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\u\mm\ racing am ANNUAL MEETING. » To be held on the BULLS RACE- , COXJESE on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 24th, and 25th MARCH, 1920. j n OFFICERS; ,' Patron: Mr J. A. Bailey. President: Mr .las. F. Mc-Kulvie. Messrs D. Cougldin, F. ■/. MauscLl, .)• H. IVrrett and W. J. Phillips. jHtlgo: Mr J- Cameron. Handioapper: Mr J. E. Henrys. Stnrter: Mr A. Keith. Hon. hniekeeper: Mr -I. U. Gaisford. Clork ot the Scales: Mr V. L. Youiitf. iion. Assistant Clerk ol" Scales: Mr K. W. Dalrvmple. Clerk of the Course: Mr (i McDouell, Hon. Voi. Surgeon: Mr A. H. Bill, lion Surgeon: Dr. Vivian. Hon. Treasurer: F. J. Mansell. Secretary: Mr H. A. Goodall Stewards: Messrs A. Amon, G. Fl Vrcher. F. O Bailey, D. Co\ighlin. K. W. Dabym])le, J. B. Ciaisford. F. .1 Mnnsell, J. F. McKdvio, J/. McKelvie T. V. Richardson, A. A. Mc-Don.-11. J. H. Pcrrett, W. J. PhillipsN I. Trickcr, J. E. Walker. PROGRAMME. • FIRST DAY—WEDNESDAY, 24 'i MARCH, IOSC. Fir?t llace starts at 11.30 a.m. ! 1. Memorial Handicap (Oiwn.),i of 240 soys., second horse to receive 40 soys and third horse 15 soys from tho Make. Nomination 20s. Acceptance 40s. Six furlongs. ,J. Trial Plato, of U0 soys. second hor*e to receive 20 soys.. and third hoi m> 10 soys from tho stake. For lioiMvs that have nover won an advertised stake exceeding 25 soys at the tune of starting. Weight 9st. 1 Nomination '20-. Acceptance 30s. i Five furlongs. . o\ Ohakea Hurdle Race, a Handicap i <>f 170 mivs., second horse, to receive 35 soys nnd third horse, 10 soys from stake. Nomination 20s. Acceptance -10s. Ono rnilo uud thnie(iiiarteiß. over soven ilights of bnt- , ten hurdles 3ft 6in high. !. Carnarvon Hack R:uv, a handicap j of 130 soys.., second horso to receive i l\() sows and third horse 10 soys from the stiike. Nomination 20s. Ac- ' ceptfinco 30s. Six furlongs. ■ I Haimitikoi Ctip (Otxm), a Ilnudicnp j of 500 soy*.. -nM-ond horso to receive ,'0 s-jvs unci third h-->r*-e 'M γ-ovs : trutii Nfuniliatioti 1 soy. Acceptance t> soys. One milo and n uuarU'i. r>. Pukentii Welter Hack. of 100 soys. *-t>cond horso to recoivo 'M soys and third horio 10 γ-ovs ivoni stake. Minimum weight ."st. Nomination 20e. Accoptancr HOs. Sovon furlongs.
7 Ptirewamii Welt-er Handicap (Open) of 20<.) soys., second horso to receive 35 soys and third horse 15 «>vs from the stake, Minimum weight Bst. Nomination 20s. Accoptanco 40s. Eijrht and a-half hirlong?. ■*. N'_'otinpn Hack Handicap, 150 soys, second horso to receivo 30s and third hor.-io 10 kovs from the stake. Nomination 20s. Acceptance Five furlong*. SF.COM) DAY-THURSDAY, 25th MARCH, 1920. First Rac<' staits at 11.30 a.m. 1. Givntford Handicap (Oin>n) of 190 soys., second horso to receive 3o Miv> and i bird horso 15 sors from 1 iho stake. Nomination 20s. Acceptance -10>;. Five fuiiong.s, J. Huck Handica]i, of 135 sins., .second to loeeivo 20 .miv.s nnd third hoivo 10 soys from the stake. Nomination 205.. Acceptance "iOs. Six furlongs. •i. Sandon Hack Hurdle Raco, of 135 soy-,.. .secorul horse to ivceivo 30 Miff, and third horse ]0 soys from I lie .stake. Nomination 20s. Ac- • >'!>(a-.u-e 3Os. Over six tlighte of 1i:n.1,-ri hurdlt-M 3ft Gill high. One mile :in<\ a half. I. Maid"n Hack Handicap of 130 soys. M'i'oud hoi su to receive 80 t±o\s and tiiiid htn■-• 10 sov.s from tlio stnlu>. For hoisi-s that have nover won a si.'ike <.'xc< cditi;. , : 2-j :-ovs at tin* tim>' "I ••.iartirin. l-owosfc weight. 7si, 7fb. Noiiiinut inn 'j<*>. Acceptance .'H);>. S«>i en {in iull'.',.s. '•. Fiant'T Meiiiiuinl Stakes (Open) a Handicari ot 3.VJ kovs., .second horse j to ii'ceiv.. *A) .soys aud third hnrw ,1 I 20 ; .[ivs from the stak»\ Nomination 1 soy. Acceptance 1 s>ovs. One; 1 milo and a di-tatice. J ■'». I'uki'hou Hack Welter, a Handicap! nl l;l"» suvs., second horso to receive If 20 soys and third horse 10 soys from' \ I (if stake . Nomination 20.5, Ac-e<»|i!-i;tci- 30.,. Oir. milo and half a furlong. T. R'iuniaiJ\V.>lU>r (O|>on). a Handi- | ikji <>f 175 fovs.. second horse to re- : ceivc 30 sov> and third horso 15 soys] J frnm tlif .si.ike. Ni'immiiii-n ] jsov. ■ J Ai'i.l'piaiii-e 2 miv.s. S*.>vcn f:nloiif;->. N.'vvell Hack ficurry, ot-135 «soy». | ;>"s■iiihl luirse to receive 2" Soys mid third luii'M' ](i s.jv.h from tho stake. Nomination 20-.. A'.-c<-pt;>m-o .10-.. Fiv»< im Ion μ^v.
M>M I NATIONS. WKIGHI'.S AND ACCF.PTANCES. NoinJiialioiis tor all event.-, i'nclu.i- ,- iii;; the Trial Plate and Maiden Race, '•!"•-•' im Saturday, "Jlst February, 1 !<•-.''.>, at U p.m. Weights ior the Fist DayV iiiciudiiii; the Trial Piate, will be de- < lan<l on M'-ndav, the Btb <fay of Maivh, 1920, and' fur tin- Sei.-oiid D.iv'- Kvcuts at the oHice of th>Chili at 7.: ' Mi p.m. on the evening <>t tin- First Day. , i'r the FltM Da.v'Kv. tit-, iiK-ludin/, the Ti ial Plate. w j|| el-->e with the Secretflry at the lillicr of the Club, Bulls, on Tiii-mlhv. Kith March. I!>'_'l-, at !t j. m,, and for the i Si-eoiid Day's I'aiiiK at the .anif place at, '.' 'i.'cbu-k on the evening ot th'- First, Day. PENALTIKS. Th" winner o)' ,-tnv race after tlif d.< Uration of neiuiitH may be re-lian.iieappf-d Ly'tho handicapper. HFLEK AND HKUI'LATIONS. 1. Description, ptH.ligrec, and name oi trainer must nc-conipany all n<<uiluatiou.-<. '2. Kntrie.-i niu;-t be accompanit'd by e.i-h, clleqiK-, or post olllCC Order. H. All mei'-i to be run under the N>'W. /ealarul Hub's of Racing. 1. Any horse ineligible to htart in t the Trial Plate or Maiden Handicap alter nominating through winning a race will have its nomination fee re-turtiej-d. H. A. GOODALL, iSwretary. Approved in accordance with the Kules i,f Racing this 10th day of NY 1 ivir.lnT, 101'.).--Win, Hall, Secretary f \\ Jockey Club.
KITTO'S LAND AGENCY. HAETltll. ft >)?? ACKKS. Freehold, S(K) in r)vt*f ki;i.«, undulating to billy; wintered 8f>0" sheep and W) head of e.ittle. New 4-roomed house, all conveniences, well fenced; 5 miles from lailway station by K ,l( jd me.tal moUir mad. " C 77s acre, and only i'ofK) ea>h (W.*O ACHEvS, 0.H.P., at 17« M */\}*t acre, and f> Acres Free aeies). (lood vvoolslied. built with hold (adjoining above property of !)!l.\> it on, whai'o, 2 sets 'dieep yaids, nnd '■■■ITiete dip. Divided into (I jiaddock,-;, well watered: fj'X) acre?; in grass. Shorn )O<H) Bbeep two yeats running ■ah-{ took £100 for wool alone last year. I'rice I'O ds per acre. About. LIO'HI cash. Or owner will accept war bonds or other X""d speuritieti. OAO ACHES. 0.R.P., nil in grass I j£\) *J except 5 acres shelter hush. r.-moiued house, milking shed and inacl'iiies and the best dnirv farm iv tlio Ca.tihi district. Owner at present milking 00 cows; would easily run 60 dairy cows. £"27 per acre, and only flOO') cash. 1 IOA ACRKS, 0.HJ , ., at 27s (id J I Z\) per acre. About 500 in "ira'-';, halanr-c good standing bush. Si:b<livide,l into 5 paddixks, good water no building except wharo; all |.'i';<<-; t'ootl. 11 ill v sheep country and i,.,- liftb> ploughable. 20 miles from HiieCibi. by good roiid. Will winter mid \\>'\. and on" dry hbeep to tho (ii!f. .17 10s. per acre, and about I t!7-"-0 Ciis-h deposit t; KITTO'S LAND AGENCY ItAETIHI.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 4
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1,199Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 4
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