Who have just finished a mest sujcessful tour through Canterbury and Otago in booked to open herein the Opera House for a season of two nights commensing on Tuesday, Deo 9. Musical families are not rare but a family whose individual and collective skill equals that as displayed by the Black .Family is very seldom met with. The family is certainly one of the cleverest and most versatile that has ever yet visited the district. The family consists of Mr J. Black, Miss Nellie Vaughan Black, two younger daughters, Mr Bertie B ack, and Mrs Black, who fills the pr sit on of accompanist to the orohest a. Miss Nellie Vaughan Black besides being one of the most promising of the young contraltos of New Zealand is a violinist, pianist and mandolinist, She has also added “trick” violin playing to her numerous accomplishments, and her’ imitations are very highly spoken of, She imitates the German concertina, church organ, trombone solo in a ! small brass band, bagpipes and a duet between two violins. Mr J. Black is a host in himself, and his comic sayings are exceptionally good. Mr Bertie Black is a front cmetist, cclloist, and dancer. He also proves himself to be a musician of ability by playing on several different instruments, one of them being a broom handle, to which a cello string is affixed. Miss Elsie is no less versatiie-tjian her sister, and plays with rare skill on almost any instrument, While Miss Doris, though only ten years old, is a young violiciite, mandoliniste, and pianist. The* entertainment throughout is bright, instructive, aod elevating, and entirely free from vulgarity. Wi’h such an array of talent, success is assured, and largo houses wherever they go should be the rule. Only popular prices will be charged—viz, 2s 6d, 2s and Is.
Greymouth Evening Star, 6 December 1902, Page 3
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