promise of aid would show any lack of faith in the League of Nations. The League would be valueless, ho said, unless it had the sanction behind it of strong nations, who were prepared to stop any aggression at a moment’s notice. This document only bound us in a ease of wanton provocation by Germany. THE OCCUPATION. The other guarantee for France was the Army of Occupation. France did not wish to keep .that army on the Rhino for a single day than was absolutely necessary, and, if Germany showed goodwill, and gave all necessary guarantees, then France was quiic prepared to reconsider the question of the occupation at the proper moment. Britain, ho said, was directly interested in the question of the cost of the Army of Occupation, because she did, not wish to impose unnecessary expense upon Germany, which would be th c first charge upon the indemnity fund.
AN UNDERSTANDING, Tho Government had an understanding with France, that, tho moment Ge’rmany carried out her undertaking with regard to disarmament the cost of the Army of Occupation should not exceed 240,000,00 P marks. An agreement on this matter had been signed by President Wilson, M. Clemenceau md himself. It required no ratification.
' : ■ DON SNEER IT LEAGUE I ' , Mr Lloyd George said there was another guarantee—that of the League of Nations —a great anu. a. hopeful experiment, whicix had . Only "been rendered possible by the other conditions of peace. It was due to the world, to try the experiment earnestly. The League, unfortunately, did not mean that we would never have w r ar. It w r ould be justified if it prevented merely one war, (Cheers). He begged that nobody would sneer at the League (Loud, cheers—especially from the Labour benches.) He believed this experiment would succeed—that the League -would make crime difficult and unsuccessful. Therefore, ho looked hopefully and confidently to the League for greater things for humanity.
.GERMANY’S ENTRY—NOT YET The Premier expressed tho opinion■jjlat the immediate admission o£ Gcranany to the League would be a mistake. The date of Germany’s admittance' depended upon herself. (Cheers). IV: Germany Created obstacles, and Showed that the same old spirit animated her, she would not accelerate that date, but, if she really showed that she had broken with her past, that the fires of war had purified her soul, and that she realised that tho policy of the last l&U years had been a bitter mistake —then she could accelerate the date. Tliq sooner that came about, the better it would bo for Germany and* for the w’orld. GERMANY’S LOST COLONIES. Referring to the German colonics, the Premier said: These will not be distributed among conquerors, but will be administered by the great Powers on behalf of humanity.
NEW SOUTH AFRICAN COLONY. Mandatory powers would differ according to the particular territory concerned. For example, south-west Africa, running as it did; alongside the Cape, was felt to be so much a part, geographically, of that country, that it would be quite impossible to treat it in the same way as a colony removed two or three thousand miles from the centre of the mandatory administration. Doubtless, south-west Africa would become an integral part of the Federation of South Africa. It would bp colonised by the South Africans. They could not have done anything else, he asserted. They could not set up customs barriers and, difficult systems of administration for south-west Africa. The same applied to New Guinea, but this did not apply to Togoland, the Camerons or to German East Africa. It would bo found, he added, that the conditions of the mandates set up for these territories were the same as applied to the British colonics over the whole world. Mr Lloyd George declared that the responsibilities of the British Empire under this mandate had been greatly increased. Something like eight thousand square miles of territory had' been added to the already gigantic area in charge of the Empire. That great charge had been undoubtedly fulfilled in a way which had, won the wonder of the whole world. LABOUR. Referring to the Labour Conference, Mr Lloyd George said that it was a matter of most vital importance for the world’s future conditions, and when it was borne in mind that at lease, three-quarters of the armies that won the great victory were drawn from the working classes of various nations, it was felt that they had won the right to a corner of their cwn. He was glad it w r as largely t/irough the invitation of Mr Barnes *that this Charter was added, to the Treaty. He hoped this machinery would enable the establishment of some permanent means of raising the level of l abour over the whole world, and not that of handicapping those countries where, he said, Labour was being well treated. He hoped it would be no handicap to their competing in neutral markers with countries whore the conditions of Labour were inferior. That, he declared, was the great purpose of this great charter. BRITAIN’S PART. The Premier proceeded to' emphasise that no country had had a greater share in this victory of the Allies than the British Empire. He pointed out the Empire had raised 7,700,000 soldiers and sailors. (Loud cheers). Thev raised war loans totalling £9,500,000,000. The casualties of the Empire’s forces totalled over 3,000,000 not including sailors, of whom 15,000 had been killed. The Navy and mercantile marine kept the sea, and, without them the war would have collapsed in six months. During the last two vears of war, Britain not only bore the heaviest burden of fighting in France, but bore the whole burden of he attack on Turkey, which, he said, had crumbled to dust. (Cheers). It was a great record, and showed what could be achieved by a great people, united and inspired, by common cause. “Lot us rejoice,” he said, “like men who nr© under no delusion that our troubles are past, and that the spirit wdiich enabled us to overcome it, will also enable us cheerfully to face the future; let us not wuste our strength prematurely in fighting each other.” The Premier most solemnly declared that, in order to prevent this country fiom sinking down under its burdens and its wounds, “we must most effectively use the resources of Britain and indeed of the Empire, and muse make all reasonable men contented.” He urged the people to support the new Victory Loan, in order to reap the fruits of victory . Each must gi vo such strength, goodwill and co-opera-tion as ho could. BIGGER INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT. URGED . The Premier rcdiculcd the idea that now' that peace had come, all would go right, without effort. lie pointed out that their industrial output had diminished, and that the cost of pioduction had increased. That was exactly the opposite road to the road leading to prosperity. He declared that even the Bolshevists in_ Russia had new begun to discover this. Mr Lloyd George concluded by appealing for co-operation, “and for the maintenance of that spirit of patiiotism which, alone can bring us to a real and glorious triumph.” (Loud cheers).
DOMINION S’ REPRESENTATIVES. LLOYD GEORGE’S TRIBUTE. OUR LEADER EULOGISED. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.! Received this day at 12,25. a.m. LONDON, July 3. Speaking in the House of-Commons the Premier, in the course of a tribute rendered to the Dominion’s representatives, mentioned the names Borden, Hughes, Massey,—(cheers) —who had participated in some cHficult commissions, notably the leiritorial Commissions, for / adjusting extraordinarily delicate, complex, ethical economic, and strategic questions, which had arisen. Mr. Lloyd George said: “We owed a great deal to the ability and judgment with which they discharged
their functions.:' He also: . paid a tribute rendered to theDominions’ who helped in innumerable comc missions, and to whose work the Premier paid a tribute; also the splendid services rendered by Sir Itoberb Cecil and Sir T., E. Smith in framing the League of Nations.
WAR PENSIONS. GRAVE OMISSIONS. SIR DOUGLAS'HAIG’S TESTIMONY. (Australian and N.Z. t Cable Association.) Received this day at 8.45 LONDON, July 1. Sir Douglas Haig', giving- evidence before lire Tensions Select Committee strongly condemned the treatment of ex-officeis, especially those disabled. Some were actually starving. There were many cases of ex-officers and their families living in poverty and unable to educate their children. Sir Douglas Haig asked: How can a nation rejoice over a victorious peace when these who have given everything in the struggle iue m such want? ' Sir Douglas Haig* offered a number of suggestions, to remedy the defects of the present system. He- advocated increased allowances.
FEDERAL PREMIER. ENTERTAINED BY ‘AUSSIES.' HIS WORK EULOGISED. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association ) Received this day at 9.40 a.m. LONDON, July 4. Australan soldiers gave a luncheon to the Hon. W. M. Hughes at the War Chess Cluh. Speakers declared that Mi Hughes had left his mark on Imperial politics during the last few years, and had fought stubbornly m Australian interest at the Peace Conference, notably against the abrogation of racial laws, and eulogised his efforts on behalf of the soldiers. Mr Hughes referred to his position in the Labour party. He was compelled to take action because he saw people leading the trade unions in. the wrong direction, at a time when we opposed the greatest instrument for the de- . unction of Democracy, namely, Prussian militarism.
He was not the man who clung to Labour when in office, but had fought for Labour when he was a pariah and an outcast. Both Generals llawlinson and Marshal Loch had given to the Australian soldiers an eternal, fadeless laurel. If Australia, had not got as much out of the war as she was entitled to, she had learned how to defend herself. There were great problems before her, which could only be solved by work. THE EX-KAISER.
ARRANGEMENTS FOR TRIAL. LONDON, July d. The Lobbies considered that the most striking portion of Mr. Lloyd George’s speech was that dealing with, the ex-Kaiser. .The secret of the trial in London lias been well kept. It is presumed the trial will raice place at the Law Courts, and that steps will be taken immediately. to secure his extradition. SURRENDER OE EX-KAISER. APPEAL TO HOLLAND. (Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) Received this day at 9.45 a.m. LONDON, July 4. Over twenty Allied Powers will appeal to Holland to surrender the ex-Kaiser for punishment—death, or life imprisonment. The procedure will he set up by a commission which will shortly be appointed to carry out the terms of the Treaty, . TRIAL OF KAISER. VENUE NOT"DECIDED.
Australian and N.Z.. Cable Association.; Received this day at 10.45 LONDON, July 4. The public are discussing 1 whether the Kaiser will be tried at the Old Baily or Westminster flail. He will possibly be imprisoned in the Tower pending' his trial, at which a British Judge is to preside.
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Greymouth Evening Star, 5 July 1919, Page 5
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