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MRSTCLASS SHEEP COUNTRY A Qfl ACRES, Freehold, situated Itangitikei district, only 2J miles from Railway Station and good stock market. Mostly hilly country, of blue papa, formation and excellent quality. 20 acres ploughed, 90 acres stv.mped. Cawying capacity 2J 6heep and cattle. 9-roomed Residence, motor and trap shed; 3 sets yards. Price £25 per acre, £2000 cash, balance arranged. N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP DISTRIBUTING CO. LTD FEILDING.
OAK . DRESSING Jff^jl TABLE |L!__J|l DESIGNED on tho sira- --<xi r- -~ —iil ple lines so much in j^^ ' '' " ' ' •/ favour at present, carried =^r --~-____.._.. /iff out in thoroughly seasoned I j|klU ' ~~']{|"'^' * heart oak. I - :, ' : ' Length, 3ft 6in. ! |!|j i||| |j|j!l il,' Fitted with LMin x 18in I -I^LL—-l! ?* A Bevelled Mirror. /"" TTJ "== / j Beautifully finished through- Hi oat ' • 1 UJ PKIOE £12 1Q Q Wβ have also a large variety of different designs in OAK DRESSItw TABLES Hanging in price up to £22 10 0 Wo will be pleased to supply further information on request. W. PEGDEN THE SQUAKE. PALMERSTON N.
FEIUDING — KIMBOLTON- t WAITUNA J I~*OYAL MALL SERVICE BY MOTOR BUS. Timetable—Waituna Rome:— Leave *- m, Waituna 7.^ CiiHTiingh^ n iff •-• ••• ••• '-50 Itidgelands 8.10 Feilding arrive... .. •■• 8.40 l,eave V- m - FeUding ••• 3.80 Makino ... 3 * 45 ltidgelande *-y Cuanuiglmiuß *•*« Waituna arrive *•■« Timetable— Reute;— U'ave *.»• Feilding g.4C (Jheltenhaiu ■■• ••**? Kiwitea <>■*» Kimboltou arnvu Leave ••«• Kiiuboltou .- J 0 -** , Kiwitoa ***°. Chelteabam ... 11.10 Feildiiig arrive " (noon) All Bookod Faj«B 1/ vs.tra. SYSTEM TURN the Night into Daylight \i inatalling ail ALFA LIGIJJ Plant. Cheapest to run, Cheapest v install, Cheapest to buy, Cheapest x» upkeep. 440 candle power light ioi 70 houre on a gallon of petrol. Hundreds of plants in. ueo every nigfit. Price and full particulars, from ttelt Tifitrict Agente for Alfa Light Alfa Separators. SIMMS MACHINERY CO Phone 146. lADLES , Underwear at the low JT eat prices, at SPENCE and -fePENCE'S TaLDING~BA€ON CO. LIMITED. OUR FACTOR!' in WARWICK STREET is open m usual on FRIDAYS, and on SATURDAYS tui 1 p.m-. for Bale of Meat. OUlt SPECALITV: First Grade Lambu, from 8d per lb upwards. HAVING purcbaswl the A.B.C. Boot Repairing Business from &Lr Harvey, I w*U ondcavour to produoe prompt, neat, and Repaim done ai the uhorteat notice or while you wait. Only Beet Material kept ia atocb. v M. HOftRE FEIUUING BAUUN CO., l-TU. m OECEIVING I'lgß at Factory cv©/MONDAI an<i B. R. BRIDGE, MASTEBTON SHOW. THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL SHOW. SOL WAY, M ASTERTON. The Leading Autumn Show in tlir North Island. FEBRUARY 17 and 18, 1920. Entries Close MONDAY, KKI>. 2, 10'3> at 10 p.m. Late Entries close I< , HB. 7, 1020. PRIZE MONEY INCREASED £864 FROM %W £1182 TO £1182 ANNUAL RAM AND EWE FAIR. FEBRUARY ID and 20, 1S»2O. Accommodation arranged fW Vision- ■ Apply by k»ttor to .Secretary. .. Seventy Acres of Idea! Pic-nit- Grounds Native Busb, Running Sticatii;,, Shady Nook.s. Hat Wak-r Free for Pit-uits. J{aihvay Siding ami Holding l'a<l<l()i-l<.-at Show-grimud (Jates. Schedules on application to R. H. WILLIAMS, • Secretary, Box 40, Mastorton. PALMEKbTON NORTH. NEW ROYAL HOTEL. Modern Brick Building; electric hgh< throughout. Tarilf, 9s per day. Speight's Beer and best of Wm* (Late of Rastie'c Hotel. FeiMiofe*. W" to learn Cycle and Motor trade. One with a little preriouß experience preferrod. TREASORK CYCLE CO.. Feilding. OR SALE.-Severa! good English Second-hand Cycles. ThoroughJj oTerhauled. TREASURE CYCLE SO.. Fflitfia*
OITKN .MISTAKEN FOR RHEUMATISM. ttn<- ::!p] oi Hvcr irouMf. in i> m ri'v.iiiti t'^i !» in Uk.» siiuiildei, whiolf i. . lit en v> severe as to iecl a» 'f ;i ,v,iii;U:t «';i.s being <lriveii in. Many |)""'|.lt! Ktiii'-riiiK this vv:iy iniuginu it m i tiriiuiati-.iii, and rub in liiiiuieiit.-. and Uiinl; th"v iirv no ji'x.d tlify .Iμ nut- Hie pain. All that Jβ mve.-.snrv i.-> a course oi UlianibcrJain'o r;il)|.'t;-.' 'I'lu-y arc the s.afeßt., surest:in<| lic:-i iiM-flw-iii'- t<n- a liv.■■!•. T1,,; ~s l. ..f Chamberlain's Tablets is mml if.Jl'nvwl liy i-miKtijiation. Instoad Mai will find your bowete net more regularly -.Hid naturally than hnforc. All chi-mifits and sforekeepere. Whon "TAN-Ofi" coirip.-f in diillnos.-->U)vs out-. A .sph-ndid jiolisher for ilodi-s and fiiriiiture.. leather and (an -lioes. SHAIMiAXD'.S MAI/i: VINEGAR is not only palatable--it is whole--onic That is euaranteed. No inincnil acid in SHARLAND'S. At ail in bulk and bottle. TAKE IT WITH YOU. Never «fi on v journey without v uottk: of Uliaml)erlain'H Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in your trunk. Train and boat travelling, with the conseguerifc change of diet, upsets nwiiv"peoi)le. and it, is nut always to obtain a remedy when travellinß. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy can always he relied upon to give instant relief in nil bowel complaints. All chemists and storekeepers.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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759Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 1
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.