I l/»/ flat, caiiying 60 cow*. tiiind duelling and sheds. 4-cow milking plant. Two wells. (>o<>i| nu'ii«llt;:l roil (Is. HiUl(l,V t<) school, i-Ih'om> ffictoiV; etc. 3 inilos from Pn«t Oflicc £70 ]i*M' iicic. Terms can In , an aii"od. is a ion 11 v fcootl farm. \V. H. (JIKSKN, Dargaville. BRITISH BACON FACTORY. CARRITY AND SON. LTr Dalilia am! I'rineess Street* VALM ER STON NO RTH . rriRUCKIXO Date. AVICDNESDAY. J. FEI?. 11. at Feilding Ym-.h.' Buyer, It. KOBINSON. Jun. Phone S?5-
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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