Sport and Pastime
THE TURF. RACING FIXTURES. January 1, 2.—Marton R.C. February 3, 4. Egmont R.C. February 11, 13.—Taranaki J.O. February 18, 20.—Wanganui J.C. April 21, 22.—Maiunvatu R.C. March 24, 25—Bulls Rating Club. March 27.—Waverley R.O. April 3, 5. —Feilding J.G. April 15, 17.—Wellington R.C. May 13, 15— Egrnont R.C. MARTON JOCKEY CLUB. CONCLUDING DAY’S RACING. ON FEILDING’S COURSE. ALDWORTH STAKES TO NGATA. tIkISLEB THE TELEGRAPH L’UR AKIN A' WELTER CAPTURED BY MARTULLA.
1 lie concluding day ol the Clarion Jockey ■ .Club’s summer meeling was H.eJd Jn, line weather on the Feilding race on Saturday. There was a. 1 record attendance ol’ patrons, and investment throughout ihe day was again unusually animated. The iota lisa tor handled 4234,017 as compared with £30,070. lor the corresponding day last year, an increase ol £3971. For the meeting a total of £75,793 was put through, as against £08,403 last year, representing an increase of £7390. The track
as'in good condition, the racing in-
teresting, and tile public thoroughly ■enjoyed the day's sport. The Feilding Brass Band rendered a line programme of music. The following- are the ; results
Junction Plate (all 8.0). 1 Duetto (B. J. Mackie) 1, Royal hand T. 0. Stokes) 2, 0 Wanderlust (J. E. Olsen) 3. Also started 7La CYeey (Al. McDonald), 12 Afaroeain (C. Miles), 13 Guadalquiver (Tremaine), 3 Ruby Red (I>. 41. Morris), 5 Royal Elm (L. Dolieu), 10 Oread (11. Burns), 4 Carrigallen (C. Holmes), 9 Takaroa (E. Rosewarne), 11 Dale Ogden (A. Jenkins), 8 Wembley (A. Mardakor). Won by three lengths, third a similar distance away. lime 1.2.
‘Second Hack Hurdles.—s Axle 9.7 I. I (Mat,, 0.10 <M. iUcSweeney). 3 Peter Rosa 10.2 (W. •1 ; Bowden) 3. Also started 2 Koauau 10.8, (A. Jenkins), 4 Wannatou 10.3 (F. 'l’owler), 3 Flva Bosa (bracketed with Peter Bosa) 9.10 (J. Tilson), (j Captain Wai 9.0 (H. Cordon). Won by a neck, third one and a half lengths away. Tune 2.4 c. Electric .Hack Handicap. 1 Bon Ala reh 8.13 (11. J. Alael<ie) 1,2 Son o’ Mi he 8.7. (B. FI. Aforris) 2, 4 Strongholt 7.2 (T. Stokes) 3. Also started: o Asleep 7.8 (1C Bose warn.'.9. 3 Capitulation 7.0 (11. Burns), 0 Constellation 7.0 (M. AlcDonald), 7 Blood Bed 7.0 (0. Miles). Won by a head, a similar distance between second and third. Time J .30.
Aldworth Stakes—J Ngata 9.4 (B. If. Morris) 1, 3 Imperial Spark 7.7 ('l'. C. Stokes) 2,2 Kileeit 8.1 (R. J: Mackio) 3. Also started: 1 Wliite Comet 7.9 (A. Seifert), 5 Clandliu 7.5 (H. Burns), 0. Fillette 7.0 (J. F. Olsen). Won by a length, a head between second and ithird. Time 1.00 2-5. Ladies’ 1 ' Bracelet, —2Kilbnr)i JL. 7 (C.’.'-L. Bull) .1, 7 Bangi Sarto 10.7 ’(J. Waller) 2, 4 Bevel (C. Stanfield) 3. Also started: G Bonny Bill 11.3 (D. AleLeunan), 3 Tawebi 11.0 (G. Green), 1 .Banjuke 10.12 (J. Morris), 10 .Cannalt 10.7 (11. AloPhcrson), 12 Gold 'Ginks 10.7 (H. Mawhiiiey), 5 Festival 10:7 (T. Taylor), 11 Redmayne 10.7 (MoK. Duucau), 8 Supporter (G. A!. Syjne), 9 Chrissarto 10.7 (J. Shaw). Won by a length, third four lengths away. Time 1.52. Telegraph Handicap.—l Ileisler 7.0 (F. -Eosowariie) 1, 1 Orchid 9.8. (43. 11. Morris) 2,2 King Pot 7.8 (Tre- 1, jiiajne) 3. Also pana' 7.7 (U. Burns), 5 Birkie 7.5 (T. G. Stokes), G Ruby Bing 7.2 (C. Miles). Won. by one and a ball’ lengths, a similar distance between second and third. Time 1.14 1-5. Farewell Hack Welter—2 Sleet 9.11 (.IV. Be!!) 1, 1 Duetto 7.8 (B. J.
2, 4. .1 llingur 7.7 (M. Mo Douald) 3. Also - started: Lin Arling7. 10. (S. Tremaine), 3 Girribillie 7.2 (J. '.IO. Olsen), 7 Pangolin 7.0 (C, Robinson). Won by a .bead, two l.en gibs between second and third. Tiffin I . 1.0 2-o. Turakina. Welter. -2 Murtiilla. 9.9 M >IT, Morris) 1, 1 Beaumont 8.0 (M. 'A be Ilona Id) 2, 5. Catcall 8.0 (IT. Burns) 3. Also started: .1 Master U'Borke B.ld (Delieii), I Alabama (bracketed with Beaumont) 8.2 (B. J '.Maekie), 3 Catcall 8.0 (T. .G. Stokes). Won by a neck, one and ball lengths between second and third. Time J. 29. BALING IN BULLS. In Lbe opening event, the Junction date, :.\\ arainau was the only aeeeptor..Luaclusc' her'engagement, leaving
13 (starters. Duetto (went lout a. hut favourite carrying a third of the total investments and three times the amount of ppi-bliip/money entrusted to Loyal Land.' ; vTHyo> furlongs from the barrier Duetto came away and almost walked home. At the .-post Loyal Land was second from/, Wanderlust, Royal Laud, Carrigallen and Wembley. * - ■ <
Many Comedy. Prince were withdrawn from the Hack Hurdles, seven going' to the post., ol which Peter Rosa and Elva Rosa tvord bracketed. Matu and Jvoauau, place getters on the first day, were evenly backed fiavolirites. AVaimatoa, delayed the start. Elva Rosa set, the pace front Axle and Gap lain Wai. Axle dre tv- but after passing the stands for -the first time, Elva Rosa, leading the next bunch. The leader wag still well clear on entering the straight, but Elva Rosa fell hack and Matu came into second place with Peter Ros'a third. Tawelii and fllingar dropped out of the Electric Hack Handicap, seven runners facing the starters. Ron March was sent out. with a solid backing with Son o’ Mine, Capitulation a.ud Strougholt the best of the others. Constellation acted, as pacemaker from the start, followed by Ron March and Son o' Mine.. The order into the straight was Const a latiou, Bon March and Strongholl The held hunched a furlong froi:
the judge's box and one of the closest finishes of the day was witnessed, file verdict being given in favour of Hon March, Son o : Mine and Strongholt. A section of the public demonstrated against this decision, hut Hie judge’s verdict was accepted as final and binding. Ngata. proved a hot favourite in the Aldworth Stakes, carrying some 7UO tickets more than Kileeit. Birthmark was withdrawn, At barrierrise Fillette was .smartly away, leading CJandhu, Kileeit and Imperial Spark. White Comet made great improvement around the back and the order was then Fillette, White Comet, Kileeit, Ngata;,..with Imperial Spark moving up. 'lnto the straight and finishing in that order Were Ngata, imperial Spark' Kileeit and Fillette.
Nyah did not start in the Falies’ Bracelet, acceptors'' giving gentlemen riders an opportunity to display their horsemanship. Banjuke was hacked as a certainty mill.; -■ Kill burn, Tawclii find IveVel hu<l fair followings. Tawebi, Bevel and Banjuke was the order when the tapes ■ were 'released, tlic rest of the field bunched behind. Tawebi was just clear of Redmayne in front of the stand and at the bottom of the field 'Banjuke was seen moving up. into the straight and at the post the order was Kilburn, liangi Sarto, Bevel and Banjuke. Orchid was the popular choice for the Telegraph Handicap, for which event Master (PRo'rkc was withdrawn. The winder, 1 however, turned up in Ileisler, with Orchid second, those next being King Bob and Birkio. ’l'ickets poured ofU> of the machine and the Farewell Hack proved the .best betting race of the flay. Duetto was hot favourite' wiLh Sleet next. 'l’lie favourite made the opening and led the field to the straight when Sleet challenged successfully, the verdict being given' hi favour of Sleet, Duetto and u popular win. All seven acceptors‘ lined up. Miss Hupana and Constellation were non-starters in the Turakina "Welter. Master ,o’Uorke was sent out a. hot favourite, hut disappointed his supporters. The winner, Martulla, turned ups in the run home, Beaumont and Catcall running second and third respectively.
AUCKLAND BACKS. JOY KING WINS ROYAL STAKES. ; COUNT CAVOUR BEATS RAPINE (Aust. and N.Z. Cable.) Auckland, January 2. The Auckland Racing Club’s summer meeting concluded, in line weather with a large attendance. The course was in good order. The total isa tor took JE 84,919 10s against U 100,893 for the corresponding day last year. Results: Grey Handicap. 1 mile—llolymond 1, My Hobby 2, Diagones 3. AVon by 5 1 lengths; n iie<’k. Time, 1.13. Sylvia. Handicap. G furlongs.--': Threadneedle 1, Seatour 2, Kiosk 3. Won by a length. Time, 1.19. Grandstand Handicap," H miles.— Barometer i, Gala Day 2, Royal Divorce 3. Won by half a- length ; a length. Time, 2.10 3-5. Auckland Hurdles, 2 miies—Black Cruiser 1, Merry Singer 2, King’s Gu!ard 3. Won by 2J lengths; 41 lengths. Time, 3.19. hist Royal Stakes, G furlongs.--.Toy King 1, Autonme 2, Coimnemlnti on 3. A Von by two lengths; throeipiarters of a length. Time, 1.16.
Clifford Plate, 'll miles.—Cmint Cavour 1, U a pine 3, Town Bank ?•. Won by a leiigfchjrtwo. Time, 2.39. Bowen - • Tukia 1, Bay " Guard 2, Master
1 Boon 3. Won by threequarters of ;i 1 length; ;i. head. Time, 1.10. o 1 STRATFORD RACES. BRIGHT DAY WINS CHIEF 1 EVENT. I Stratford, January 2. The Stratford Racing Club’s meeting concluded to-day in fine wcaIher. The totalisator investments "'ore £29,423 10s as against £26,383 10s for the second —day last ..ear. Results: Cardiff Maiden, 0 furlongs.—Tip Tree 1, Tekarerg .2, Green Bonnet 3. Won by a length. Time, ] .10 3 5. Toko Welter, 8J furlongs.—Anchor 1. Fire Brigade 2, Ben Nevis 3: Won by a length. Time, 1.52. Malone Memorial, 9 furlongs.— Bright Day 1, Yonia 2, Olympic 3. Won by a head. Time, 1.56. . Strathmore Hack, 5 furlongs and 80 yards.—-Epistle 1, Elysiaiior 2, Bevis 3. V on by a neck; a head. Time, 1.57. ' . Electric Juvenile, 5 furlongs.— Toapoiti 1, Merle 2, Boyal Damon 3. No time sent. Maluiri Hurdles, 11- miles.—Hatapilca 1, San Fera/2, Some Fashion 3. Won hy half a length each way. Time, 2.52. Ngae're Handicap, 6 furlongs.— Bonogne 1, Crossfire 2, Roh'u tai 3. No time sent. County Hack, 6 furlongs.—Athenr.v 1. Empire Camp 2, Bevis 3. Won by half a length. Time, 1.15: HAWKE’S BAY M FETIN' I WRISTLET WINS NEW YEAR HANDICAP. Hastings,' January 2. The second day o'l' the liauke’s Bay Jockey Club’s meeting was held
- in line but wintry weather. The sum of £20,293 was put through the nia- ' chine against £21,891 for the second day last year. The total taken by the machine for the wo days was £41,087 against £47,532 last year. Results: Aotea Jumpers’ Flat, 9 furlongs— Suspicion I, Mosthenes 2, Mixed Heather 3. Won by a length. Time, 1.58. Electric Handicap, 5 furlongs.— Plain Sailing 1, Lampyre 2, Windy Night 3. Won by two lengths. Time 2,3. January Handicap, 6| furlongs.— Nine ol Spades 1, Haurangi 2, The Strand. 3. Won hy a length. Time, 1.21. 1 1 ' Nursery Handicap, 5 furlongs.Inner Harbour I, Doze 2, Queen’s Choice 3. Won by a bare length. Time, 1.2 3-5. New Year Handicap, 9 furlongs— Wristlet 1, Lady Joyce 2, Highway 3. Won by a neck. Time, 1.56 2-5. Omaliu Handicap, I mile. —Mangatoetoe 1, Wilmoreana 2, Copper Nob 3. Won by threequarters of a length. Time, 1,43 4-5. Matapiro Flying, 6 furlongs.— Jeanette I, Mcrcwara 2, Butter Scotch 3. Won by threequarters of a length. Time, 1.15. Final Handicap, 0 furlongs.—Nine of Spades 1, Iliiikai 2, Malatour 3. Won hy three lengths. Time, 1.13 3-5.
AUSTRALIAN RACING LINTRESS WINS MOORiPTELD HANDICAP ■ 1 -■ Sydney, Jan. 3. .MoojTil«1(1 Handicap.—: Lintress 1, Whizbro 2, Cherry Ripe 3. Won. by Luo and in ball' lengths. Time 2.8. -
TAUHERENIKAU .MEETING. BUMPTIOUS AND DEG AGE A DEAD HEAT. PENEUS THE SPRINT. Carterton, January 2. Tho Wairarapa races concluded in fine weather. TJio totalisator handled £41,189 for the meeting as against £40,095 last year. Results: Tawaha Hack Welter, 7 1 urlongs. —lCilbronsy th . 1, Red Fuchsia 2. King Broney 8. Time, 1.28. Juvenile Handicap, 5 furlongs. Kilperou 1, Ajyso.ii 2, Spode 3. Time, 1.2 2-5. f Russell Handicap. G furlongs.— Peneus 1, Standard, 2, Ilka 3. lime, 1.13 4-5. President’s .Handicap, 1 mile a distance. —Bumptious and Degage (dead befit) 1, Tresham 3. A great finish, a neck separating the second horse. Time, 1.55 1-5. Grey town Hack, G furlongs. Ging Broney 1, Taunadice 2, Blonde 3 Time, 1.14 1-5. ■ Moroa Hack,.! mile.—Serenade 1, Road Hog 2, Modern 3. Time, 1.41 1-5. Wiahenga Welter. 7 furlongs.The Tank 1, Agitato 2, Prince Hal 3. Won by a length. Tune, l--‘ 4-5. . Pirinoa Stakes, 5 furlongs.--Jo> Bird 1, Motion 2. Basham 3. Time, 1.2 1-5. SOUTH BAND CUP TO RAVENNA EATON REELS WINS FLYING HANDICAP
luverca rgill, Jan. 2
The Southland Racing Club’s si mnier meeting opened in fine weather, with a large attendance. The totalisator handled £24,952 against £28,513 last year. Results:— , Avenal Hurdles, IGuiles.—3 Happy Warrior (W. Patokoi) 1; 0 Coastguard 2; 1 Frenchman 3. Won by one length, third one and ;l half lengths away. 'Time 2.49 4-5. Makarewa Saddle Trot .11 miles. Epigram (NReed) 1 ; 1 roe Lance 2; Sundown 3. 4\ on easily by tluco lengths, third horse one length away. Time 3.43. :
Flying Handicap, G furlongs. - Eaton Bells* (J. .Beale) 4; Geranial 2; Soltoe 3. AVori by a neck, third a head away. Time 1.14 2-5.
New Year' Handicap, 0 furlongs.— Receipt (J. Beale) 1: Scottiselie 2: Pink Note 3. Won by two and a half kmths. i third three quarters of a length away; Time 1.10. Invercargill 'Cup, 1.1 miles.—Ravenna (A. E.. Ellis) 1; Tommy Lodd 2; Circulation (coupled with Ravenna) 3. Won by two and a half lengths, third" two lengths away. Time, 2.8.
Oreti Trot, 1 G miles. Bricklayer (J. AlcMurray) 1; Lucky Harold 2; Macaranda 3. Won by two lengths, third half a .length away. Time 3.39.
Waikiwi Handicap, 7 furlongs. — Jack o’ Lantern (A. E. Ellis) 1; Queen Balboa 2 ; Vogue 3. Won by a length, third liall a length away. Time E3O. ,
Waihopai Handicap, 1 mile. —All Style (T. Metcalf) 1; Overdrawn 2; Bloom 3. Won by halt a length, Ithijid four lengths away, Tijmc 1.41 1-5.
THAMES MEETING AT TAKAPUNA The following handicaps have been declared for the /Thames Jockey Club’s meeting, to be held at Takapuna:— Totaru Handicap Hurdles, 1) miles. Kawu 11.5, Irish Jig 9.13, Bustler 9.G, Mountain Bell 9.5, Bahadur, Lord Thurnham. 9.2, Farndon, Sea Comet, ''Flowing Bowl, Miss Tord, Ngates, Eltnoslra, Cui Bono, Hard Prince 9.0. ’Trial Handicap, G furlongs.—Eh Timi 9.0, Cocoaiilll 8.10, Sulla, Maveolish 8,0, Ma.ngapiko, Hi I mar 7.12, Harbour View, Scut Free, CherryGirl 7.10, Tekoroke, Berinthia, Some Lady, Alonsoa,, Miki Boy, Raffles, Arch Queen,' .Foreign Fancy, Elmestra, Small Goods, 7.9, Archeni, Rangatuhi, Appellant, Blue Sky, Biaaro, Golden Krisl, Master Noel, F’estina I .cute, llonmi, Winsome Boy, Native Girl, Dress Circle, Fin mark, Geitetra
llauraki Plains Handicap, f furlongs.—Siasoi 9.0, Arch Aniio 8.7, Joy Ride 8.3, Prince Abbey 8.2, Archeen 8.1, Daylight 7.12, Ring tho Bell 7.11, A 1 fort 7,10, Charlady, Ring I’otoa 7.9, Loyal Irish, AJosaic. 7.8, Archibald 7.7. Bute Sound, Aliss Vera 7,G, Pi noil, King Cheops 7.4, Gay Comet, Naniutete 7.3, Uralia 7.2, Pepin, Gold Fern, Drawbridge, Hukiui 7.0
ißorough Handicap, 7 furlongs.— Seat 9.0, Cocoa nut 8.10, Quincoma 8.5, Kilintc 8.2, Weka 7.13, Jlangawera, Queen Comet 7.11, Praiseworthy; 7.9, Dress' Circle, Biaaru, Thursby 7.7. Goldfields Cup, I mile 21 .turlongs. Surveyor 9,0, Polonett, Ruapapa 8.8, 'Transformer )7.7, Sploony 7.5, Gold Jacket. 7.3, Boomerday 7.2. Day I ,light 7.’1, .Royal Present, Right
and Left, Mount Marta, King Lu, Far North, Tresillian, Kaniclianiella, Drawbridge, Abcrfeldy 7*o.
Nursery Handicap, 5 iurlpugs. Tea Dell 8.5, Flying Juliet 8.3, Subdivision 8.2, Tea Time 7.13, 'lVue Flood 7.5, Cali the, War Officer 7.3, Arch Arrow, llaby ,Bim, Quaker Oats, Saucy Lass, Romney, Homan Abbey, Baluagar, High Flight. Atapai, Quinuta, Maeroom, Marchaway, Dimmer 7.0.
l’uriri Hack Handicap 9- furlongs. —Royal Form 9.0, Miss Vera 8.11, Nippy 8.10, Wondnv 8.0, Holymoud 7,1 d, Merry Ann 7.12, Dorinda 7.9, Irish Jig, Hangawera, . Fbrineen Brushwood Boy, Tintoretta 7.7. living Handicap, about 6 furJcngs.—Royal Blood 9.0, ' Civility 8.8. Nancy Lee 7.13, Sia.soi .7.12, Gold Acre 7.9. Pelham 7.7, King Pot, Day Guard 7.-3, Arc been 7,3, Master Doom Prince Abbey 7.2, Ballymoy II 7.1, Exactly, Bcvis, Quiuette, Muskari, Gay Comet, Eh Till'd,. Judge’s Box, Itipon Abbey, Le Cboueas 7.0:
MOSAIC DISQUALJ FIFO (Press Association Telegram). Auckland, Jan. 2. Last, night it was discovered that Mosaic, winder of the Ellcrslic Handicap yesterday, had erroneously claimed the apprentice allowance* of C>lbs. He was weigh tel at 8.9, and the maximum on which allowance can bo claimed i.s 8.5. Mosaic raced at 8.1, and was therefore disqualified the stakes being awarded to Miss Vera, with Wenday second and Nucleus third. F
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Feilding Star, Volume 4, Issue 673, 4 January 1926, Page 3
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2,733Sport and Pastime Feilding Star, Volume 4, Issue 673, 4 January 1926, Page 3
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